SrI: SrImathE SatakOpAya nama: SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama: SrImath varavaramunayE nama:
AzhwAr desires to reach paramapadham quickly and emperumAn desires to carry AzhwAr to paramapadham even more quickly. But before that, emperumAn desires to increase AzhwAr’s desire to reach paramapadham and hence shows the archirAdhi gathi (the path leading to paramapadham) which is explained in vEdhAntham. AzhwAr enjoys that and reveals how all the SrIvaishNavas travel in this archirAdhi gathi and unite with nithyasUris (eternal residents of paramapadham) there, in this decad, to instill faith in the SrIvaishNavas that all of them will achieve the same feat.
First pAsuram. AzhwAr mercifully explains the joy in the immovable and movable entities due to the great love on seeing the SrIvaishNavas who are starting to ascend to thirunAdu (paramapadham).
sUzh visumbaNi mugil thUriyam muzhakkina
Azh kadal alai thirai kaiyeduththAdina
Ezh pozhilum vaLamEndhiya ennappan
vAzh pugazh nAraNan thamaraik kaNdugandhE
Becoming pleased seeing the devotees who are distinguished relatives of nArAyaNa who is my distinguished relative and has great qualities which bring joy, the clouds which are gathered in the sky which surrounds all areas, made tumultuous sound of a musical instrument; the bottomless oceans danced having the rising tides as hands; the seven islands presented wonderful objects in the form of gifts.
Second pAsuram. AzhwAr mercifully explains the welcome given by the higher worlds.
nAraNan thamaraik kaNdugandhu nalnIrmugil
pUraNa poRkudam pUriththadhu uyar viNNil
nIraNi kadalgaL ninRArththana neduvaraith
thOraNam niraiththu engum thozhudhanar ulagE
Being pleased on seeing the devotees of nArAyaNa who is natural lord, clouds which are filled with pure water, filled the sky as perfect golden pots in the high sky; oceans having water, stood firm and made tumultuous sound; the tall mountains filled the world as welcome arches, the residents of the world worshipped everywhere. With these first two pAsurams, the welcome given by earth up to the sky is shown by AzhwAr. ulagam indicates the leaders of the world.
Third pAsuram. AzhwAr mercifully explains how the residents of AdhivAhika worlds (the abode of those who guide AthmAs in the path to paramapadham) come forward to welcome the SrIvaishNavas who are ascending to thirunAdu (paramapadham) and praise them by showering flowers on them.
thozhudhanar ulagargaL dhUba nal malar mazhai
pozhivanar bUmi anRaLandhavan thamar munnE
ezhumin enRu iru marungisaiththanar munivargaL
vazhiyidhu vaigundhaRku enRu vandhedhirE
The munivars who restrain their speech and are residents of those higher worlds, in the presence of the devotees of the one who measured the earth to remain exclusively for him when mahAbali claimed it as “mine”, offered incense etc, showered rain of good flowers and performed anjali (joined palms in reverence) matching their servitude; coming towards those who are ascending to SrIvaikuNtam, saying “this is the path to SrIvaikuNtam”, they eagerly said “could you mercifully come?” standing on both sides of the path.
Fourth pAsuram. AzhwAr explains how the dhEvathAs of higher worlds arrange gardens everywhere for the SrIvaishNavas to rest and how they make joyful sounds with the help of musical instruments etc in praise of SrIvaishNavas.
edhir edhir imaiyavar iruppidam vaguththanar
kadhiravar avar avar kainnirai kAttinar
adhir kural murasangaL alai kadal muzhakkoththa
madhu viri thuzhAy mudi mAdhavan thamarkkE
dhEvathAs who don’t blink their eyes made palaces which are resting places for the servitors of Sriya:pathi, who is having thuLasi, which is dripping honey, on the divine crown; the twelve Adhithyas in their respective ability, gave their rays which are their hands as the decorative rows; the tumultuous sound of the drums which they beat, matched the loud noise of the ocean with tides.
Fifth pAsuram. AzhwAr mercifully explains the honours given to SrIvaishNavas by varuNa, indhra et al who all perform the duty of AdhivAhika (the one who guides the AthmA in the path leading to paramapadham).
mAdhavan thamar enRu vAsalil vAnavar
pOdhumin emadhidam pugudhuga enRalum
gIdhangaL pAdinar kinnarar kerudargaL
vEdha nal vAyavar vELviyuL maduththE
AdhivAhika dhEvathAs such as varuNa, indhra, prajApathi et al, standing at the entrance of their respective abode, showed reverence to servitors of Sriya:pathi and said “kindly come in this way, please enter the places which are under our regime”; as they say these words and honour them with gifts, those who are having distinguished mouth/speech due to their recital of vEdham, offered their karmas such as yAgam etc at the lotus feet of such SrIvaishNavas with reverence thinking “our recitals have become purposeful”; kinnaras and garudas sang songs.
Sixth pAsuram. AzhwAr says “dhEvasthrIs (celestial women) joyfully welcomed SrIvaishNavas and uttered blessings”.
vELviyuL maduththalum virai kamazh naRum pugai
kALangaL valampuri kalandhengum isaiththanar
ANmingaL vAnagam AzhiyAn thamar enRu
vAL oN kaN madandhaiyar vAzhththinar magizhndhE
As the vaidhikas offered all dharma, fragrant incense emitting nice fragrance spread everywhere and wind instruments and conches with curl towards the right side were blown; celestial women having beautiful, radiant eyes blessed them, being joyful, saying “You who are servitors of sarvESvaran who has thiruvAzhi, should rule over these abodes such as svarga etc”.
Seventh pAsuram. AzhwAr says “Groups of maruthas and vasus even crossed their boundaries, went as far as they could and praised the SrIvaishNavas”.
madandhaiyar vAzhththalum marudharum vasukkaLum
thodarndhu engum thOththiram sollinar thodu kadal
kidandha engEsavan kiLaroLi maNi mudi
kudandhai engOvalan kudi adiyArkkE
emperumAn, mercifully resting in the deep ocean, being kESava who is the creator of everyone such as people like me, dhEvas starting with brahmA, and nithyasUris, having rising and radiant divine crown which has abundance of precious gems, is mercifully resting in thirukkudandhai as krishNa; the consorts of maruths and ashta vasus praised the servitors who are serving such emperumAn for generations; as they praised, the maruths and vasus followed the SrIvaishNavas everywhere and uttered praises. thodudhal – thONdudhal (digging) – indicates the depth.
Eighth pAsuram. AzhwAr explains how the nithyasUris come forward and welcome the SrIvaishNavas beyond the material realm and outside the boundary of paramapadham.
kudiyadiyAr ivar gOvindhan thanakkenRu
mudiyudai vAnavar muRai muRai edhirkoLLak
kodiyaNi nedu madhiL gOpuram kuRuginar
vadivudai mAdhavan vaigundham pugavE
nithyasUris having similar form, with crown etc, to ISvara, came forward and welcomed the devotees considering them to belong to the clan which exists exclusively for krishNa who incarnated for the sake of his devotees. They arrived at the main entrance of SrIvaikuNtam which is being decorated with flags and having tall fort, and which belongs to sarvESvaran who is having a decorated form, to let the SrIvaishNavas enter in there.
Ninth pAsuram. AzhwAr says “After reaching the entrance of SrIvaikuNtam and being accepted by the elders, the nithyasUris who are present there became amazed and wondered ‘How amazing that the samsAris (those who were in samsAra before) come to SrIvaikuNtam! What a fortune!’ “.
vaigundham pugudhalum vAsalil vAnavar
vaigundhan thamar emar emadhidam pugudhenRu
vaigundhaththu amararum munivarum viyandhanar
vaigundham puguvadhu maNNavar vidhiyE
As the SrIvaishNavas entered SrIvaikuNtam, the divine gate keepers thought “these SrIvaishNavas, who have attained SrIvaikuNtanAtha, are desirable for us”; considering “they should enter our dominion”, they became pleased; the amarars (those who engage in kainkaryam) and munivars (those who engage in meditating on bhagavAn’s qualities) became pleased thinking “What a fortune for these SrIvaishNavas who were immersed in worldly pleasures on earth, to enter paramapadham!”
Tenth pAsuram. AzhwAr mercifully explains the way the nithyasUris praise the SrIvaishNavas who went from samsAram to SrIvaikuNtam.
vidhi vagai pugundhanar enRu nal vEdhiyar
padhiyinil pAnginil pAdhangaL kazhuvinar
nidhiyum naRchuNNamum niRai kuda viLakkamum
madhi muga madandhaiyar Endhinar vandhE
The SrIvaishNavas arrived and entered paramapadham by the order of ISvara, in the form of our fortune; being pleased, the nithyasUris who are well versed in vEdham and having distinguished nature cleansed the divine feet of such SrIvaishNavas, in an honourable manner, in their respective abode; divine damsels who have the humility revealing their subservience and face shining like a full moon, came forward to welcome the SrIvaishNavas, carrying bhagavAn’s pAdhukA which are said as the wealth for devotees as said in sthOthra rathnam “dhanam madhIyam“, distinguished thiruchchUrNam, pUrNa kumbams and mangaLa dhIpams.
Eleventh pAsuram. AzhwAr says “Those who are well versed in this decad are comparable to the munivars of vaigundham (nithyasUris in paramapadham who always meditate on emperumAn)”.
vandhavar edhir koLLa mAmaNi maNdabaththu
andhamil pErinbaththu adiyarOdirundhamai
kondhalar pozhil kurugUrch chatakOpan sol
sandhangaL Ayiraththu ivai vallAr munivarE
nammAzhwAr, the controller of AzhwArthirunagari, mercifully spoke this decad which explains the way emperumAn himself comes forward and receives the SrIvaishNavas in the thirumAmaNi maNdapam . The SrIvaishNavas are present with the sUris who are having endless and continuous bliss, in this decad among the thousand pAsurams having different metres. Those who can practice this decad well, will become those who meditate upon bhagavAn’s auspicious qualities. vandhavar edhirkoLLa could also imply the primary servitors such as viskhvasEnar et al.
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