upadhEsa raththina mAlai – Simple Explanation – pAsurams 12 and 13

SrI: SrImathE SatakOpAya nama: SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama: SrImath varavaramunayE nama:

upadhEsa raththina mAlai

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pAsuram 12

Twelfth pAsuram. Next, he mercifully explains so that all the people of the world know about the greatness of thirumazhisai AzhwAr who incarnated in makam star in the month of thai.

thaiyil magam inRu thAraNiyIr ERRam indhath
thayil magaththukkuch chARRuginREn – thuyya madhi
peRRa mazhisaippirAn piRandha nAL enRu
naRRavargaL koNdAdum nAL

Oh people of the world! The star makam in the month of thai is highly esteemed. Listen to me as I explain as to what its greatness is. Since it was the day on which thirumazhisaippirAn, who attained sacred knowledge, incarnated, it is celebrated by those who have great penance. The purity of knowledge is that these AzhwArs have been mercifully given faultless knowledge and devotion, and that they do not engage with other deities. Due to the intimate connection that this AzhwAr had with thirukkudandhai ArAvamudhan emperumAn, he is called as thirumazhisaipirAn [the term pirAn normally refers to emperumAn] and ArAmudhan is called as ArAvamudha AzhwAr. People are referred to as having great penance when they have the penance of surrendering and have the penance of being firmly anchored in matters related to AchAryan, such as kanikaNNan, perumbuliyUr adigaL, emperumAnAr et al.

pAsuram 13

Thirteenth pAsuram. Next, he tells the people about the greatness of kulaSEkara AzhwAr who incarnated in punarvasu star in the month of mAsi.

mAsip punarpUsam kANmin inRu maNNulagIr
thEsu iththivasuththukku Edhennil – pEsuginREn
kolli nagark kOn kulasEkaran piRappAl
nallavargaL koNdAdum nAL

Oh people of the world! Listen to me as I tell the greatness of punarpUsam star in mAsi month. Since it was on this day that the leader of kolli city, which is in chEra dhEsam, kulaSEkarap perumAL incarnated, this is celebrated by good people. Since he had a deep devotion towards perumAL, SrI rAma, he is referred to as kulaSEkarap perumAL. Good people are those who follow the path of vaishNava philosophy, who are supremely good, who have eminence in knowledge, devotion and detachment towards worldly pursuits. In other words, those who have completeness in their auspicious qualities such as our preceptors.

Sources: https://divyaprabandham.koyil.org/index.php/2019/10/upadhesa-raththina-malai-tamil-12/, https://divyaprabandham.koyil.org/index.php/2019/10/upadhesa-raththina-malai-tamil-13/

adiyEn krishNa rAmAnuja dhAsan

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