Glossary/Dictionary by pAsuram – periya thirumozhi – 1st centum
Sorted by word periya-thirumozhi-1-1-1-vAdinEn vAdi perum thuyar being the recipient of great sorrow periya-thirumozhi-1-1-1-vAdinEn vAdi idumbaiyil in the body which is the cause for all sorrows periya-thirumozhi-1-1-1-vAdinEn vAdi piRandhu being born periya-thirumozhi-1-1-1-vAdinEn vAdi kUdinEn being unable to distinguish between body and soul, and remained closely together; periya-thirumozhi-1-1-1-vAdinEn vAdi kUdi having remained in this manner for … Read more