upadhEsa raththina mAlai – Simple Explanation – pAsurams 10 and 11

SrI: SrImathE SatakOpAya nama: SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama: SrImath varavaramunayE nama:

upadhEsa raththina mAlai

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pAsuram 10

Tenth pAsuram. Since the star rOhiNi comes after the star kArththigai, mAmunigAL instructs the people of the world about the greatness of thiruppANAzhwAr, who incarnated in rOhiNi star in the month of kArththigai. rOhiNi is the star in which emperumAn incarnated as kaNNa, among AzhwArs  it is the star in which thiruppANAzhwAr incarnated and among AchAryas, thirukkOttiyUr nambi incarnated. Hence this star is celebrated as having triple greatness.

kArththigaiyil rOhiNi nAL kANmin inRu kAsiyinIr
vAyththa pugazhp pANar vandhudhippAL AththiyargaL
anbudanE thAn amalan AdhipirAn kaRRadhaRpin
nangudanE koNdAdum nAL

Oh people of the world! You would see that today is the great rOhiNi day in the month of kArththigai. Since this is the day when thiruppANAzhwAr who has  fitting greatness incarnated, those who believe and respect vEdhas , after learning the prabandham amalanAdhipirAn which was mercifully composed by this AzhwAr, realised that these ten pAsurams very beautifully explain the essence of vEdhas, which is to constantly keep looking at emperumAn. This day is greatly celebrated by such people.

pAsuram 11

Eleventh pAsuram. He explains to the people of the world about experts in vEdhas celebrating the greatness of thoNdaradippodi AzhwAr who knew the meanings of vEdhas and who incarnated in the month of mArgazhi.

A distinguishing feature of this month is that emperumAn has said in SrI gIthA that he is the month of mArgazhi among the twelve months. Also, it was only in this month that ANdAL had mercifully sung thiruppAvai. There is another eminence for kEttai star in mArgazhi. It was the star under which the AchArya of jagadhguru (teacher to the whole world) emperumAnAr, periya nambi incarnated.

manniya sIr mArgazhiyil kEttai inRu mAnilaththIr
ennidhanukku ERRam enil uraikkEn – thunnu pugazh
mAmaRaiyOn thoNdaradippodi AzhwAr piRappAl
nAnmaRaiyOr koNdAdum nAL

Oh people of the world! I will tell you the greatness of kEttai star in the month of mArgazhi, which is considered as a vaishNava month. This day is celebrated by experts on vEdhas such as emperumAnAr since it was on this day that thoNdaradippodi AzhwAr, who knew that kainkaryam (servitude) is the essential meaning of vEdhas and engaged himself in servitude to the followers of emperumAn, incarnated.

Sources: https://divyaprabandham.koyil.org/index.php/2019/10/upadhesa-raththina-malai-tamil-10/, https://divyaprabandham.koyil.org/index.php/2019/10/upadhesa-raththina-malai-tamil-11/

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