kOyil thiruvAimozhi – Simple Explanation

SrI:  SrImathE SatakOpAya nama:  SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama:  SrImath varavaramunayE nama:



SrI maNavALa mAmunigaL beautifully highlights the glories of vaikASi viSAkam, NammAzhwAr, thiruvAimozhi and thirukkurugUr (AzhwArthirunagari) in the 15th pAsuram of upadhEsa raththina mAlai.

uNdO vaikAsi visAgaththukku opporu nAL
uNdO sadagOparkkopporuvar – uNdO
thiruvAimozhikku oppu thenkurgaikku uNdO
oru pAr thanil okkum Ur

Is there a match for this day of vaikASi viSAkam which is the divine birth day of nammAzhwAr who performed mangaLASAsanam to sarvESvaran SrIman nArAyaNan to bring greatness to him and his opulence? (No) Is there a match for our SatakOpa, who is fondly known as nammAzhwAr? (No. sarvESvaran, nithyasUris, mukthAthmAs or the residents of this world are all no match for him) Is there a match for thiruvAimozhi which brings out the essence of vEdham in an elaborate manner? (No) Is there a town which matches the greatness of thirukkurugUr which gave us such AzhwAr? (No. This is the dhivyadhESam where AdhinAthap perumAL and nammAzhwAr have equal importance. This is where emperumAn’s supremacy is well seen in archAvathAram and is NammAzhwAr’s birth place. The abode where emperumAnAr’s divine vigraham came into existence some four thousand years before his incarnation, by the grace of nammAzhwAr. The birth place of maNavALa mAmunigaL, who is the re-incarnation of emperumAnAr. Such greatness cannot be seen elsewhere. In this manner, this abode brings glories to emperumAn, AzhwAr and AchAryas and hence has three-fold greatness.

nammAzhwAr is the chief among AzhwArs who were blessed with divine knowledge and devotion. He composed four dhivyaprabandhams viz., thiruviruththam, thiruvAsiriyam, periya thiruvandhAdhi and thiruvAimozhi. Among these, thiruvAimozhi has been especially hailed by our pUrvAchAryas. This thiruvAimozhi, which is hailed on a par with sAma vEdham, has been greatly enjoyed by our pUrvAchAryas. This is the elaborate explanation of dhvaya mahA manthram which is hailed as manthra rathnam (gem among manthrams).

There are many commentaries for this prabandham. They are highlighted clearly by mAmunigaL in the 39th pAsuram of upadhEsa raththina mAlai.

piLLAn nanjIyar periyavAchchAn piLLai
theLLAr vadakkuth thiruvIdhip piLLai
maNavALa yOgi thiruvAimozhiyaik kAththa

guNAvALar enRu nenjE kURu

Oh heart! emperumAnAr’s beloved son-like thirukkuruguaip pirAn piLLAn, vEdhAnthi nanjIyar who is a disciple of parASara bhattar, periyavAchchAn piLLai who is hailed as vyAkyAnach chakravarthi (emperor among commentators), vadakkuth thiruvIdhip piLLai who is a dear disciple of nampiLLai and has clear knowledge, vAdhi kEsari azhagiya maNAvALa jIyar who was blessed by periyavAchchAn piLLai, have all written commentaries for thiruvAimozhi which was spoken through the divine mouth of nammAzhwAr, which is considered as the elaboration of dhvaya mahA manthram which is the root of our sampradhAyam. Hail these great personalities for protecting and nurturing such thiruvAimozhi.

Further, azhagiya maNavALap perumAL nAyanAr while explaining the special greatness of nammAzhwAr and thiruvAimozhi in AchArya hrudhayam, explains in the 37th chUrNikA “sandhangaL Ayiramum aRiyak kaRRu vallArAnAl vaishNavathva sidhdhi“, those who learn this thiruvAimozhi fully along with meanings and put the principles into practice, will be considered as SrIvaishNavas.

Thus, it is understood that all of us, SrIvaishNavas, must learn this thiruvAimozhi. In our sampradhAyam, we should remember that everything should be learned through an AchArya.

When we are unable to recite thiruvAimozhi fully on a daily basis, nowadays, we should see that, kOyil thiruvAimozhi, a collection of important padhigams (decads), is at the least recited by us as per the arrangement of our elders. While there are certain common padhigams, certain variations are observed in different regions. To some extent, we will cover the padhigams which are recited in most of the regions and present the simple meanings here, with the help of the commentaries of our pUrvAchAryas.

Source: https://divyaprabandham.koyil.org/index.php/2020/05/koyil-thiruvaimozhi-tamil-simple/

adiyen sarathy ramanuja dasan

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