periya thirumozhi – 2.10.2 – kondhalarndha

SrI:  SrImathE SatakOpAya nama:  SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama:  SrImath varavaramunayE nama:

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Highlights from avathArikai (Introduction)

No specific introduction.


kondhalarndha naRundhuzhAy sAndham dhUbam
dhIbam koNdu amarar thozhap paNangoL pAmbil
sandhaNi menmulai malarAL tharaNi mangai
thAm iruvar adi varudum thanmaiyAnai
vandhanai seydhu isaiyEzh ARangam aindhu
vaLar vELvi nAnmaRaigaL mUnRu thIyum
sindhanai seydhu irupozhudhum onRum selvath
thirukkOvalUr adhanuL kaNdEn nAnE

Word-by-Word meanings

kondhu alarndha – blossomed in bunches
naRu – having fragrance
thuzhAy – thiruththuzhAy (thuLasi) garland
sAndham – sandalwood paste
dhUbam – incense
dhIbam – lamp
koNdu – carrying on hand
amarar – brahmA et al
thozhu – to surrender
paNam koL – having vast hoods
pAmbil – on thiruvananthAzhwAn
sandhu – with sandalwood paste
aNi – decorated
mel – soft
mulai – having bosoms
malarAL – periya pirAttiyAr who is born in lotus flower
tharaNi mangai – SrI bhUmip pirAtti
iruvar thAm – both
adi – divine feet
varudum – massaging with their divine hands
thanmaiyAnai – sarvESvaran who has this nature
Ezhu isai – seven svarams (tones)
ARu angam – six limbs
aindhu vaLar vELvi – five great yagyas
mUnRu thIyum – with three fires
vandhanai seydhu – surrendering unto him
nAl maRaigaL – with four vEdhams
iru pozhudhum – night and day
sindhanai seydhu – meditate
onRum – surrendering
selvam – having wealth
thirukkOvalUr adhanuL – in thirukkOvalUr
nAn kaNdEn – I got to see.

Simple translation

emperumAn is reclining on thiruvananthAzhwAn to be surrendered to by brahmA et al who came carrying fragrant thiruththuzhAy garland blossomed in bunches, sandalwood paste, incense and lamp on their hands; sarvESvaran has the nature of his divine feet being massaged both by periya pirAttiyAr, who is born in lotus flower and is having soft bosom decorated with sandalwood paste, and SrI bhUmip pirAtti, with their divine hands. I got to see such sarvESvaran in thirukkOvalUr which is having the wealth of being surrendered with seven svarams, six limbs, five great yagyas, three fires, and meditate upon him night and day with four vEdhams.

Highlights from vyAkyAnam (Commentary)

kondhalarndha … – Carrying thiruththuzhAy garland which is blossomed in bunches, sandalwood paste, incense and lamp, brahmA et al will surrender unto emperumAn from the shores of the milk ocean.

paNam … – Reclining on thiruvananthAzhwAn (AdhiSEshan) who is having expanded hoods due to being in contact with emperumAn, such sarvESvaran is served by both periya pirAttiyAr and SrI bhUmip pirAtti who are decorated to be enjoyed by him. periya pirAttiyAr who makes emperumAn ignore the faults of brahmA et al, and SrI bhUmip pirAtti who is the teacher to emperumAn to not see their faults.

adi varudum – They will mesmerise him and make him sleep with the touch of their divine hands even though he is sarvagya (omniscient) and he knows that they are trying to make him sleep (and does not want to sleep).

vandhanai … – Bowing to him, surrendering unto him with seven svarams, six limbs of vEdham, five great yagyams and three fires – that is, worshipping him.

sindhanai seydhu … – With four vEdhams, meditating night and day that he is the prakAri (substratum) and they are inseparable prakAram (attributes) as said in tanka bhAshyam “AthmEthyava thu gruhNiyAth” (parmAthmA is to be meditated upon as one’s life) and brahma sUthram 4.1.3 “AthmEthi dhUpagachchanthi grAhayanthi cha” (brahmam should be worshipped as AthmA. This is because those who worship him, know him in that manner; and SAsthram too is explaining in that manner). In this manner, the wealth of such consideration of being prakAram of brahmam will go on forever.

In the next article we will enjoy the next pAsuram.

adiyen sarathy ramanuja dasan

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