periya thirumozhi – 2.7 – thivaLum

SrI:  SrImathE SatakOpAya nama:  SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama:  SrImath varavaramunayE nama:

periya thirumozhi >> Second Centum

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AzhwAr meditated upon his exclusive servitude toward bhagavAn by enjoying bhagavAn stretching to enjoy his devotees; he himself said in periya thirumozhi 8.10.3 “nin thiruvettezhuththum kaRRu nAn uRRadhum un adiyArkku adimai” (I learnt ashtAksharam and understood that I am the servant of your servitors) while explaining the identity of exclusive servitude. While thinking about emperumAn’s lordship which is opposite to his subservience, since it was enjoyable for him, AzhwAr was eager to enjoy emperumAn; he could not enjoy emperumAn as desired; due to such loss, AzhwAr lost his own state and acquired the state of a pirAtti (consort of emperumAn) who is suffering in separation from emperumAn and subsequently lost that state as well; that is – being unable to spell out her sufferings, she is speaking through someone else [her mother]. Thus, not having interacted with her divine lord as she desired, parakAla nAyaki is not having stability in her existence, movements, reclining etc and suffering due to distress; as seen in our kOyil thiruvAimozhi (thiruvAimozhi 7.2 – which is meant for kOyil (SrIrangam)), observing this, the divine mother of parakAla nAyaki meditates upon parakAla nAyaki’s suffering in separation, emperumAn not showing up even at this stage, being unable to help her daughter in such state and having to get emperumAn to remedy the situation, firmly concludes “While emperumAn, who can directly remedy the situation, is present, how can we, who are like strangers, know anything about this? Thus, let us ask him to give the solution”; she goes and places parakAla nAyaki at the divine feet of thiruvidavendhai nAyanAr (the lord in thiruvidavendhai dhivyadhESam) and says “Our daughter who is ignoring us and is fully engaged in your qualities such as saundharya (beauty), Seelam (simplicity) etc, is greatly suffering due to being unable to enjoy you as she desired; what are you thinking of doing in her matter?” thirumangai AzhwAr is speaking about his situation through the words of a divine mother in this manner.

adiyen sarathy ramanuja dasan

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