periya thirumozhi – 2.7.9 – ponkulAm payalai

SrI:  SrImathE SatakOpAya nama:  SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama:  SrImath varavaramunayE nama:

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Highlights from avathArikai (Introduction)

No specific introduction.


ponkulAm payalai pUththana menthOL
porukayal kaNthuyil maRandhAL
anbinAl un mEl Adharam peridhu
ivvaNanginukku uRRa nOy aRiyEn
minkulA marungul surunga mEl nerungi
vIngiya vanamulaiyALukku
en kolAm? kuRippil en ninaindhirundhAy?
idavendhai endhai pirAnE!

Word-by-Word meanings

mel – slim
thOL – shoulders
pon – golden complexion
kulAvum – having
payalai pUththana – became pale;
poru – fighting with each other
kayal – like kayal fish
kaN – in the eyes
thuyil – having sleep
maRandhAL – forgotten;
un mEl – in your matters
anbinAl – love
Adharam – desire
peridhu – is increasing further;
ivvaNanginukku – for this girl who is beautiful
uRRa – acquired
nOy – disease
aRiyEn – I do not know;
min – lightning
kulAm – having (curved)
marungul – waist
surunga – to shrink
mEl – on top
nerungi – fitting with each other
vIngiya – well grown
vanam – beautiful
mulaiyALukku – for the one who has bosoms
en Am kol – how will it end?
kuRippil – in your divine heart
en ninaindhirundhAy – what are you thinking?

(leaving paramapadham)
idavendhai – having arrived in thiruvidavendhai
endhai pirAnE – Oh lord of my clan!
sollu – You should mercifully speak a word.

Simple translation

parakAla nAyaki’s slim shoulders having golden complexion became pale; her eyes which are like kayal fish fighting each other, have forgotten to have sleep; due to love in your matters, her desire is increasing further; I do not know what disease this beautiful girl has acquired. How will it end for the one who has beautiful, well grown bosoms which are fitting with each other, on top, to shrink the lightning like waist? What are you thinking in your divine heart? Oh lord of my clan who has arrived in thiruvidavendhai! You should mercifully speak a word.

Highlights from vyAkyAnam (Commentary)

pon kulAm … – Having golden complexion, the shoulders which became pale being unable to bear the separation.

poru … –  In her childish eyes which resemble fighting kayal fish, she has totally forgotten the concept of sleep, to be taught about it from the beginning.

anbinAl … – Due to the attachment towards you, the love she has is very great.

iv aNanginukku – For this distinguished girl who has such great beauty which will cause similar attachment towards her for others.

uRRa nOy aRiyEn – I am not aware of the disease which she has occurred to cause such stiffness in her. While the disease and the reason for the disease are identified as in “She became pale, forgot sleep, she has great love towards you”, she is saying “she is not aware” since she is not aware of the specific details in the reason. That is – she is saying “I am not sure how she got caught by him. Is it in his smile? Glance? Form? Qualities? I don’t know the exact reason how she was caught by him”.

min kulAm … – The bosoms which are grown on the top [of her body], which shrink the already curved, lightning-like waist. Already, the waist appears to be broken. On top of that, the bosoms grow together. For the one, who has such beautiful bosoms.

en kolAm – Mother is speaking reflecting upon her abandonment of her daughter. What is going to happen to my daughter in the end?

kuRippu … – When I, the mother abandon her and she gives up her self-effort, what are you who are in thiruvidavendhai to protect her, having such helpless state of hers as the reason, thinking in your divine heart? We saw in the case of vAli, how brothers don’t help; we saw in the case of prahlAdhAzhwAn, how father does not help; we saw how emperumAn helped him saying as in SrI bhagavath gIthA 18.66 “mAm Ekam SaraNam vraja” (Surrender unto me only) for arjuna who thought about himself and became frightened.

In the next article we will enjoy the next pAsuram.

adiyen sarathy ramanuja dasan

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