periya thirumozhi – 1.10.2 – ilangaip padhikku

SrI:  SrImathE SatakOpAya nama:  SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama:  SrImath varavaramunayE nama:

periya thirumozhi >> First centum >> Tenth decad

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Highlights from avathArikai (Introduction)

Thus, in the previous pAsuram and this pAsuram, by highlighting emperumAn’s ability to eliminate the enemies, AzhwAr prays to emperumAn for the removal of his hurdles.


ilangaip padhikku enRu iRaiyAya arakkar
kulam kettu avar mALak kodippuL thiriththAy!
vilangal kudumith hiruvEngadam mEya
alangal thuLaba mudiyAy! aruLAyE

Word-by-Word meanings

ilangaip padhikku – for the city of lankA
enRu – always
iRaiyAya – being kings
arakkar kulam – demoniac clan
avar – those demons such as mAli etc
kettu – having their state damaged
mALa – to die
kodi – being the flag
puL – (climbing) periya thiruvadi (garudAzhwAr)
thiriththAy – one who made to roam around
vilangal – (chandhra (moon) and sUrya (sun)) move away from their paths
kudumi – having tall peaks
thiruvEngadam – on thirumalA which is known as thiruvEngadam
mEya – being the one who eternally resides
thuLabam – made with thiruththuzhAy (thuLasi)
alangal – decorated with garland
mudiyAy – oh one who is having divine crown!
aruLAy – You should mercifully protect me.

Simple translation

emperumAn made periya thiruvadi who is the flag, to roam around, to damage the state of the demons such as mAli et al who are always the kings of the demoniac clan of the lankA city and kill them; he is eternally residing on thirumalA which is known as thiruvEngadam, which is having tall peak which make moon and sun move from their paths. Oh such emperumAn who is having divine crown decorated with garland made with thuLasi! You should mercifully protect me.

Highlights from vyAkyAnam (Commentary)

ilangaip padhikku … – Here AzhwAr is speaking about emperumAn’s annihilation of mAli et al who were living in lankA. Just as an anthill will always have evil snakes living there, lankA always remained the abode demons.

kulam kettu avar mALa – Oh one who made garudAzhwAr, the flag, roam around to destroy even those who hide in the under-worlds! SrI rAmAyaNam ayOdhyA kANdam 44-7 “kIrthibhUthAm pathAkAm yO lOkE bhramayathi prabhU: kinnAma dhurlabhAm thasya” (what is it which cannot be attained by Sri rAma who let fly his flag called fame!).

vilangal … – [Generally, vilangal means mountain. Here, vilangal is explained as moving away] Since thirumalA is known as thiruvEngadam, the second meaning (moving away) is considered; not letting the moon and sun travel straight over the divine hill, it is having tall peaks which make them move away while crossing over.

alangal … – Since you who are decorated with garland and divine crown for the purpose of my protection, there is nothing like separately eliminating my hurdles [it will be naturally taken care of]. You should mercifully shower your mercy towards me.

In the next article we will enjoy the next pAsuram.

adiyen sarathy ramanuja dasan

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