Glossary/Dictionary by word – periya thirumadal

Sorted by pAsuram Word Meaning pAsuram a malar mEl atop that lotus flower periya thirumadal – 9 – pinnaith than nAbi a nAgaththaNai mEl on top of that mattress of thiruvananthAzhwAn (AdhiSEshan) periya thirumadal – 2 – manniya nAgaththaNai mElOr Adavar mEl on the male (towards men) periya thirumadal – 28 – anna aRaththin AdhalAl … Read more

Glossary/Dictionary by word – siRiya thirumadal

Sorted by pAsuram Word Meaning pAsuram adhanai eydhuvAr Ar Ar who all would attain the purushArtham of kAmam (love) siRiya thirumadal – 4 – ArAr ivaRRin adhanai idar kadindhAn emperumAn emperumAn who removed the sorrow of gajEndhran siRiya thirumadal – 45 – thIrAdha sIRRaththAl adhanAlum en sindhai nOy thIrAdhu despite that, my mental illness has … Read more

Glossary/Dictionary by pAsuram – thiruvAimozhi – 2nd centum

Sorted by word pAsuram Word Meaning thiruvaimozhi-2-1-1-vayum-thirai vAyum approaching closely thiruvaimozhi-2-1-1-vayum-thirai thirai in the tide thiruvaimozhi-2-1-1-vayum-thirai ugaLum carefully walking thiruvaimozhi-2-1-1-vayum-thirai kAnal in the seashore thiruvaimozhi-2-1-1-vayum-thirai madam majestic thiruvaimozhi-2-1-1-vayum-thirai nArAy Oh crane! thiruvaimozhi-2-1-1-vayum-thirai Ayum (sleepless) mother thiruvaimozhi-2-1-1-vayum-thirai amar ulagum dhEva lOkam – celestial world (where sleep is nonexistent) thiruvaimozhi-2-1-1-vayum-thirai thunjilum even if they sleep thiruvaimozhi-2-1-1-vayum-thirai nI … Read more

Glossary/Dictionary by pAsuram – thiruvAimozhi – 7th centum

Sorted by word pAsuram Word Meaning thiruvaimozhi-7-1-1-unnilaviya uL inside thiruvaimozhi-7-1-1-unnilaviya nilAviya being the internal enemy due to residing permanently thiruvaimozhi-7-1-1-unnilaviya aivarAl with the senses thiruvaimozhi-7-1-1-unnilaviya kumai thIRRi torture thiruvaimozhi-7-1-1-unnilaviya ennai me (who surrendered unto you fearing them) thiruvaimozhi-7-1-1-unnilaviya un you who are apt, enjoyable thiruvaimozhi-7-1-1-unnilaviya pAdha pangayam divine feet thiruvaimozhi-7-1-1-unnilaviya naNNilA vagaiyE to not reach … Read more

Glossary/Dictionary by pAsuram – thiruvAimozhi – 9th centum

Sorted by word pAsuram Word Meaning thiruvaimozhi-9-1-1-konda-pendir koNda those who consider us as relative in their heart thiruvaimozhi-9-1-1-konda-pendir peNdir wife thiruvaimozhi-9-1-1-konda-pendir makkaL children et al thiruvaimozhi-9-1-1-konda-pendir uRRAr close relatives, like in-laws thiruvaimozhi-9-1-1-konda-pendir suRRaththavar other relatives thiruvaimozhi-9-1-1-konda-pendir piRarum friends, servants et al thiruvaimozhi-9-1-1-konda-pendir kaNdadhOdu when they see something to be received from us thiruvaimozhi-9-1-1-konda-pendir pattadhu allAl … Read more

Glossary/Dictionary by word – thiruvezhukURRirukkai

Sorted by pAsuram Word Meaning pAsuram adanga cheRRanai (which you) crushed them together thiruvezhukURRirukkai – 10 Adu aravu amaLiyil (where you are leaning) in the bed of Adhi sEshan with its open hood thiruvezhukURRirukkai – 12 agaRRi they avoid thiruvezhukURRirukkai – 6 Agaththu iruththinai have placed her in your divine chest. thiruvezhukURRirukkai – 11 aimpAl … Read more

Glossary/Dictionary by pAsuram – thiruvezhukURRirukkai

Sorted by word pAsuram Word Meaning thiruvezhikURRirukkai – 1 iru (from the) big thiruvezhikURRirukkai – 1 thavisil seat (also petals of the flower) thiruvezhikURRirukkai – 1 undhi (that is your) divine nAbhi (navel) thiruvezhikURRirukkai – 1 malar (which is like a lotus) flower thiruvezhikURRirukkai – 1 pEr (that is having the) greatness (of) thiruvezhikURRirukkai – … Read more

Glossary/Dictionary by word – nAnmugan thiruvandhAdhi

Sorted by pAsuram Word Meaning pAsuram (adhanAl) thAn ennum one who has ego due to that and thinks of himself as bhagavAn nAnmugan thiruvandhAdhi – 25 – vagaiyAl madhiyAdhu (manam) kANalAm enRum thinking (the mind) to be the aid in seeing emperumAn (on a few other occasions) nAnmugan thiruvandhAdhi – 81 – kadhavu manam enRum … Read more