Glossary/Dictionary by Verse – Sri bhagavath githA – Chapter 11 to 18

Sorted by word Verse Word Meaning 11.1 mad-anugrahāya paramaṁ   arjuna uvAcha   arjuna said 11.1 mad-anugrahāya paramaṁ   madhanugrahAya   mercifully towards me 11.1 mad-anugrahāya paramaṁ   paramam guhyam   very secretive 11.1 mad-anugrahāya paramaṁ   adhyAthma samjitham vacha:   the instructions (in the first six chapters) which described everything about AthmA 11.1 mad-anugrahāya paramaṁ   yath thvayA uktham   whatever told by you … Read more

Glossary/Dictionary by word – Sri bhagavath githA – Chapter 11 to 18

Sorted by Verse Word Meaning Verse abhakthAya for one who is not devoted (towards you and me) 18.67 idham thE nAthapaskAya abhAshatha spoke as follows 11.14 thatha: sa vismayAvishtO abhayam fearlessness 16.1 abhayam sathvasamSudhdhi: abhidhAsyathi explains (he) 18.68 ya idha paramam guhyam abhidhIyathE said as 18.11 na hi dhEhabhruthA Sakyam abhidhIyathE said. 13.1 idham SarIram … Read more

Glossary/Dictionary by Word – thiruvAimozhi – 10th centum

Sorted by pAsuram Word Meaning pAsuram A cows thiruvaimozhi-10-3-1-vey-maru-thol-inai A for the cows thiruvaimozhi-10-3-7-vem-emadhuyir adaindhanam we have reached. thiruvaimozhi-10-1-9-maniththadaththadi adaiyA will not reach you to give results; thiruvaimozhi-10-5-7-madhavan-enrenru adal having engagement in battle to kill the enemies of devotees thiruvaimozhi-10-4-7-pani-nenje adanga entering in me and becoming complete in all ways thiruvaimozhi-10-8-2-pere-uraiginra adhan uL in the … Read more

Glossary/Dictionary by pAsuram – thiruvAimozhi – 10th centum

Sorted by word pAsuram Word Meaning thiruvaimozhi-10-1-1-thala-thamarai thALa having the strength of the stem thiruvaimozhi-10-1-1-thala-thamarai thAmarai lotus flowers thiruvaimozhi-10-1-1-thala-thamarai thadam ponds thiruvaimozhi-10-1-1-thala-thamarai aNi decorating thiruvaimozhi-10-1-1-thala-thamarai vayal having fields thiruvaimozhi-10-1-1-thala-thamarai thirumOgUr in thirumOgUr thiruvaimozhi-10-1-1-thala-thamarai nALum mEvi eternally residing thiruvaimozhi-10-1-1-thala-thamarai nangu very thiruvaimozhi-10-1-1-thala-thamarai amarndhu ninRu standing firmly with joy of self satisfaction thiruvaimozhi-10-1-1-thala-thamarai asurarai demoniac persons, who … Read more

Glossary/Dictionary by Word – thiruvAimozhi – 9th centum

Sorted by pAsuram Word Meaning pAsuram A cows (which don-t even know to pray for protection) thiruvaimozhi-9-4-3-azhaikkinra-adinayen A A alas! thiruvaimozhi-9-8-7-kovagiya-mavaliyai a aruL allana other than this favour, anything else which pacifies thiruvaimozhi-9-9-6-avanudai-arul A pugum cows coming through the entrance thiruvaimozhi-9-9-5-yamudai-nenjamum achchonna mAlai krishNa who is attached to his devotees, who is explained there thiruvaimozhi-9-9-11-avanai-vittu … Read more

Glossary/Dictionary by Word – thiruvAimozhi – 8th centum

Sorted by pAsuram Word Meaning pAsuram a that thiruvaimozhi-8-2-6-thollai-anjodhi a that thiruvaimozhi-8-7-7-sevvay-undhi Adai udaiyum the beauty of her clothes thiruvaimozhi-8-9-5-punai-izhaigal adaidhal reaching [remaining] thiruvaimozhi-8-1-9-yanum-nidhane adaindhadhu reached; thiruvaimozhi-8-2-10-ennudai-nannudhal adaindhAL reached and enjoyed thiruvaimozhi-8-9-7-mellilaich-chelva adaiththu built a bridge (across another ocean which is of the same kind) thiruvaimozhi-8-1-5-aruyireyo adaiyALam signs thiruvaimozhi-8-9-6-thiruvarul-muzhgi adaiyum being present in the unreachable … Read more

Glossary/Dictionary by pAsuram – thiruvAimozhi – 8th centum

Sorted by word pAsuram Word Meaning thiruvaimozhi-8-1-1-dhevimar-avar dhEvimAr your consorts (who match your beauty and greatness) thiruvaimozhi-8-1-1-dhevimar-avar thirumagaL lakshmi (who is your great wealth) thiruvaimozhi-8-1-1-dhevimar-avar bhUmi bhUmi dhEvi (who is the presiding deity of all wealth) thiruvaimozhi-8-1-1-dhevimar-avar maRRu others (further) thiruvaimozhi-8-1-1-dhevimar-avar (you who are with all of them) thiruvaimozhi-8-1-1-dhevimar-avar Eva as you order (as said … Read more

Glossary/Dictionary by Word – thiruvAimozhi – 6th centum

Sorted by pAsuram Word Meaning pAsuram A that thiruvaimozhi-6-4-10-man-misai a that thiruvaimozhi-6-5-6-nokkum-pakkam-ellam a where he resides thiruvaimozhi-6-5-5-kuzhaiyum-val A A alas! alas! [taking pity on us] thiruvaimozhi-6-10-3-vaNNam aruL koL A A alas! alas! [taking pity] thiruvaimozhi-6-10-4-AvA ennAdhu adaindha having attained thiruvaimozhi-6-5-11-sindhaiyalum adaiyALam characteristics thiruvaimozhi-6-1-7-oru-vannam adhan kIzh to be underneath it thiruvaimozhi-6-9-6-payoradi adhipadhiyE [adhipathi] having supremacy thiruvaimozhi-6-10-3-vaNNam … Read more

Glossary/Dictionary by pAsuram – thiruvAimozhi – 6th centum

Sorted by word pAsuram Word Meaning thiruvaimozhi-6-1-1-vaigal-pungazhivay vaigal always thiruvaimozhi-6-1-1-vaigal-pungazhivay pU beautiful thiruvaimozhi-6-1-1-vaigal-pungazhivay kazhivAy in canal close to the ocean thiruvaimozhi-6-1-1-vaigal-pungazhivay vandhu appearing in front of me thiruvaimozhi-6-1-1-vaigal-pungazhivay mEyum grazing thiruvaimozhi-6-1-1-vaigal-pungazhivay kuruginangAL oh group of storks! thiruvaimozhi-6-1-1-vaigal-pungazhivay sey fertile land thiruvaimozhi-6-1-1-vaigal-pungazhivay koL covering thiruvaimozhi-6-1-1-vaigal-pungazhivay sen nel fresh paddy thiruvaimozhi-6-1-1-vaigal-pungazhivay uyar growing tall thiruvaimozhi-6-1-1-vaigal-pungazhivay thiruvaNvaNdUr in … Read more

Glossary/Dictionary by Word – thiruvAimozhi – 5th centum

Sorted by pAsuram Word Meaning pAsuram (nAn) un (I) your thiruvaimozhi-5-8-6-suzh-kanday (nIyE) sUzh kaNdAy find out the appropriate means. thiruvaimozhi-5-8-5-azhuvan-thozhuvan a that thiruvaimozhi-5-8-2-emmane A A enRu considering -alas! (feeling sympathetic)- [for my pitiable state] thiruvaimozhi-5-1-9-avarar-thunai achchudhan thannai sarvESvaran who never abandons [his devotees] thiruvaimozhi-5-2-9-mevith-thozhudhu adarththa killed thiruvaimozhi-5-7-9-pullin-vay Adhi being the cause for everything thiruvaimozhi-5-8-9-isaiviththu-ennai Adhi … Read more