Glossary/Dictionary by SlOkam – sthOthra rathnam

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sthothra-rathnam-1aklishtaeasily attained (by the grace of bhagavAn)
sthothra-rathnam-1gyAnaof the knowledge
sthothra-rathnam-1vairAgyaof the detachment
sthothra-rathnam-1rASayElike a collection
sthothra-rathnam-1munayEone who meditates upon bhagavAn
sthothra-rathnam-1agAdha bhagavadhbhakthi sindhavavEocean of deep devotion towards bhagavAn
sthothra-rathnam-1nAthAyato nAthamunigaL
sthothra-rathnam-1nama:I offer my salutations
sthothra-rathnam-2athrain this world
sthothra-rathnam-2parathra cha apiin the other world as well
sthothra-rathnam-2yadhIya charaNauthe divine feet of that SrIman nAthamunigaL
sthothra-rathnam-2madhIyam SaraNammy refuge
sthothra-rathnam-2madhujithemperumAn who killed madhu
sthothra-rathnam-2angri sarOjaabout the divine lotus feet of
sthothra-rathnam-2thathva gyAna anurAgatrue knowledge and devotion
sthothra-rathnam-2mahimAthiSaya anthasImnEbeing the pinnacle of greatness
sthothra-rathnam-2nAthAyaone who is [my] lord
sthothra-rathnam-2thasmai nAthamunayEfor that nAthamunigaL
sthothra-rathnam-3achyutha bhakthidevotion towards bhagavAn
sthothra-rathnam-3thathva gyAnatrue knowledge
sthothra-rathnam-3(these) amruthAbdhinectarean ocean
sthothra-rathnam-3Subhai: vachOpi:with auspicious words
sthothra-rathnam-3lOkEin this world
sthothra-rathnam-3avathIrNaone who has incarnated
sthothra-rathnam-3paramArthabeing the ultimate benefit
sthothra-rathnam-3samagrabeing complete
sthothra-rathnam-3bhakthi yOgAyahaving bhakthi yOga
sthothra-rathnam-3yaminAm varAyabest among the yOgis
sthothra-rathnam-3nAthamunayEto nAthamunigaL
sthothra-rathnam-3bhUya nama:again my salutations
sthothra-rathnam-4udhAra: ya:that magnanimous parASara
sthothra-rathnam-4chith achith Iswara t hath svabhAva bhOga apavarga thadhupAya gathi:the three entities namely chith (sentient entities), achith (insentient entities) and ISwara (God), their nature, the pleasures (of this material realm), mOksham (liberation), the means for pleasure and liberation, and the goal reached by the jIvAthmAs
sthothra-rathnam-4thathvEnaas they are (truthfully)
sthothra-rathnam-4sandharSayanexplaining clearly
sthothra-rathnam-4purANa rathnamSrIvishNu purANam, gem (best) among purANams
sthothra-rathnam-4niramimIthawho mercifully gave
sthothra-rathnam-4munivarAyabest among rishis
sthothra-rathnam-4parASarAyafor parASara
sthothra-rathnam-5math anvayAnAmfor my descendants
sthothra-rathnam-5yuvathaya:women (wives)
sthothra-rathnam-5vibhUthi:great wealth
sthothra-rathnam-5sarvameverything else (that is not mentioned here)
sthothra-rathnam-5yath Evathat AzhwArs divine feet
sthothra-rathnam-5na:for us
sthothra-rathnam-5Adhyasya kulapathE:leader and head of the clan, his
sthothra-rathnam-5vakuLa abhirAmamdecorated with magizha flowers
sthothra-rathnam-5SrImathhaving SrIvaishNavaSrI (wealth of kainkaryam)
sthothra-rathnam-5thath angriyugaLamthose two divine feet
sthothra-rathnam-5mUrdhnAwith my head
sthothra-rathnam-5praNamAmiworship, bow down
sthothra-rathnam-6yaththat emperumAns divine feet
sthothra-rathnam-6mE mUrdhnion my head
sthothra-rathnam-6SruthiSirassu chain vEdhAntham also
sthothra-rathnam-6yasminon which divine feet
sthothra-rathnam-6asman manOratha padha: sakala:all our overflowing love
sthothra-rathnam-6samEthireaches beautifully
sthothra-rathnam-6na: kula dhanambeing wealth of our clan
sthothra-rathnam-6kula dhaivathambeing (dependable) deity of our clan
sthothra-rathnam-6aravindha vilOchanasya thath pAdha aravindhamthe divine lotus feet of puNdarIkAksha (lotus eyed lord)
sthothra-rathnam-6sthOshyAmiI am going to praise
sthothra-rathnam-7yasyathat emperumAns
sthothra-rathnam-7mahima arNava SIkara aNu:even a small atom in a droplet of the ocean of greatness
sthothra-rathnam-7Sarva pithAmahAdhyai: apiby Siva, brahmA et al
sthothra-rathnam-7mAthumto measure
sthothra-rathnam-7na Sakya:impossible
sthothra-rathnam-7thadhIya mahima sthuthimpraises about such emperumAns greatness
sthothra-rathnam-7karthumto do
sthothra-rathnam-7udhyadhAyaone who has set out
sthothra-rathnam-7kavayEone claims to be a poet
sthothra-rathnam-7mahyamfor me
sthothra-rathnam-7nama: asthushould be saluted myself
sthothra-rathnam-8aSkatha: (aham)incapable me
sthothra-rathnam-8Srama avathiuntil becoming tired
sthothra-rathnam-8yathAmathi vA apias much as I know
sthothra-rathnam-8sthaumishall praise;
sthothra-rathnam-8thE vEdhA: apithe vEdhams
sthothra-rathnam-8chathur mukhASchafour-headed brahmA et al
sthothra-rathnam-8Evam Eva khaluin this manner only (praising);
sthothra-rathnam-8mahA arNava antha:inside a huge ocean
sthothra-rathnam-8aNu kulAchalayO:(small) atom, (big) mountain
sthothra-rathnam-8ka: viSEsha:what is the difference?
sthothra-rathnam-9Esha: sthOthAme who is praising
sthothra-rathnam-9Sakthi athiSayEnagreatness of my ability
sthothra-rathnam-9thEfor you
sthothra-rathnam-9na anukampya:not qualified to have you shower your mercy;
sthothra-rathnam-9api thubut
sthothra-rathnam-9sthuthi kruthEna pariSramENabecoming tired in praising you (qualified to have you shower your mercy);
sthothra-rathnam-9hE abjanEthraoh reddish eyed lord!
sthothra-rathnam-9thathrain this case
sthothra-rathnam-9mandha budhdhE:having very little intelligence
sthothra-rathnam-9mama thufor me
sthothra-rathnam-9sulabha:will easily occur;
sthothra-rathnam-9mama chafor me only
sthothra-rathnam-9ayam udhyama:this effort
sthothra-rathnam-9uchitha:is apt.
sthothra-rathnam-10prabhOOh my lord!
sthothra-rathnam-10na avEkshasE yadhiif (you) had not bestowed your merciful glance
sthothra-rathnam-10thatha:after the total deluge
sthothra-rathnam-10amUni bhuvanAnithese worlds
sthothra-rathnam-10bhavithumEva na alamwould not have been created;
sthothra-rathnam-10pravruththi: kutha:it is obvious that no actions would have occurred [if the worlds were not created to start with]
sthothra-rathnam-10svAminOh lord!
sthothra-rathnam-10Evamin this manner
sthothra-rathnam-10sarva janthO:for all creatures
sthothra-rathnam-10nisarga suhrudhibeing a natural friend
sthothra-rathnam-10thvayaiin you
sthothra-rathnam-10ASritha vathsalathvam idhamthis quality of manifesting motherly affections towards your devotees
sthothra-rathnam-10na chithramnot strange
sthothra-rathnam-11nArAyaNaOh nArAyaNa!
sthothra-rathnam-11parama: svarAtmukthAthmA (liberated soul) who is greater than the previously mentioned dhEvathAs and not bound by karma
sthothra-rathnam-11ithi EthE apiall of these said persons
sthothra-rathnam-11yasya thE(such great) your
sthothra-rathnam-11mahima arNava viprusha:a drop in the ocean of your greatness
sthothra-rathnam-11thvayiin (such) you
sthothra-rathnam-11anavadhika athiSayahaving boundless greatness
sthothra-rathnam-11ISithruthvamaiSwarya (ability to control)
sthothra-rathnam-11ka: vaidhika:which vaidhika (one who practices vEdham)
sthothra-rathnam-11na mrushyathicannot tolerate?
sthothra-rathnam-12SrIya: SrI: ka:Who is the wealth of SrI: (SrI mahAlakshmi)?
sthothra-rathnam-12paramasathva samASraya: ka:Who has pure goodness in him?
sthothra-rathnam-12puNdarIka nayana: ka:Who is lotus-eyed?
sthothra-rathnam-12purushOththama: ka:Who is known as purushOththama (best among men)?
sthothra-rathnam-12ayutha ayutha Satha Eka kalA amSaka amSEone small fraction of (thousandth of thousandth of many crores sized) vow/will
sthothra-rathnam-12< /td>viSvam[sustains] all of this world
sthothra-rathnam-12vichithra chith achith pravibhAga vruththamhaving diversified categories of chEthana (sentient entities) and achEthana (insentient entities)?
sthothra-rathnam-13vEdha apahAraStealing of vEdham
sthothra-rathnam-13guru pAthakasin acquired due to plucking own fathers head
sthothra-rathnam-13dhaithya pIdA Adhigrief inflicted by asuras etc
sthothra-rathnam-13Apath vimOchanaremoving those dangers
sthothra-rathnam-13mahishta pala pradhAnai:bestowing of great results
sthothra-rathnam-13anya: ka:who else (other than you)
sthothra-rathnam-13prajA paSu pathI paripAthiprotected brahmA who is known as prajApathi and Siva who is known as paSupathi?
sthothra-rathnam-13sa: Siva:that Siva
sthothra-rathnam-13sva SirO dhruthEnabeholding on his head
sthothra-rathnam-13kasya pAdha udhakEnaby whose SrIpAdha thIrtham (holy water which washed the feet)
sthothra-rathnam-13Siva: (abhUth)became pure?
sthothra-rathnam-14hara virinchi mukha:Siva, brahmA etc
sthothra-rathnam-14kasya udharE(subdued) in whose stomach?
sthothra-rathnam-14imamthis world
sthothra-rathnam-14ka: rakshathiwho is protecting?
sthothra-rathnam-14kasya nAbhE:from whose navel
sthothra-rathnam-14ajanishta(this world) was created?
sthothra-rathnam-14thvath anya: ka:other than you
sthothra-rathnam-14(imam)this world
sthothra-rathnam-14krAnthvA(during thrivikrama avathAram) measured
sthothra-rathnam-14nigIrya(during avAnthara praLayam (intermediate deluge)) swallowed
sthothra-rathnam-14puna: udhgirathiand spat out again?
sthothra-rathnam-14Esha:this world
sthothra-rathnam-14kEna vAby who else
sthothra-rathnam-14paravAn ithihaving lord
sthothra-rathnam-14Sakya Sanka:can there even be a doubt?
sthothra-rathnam-15thvAmyou (who is superior to all)
sthothra-rathnam-15Seela rUpa charithai:with your Seela guNam (the quality of simplicity), form (which is glorified by the vEdham) and (divine) activities
sthothra-rathnam-15parama prakrushta sathvEnayour abode/wealth which is filled with pure goodness
sthothra-rathnam-15sAthvikatathayA prabalaiScha SAsthrai:SAsthrams which are strong/firm because of their nature of goodness
sthothra-rathnam-15prakhyA thadhaiva paramArtha vidhAmof those who know in truth about the renowned lord
sthothra-rathnam-15mathai: chatheir opinions/principles
sthothra-rathnam-15Asura prakruthaya:demoniac people
sthothra-rathnam-15bOdhdhumEvato know
sthothra-rathnam-15na prabhavanthiare incapable
sthothra-rathnam-16ullangithacrossed over (beyond)
sthothra-rathnam-16thrividha SImahaving three types of measurements (kAla (time), dhESa (place) and vasthu (entity))
sthothra-rathnam-16(ullangitha) sama athiSAyi sambhAvanam(crossed over (beyond) ) having doubt of if there is anyone equal or higher?
sthothra-rathnam-16thava paribradima svabhAvamyour prabhuthva (lordship)
sthothra-rathnam-16mAyA balEnaby amazing ability
sthothra-rathnam-16bhavathA nigUhyamAnam apieven when concealed by you
sthothra-rathnam-16thvath ananya bhAvA:those who think about you exclusively
sthothra-rathnam-16kEchithsome great souls
sthothra-rathnam-16aniSamall times
sthothra-rathnam-16paSyanthiare seeing
sthothra-rathnam-17yath aNdamthat brahmANdam [the 14 layered oval shaped universe under the control of brahmA]
sthothra-rathnam-17aNdAnthara gOcharam cha yathwhatever is inside the aNdam
sthothra-rathnam-17dhaSa uththarANi AvaraNAni chathose [seven] AvaraNas (enclosures) [which cover the aNdam] each of which is 10 times bigger in size than the previous one (all of these)
sthothra-rathnam-17guNA:qualities viz sathva (goodness), rajas (passion) and thamas (ignorance)
sthothra-rathnam-17pradhAnamand prakruthi (matter)
sthothra-rathnam-17purusha:and the collection of jIvAthmAs (sentient entities)
sthothra-rathnam-17param padhamand SrIvaikuNtam (spiritual realm)
sthothra-rathnam-17parAth paramthe collection of nithyasUris who are greater than mukthAthmAs (who are greater than dhEvathAs starting with brahmA et al)
sthothra-rathnam-17brahma chadhivya mangaLa vigraham (divine auspicious form)
sthothra-rathnam-17thE vibhUthaya;are your bodies/forms
sthothra-rathnam-18vaSIcontrolled (by his devotees)
sthothra-rathnam-18vadhAnya:generous (of presenting himself to his devotees)
sthothra-rathnam-18guNavAnhaving sauSeelya (excellence in disposition, presenting himself to everyone without discrimination)
sthothra-rathnam-18ruju:honest (in mind, words and actions)
sthothra-rathnam-18Suchi:having purity (to show his mercy unconditionally)
sthothra-rathnam-18mrudhu:one who cannot bear the separation from his devotees
sthothra-rathnam-18dhayALu:compassionate (cannot bear the sorrow of his devotees)
sthothra-rathnam-18sthira:firm in protecting (his devotees)
sthothra-rathnam-18sama:being equal (for all who surrender unto him)
sthothra-rathnam-18kruthIengage in actions (of his devotees, considering them to be his own)
sthothra-rathnam-18kruthagya:grateful towards his devotees even for the smallest of their acts
sthothra-rathnam-18samastha kalyANa guNa amrutha udhadhi: asibeing a nectarean ocean of auspicious qualities
sthothra-rathnam-19abjabhuva: upari upari apimore and more for brahmAs
sthothra-rathnam-19thE yE Satham ithi anukramAthby reciting thE yE Satham (such hundred) repeatedly
sthothra-rathnam-19pUrushAn prakalpyaimagining new brahmAs
sthothra-rathnam-19thvath Ekaika guNa avadhi IpsayAdesiring to see the boundary of your each quality
sthothra-rathnam-19sadhA sthithA:always focussed on
sthothra-rathnam-19gira:vEdha vAkyams (sacred sounds/hymns)
sthothra-rathnam-19udhyamatha:crossing over the starting stage
sthothra-rathnam-19na athiSErathEhave not moved forward
sthothra-rathnam-20thvadhASrithAnAmfor your devotees (like brahmA et al)
sthothra-rathnam-20jagath udhbhava sthithi praNASa samsAra vimOchana Adhaya:creating the world, protecting, annihilating, helping to cross over the samsAra (material realm|), etc
sthothra-rathnam-20leelA bhavanthiare like sports;
sthothra-rathnam-20vaidhikA: vidhaya: chathe rules of vEdham too
sthothra-rathnam-20thvadhIya gambhIra manOnusAriNa: bhavanthifollow the deep divine hearts of your devotees
sthothra-rathnam-21vAng manasa athibhUmayEto you who is beyond the reach of the speech and mind (of those who try to know you by their own efforts)
sthothra-rathnam-21nama: nama:namaskAram, namaskAram (salutations! salutations!);
sthothra-rathnam-21vAng manasa Eka bhUmayEto you who is within the reach of the speech and mind (of those who have known you, by your grace)
sthothra-rathnam-21namO nama:namaskAram (salutation);
sthothra-rathnam-21anantha mahA vibhUthayEto you who have boundless great wealth
sthothra-rathnam-21namO nama:namaskAram (salutation);
sthothra-rathnam-21anantha dhayA Eka SindhavEto you who is an ocean of mercy
sthothra-rathnam-21namO nama:namaskAram (salutation).
sthothra-rathnam-22SaraNyaOh my lord who is apt to be surrendered to!
sthothra-rathnam-22dharma nishta: na asmiI am not firm on karma yOgam:
sthothra-rathnam-22Athma vEdhI cha na asmiI do not have the knowledge about the self;
sthothra-rathnam-22thvath charaNa aravindhEin your divine lotus feet
sthothra-rathnam-22bhakthimAn nado not have bhakthi (devotion);
sthothra-rathnam-22akinchana:having no means
sthothra-rathnam-22ananya gathi:me who is having no other refuge
sthothra-rathnam-22thvath pAdha mUlamyour divine lotus feet
sthothra-rathnam-22SaraNam prapadhyEfirmly accept as the means
sthothra-rathnam-23mukundhaOh lord who bestows liberation!
sthothra-rathnam-23yath nindhitha m karmathose prohibited actions
sthothra-rathnam-23mayAby me
sthothra-rathnam-23sahasraSa:thousands of times
sthothra-rathnam-23na vyadhAyinot performed
sthothra-rathnam-23thathsuch evil actions
sthothra-rathnam-23lOkEin SAsthram [world indicates SAsthram which conducts the world]
sthothra-rathnam-23na asthinot present;
sthothra-rathnam-23sa: ahamI, who is of such nature,
sthothra-rathnam-23vipAka avasarE samprathiright now, when [such actions] culminate into results
sthothra-rathnam-23agathi:due to having no other refuge
sthothra-rathnam-23thava agrEin front of your highness
sthothra-rathnam-24ananthaOh my lord who is not limited (by place, time and entities)!
sthothra-rathnam-24bhava arNava antha:in the ocean of samsAram,
sthothra-rathnam-24chirAya nimajjatha: mEto me who is submerged for a very long time
sthothra-rathnam-24kUlam iva labdha: aSiyou came like a shore;
sthothra-rathnam-24bhagavan!Oh bhagavAn!
sthothra-rathnam-24thvayA apiby you too
sthothra-rathnam-24dhayAyA: anuththamam pAthram idham labdhamfor your grace too, I am attained as an apt recipient
sthothra-rathnam-25nAthaOh my lord!
sthothra-rathnam-25mamafor me
sthothra-rathnam-25abhUtha pUrvampreviously not occurred
sthothra-rathnam-25kim vA dhu:kham bhAvi?what grief is going to occur from now onwards?
sthothra-rathnam-25sarvam sahEI am tolerating all these sorrows;
sthothra-rathnam-25dhu:kham mE sahajam hisorrows are born along with me;
sthothra-rathnam-25thvath agrEin the presence of your highness
sthothra-rathnam-25SaraNAgathAnAm parAbhava:an insult for those who are surrendered unto you
sthothra-rathnam-25thE na anurUpa:does not fit your stature.
sthothra-rathnam-26mahESa!Oh sarvESvara (lord of all)!
sthothra-rathnam-26nirAsakasya apieven (if you) pushed (me) aside
sthothra-rathnam-26pAdha pankajam thAvathdivine lotus feet
sthothra-rathnam-26hAthumto let go of
sthothra-rathnam-26na uthsahEI will not dare;
sthothra-rathnam-26sthanandhaya: SiSu:nursing baby
sthothra-rathnam-26rushAout of anger
sthothra-rathnam-26nirastha: apipushed away (by the mother)
sthothra-rathnam-26na jihAsathiwould not live to leave
sthothra-rathnam-27amruthasyandhinigenerating abundance of nectar
sthothra-rathnam-27thava pAdha pankajEat your divine lotus foot
sthothra-rathnam-27nivESitha AthmAmy mind which is placed (by your grace)
sthothra-rathnam-27anyathanything else
sthothra-rathnam-27ichchthiwill desire?
sthothra-rathnam-27makarantha nirbharEfilled with honey
sthothra-rathnam-27aravindhEreddish lotus flower
sthothra-rathnam-27sthithE sathiwhen present
sthothra-rathnam-27ikshurakamgrass flower
sthothra-rathnam-27na vIkshathE hiwill not even see!
sthothra-rathnam-28thvath anghrim udhdhiSyatowards your divine feet
sthothra-rathnam-28kadhApiat any time
sthothra-rathnam-28kEnachithany one
sthothra-rathnam-28yathA thathA vA apiin any manner
sthothra-rathnam-28anjalianjali (joining the palms)
sthothra-rathnam-28aSEshatha:without a trace
sthothra-rathnam-28SubhAniauspicious aspects
sthothra-rathnam-28na hIyathEdiminishes
sthothra-rathnam-29thvath charaNa aruNa ambuja dhvaya anurAga amrutha sindhu sIkara:a droplet in the ocean of love for your two reddish divine lotus feet
sthothra-rathnam-29udhIrNa samsAra thava ASuSukshaNimfiercely burning forest fire of samsAram (material bondage)
sthothra-rathnam-29kshaNEnwithin a moment
sthothra-rathnam-29nirvApyaextinguish it
sthothra-rathnam-29nirvruthim chabliss too
sthothra-rathnam-29prayachc hathigives
sthothra-rathnam-30vilAsa vikrAntha para pavara Alayamowning the abodes of the celestial/superior dhEvas and the inferior humans, which were sportingly measured
sthothra-rathnam-30namasyath Arthi kshapaNEin the matter of eliminating the sorrows of those who worshipped
sthothra-rathnam-30krutha kshaNamspending time
sthothra-rathnam-30madhIyam dhanambeing my wealth
sthothra-rathnam-30thava pAdha pankajamyour divine lotus foot
sthothra-rathnam-30kadhA nuwhen
sthothra-rathnam-30chakshushAwith my eyes
sthothra-rathnam-31thrivikrama!Oh my lord who incarnated as thrivikrama!
sthothra-rathnam-31Sankha rathAnga kalpaka dhvaja aravindha ankuSa vajra lAnchanamHaving Sankha (conch), chakra (disc), kalpaka vruksha (kalpaka tree), dhvaja/kodi (flag), arvaindha/thAmarai (lotus), ankuSa (hook), vajrAyudham (a weapon) as identity
sthothra-rathnam-31thvath charaNa ambuja dhvayamyour two divine feet
sthothra-rathnam-31madhIya mUrdhAnammy head
sthothra-rathnam-31kadhApuna: alankarishyathiwhen will be decorated?
sthothra-rathnam-32virAjamAnabeautiful (due to the mix of colours)
sthothra-rathnam-32pItha vAsasamhaving divine pIthAmbaram (yellow garment)smitha blossomed
sthothra-rathnam-32athasI sUna samakAyAmpU (purple coloured flower) like
sthothra-rathnam-32amala chavimhaving faultless splendour
sthothra-rathnam-32nimagna nAbhimhaving deep navel
sthothra-rathnam-32thanu madhyamhaving slender waist
sthothra-rathnam-32unnathambeing great (due to having these features)
sthothra-rathnam-32viSAla vaksh:sthala SObhi lakshaNamhaving the shining SrIvathsa mole in the broad divine chest
sthothra-rathnam-33jyAkiNakarkaSai:being rough due to launching the bow string
sthothra-rathnam-33AjAnu vilambibhi:stretching upto the knees
sthothra-rathnam-33priya avathamsa uthpala karNabhUshaNa Slatha alakabandha vimardha Samsibhi:revealing the embossed marks of dark water-lily flowers which decorate SrI mahAlakshmis ears, her ear rings and her wavy hairs
sthothra-rathnam-33chathurbhi: bhujai:by the four arms
sthothra-rathnam-34udhagra pIna amsa vilambi kuNdala alaka AvaLI bandhura kambu kandharamhaving neck that is beautiful due to the earrings that reach upto the tall and well-rounded divine shoulders, and with the curly hair, and which has 3 lines.
sthothra-rathnam-34mukha SriyAby the radiance of the divine face
sthothra-rathnam-34nyakkrutha pUrNa nirmala amruthAmSu bimba amburuha ujjvala Sriyamwinning over the great radiance of a full, faultless moon and a freshly blossomed lotus flower
sthothra-rathnam-35prabudhdha mugdha ambuja chAru lOchanamOne who is having blossomed and fresh lotus flower like eyes
sthothra-rathnam-35savibhrama bhrUlatham< /td>one who is having divine eyebrows which are curved and look like a creeper
sthothra-rathnam-35ujjvala adharamone who is having very radiant divine lips
sthothra-rathnam-35Suchi smithamone who is having pure smile
sthothra-rathnam-35kOmaLa gaNdamone who is having beautiful cheeks
sthothra-rathnam-35unnasamone who is having raised nose
sthothra-rathnam-35lalAta paryantha vilambitha alakamhaving divine hairs which lean upto his divine forehead
sthothra-rathnam-36spurath krIta angadha hAra kaNtikA maNIndhra kAnchIguNa nUpura Adhibhi:with the ornaments such as shining crown, shoulder rings, necklace, divine neck chain, SrI kausthubha jewel, divine waist string, divine anklets etc
sthothra-rathnam-36rathAnga Sanka asi gadhA dhanurvarai:with weapons such as chakram (disc), conch, nAndhaka sword, kaumOdhakI mace, SArnga bow
sthothra-rathnam-36lasath thuLasyAhaving radiant thiruththuzhAy (thuLasi) (which shines due to coming in contact with you)
sthothra-rathnam-36vanamAlayAvanamAlA garland
sthothra-rathnam-37bhujAntharamdivine chest
sthothra-rathnam-37yasyAfor which pirAtti
sthothra-rathnam-37bhavanam chakarthayou mercifully made as residence
sthothra-rathnam-37yadhIya janmabhU:the divine milk ocean which is the birth place of pirAtti
sthothra-rathnam-37thavafor you
sthothra-rathnam-37priyam dhAmabecame a dear abode
sthothra-rathnam-37samastham jagathall of the world
sthothra-rathnam-37yath apAnga samSrayamdepends on whose gentle glance
sthothra-rathnam-37yadharthamfor whom
sthothra-rathnam-37ambhOdhithe ocean
sthothra-rathnam-37amanthi abandhiwas churned and had a bridge built on
sthothra-rathnam-38sva vaiSvarUpyENaIn his universal form
sthothra-rathnam-38anubhUthayA apieven when enjoyed
sthothra-rathnam-38guNEnawith the qualities
sthothra-rathnam-38rUpENawith the beautiful form
sthothra-rathnam-38vilAsa chEshtithai:nice activities
sthothra-rathnam-38apUrvavathlike new
sthothra-rathnam-38vismayam AdhadhAnayAone who amazes
sthothra-rathnam-38sadhAin all states (of bhagavAn such as param (in paramapadham), vyUham (kshIrAbdhi milk ocean), vibhavam (incarnations) and so on)
sthothra-rathnam-38thava Eva uchithayAmatching for you exclusively
sthothra-rathnam-38thava SriyAbeing your wealth.
sthothra-rathnam-39thayA sahawith that pirAtti
sthothra-rathnam-39prakrushta vigyAna bala Eka dhAmanione who is the abode of great knowledge and strength
sthothra-rathnam-39paNA maNi vrAtha mayUkha maNdala prakASa mAna udhara dhivya dhAmanione who is having the divine private quarters [of bhagavAn] in the middle portion (lap) which is shining brightly as a result of the light emitted from the precious stones in his hoods
sthothra-rathnam-39anantha bhOginion the divine form of thiruvananthAzhwAn
sthothra-rathnam-39AsInamdivinely resting
sthothra-rathnam-40nivAsa SayyA Asana pAdhukA amSuka upadhAna varshAthapa vAraNa Adhibhi:[AdhiSEsha] being the palace where emperumAn resides, being the bed where he rests, being the throne [where he sits], being the sandals [which he wears], being the garments [which he wears], being the pillow [which he embraces], being the umbrella which protects him from rain and shine, and assuming many other forms [for his service]
sthothra-rathnam-40yathOchithamas suitable for each situation
sthothra-rathnam-40thava SEshathAm gathai:in service for you
sthothra-rathnam-40SarIra bhEdhai:in many forms
sthothra-rathnam-40SEsha: ithi janai: IrithEbeing called by everyone as SEsha
sthothra-rathnam-40anantha bhOginion the divine form of thiruvananthAzhwAn
sthothra-rathnam-40AsInamdivinely resting
sthothra-rathnam-41thrayImaya:having vEdhams as limbs
sthothra-rathnam-41ya:that garudAzhwAn
sthothra-rathnam-41thEfor you
sthothra-rathnam-41vithAnamcanopy (which protects from shine)
sthothra-rathnam-41vyajanamwho is the chAmara (fan made of hairs from yak tail)
sthothra-rathnam-41thvath anghri sammardha giNa anga SObhinAshining due to being identified by the scars caused by pressing of your divine feet
sthothra-rathnam-41thEna garuthmathAby such garudAzhwAn
sthothra-rathnam-41pura: upasthithamworshipped in your divine presence
sthothra-rathnam-42thvadhIya bhuktha ujjitha SEsha bhOjinAone who eats the food remnants of what you ate
sthothra-rathnam-42thvayAby you
sthothra-rathnam-42nisrushta Athma bharENahaving been placed your burden/responsibility (of managing nithya vibhUthi (spiritual realm) and leelA vibhUthi (material realm))
sthothra-rathnam-42priyENadear to (all)
sthothra-rathnam-42sEnApathinAby vishvaksEna
sthothra-rathnam-42yath yathA nyavEdhiwhichever actions requested in any manner
sthothra-rathnam-42udhAra vIkshaNai:by your merciful glances
sthothra-rathnam-42thath thathA anujAnanthambeing the one who approves off those actions in the same manner
sthothra-rathnam-43hatha akhila klESa malai:without any suffering and blemish (of having [had] bondage in prakruthi (material realm))
sthothra-rathnam-43sadhA AnukUlyasa Ekarasai:always having kainkaryam (service [to you]) as the enjoyment
sthothra-rathnam-43thava uchithai:matching you
sthothra-rathnam-43gruhItha thath thath parichAra sAdhanai:Holding garlands, incense, lamp etc which are required for such kainkaryams
sthothra-rathnam-43sachivai:by nithyasUris who instruct you and engage in proper service
sthothra-rathnam-43yathOchithamaccording to [their/your] svarUpam (true nature)
sthothra-rathnam-43nishEvyamANamone who is being worshipped
sthothra-rathnam-44apUrva nAnArasa bhAva nirbhara prabadhdhayAwith many relishable aspects which are fresh (every moment)
sthothra-rathnam-44kshaNa aNuvath kshiptha para Adhi kAlayAbrahmAs life span being spent like a very small moment , etc.,
sthothra-rathnam-44mugdha vidhagdha leelayAby sports which are beautiful and skilful
sthothra-rathnam-44mahishImperiya pirAtti
sthothra-rathnam-44praharshayanthambeing the one who gives her joy
sthothra-rathnam-44mahAbhujamhaving huge arms (which are suitable to embrace periya pirAtt)
sthothra-rathnam-45achinthya dhivya adhbhutha nithya yauvana svabhAva lAvaNya maya amrutha udhadhimone who is having inconceivable, spiritual/divine, amazing, eternal youth naturally, and being an ocean of abundant beauty
sthothra-rathnam-45Sriya: SriyamBeing SrI (wealth) for SrI (SrI mahAlakshmi)
sthothra-rathnam-45bhaktha jana Eka jIvithambeing the life of his devotees
sthothra-rathnam-45samarthambeing capable (of making even less-intelligent person to experience him progressively)
sthothra-rathnam-45Apath sakhambeing a friend in need
sthothra-rathnam-45arthi kalpakambeing like a kalpaka vruksham (desire fulfilling tree) for those who seek out
sthothra-rathnam-46bhavantham Evayou only
sthothra-rathnam-46praSAntha niSSEsha manOrathAnthra:being relieved from all other attachments with the trace
sthothra-rathnam-46aikAnthika nithya kinkara:having eternal kainkaryam
sthothra-rathnam-46sanAtha jIvitha:living with a purpose
sthothra-rathnam-46kadhA aham praharshayishyAmiwhen I will please you only?
sthothra-rathnam-47paramapurushaOh purushOththama (supreme lord)!
sthothra-rathnam-47kAma vruththa: ya: ahamme who is popularly known to act according to (my own) whims and fancies
sthothra-rathnam-47yOgivarya agragaNyai:those who are considered as foremost among the best yOgis
sthothra-rathnam-47vidhi Siva sanaka Adhyai:brahmA, Siva, sanaka et al
sthothra-rathnam-47dhyAthumeven to think
sthothra-rathnam-47athyantha dhUrambeing very far
sthothra-rathnam-47thava parijana bhAvamservice to you
sthothra-rathnam-47avinIthamnot reformed (by an AchArya)
sthothra-rathnam-47(tham) mAm dhikI should condemn such me
sthothra-rathnam-48harE!Oh my saviour who eliminates the sorrows!
sthothra-rathnam-48aparAdha sahasra bhAjanambeing the abode of countless faults
sthothra-rathnam-48bhIma bhava arNava udharEin the terrible ocean of samsAra (material realm)
sthothra-rathnam-48agathimwithout any refuge (other than you)
sthothra-rathnam-48SaraNAgathamme who declares to be surrendered unto you
sthothra-rathnam-48kEvalam krupayAonly through your mercy
sthothra-rathnam-48AthmasAth kuruaccept as yours
sthothra-rathnam-49bhagavanOh bhagavAn who is filled with gyAnam (knowledge), Sakthi (power) etc [6 primary qualities]!
sthothra-rathnam-49achyuthaOh one who does not abandon your devotees!
sthothra-rathnam-49avivEka ghana antha dhingmukhEhaving directions which is covered with clouds of darkness
sthothra-rathnam-49bahudhAin many ways
sthothra-rathnam-49santhatha dhu:kha varshiNipouring down sorrows continuously
sthothra-rathnam-49bhava dhurdhinEthe rainy season darkness of samsAram (material realm)
sthothra-rathnam-49padha: skalithamfalling off from virtuous path
sthothra-rathnam-49avalOkayabless me with your kind glance.
sthothra-rathnam-50nAthaOh my lord!
sthothra-rathnam-50Ekam vigyApanama request
sthothra-rathnam-50SruNumercifully hear;
sthothra-rathnam-50na mrushA(this request) is not false;
sthothra-rathnam-50paramArtham Evatruth only;
sthothra-rathnam-50mEto me
sthothra-rathnam-50yadhi na dhayishyasEif you dont show your mercy
sthothra-rathnam-50thatha:after (losing me)
sthothra-rathnam-50thavafor you
sthothra-rathnam-50dhayanIya:qualified to receive your mercy
sthothra-rathnam-50dhurlabha:will not get
sthothra-rathnam-51bhagavanOh lord who is filled with knowledge!
sthothra-rathnam-51thvath ruthEother tha n you
sthothra-rathnam-51na nAthavAnwithout (any other) lord
sthothra-rathnam-51thavam chayou too
sthothra-rathnam-51math ruthE(anyone) other than me
sthothra-rathnam-51na dhayanIyavAnnot having the target of your mercy.
sthothra-rathnam-51vidhi nirmithamcaused by your mercy
sthothra-rathnam-51Ethadhanvayamthis relationship
sthothra-rathnam-51mA sma jIhapa:do not abandon
sthothra-rathnam-52vapurAdhishuamong SarIram (body) etc
sthothra-rathnam-52ya: api ka: api vAmay be any one
sthothra-rathnam-52yathA thathAvidha:may be of any nature
sthothra-rathnam-52asAnilet me be;
sthothra-rathnam-52[I have no restriction on such aspect.]
sthothra-rathnam-52ayam ahamI, this entity
sthothra-rathnam-52pAdha padhmayO:at your divine lotus feet
sthothra-rathnam-52adhyaivaright now
sthothra-rathnam-52mayAby me
sthothra-rathnam-53nAtha mAdhava!Oh emperumAn who is sarvasvAmi (lord of all) and lakshmI nAtha (divine consort of SrI mahAlakshmi)!
sthothra-rathnam-53mama yath asthiwhatever is owned by me
sthothra-rathnam-53ya: aham asmiI who am existing
sthothra-rathnam-53thath sakalamall of those
sthothra-rathnam-53thava Evaby you only
sthothra-rathnam-53niyatha svamalways owned
sthothra-rathnam-53prabudhdha dhI:me who knows this
sthothra-rathnam-53thEfor you
sthothra-rathnam-53kim nu samarpayAmiwhat can I submit?
sthothra-rathnam-54bhagavanOh my lord!
sthothra-rathnam-54mayiin me
sthothra-rathnam-54imAm bhadhIyathAmthis servitude
sthothra-rathnam-54avabOdhithavAnyou instructed (in the same manner)
sthothra-rathnam-54svayam krupayAby your unconditional grace
sthothra-rathnam-54Ethath anya bhOgyathAmthe sweetness of which is found in nothing else
sthothra-rathnam-54bhakthim apidevotion [towards you] as well
sthothra-rathnam-54mE prayachchakindly bestow me.
sthothra-rathnam-55dhAsya sukha Eka sanginAmthose who are engaged in the joy of servitude
sthothra-rathnam-55bhavanEshuin their divine palace (residence)
sthothra-rathnam-55mEfor me
sthothra-rathnam-55kIta janma apieven to be born as a worm
sthothra-rathnam-55asthushould occur.
sthothra-rathnam-55ithara AvasathEshuthe residence of others
sthothra-rathnam-55chathurmukha AthmanA janma apieven to be born as brahmA
sthothra-rathnam-55mEfor me
sthothra-rathnam-55mA sma bhUthshall not occur.
sthothra-rathnam-56yadh viraha:the separation of those great vaishNavas
sthothra-rathnam-56thEfor you
sthothra-rathnam-56kshaNE apieven for a moment
sthothra-rathnam-56athi dhussaha:very intolerable
sthothra-rathnam-56thvath AkAra vilOkana ASayAto the desire of seeing your divine form
sthothra-rathnam-56thruNIkrutha anuththama bhukthi mukthibhi:those who have great pleasures and liberation and consider themselves to be as good as a blade of grass
sthothra-rathnam-56(thai:) mahAthmabhi:(by those) great vaishNavas
sthothra-rathnam-56avalOkyathAmto be mercifully glanced by them
sthothra-rathnam-56mAm nayamake me qualified
sthothra-rathnam-57nAtha!Oh my lord!
sthothra-rathnam-57thava SEshathva vibhavAth bahirbhUthamoutside the wealth of being surrendered to you
sthothra-rathnam-57kshaNam api na sahEwill not tolerate even for a moment;
sthothra-rathnam-57prANAn(in the same manner) vital airs
sthothra-rathnam-57na sahEwill not tolerate even for a moment;
sthothra-rathnam-57aSEsha abhilashitham sukham cha na sahEwill not tolerate those pleasures which are desired by everyone;
sthothra-rathnam-57AthmAnam cha na sahEwill not tolerate even my own AthmA (self) which is devoid of servitude;
sthothra-rathnam-57SathadhA vinASAm yAthulet (all these aspects which are devoid of servitude) disappear.
sthothra-rathnam-57madhumadhana!Oh my lord who killed madhu (the demon)!
sthothra-rathnam-57thath sathyamthis is the truth;
sthothra-rathnam-57idham vigyApanamthis is (my) request.
sthothra-rathnam-58dhayAsindhO!Oh my lord who is an ocean of mercy!
sthothra-rathnam-58bandhO!Oh one who is all types of relationships to me!
sthothra-rathnam-58niravadhika vAthsalya jaladhE!Oh one who is like an ocean for boundless motherly love!
sthothra-rathnam-58apari haraNIyasyaimpossible to eliminate
sthothra-rathnam-58mahatha: aSubhasyagreat sin
sthothra-rathnam-58Aspadham apithough being the abode
sthothra-rathnam-58guNa gaNamgroups of auspicious qualities
sthothra-rathnam-58smAram smAramremembering again and again
sthothra-rathnam-58gatha bhI:being fearless
sthothra-rathnam-58ithi ichchAmiI am desiring in this way
sthothra-rathnam-59dharaNidhara!Oh emperumAn who lifted up the earth (in your varAha avathAram, from rasAthala)
sthothra-rathnam-59rajas thamaS channa: (aham)this servitor who is covered by rajO guNam (passion) and thamO guNam (ignorance)
sthothra-rathnam-59Evam anichchan apithough I dont have the desire
sthothra-rathnam-59ithi ichchan ivalike the one who who has true desire
sthothra-rathnam-59chathma sthuthi vachana bhangImdeceitful praises
sthothra-rathnam-59yadhi puna: arachayam thathA apieven if I engaged in
sthothra-rathnam-59iththam rUpamthis type of
sthothra-rathnam-59avalambya apiconsidering as the reason
sthothra-rathnam-59krupayAout of mercy
sthothra-rathnam-59thvam Evayou only
sthothra-rathnam-59Evam bhUtham mE mana: Sikshayayou should mercifully reform such mind of mine.
sthothra-rathnam-60jagathAmfor the worlds
sthothra-rathnam-60pithA thvamyou are the father;
sthothra-rathnam-60mAthA thvamyou are the mother;
sthothra-rathnam-60dhayitha thanaya: thvamyou are the beloved son;
sthothra-rathnam-60priya suhruth thvam Evayou are the beloved well-wisher;
sthothra-rathnam-60thvam mithramyou are the dependable friend (with whom confidential matters can be shared);
sthothra-rathnam-60guru: asiyou are the AchArya (teacher);
sthothra-rathnam-60gathiScha asiyou are the upAyam (means) (and upEyam (goal));
sthothra-rathnam-60ahamand, I am
sthothra-rathnam-60thvath bruthya:your slave;
sthothra-rathnam-60thava parijana:your servitor;
sthothra-rathnam-60thvath gathi:one who has you alone as the ultimate goal;
sthothra-rathnam-60prapanna: chaone who has you as the means;
sthothra-rathnam-60Evam sathithis being the case
sthothra-rathnam-60thava Evaby you only
sthothra-rathnam-60bhara: asmi hiam I not to be protected?
sthothra-rathnam-61SaraNadhaOh my lord who bestows refuge!
sthothra-rathnam-61jagathiin this world
sthothra-rathnam-61kyAtha yaSasAmwell known to be famous
sthothra-rathnam-61yukthAnAmwho desire to be together with you
sthothra-rathnam-61guNa purusha thathva sthithi vidhAmwho are well aware of the nature and characteristics of achith (insentient entities) and chith (sentient entities)
sthothra-rathnam-61nisargAth Evanaturally
sthothra-rathnam-61thvath charaNa kamala EkAntha manasAmgreat personalities whose minds are exclusively engaged in your divine feet
sthothra-rathnam-61mahathi vamSEgreat family lineage
sthothra-rathnam-61janithvAthough being born
sthothra-rathnam-61pApAthmAbeing sins personified
sthothra-rathnam-61thamasiin material nature
sthothra-rathnam-61adha: adha;deep down
sthothra-rathnam-62amaryAdha:one who crossed the boundaries of vEdham
sthothra-rathnam-62kshudhra:desirous of lowly matters
sthothra-rathnam-62chala mathi;having a wavering mind
sthothra-rathnam-62asUyA prasava bhU:the origin of jealousy (which sees the good qualities of others as faults)
sthothra-rathnam-62kruthagna:doing bad to even the one who does good to me [i.e., being ungrateful]
sthothra-rathnam-62dhurmAnIhaving pride/ego which must be given up
sthothra-rathnam-62smara para vaSa:addicted to lust
sthothra-rathnam-62nruSamsa:engaged in cruel acts
sthothra-rathnam-62pApishta:engrossed in sins
sthothra-rathnam-62dhu:kha jaladhE:ocean of sorrows
sthothra-rathnam-62uththIrNa:reaching the shore
sthothra-rathnam-62thava charaNayO:at your divine feet
sthothra-rathnam-62katham paricharEyamHow am I going to serve?
sthothra-rathnam-63raghuvara!Oh one who appeared as SrI rAma, the best among the raghu kula kings!
sthothra-rathnam-63thAdhruSa: vAyasasyawith respect to kAkAsura who committed such (big) off ense
sthothra-rathnam-63praNatha: ithiconsidering him to be a SaraNAgatha (one who surrendered)
sthothra-rathnam-63dhayALu: abhU: yathdid you not show him your mercy?
sthothra-rathnam-63mugdha! krishNa!Oh krishNa who doesnt know [care for] any defects!
sthothra-rathnam-63prathibhavambirth after birth
sthothra-rathnam-63apArAdhdhu:one who committed offenses
sthothra-rathnam-63chaidhyasyasisupAla who belongs to chEdhi kula (clan)
sthothra-rathnam-63sAyujyadha: abhU; cha yathyou blessed him liberation;
sthothra-rathnam-63thasya thEsuch [compassionate] your,
sthothra-rathnam-63Aga:pApam (sin)
sthothra-rathnam-63kim asthiwhat is there?
sthothra-rathnam-63vadha(you yourself) should mercifully explain.
sthothra-rathnam-64nAtha!Oh my lord!
sthothra-rathnam-64sakruth Eva prapanna:saying I have surrendered unto you once
sthothra-rathnam-64aham thava asmi ithi chaand saying I should exclusively serve you
sthothra-rathnam-64yAchamAna: (aham)I who am praying
sthothra-rathnam-64prathigyAm smaratha: thavato you who are thinking about the vow (which you declared towards vibhIshaNa at the seashore [before the rAma rAvaNa battle])
sthothra-rathnam-64nanu anukampya:deserve to receive your mercy;
sthothra-rathnam-64thE itham vrathamthis vow of your highness
sthothra-rathnam-64math Eka varjam kimdoes it exclude just me?
sthothra-rathnam-65math vruththammy conduct
sthothra-rathnam-65achinthayithvAwithout considering
sthothra-rathnam-65akruthrima thvath charaNa aravindha prEma prakasha avadhimone who is the epitome of natural love towards your divine lotus feet
sthothra-rathnam-65Athmavanthamone who is self realised
sthothra-rathnam-65pithAmahamone who is my grand father
sthothra-rathnam-65vilOkyaseeing him
sthothra-rathnam-65prasIdhamercifully pardon (me)

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