Glossary/Dictionary by word – Sri bhagavath githA – Chapter 11 to 18

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< td>11.13 thathraikastham jagath kruthsnam< td>as it is (understood by me)
abhakthAyafor one who is not devoted (towards you and me)18.67 idham thE nAthapaskAya
abhAshathaspoke as follows11.14 thatha: sa vismayAvishtO
abhayamfearlessness16.1 abhayam sathvasamSudhdhi:
abhidhAsyathiexplains (he)18.68 ya idha paramam guhyam
abhidhIyathEsaid as18.11 na hi dhEhabhruthA Sakyam
abhidhIyathEsaid.13.1 idham SarIram kaunthEya
abhidhIyathEsaid.17.27 yagyE thapasi dhAnE cha
abhidhIyathEsaid.17.27 yagyE thapasi dhAnE cha
abhijAnAthiknows;18.55 bhakthyA mAm abhijAnAthi
abhijvalanthi vakthrANiblazing mouths11.29 yathA pradhIptha jvalana pathangA
abhiratha:involved18.45 svE svE karmaNyabhiratha:
abhyadhika: kutha:how can there be a person who is greater than you?11.43 pithA-si lOkasya charAcharasya
abhyarchyaworship18.46 yatha: pravruththir bhUthAnAm
abhyAsa yOgEnaby training your thoughts (in me who is having auspicious qualities) with great devotion (the heart/mind will become fixed in me)12.9 atha chiththam samAdhAthum
abhyAsAthbetter than devotion towards bhagavAn (without true love)12.12 SrEyO hi gyAnam abhyAsAj
abhyAsE api asamartha asiif you lack the ability to train your mind in me12.10 abhyAsEpyasamarthOsi
abhyasUyakA:having jealousy (to blame me with their cunning ways)16.18 ahankAram balam dharpam
abhyasUyathiwho hates (to him too)18.67 idham thE nAthapaskAya
achalamnever slipping from its true nature12.3 yE thvaksharam anirdhESyam
achApalamnot even desiring for the aspects which are in reach16.2 ahimsA sathyam akrOdhas
AchAra: api na vidhyathEholy conduct (sandhyA vandhanam etc which brings in such purity) is not present;16.7 pravruththim cha nivruththim cha
acharam charam Eva cha(naturally) unmoving, yet moving (due to being connected with a body)13.15 bahir anthaS cha bhUthAnAm
AchArya upAsanamserving the AchArya (teacher, who teaches about AthmA)13.7 amAnithvam adhambhithvam
achEthasa:being ignorant17.6 karSayantha: SarIrastham
achEthasa:not having the heart (to see the AthmA)15.11 yathanthO yOginaS chainam
achinthyam chainconceivable12.3 yE thvaksharam anirdhESyam
achyuthaOh achyutha!18.73 nashtO mOha: smruthirlabdhA
achyutha!Oh one who does not abandon the devotees!11.42 yachchAvahAsArtham asathkruthOsi
adha: manushyalOkE chain the manushya lOka (earth), which is below15.2 adhaS cha mUlAnyanusanthathAni
adhakshiNamdevoid of offerings [to the brAhamaNas et al]17.13 vidhihInam asrushtAnnam
adhamAm gathim yAnthiattain lower states16.20 AsurIm yOnim ApannA
adhambhithvamnot engaging in charity for fame13.7 amAnithvam adhambhithvam
adharmam dharmam ithi manyathEconfusing adharmam to be dharmam18.32 adharmam dharmam ithi yA
adhaS cha Urdhvam prasruthA:spreading below as well as above15.1.5 adhaS chOrdhvam prasruthAs thasya SAkhA
adhaS SAkhamhaving the well spread out branches at the bottom15.1 UrdhvamUlam adha:SAkham
adhESa kAlEwrong place and time17.22 adhESakAlE yadh dhAnam
Adhi dhEvabeing the original lord11.37 and 11.37.5 anantha dEvESa jagannivAsa
Adhi: chathe beginning (of this tree)15.2.5 na rUpam asyEha thathOpalabhyathE
adhigachchathireaches14.19 nAnyam guNEbhya: karthAram
adhigachchathiwill attain18.49 asakthabudhdhi: sarvathra
adhikathara:more than those of gyAnis12.5 klESOdhikatharas thEshAm
adhishtAnamthe body18.14 adhishtAnam thathA karthA
adhishtAyaengaging them in their respective sense such as hearing, sight, touch, taste and smell15.9 SrOthram chakshu: sparSanam cha
Adhithya gathampresent in the sun15.12 yadhAdhithyagatham thEjO
AdhithyAn(12) Adhithyas (sons of adhithi)11.6 paSyAdhithyAn vasUn rudhrAn
adhO gachchanthiattain very lowly births (due to increased ignorance).14.18 Urdhvam gachchanthi sathvasthA:
adhrOha:not interfering in the noble actions of others16.3 thEja: kshamA dhruthi: Saucham
adhrushta pUrvamthe amazing form which has never been seen before11.45 adhrushtapUrvam hrushithOsmi dhrushtvA
adhrushta pUrvANinever seen before (by any one anywhere)11.6 paSyAdhithyAn vasUn rudhrAn
adhruvamimpermanent17.18 sathkAra mAna pUjArtham
adhyanow16.13 idham adhya mayA labdham
adhya paSyabehold11.7 ihaikastham jagath kruthsnam
Adhyambeing the origin of everything (other than me)11.47 mayA prasannEna thavArjunEdham
Adhyambeing the primeval lord for everything15.4 tham Eva chAdhyam purusham prapadhyEdh
Adhyam bhavanthamabout you who are the original cause11.31 AkhyAhi mE kO bhavAn ugrarUpO
adhyAthma gyAna nithyathvamalways engaging in the pursuit of knowledge about AthmA13.11 adhyAthmagyAnanithyathvam
adhyAthma nithyA:being focussed on AthmagyAnam (knowledge about self) always15.5 nirmAnamOhA jithasangadhOshA
adhyAthma samjitham vacha:the instructions (in the first six chapters) which described everything about AthmA11.1 mad-anugrahāya paramaṁ
adhyEshyathErecites18.70 adhyEshyathE cha ya imam
AgathA:having attained14.2 idham gyAnam upASrithya
agni:as agni (deity for fire)11.38.5 vAyur yamOgnir varuNa: SaSAnka:
agni: ivalike fire (which is surrounded)18.48 sahajam karma kaunthEya
agrEin the beginning stages (of enjoyment)18.38 vishayEndhriyasamyOgAdh
agrEwhile commencing (the yOga)18.37 yath thadhagrE visham iva
agrE chain the beginning18.39 yadhagrE chAnubandhE cha
agyAam (Ahu:)said [by those who know the nature of thamO guNam] that it leads to further ignorance only.14.16 karmaNa: sukruthasyAhu:
AgyAhiplease tell me11.31 AkhyAhi mE kO bhavAn ugrarUpO
agyAna jamcaused by misunderstanding the nature of entities14.8 thamas thvagyAnajam vidhdhi
agyAna sammOha:the bewilderment rooted in ignorance18.72 kachchidhEthachrutham pArtha
agyAna vimOhithA:these (demoniac) people become bewildered due to ignorance (of thinking that they are performing yagya etc on their own without the mercy of the lord).16.15 AdyObhijanavAn asmi
agyAnamignorance (in understanding the truth and what is to be done and not to be done)16.4 dhambhO dharpOthimAnaS cha
agyAnamis a hurdle in acquiring knowledge about self13.11 adhyAthmagyAnanithyathvam
agyAnam Eva cha(as a result of that) ignorance also is created;14.17 sathvAth sanjAyathE gyAnam
ahamI11.42 yachchAvahAsArtham asathkruthOsi
ahamI11.44 thasmAth praNamya praNidhAya kAyam
ahamI11.46 kirItinam gadhinam chakrahastham
ahamI11.53 nAham vEdhair na thapasA
ahamI11.54 bhakthyA thvananyayA Sakya
ahamI12.7 thEshAm aham samudhdharthA
ahamI15.13 gAm AviSya cha bhUthAni
ahamI15.14 aham vaiSvAnarO bhUthvA
ahamI15.15 sarvasya chAham hrudhi sannivishtO
ahamI15.18 yasmAth ksharam athIthoham
ahamI16.19 thAn aham dvishatha: krUrAn
ahamI18.66 sarvadharmAn parithyajya
ahamI18.75 vyAsaprasAdhAth SruthavAn
ahamI18.75 vyAsaprasAdhAth SruthavAn
ahamI am14.4 sarva yOnishu kaunthEya
ahamI am14.27 brahmaNO hi prathishtAham
aham abhijanavAn asmiI am naturally having high family heritage;16.15 AdyObhijanavAn asmi
aham Adya: asmiI am naturally wealthy;16.15 AdyObhijanavAn asmi
aham aSraushamI heard18.74 ithyaham vAsudhEvasya
aham balavAnI am powerful;16.14 asau mayA hatha: Sathrur
aham bhOgII am the enjoyer of everything;16.14 asau mayA hatha: Sathrur
aham dhAsyAmiWith my own ability, I am giving charitable donations;16.15 AdyObhijanavAn asmi
aham EvaI am only15.15 sarvasya chAham hrudhi sannivishtO
aham EvaI am only.15.15 sarvasya chAham hrudhi sannivishtO
aham ISvara:I am the controller of everyone;16.14 asau mayA hatha: Sathrur
aham mOdhishyEWith my own ability, I am being joyful through these fame etc;16.15 AdyObhijanavAn asmi
aham sidhdha:I am all capable;16.14 asau mayA hatha: Sathrur
aham sukhII am naturally joyful.16.14 asau mayA hatha: Sathrur
aham yakshyEWith my own ability, I am performing yagya;16.15 AdyObhijanavAn asmi
ahankAra:bhUthAdhi (which is the cause for those elements)13.5 mahAbhUthAnyahankArO
ahankAramconsidering dhEham (body) to be AthmA (self)18.53 ahankAram balam dharpam
ahankAramego (of thinking that everything can be accomplished on their own)16.18 ahankAram balam dharpam
ahankAram ASrithyaConsidering -I can myself determine good and bad- (foregoing my ordainment)18.59 yadhyahankAram ASrithya
ahankArAnwith the pride of thinking yourself to be all-knowing18.58 atha chEth thvam ahankArAn
AhArA:food items17.8 Ayu:sathva balArOgya
AhArA:food items17.9 katvamlalavaNAthyushNa
Ahara: apifood too17.7 AhAras thvapi sarvasya
ahEthukamwithout any reason (to engage in this manner)18.22 yath thu kruthsnavadh Ekasmin
ahimsAnot harming any creature16.2 ahimsA sathyam akrOdhas
ahimsAnot harming anyone with the three faculties (mind, speech and actions)13.7 amAnithvam adhambhithvam
ahimsA chanot harming other beings17.14 dhEvadhvijaguruprAgyA
AhO raja:or is it in rajO guNam (passion)?17.1 yE SAsthravidhim uthsrujya
AhO thama:or is it in thamO guNam ignorance?17.1 yE SAsthravidhim uthsrujya
aikAnthikasya sukhasya cha (prathishtA)And, I am the means for the bliss attained by a gyAni.14.27 brahmaNO hi prathishtAham
aiSvaramexclusive to him11.9 Evam ukthvA thathO rAjan
aiSvaramhaving glories such as being the controller of all11.3 Evam EthadhyathAththa thvam
ajAna thA mayAby me who was ignorant of11.41 sakhEthi mathvA prasabham yadhuktham
ajasramcontinuously16.19 thAn aham dvishatha: krUrAn
akarthAram chanot the doer of those actions13.29 prakruthyaiva cha karmANi
AkASamether13.32 yathA sarvagatham saukshmyAdh
akhilam jagathall the worlds15.12 yadhAdhithyagatham thEjO
AkhyAthamwas explained;18.63 ithi thE gyAnam AkhyAtham
akrOdha:not having anger (which leads to harming others)16.2 ahimsA sathyam akrOdhas
akrutha budhdhithvAthnot having the knowledge dawned on him (through SAsthram which teaches about self)18.16 thathraivam sathi karthAram
akruthAthmana:not having purity in their mind (and due to that)15.11 yathanthO yOginaS chainam
akshara:akshara purusha15.16 dhvAvimau purushau lOkE
aksharam(who worship) the jIvAthmA (self)12.1 Evam sathathayukthA yE
aksharamthe bound souls (who are attached to this primordial matter)11.37 and 11.37.5 anantha dEvESa jagannivAsa
aksharam (tham)that jIvAthmA12.3 yE thvaksharam anirdhESyam
aksharAth apithan akshara purusha (liberated souls)15.18 yasmAth ksharam athIthoham
akuSalam karmapApa karma (sinful deed), which gives unfavourable result and is thus undesirable18.10 na dhveshtyakuSalam karma
alasa:lethargic in the karma which he started18.28 ayuktha: prAkrutha: sthabdha:
alOlupthvambeing detached from worldly matters16.2 ahimsA sathyam akrOdhas
alpa budhdhaya:being small-minded (not being able to differentiate between the body which is known and the soul which is the knower)16.9 EthAm dhrushtim avashtabhya
alpam chabeing very lowly18.22 yath thu kruthsnavadh Ekasmin
amalAnbeing free from the fault of being ignorant14.14 yadhA sathvE pravrudhdhE thu
amAnithvamnot disrespecting elders13.7 amAnithvam adhambhithvam
amEdhyamfood which is not offered in yAgam [thiruvArAdhanam]17.10 yAthayAmam gatharasam
amI naralOkha vIrAthe warriors of this world11.28 yathA nadhInAm bahavOmbuvEgA:
amI sarvE dhrutharAshtrasya puthrA:the hundred sons of dhrutharAshtra who are seen across us11.26 amI cha thvAm dhrutharAshtrasya puthrA:
amI sura sanghA:these groups of dhEvathAs11.21 amI hi thvAm surasanghA viSanthi
amitha vikrama: thvamyou who are having immeasurable prowess11.40 ananthavIryAmithavikramas thvam
amrutham aSnuthEattaining the imperishable state [of AthmA]13.12 gyEyam yath thath pravakshyAmi
amrutham aSnuthEenjoys the immortal self14.20 guNAn EthAn athIthya thrIn
amruthayaimmortal14.27 brahmaNO hi prathishtAham
amruthOpamamsweet like nectar (due to enjoying the true nature of AthmA)18.37 yath thadhagrE visham iva
amUdA:being relieved from all misunderstandings (on dhEham and AthmA)15.5 nirmAnamOhA jithasangadhOshA
anabhishvanga:being free from attachment13.9 asakthir anabhishvanga:
anAdhibeginningless (and endless)13.12 gyEyam yath thath pravakshyAmi
anAdhi madhya anthamhaving no beginning, middle and end11.19 anAdhimadhyAntham ananthavIryam
anAdhI vidhdhiknow them to be together since time immemorial13.19 prakruthim purusham chaiva
anAdhithvAthsince he is beginningless and not created (at a point in time)13.31 anAdhithvAn nirguNathvAth
anaghaOh faultless [arjuna]!14.6 thathra sathvam nirmalathvAth
anaghaOh sinless!15.20 ithi guhyathamam SAsthram
anaham vAdhIwithout the prideful think ing “I am the doer”18.26 mukthasangOnahamvAdhI
anahankAra: Eva chanot considering dhEham (body) as AthmA (soul)13.8 indhriyArthEshu vairAgyam
anAmayambestows healthy life.14.6 thathra sathvam nirmalathvAth
ananthaOh one who is not bound by three aspects (place, time and entity)!11.37 and 11.37.5 anantha dEvESa jagannivAsa
anantha bAhumhaving unlimited arms11.19 anAdhimadhyAntham ananthavIryam
anantha rUpaOh one with limitless forms!11.38 vEththA-si vEdhyam cha param cha dhAma
anantha rUpamhaving countless forms11.16 anEkabAhUdharavakthranEthram
anantha vIryaOh one who is having infinite energy!11.40 ananthavIryAmithavikramas thvam
anantha vIryamhaving unlimited energy11.19 anAdhimadhyAntham ananthavIryam
ananthamendless11.47 mayA prasannEna thavArjunEdham
ananthamunbound by place and time11.11 dhivya mAlyAmbaradharam
anantharamsubsequently12.12 SrEyO hi gyAnam abhyAsAj
ananya yOgEnadue to not engaging with any one else13.10 mayi chAnanyayOgEna
ananyayA bhakthyA thuonly by svayam prayOjana bhakthi (selfless exclusive bhakthi)11.54 bhakthyA thvananyayA Sakya
ananyEna yOgEna Evaby yOga which does not seek any other goal12.6 yE thu sarvANi karmANi
anapEksha:not desiring anything other than AthmA12.16 anapEksha: Suchir dhaksha
anasUyu: chabeing free from envy18.71 SradhdhAvAn anasUyaScha
anavEkshyawithout analysing18.25 anubandham kshayam himsAm
anEka adhubhutha dharSanamhaving amazing view of unlimited glories11.10 anEka vakthra nayanam
anEka chiththa vibhrAnthA:being tossed about by various thoughts16.16 anEkachiththavibhrAnthA
anEka dhivya AbharaNamhaving many divine ornaments11.10 anEka vakthra nayanam
anEka vakthra nayanamhaving countless mouths and eyes11.10 anEka vakthra nayanam
anEka varNamhaving many colours11.24 nabhasspruSam dhIptham anEkavarNam
anEkabAhUdharavakthranEthramhaving countless hands, stomachs, mouths, eyes11.16 anEkabAhUdharavakthranEthram
anEkadhA pravibhakthamdivided out in many ways11.13 thathraikastham jagath kruthsnam
anEna Eva sva chakshushAwith these eyes of yours11.8 na thu mAm SakyasE dhrashtum
anikEtha:being detached from home etc12.19 thulyanindhAsthuthir maunI
anirdhESyamindefinable (due to being different from body, and cannot be said as dhEva, manushya etc)12.3 yE thvaksharam anirdhESyam
anishtamnaraka etc which give sorrow (to the one who performs the karma)18.12 anishtam ishtam miSram cha
antha: chathe end (of this tree)15.2.5 na rUpam asyEha thathOpalabhyathE
antha: SarIrastham mAm cha Evathe AthmA which resides in that body and is my amSam [a body/form]17.6 karSayantha: SarIrastham
anthikE chait stands very near (for those who have qualities such as amAnithvam etc)13.15 bahir anthaS cha bhUthAnAm
anubandhamthe sorrow which follows18.25 anubandham kshayam himsAm
anubandhE chaand subsequently18.39 yadhagrE chAnubandhE cha
anudhvEgakaramnot causing hatred in others17.15 anudhvEgakaram vAkyam
anumanthAallowing/meditating (the actions of the body)13.22 upadhrashtAnumanthA cha
anupakAriNEfor the one who should not be expected to return the favour17.20 dhAthavyam ithi yadh dhAnam
anurajyathE charevel in that;11.36 sthAnE hrushIkESa thava prakIrthyA
anusanthathAnispread.15.2 adhaS cha mUlAnyanusanthathAni
anya:distinct (from previously explained kshara and akshara purushas)15.17 uththama: purushas thvanya:
anyAn yOdhamukhyAn apiother warrior leaders11.34 dhrONam cha bhIshmam cha jayadhratham ca
anyAyEnathrough wrong means16.12 ASApASaSathair badhdhA:
anyEothers who are different from the aforementioned two categories of people17.4 yajanthE sAthvikA dhEvAn
anyEsome others (who are not experts in yOga)13.24 dhyAnEnAthmani paSyanthi
anyE thusome others13.25 anyE thvEvam ajAnantha:
anyEbhya:from gyAnis (the wise ones)13.25 anyE thvEvam ajAnantha:
apahAsArthamas teasing11.42 yachchAvahAsArtham asathkruthOsi
apaiSuthamavoiding slander (which causes harm to others)16.2 ahimsA sathyam akrOdhas
apalAkAkshibhi:being detached from the results17.17 SradhdhayA parayA thaptham
apalakAnkshAbhi:by those who have no expectation in the result17.11 apalAkAnkshibhir yagyO
apalaprEpsunA (krutham)done by one who is not attached to the result18.23 niyatham sangarahitham
aparAn api cha (SathrUn)and many other enemies16.14 asau mayA hatha: Sathrur
aparaspara sambhUtham-that which is not created by mutual union (of male and female)16.8 asathyam aprathishtam thE
aparE chayet others13.24 dhyAnEnAthmani paSyanthi
aparE cha (manIshiNa:)Some other learned persons18.3 thyAjyam dhOshavadhithyEkE
aparimEyAmimmeasurable16.11 chinthAm aparimEyAm cha
apaSyathsaw11.13 thathraikastham jagath kruthsnam
apAthrEbhya: chawrong recipient17.22 adhESakAlE yadh dhAnam
apOhanam chaforgetfulness15.15 sarvasya chAham hrudhi sannivishtO
aprakASa:absence of knowledge14.13 aprakASOpravruththiS cha
apramEyamimmeasurable11.17 kirItinam gadhinam chakrinam cha
apramEyam thvAmimmeasurable you11.42 yachchAvahAsArtham asathkruthOsi
aprathima prabhAvaOh one with incomparable greatness!11.43 pithA-si lOkasya charAcharasya
apravruththi: chalaziness14.13 aprakASOpravruththiS cha
Apuryafilled11.30 lElihyasE grasamAna: samanthAth
ArabhyathEcommenced18.25 anubandham kshayam himsAm
arAgadhvEshatha: kruthamnot done with desire for fame or hatred for condemnation18.23 niyatham sangarahitham
Arjavamacting in harmony with the mind17.14 dhEvadhvijaguruprAgyA
Arjavambeing harmonious towards others in one-s mind, body and speech18.42 SamO dhamas thapa: Saucham
Arjavamhaving all three faculties (mind, speech and actions) in harmony towards others13.7 amAnithvam adhambhithvam
Arjavamhaving the mind, speech and actions in harmony16.1 abhayam sathvasamSudhdhi:
arjunaOh arjuna!11.47 mayA prasannEna thavArjunEdham
arjunaOh arjuna!18.9 kAryam ithyEva yath karma
arjunaOh arjuna!18.61 ISvara: sarvabhUthAnAm
arjuna uvAchaarjuna asked12.1 Evam sathathayukthA yE
arjuna uvAchaarjuna said11.1 mad-anugrahāya paramaṁ
arjuna uvAchaarjuna said11.51 dhrushtvEdham mAnusham rUpam
arjuna uvAchaarjuna says18.73 nashtO mOha: smruthirlabdhA
arjuna uvAchaarjuna spoke11.15 paSyAmi dhEvAms thava dhEva dhEhE
arjuna uvAchaarjuna spoke14.21 kair lingais thri guNAn EthAn
arjuna uvAchaarjuna spoke17.1 yE SAsthravidhim uthsrujya
arjunamtowards arjuna11.50 ithyarjunam vAsudhEvas thathOkthvA
artha sanjayAncollection of wealth16.12 ASApASaSathair badhdhA:
ASA pASa Sathai: badhdhA:being bound by hundreds of ropes known as desires16.12 ASApASaSathair badhdhA:
asadhgrAhAnwealth earned through unlawful means16.10 kAmam ASrithya dhushpUram
asaktha budhdhi:without attachment18.49 asakthabudhdhi: sarvathra
asaktham(naturally) not connected to different types of bodies such as dhEva (celestial), manushya (human), thiryak (animal) and sthAvara (plant)13.14 sarvEndhriyaguNAbhAsam
asakthi:not having attachment (in matters other than the soul)13.9 asakthir anabhishvanga:
aSama:not controlling the senses14.12 lObha: pravruththir Arambha:
asammUda:without any confusion15.19 yO mAm Evam asammUdO
asamSaya:this is doubtless.18.68 ya idha paramam guhyam
asanga SasthrENaweapon of detachment (in worldly pleasures made of the three qualities)15.3 aSvaththam Enam suvirUdamUlam
aSAsthra vihithamthat which is not ordained in SAsthram17.5 aSAsthravihitham ghOram
asathprimordial matter which is in unmanifested state, without name and form11.37 and 11.37.5 anantha dEvESa jagannivAsa
asath ithi uchyathEis said to be as -asath-;17.28 aSradhdhayA hutham dhaththam
asath kruthamdisrespecting the recipient17.22 adhESakAlE yadh dhAnam
asathyam aprathishtam anISvaram Ahu:not saying that -is pervaded by brahmam (lord), supported by brahmam and controlled by brahmam-;16.8 asathyam aprathishtam thE
asau Sathru:this (my) enemy16.14 asau mayA hatha: Sathrur
ASavAsayam Asa chaalso consoled him.11.50 ithyarjunam vAsudhEvas thathOkthvA
ASayAth(from) objects (such as fragrant flower etc)15.8 SarIram yadhavApnOthi
AScharyANiamazing [view]11.6 paSyAdhithyAn vasUn rudhrAn
aSEshatha: thyakthumto abandon fully18.11 na hi dhEhabhruthA Sakyam
aSEshENa SruNulisten (as it is).18.29 budhdhEr bhedham dhruthES chaiva
aSEshENa vimruSyaanalysing fully18.63 ithi thE gyAnam AkhyAtham
asmadhIyai: api yOdhamukhyai:along with some warriors from our side too11.26 amI cha thvAm dhrutharAshtrasya puthrA:
asmin dhEhE(present) in this body13.22 upadhrashtAnumanthA cha
asmin dhEhEin this (material) body14.11 sarvadhvArEshu dhEhEsmin
asmin lOkEin this world of [materialistic] actions16.6 dhvau bhUthasargau lOkEsmin
aSradhdhayA kruthamperformed without faith17.28 aSradhdhayA hutham dhaththam
ASrithyaholding on to16.10 kAmam ASrithya dhushpUram
asrushtAnnamhaving materials which are earned by unrighteous means17.13 vidhihInam asrushtAnnam
Asthikyamhaving total faith in whatever is explained by vEdham to be truth18.42 SamO dhamas thapa: Saucham
aSubhA:being inauspicious16.9 EthAm dhrushtim avashtabhya
aSubhAnbeing inauspicious16.19 thAn aham dvishatha: krUrAn
aSuchau narakE pathanthifall into the unclean hellish regions16.16 anEkachiththavibhrAnthA
aSuchi :being impure (lacking the purity which is required to perform the karma)18.27 rAgI karmapalaprEpsur
aSuchi vrathA:with penances which are not sanctioned in SAsthram16.10 kAmam ASrithya dhushpUram
Asura Eva chaand belongs to asuras16.6 dhvau bhUthasargau lOkEsmin
AsurA: janA:the persons who are in demoniac category16.7 pravruththim cha nivruththim cha
Asuramthe conduct of asuras16.6 dhvau bhUthasargau lOkEsmin
AsuraniSchayAn vidhdhi:know to be having demoniac nature (of opposing my orders)17.6 karSayantha: SarIrastham
AsurI (sampath)the wealth of asuras (which is, violating my orders)16.4.5 dhaivI sampadh vimOkshAya
AsurIm sampadham abhijAthasyaIn those who have the wealth of asuras (that is, violating the orders of bhagavAn)16.4 dhambhO dharpOthimAnaS cha
AsurIm yOnim ApannA:(as explained in previous SlOkam) these people, having attained demoniac births16.20 AsurIm yOnim ApannA
Asurishu Eva yOnishuthat too, in demoniac births16.19 thAn aham dvishatha: krUrAn
aSuSrushavE chafor one who is not desirous in hearing18.67 idham thE nAthapaskAya
aSvaththamthe tree (i.e., samsAram)15.3 aSvaththam Enam suvirUdamUlam
aSvinau(2) aSvini dhEvathAs11.6 paSyAdhithyAn vasUn rudhrAn
aSvinau(two) aSvinI dhEvas11.22 rudhrAdhithyA vasavO yE cha sAdhyA
asyafor this world11.43 pithA-si lOkasya charAcharasya
asyafor this purusha (AthmA)13.21 kAraNam guNasangOsya
asyaof this tree15.2.5 na rUpam asyEha thathOpalabhyathE
asya charAcharasya lOkasyafor this world which has movable and immovable entities11.43 pithA-si lOkasya charAcharasya
asya rUpasyathis form11.52 sudhurdharSam idham rUpam
asya viSvasyafor this world11.18 thvam aksharam paramam vEdhithavyam
asya viSvasyafor this world11.37 and 11.37.5 anantha dEvESa jagannivAsa
athafurther11.5 paSya mE pArtha rUpANi
athanow12.11 athaithadhapyaSakthOsi
athaotherwise18.58 atha chEth thvam ahankArAn
atha sthiram chiththam samAdhAthum na SaknOshiif unable to place your mind firmly12.9 atha chiththam samAdhAthum
atha Urdhvam Evaon accepting/following this principle12.8 mayyEva mana Adhathsva
atha:due to that reason15.18 yasmAth ksharam athIthoham
atha: prushtAthbehind you11.39 and 11.39.5 namO namas thEsthu sahasrakruthva:
athapaskAya na (vAchyam)should not be told to one who has not performed penance;18.67 idham thE nAthapaskAya
athathvArthavathbeing situated in the false concept (of seeing AthmAs as being distinct from each other)18.22 yath thu kruthsnavadh Ekasmin
athavA EkOpior while I was being alone11.42 yachchAvahAsArtham asathkruthOsi
athimAna: chagreat ego16.4 dhambhO dharpOthimAnaS cha
athItha:surpassing15.18 yasmAth ksharam athIthoham
athitharanthi Evaare sure to cross13.25 anyE thvEvam ajAnantha:
athIthyatranscending (and seeing self which is different from matter and is an embodiment of knowledge)14.20 guNAn EthAn athIthya thrIn
athIva priyAvery dear12.20 yE thu dharmyAmrutham idham
AthmAjIvAthmA13.32 yathA sarvagatham saukshmyAdh
Athma budhdhi prasAdhajamdue to leaving aside other matters and enjoying AthmA exclusively18.37 yath thadhagrE visham iva
Athma para dhEhEshu mAmtowards me who is present in such persons and others (controlling all)16.18 ahankAram balam dharpam
Athma sambAvithA:praising oneself16.17 AthmasambhAvithA: sthabdhA
Athma vinigraha:controlling the mind (in not engaging in matters other than AthmA)13.7 amAnithvam adhambhithvam
Athma vini graha:restraining the mind from worldly matters and engaging it in the meditation of apt aspects17.16 mana:prasAdha: saumyathvam
Athma yOgAthby my sathyasankalpa (ability to fulfil all vows)11.47 mayA prasannEna thavArjunEdham
AthmanAthrough his own heart13.28 samam paSyan hi sarvathra
AthmanAwith their mind13.24 dhyAnEnAthmani paSyanthi
Athmana:for the AthmA18.39 yadhagrE chAnubandhE cha
Athmana: nASanamto destroy the AthmA16.21 thrividham narakasyEdham
Athmana: nASanamto destroy the AthmA16.21 thrividham narakasyEdham
Athmana: SrEya: Acharathiworks for his well-being (to be favourable towards me having acquired true knowledge about me)16.22 Ethair vimuktha: kaunthEya
Athmana: SrEya: Acharathiworks for his well-being (to be favourable towards me having acquired true knowledge about me)16.22 Ethair vimuktha: kaunthEya
AthmAnamAthmA (soul)13.29 prakruthyaiva cha karmANi
AthmAnamheart18.51 budhdhyA viSudhdhayA yukthO
AthmAnamhimself13.28 samam paSyan hi sarvathra
AthmAnamtheir AthmA13.24 dhyAnEnAthmani paSyanthi
AthmAnamyour form11.4 manyasE yadhi tachchakyam
Athmani(dwelling) in body13.24 dhyAnEnAthmani paSyanthi
Athmani avasthithampresent in their body15.11 yathanthO yOginaS chainam
athraamong the causes for the karmas18.14 adhishtAnam thathA karthA
athyAginAmfor those who did not give up the three aspects (doership, ownership and results of karma)18.12 anishtam ishtam miSram cha
avagyAthAminsulting the recipient17.22 adhESakAlE yadh dhAnam
avani pAla sanghai: sarvai: sahaall the rulers (who are on their side)11.26 amI cha thvAm dhrutharAshtrasya puthrA:
avApnOthiwill attain18.56 sarvakarmANyapi sadhA
avaSa:being controlled by your body18.60 svabhAvajEna kaunthEya
avashtabhyaholding on to16.9 EthAm dhrushtim avashtabhya
avathishtathi Evaremain silent14.23 udhAsInavadhAsInO
AvayO:happened between the two of us18.70 adhyEshyathE cha ya imam
AvESyaplacing12.2 mayyAveSya manO yE mAm
avibhakthamnot being different (in qualities such as colour, form etc)18.20 sarvabhUthEshu yEnaikam
avibhakthamremains undivided;13.16 avibhaktham cha bhUthEshu
avidhi pUrvakamagainst the rules of SAsthram16.17 AthmasambhAvithA: sthabdhA
avigyEyamis not known (as something different from the body though it resides in the same body);13.15 bahir anthaS cha bhUthAnAm
avinaSyanthamAthmA who remains imperishable13.27 samam sarvEshu bhUthEshu
AviSyapervading15.17 uththama: purushas thvanya:
Avruthya thishtathipervading13.13 sarvatha: pANipAdham thath
avyabhichArENa bhakthi yOgEna chawith bhakthi yOga (along with its limbs) which does not focus on other dhEvathAs and benefits14.26 mAm cha yo-vyabhichArENa
avyabhichAriNIvery firm state13.10 mayi chAnanyayOgEna
avyabhichAriNyAwithout expectation for any other result18.33 dhruthyA yayA dhArayathE
avyakthA gathi:the state of mind to engage in AthmA12.5 klESOdhikatharas thEshAm
avyakthaminconceivable by the sensory organs12.1 Evam sathathayukthA yE
avyakthamindiscernible (due not being seen by sensory organs such as eyes)12.3 yE thvaksharam anirdhESyam
avyaktham Eva chamUla prakruthi (primordial matter, which i s the cause for mahAn)13.5 mahAbhUthAnyahankArO
avyaya:imperishable;13.31 anAdhithvAn nirguNathvAth
avyaya:indestructible (in all manners)11.18 thvam aksharam paramam vEdhithavyam
avyayamimperishable18.56 sarvakarmANyapi sadhA
avyayamimperishable (due to continuous existence)15.1 UrdhvamUlam adha:SAkham
avyayamone who (naturally) does not have the inferiority of being together with the qualities14.5 sathvam rajas thama ithi
avyayamthe state of knowledge where there is no gradation (superior, inferior)15.5 nirmAnamOhA jithasangadhOshA
avyayamunchanging18.20 sarvabhUthEshu yEnaikam
avyayamunlimited11.2 bhavApyayau hi bhUthAnAm
avyayam dharSayashow in full11.4 manyasE yadhi tachchakyam
avyayasya chaimperishable14.27 brahmaNO hi prathishtAham
avykthAsaktha chEthasAm thEshAmthose kaivalya nishtas who are engaged in [pursuing] jIvAthma svarUpam (the true self)12.5 klESOdhikatharas thEshAm
ayamthis AthmA15.9 SrOthram chakshu: sparSanam cha
ayam paramAthmAthis AthmA (which is greater than the body)13.31 anAdhithvAn nirguNathvAth
ayam purusha:this person17.3 sathvAnurUpA sarvasya
ayathAvath prajAnAthione conceives erroneously18.31 yayA dharmam adharmam cha
Ayu:sathva balArOgya sukhaprIthivivardhanA:nurturing life, knowledge, strength, health, comfort and happiness17.8 Ayu:sathva balArOgya
ayuktha:being unqualified (to perform karma prescribed in SAsthram)18.28 ayuktha: prAkrutha: sthabdha:
badhnAthibinds14.7 rajO rAgAthmakam vidhdhi
badhnAthifurther binds (the AthmA which is in a body).14.6 thathra sathvam nirmalathvAth
bahavamany11.28 yathA nadhInAm bahavOmbuvEgA:
bahu bAhUrUpAdhamhaving many arms, thighs and feet11.23 rUpam mahath thE bahuvakthranEthram
bahu dhamshtrAkarALamfrightening due to having many teeth11.23 rUpam mahath thE bahuvakthranEthram
bahu udharamhaving many stomachs11.23 rUpam mahath thE bahuvakthranEthram
bahu vakthra nEthramhaving many mouths and eyes11.23 rUpam mahath thE bahuvakthranEthram
bahudhAin many ways13.4 rishibhir bahudhA gItham
bahulAyAsamwith great efforts18.24 yath thu kAmEpsunA karma
bahUnithe variety of entities (which are seen)11.6 paSyAdhithyAn vasUn rudhrAn
balamself strength16.18 ahankAram balam dharpam
balamthe strength of the impressions which nurture such ahankAram18.53 ahankAram balam dharpam
bandham mOksham chathe truth of being bound in samsAram and being liberated from it18.30 pravruththim cha nivruththim cha
bhakthi: chadevotion13.10 mayi chAnanyayOgEna
bhakthimAnbeing devoted to me12.17 yO na hrushyathi na dhvEshti
bhakthimAn narathe man who is devoted to me12.19 thulyanindhAsthuthir maunI
bhakthyAthrough (previously explained) parabhakthi18.55 bhakthyA mAm abhijAnAthi
bhArathaOh descendant of bharatha clan!11.6 paSyAdhithyAn vasUn rudhrAn
bhArathaOh descendant of bharatha clan!13.2 kshEthragyam chApi mAm vidhdhi
bhArathaOh descendant of bharatha clan!13.33 yathA prakASayathyEka:
bhArathaOh descendant of bharatha clan!14.3 mama yOnir mahadhbrahma
bhArathaOh descendant of bharatha clan!15.19 yO mAm Evam a sammUdO
bhArathaOh descendant of bharatha clan!17.3 sathvAnurUpA sarvasya
bhArathaOh descendant of bharatha clan!18.62 tham Eva SaraNam gachcha
bhArathaOh descendant of bharatha!14.8 thamas thvagyAnajam vidhdhi
bhArathaOh descendant of bharatha!14.9 sathvam sukhE sanjayathi
bhArathaOh descendant of bharatha!14.10 rajas thamaS chAbhibhUya
bhArathaOh descendant of bharatha!15.20 ithi guhyathamam SAsthram
bhArathaOh descendant of bharatha!16.3 thEja: kshamA dhruthi: Saucham
bharatha rshabhaOh best among the descendants of bharatha!14.12 lObha: pravruththir Arambha:
bharatha rshabhaOh head of bharatha clan!13.26 yAvath sanjAyathE kinchith
bharatha saththamaOh best among the descendants of bharatha!18.4 niSchayam SruNu mE thathra
bharatha SrEshtaOh best among the descendants of bharatha!17.12 abhisandhAya thu palam
bharatharshabhaOh leader of bharatha clan!18.35.5 sukham thu ihdAnIm thrividham
bharthAsupporting it13.22 upadhrashtAnumanthA cha
bhAsayathEilluminates15.12 yadhAdhithyagatham thEjO
bhavaplease assume11.46 kirItinam gadhinam chakrahastham
bhAva samsudhdhi:being without any thought other than AthmA17.16 mana:prasAdha: saumyathvam
bhavanthiare present.16.4 dhambhO dharpOthimAnaS cha
bhavanthiare present16.3 thEja: kshamA dhruthi: Saucham
bhavApyayaucreation and deluge11.2 bhavApyayau hi bhUthAnAm
bhavatha:is created;14.17 sathvAth sanjAyathE gyAnam
bhavathioccur14.3 mama yOnir mahadhbrahma
bhavathioccurs;18.12 anishtam ishtam miSram cha
bhaya abhayEthe abode of fear and non-fear18.30 pravruththim cha nivruththim cha
bhayam SOkam vishAdham Eva chathe acts of mind, vital air etc which cause fear, sorrow, grief etc18.35 yayA svapnam bhayam SOkam
bhayAnakAnivery terrifying11.27 vakthrANi thE thvaramANA viSanthi
bhayEnais frightened (as a result of seeing such fierce form)11.45 adhrushtapUrvam hrushithOsmi dhrushtvA
bhIshmabhIshma, the grandfather11.26 amI cha thvAm dhrutharAshtrasya puthrA:
bhIshmam chaand bhIshma11.34 dhrONam cha bhIshmam cha jayadhratham ca
bhItha bhIthabeing very frightened11.35 EthachchruthvA vachanam kESavasya
bhIthA:being fearful (on seeing your very fiercely radiant form)11.21 amI hi thvAm surasanghA viSanthi
bhItham Enamarjuna, the frightened one (having seen the viSvarUpam)11.50 ithyarjunam vAsudhEvas thathOkthvA
bhIthAnibeing fearful11.36 sthAnE hrushIkESa thava prakIrthyA
bhOkthAenjoying (the joy/sorrow resulting from the actions of the body)13.22 upadhrashtAnumanthA cha
bhrAmayanmakes them act according to those qualities18.61 ISvara: sarvabhUthAnAm
bhunjAnam vA(or) the AthmA who is enjoying matters related to the three qualities15.10 uthkrAmantham sthitham vApi
bhunkthE hiis he not enjoying?13.20.5 purusha: prakruthisthO hi
bhUtha bharthru chaas the supporter of creatures (such as dhEva etc)13.16 avibhaktham cha bhUthEshu
bhUtha prakruthi mOksham chathe qualities such as amAnithvam etc which are means to free oneself from the primordial matter which is in the form of various creatures13.34 kshEthrakshEthragyayOr Evam antharam
bhUtha pruthagbhAvamthe diversity in the combination of jIvAthmAs and different types of bodies such as dhEva (celestials), manushya (humans), thiryak (animals) and sthAvara (pla nts)13.30 yadhA bhUtapruthagbhAvam
bhUtha sargauthe creation of beings16.6 dhvau bhUthasargau lOkEsmin
bhUthagaNAn chadevils17.4 yajanthE sAthvikA dhEvAn
bhUthAnAmall entities11.2 bhavApyayau hi bhUthAnAm
bhUthAnAm bahi: antha: cha[AthmA] is present both inside and outside the five great elements starting with bhUmi (earth)13.15 bahir anthaS cha bhUthAnAm
bhUthAnAm pravruththi:all aspects such as creation etc for every entity18.46 yatha: pravruththir bhUthAnAm
bhUthAniall entities15.13 gAm AviSya cha bhUthAni
bhUthEshu cha(though present) in all bodies (such as dhEva (celestial), manushya (human), thiryak (animal), sthAvara (plant))13.16 avibhaktham cha bhUthEshu
bhUthEshu dhayAbeing unable to tolerate the sufferings of other creatures16.2 ahimsA sathyam akrOdhas
bhUthi:glories18.78 yathra yOgESvara: krishNO
bhuviin this world18.69 na cha thasmAn manushyEshu
bhUya api:and again11.39 and 11.39.5 namO namas thEsthu sahasrakruthva:
bhUya Eva krishNa praNamyabowing again to krishNa11.35 EthachchruthvA vachanam kESavasya
bhUya: dharSayAm Asamanifested again.11.50 ithyarjunam vAsudhEvas thathOkthvA
bhUya: na abhijAyathEwill not be born again13.23 ya Enam vEththi purusham
bhUya: pravakshyAmiI shall explain again (as explanation for previously explained);14.1 param bhUya: pravakshyAmi
bhUya: SruNuhear again;18.64 sarvaguhyathamam bhUya:
bibharthisupporting (them)15.17 uththama: purushas thvanya:
bIjapradha:unites the chEthanas (souls) with the matter (based on their individual karma)14.4 sarva yOnishu kaunthEya
brahmagreat13.12 gyEyam yath thath pravakshyAmi
brahmahis own self-s natural position13.30 yadhA bhUtapruthagbhAvam
brahma bhUtha:Having realised the true nature of the self18.54 brahmabhUtha: prasannAthmA
brahma bhUyAya kalpathEbecomes qualified to be at par with brahmam.14.26 mAm cha yo-vyabhichArENa
brahma bhUyAya kalpathEtruly be self-realised.18.53 ahankAram balam dharpam
brahma yathmUla prakruthi (primordial matter) which is called as brahma14.3 mama yOnir mahadhbrahma
brahmacharyamnot engaging in intimate acts with women17.14 dhEvadhvijaguruprAgyA
brahmam karmaare the activities for brAhmaNa18.42 SamO dhamas thapa: Saucham
brAhmaNa kshathriya viSAmof brAhmaNas, kshathriyas and vaiSyas18.41 brAhmaNakshathriyaviSAm
brAhmaNa:for self realisation14.27 brahmaNO hi prathishtAham
brAhmaNA:those [brAhmaNa, kshathriya and vaiSya] who are qualified to learn vEdha17.23 Om thath sadh ithi nirdhESO
brahmaNa: api AdhikarthrEbeing the cause even to brahmA in all manners11.36.5 kasmAchcha thE na namEran mahAthman
brahmaNa: smrutha:said to be with vaidhika karma [rituals].17.23 Om thath sadh ithi nirdhESO
brahmANambrahmA11.15 paSyAmi dhEvAms thava dhEva dhEhE
brahmasUthra padhai: cha Evathrough the sUthrams (aphorisms) in brahma sUthram too (which was mercifully authored by sage bAdharAyaNa)13.4 rishibhir bahudhA gItham
brahmavAdhinAmpracticed by those [brAhmaNas, kshathriyas and vaiSyas] who recite vEdham17.24 thasmAdhOm ithyudhAhruthya
budhdhE:Intellect (of analysing and firmly determining)18.29 budhdhEr bhedham dhruthES chaiva
budhdhi yOgam upASrithyawith the previously explained total sacrifices18.57 chEthasA sarvakarmANi
budhdhi:mahAn (which is the cause for such ahankAra)13.5 mahAbhUt hAnyahankArO
budhdhim nivESayahave firm faith (as the ultimate goal)12.8 mayyEva mana Adhathsva
budhdhimAn syAthone shall become wise to attain me;15.20 ithi guhyathamam SAsthram
budhdhyA viSudhdhayA yuktha:being with true knowledge about AthmA18.51 budhdhyA viSudhdhayA yukthO
chakrahasthamas holding the chakra (disc) in your hand11.46 kirItinam gadhinam chakrahastham
chakriNam chahaving chakra (disc)11.17 kirItinam gadhinam chakrinam cha
chakshu:eyes15.9 SrOthram chakshu: sparSanam cha
chalamunstable17.18 sathkAra mAna pUjArtham
chandhramasi yaththe radiance of the moon (which illuminates the worlds)15.12 yadhAdhithyagatham thEjO
chathur vidham annamfour types of food (those which are consumed by chewing, sipping, licking and drinking)15.14 aham vaiSvAnarO bhUthvA
chathurbhujEna rUpENahaving a divine form with four divine hands11.46 kirItinam gadhinam chakrahastham
chEthanA dhruthi: sangAtha:the collection of creatures which sustain AthmA (to experience joy/sorrow and to attain pleasure and liberation)13.6 ichchA dhvEsha: sukham dhu:kham
chEthasAwith the thought (that the AthmA is mine, and it-s controlled by me)18.57 chEthasA sarvakarmANi
chinna samSaya:(because of that) being free from all doubts18.10 na dhveshtyakuSalam karma
chinthAmworries16.11 chinthAm aparimEyAm cha
chithvAcleaving15.3 aSvaththam Enam suvirUdamUlam
chUrNithai: uththamAngai:with their heads severed11.27 vakthrANi thE thvaramANA viSanthi
dhadhAmiI sow;14.3 mama yOnir mahadhbrahma
dhaiva:belongs to dhEvas16.6 dhvau bhUthasargau lOkEsmin
dhaiva:the conduct of dhEvas16.6 dhvau bhUthasargau lOkEsmin
dhaivI sampaththe wealth of dhEvas (which is, following my orders)16.4.5 dhaivI sampadh vimOkshAya
dhaivIm sampadham abhijAtha: asiyou are born as a dhEva (divine person) to fulfil the wealth of dhEvas.16.5 mA Sucha: sampadham dhaivIm
dhaivIm sampdham abhijAthasyafor those who are having divine birth (to follow the ordainment of bhagavAn)16.3 thEja: kshamA dhruthi: Saucham
dhaksha:being an expert (in performing the activities ordained in SAsthram)12.16 anapEksha: Suchir dhaksha
dhAkshyamability to accomplish everything18.43 Sauryam thEjO dhruthir dhAkshyam
dhama:controlling the mind18.42 SamO dhamas thapa: Saucham
dhama:restraining the mind from engaging in sensual pleasures16.1 abhayam sathvasamSudhdhi:
dhamba:practicing righteousness to attain fame (of being righteous)16.4 dhambhO dharpOthimAnaS cha
dhambEna cha Evaand for show17.18 sathkAra mAna pUjArtham
dhambha ahankAra samyukthA:being with pride and ego17.5 aSAsthravihitham ghOram
dhambhamAna madhAnvithA:with hypocrisy, pride and passion16.10 kAmam ASrithya dhushpUram
dhambhArtham api cha Evaonly for show17.12 abhisandhAya thu palam
dhamshtra karALAnilooking frightening due to the teeth11.25 dhamshtrAkarAlAni cha thE mukhAni
dhamshtrAkarAlAnihaving curved teeth11.27 vakthrANi thE thvaramANA viSanthi
dhAna kriyA: chaand charities17.25 thadhithi anabhisandhAya
dhAna kriyA: chaand charities17.25 thadhithi anabhisandhAya
dhAnai: cha dhrashtum na SakyaCannot be seen by engaging in charities too.11.48 na vEdhayagyAdhyayanair na dhAnair
dhAnamcharities (are also of three categories);17.7 AhAras thvapi sarvasya
dhAnamdonating one-s belongings to others in charity18.43 Sauryam thEjO dhruthir dhAkshyam
dhAnamgiving righteously earned wealth to noble people in charity16.1 abhayam sathvasamSudhdhi:
dhAnam dhrashtum na Sakya:cannot be seen through charity11.53 nAham vEdhair na thapasA
dhanamAna madhAnvithA:having pride which arises due to wealth, knowledge, family heritage16.17 AthmasambhAvithA: sthabdhA
dhananjayaOh arjuna!12.9 atha chiththam samAdhAthum
dhananjayaOh arjuna!18.29 budhdhEr bhedham dhruthES chaiva
dhananjayaOh dhananjaya!18.72 kachchidhEthachrutham pArtha
dhanbhEnato propagate their own fame indicating -I have done this great yagya-16.17 AthmasambhAvithA: sthabdhA
dhAnE chain dhAnam (charity)17.27 yagyE thapasi dhAnE cha
dhAnE chain dhAnam (charity)17.27 yagyE thapasi dhAnE cha
dhanurdhara:holding the bow18.78 yathra yOgESvara: krishNO
dhArayAmisupport15.13 gAm AviSya cha bhUthAni
dhArayathEsustains18.34 yayA thu dharmakAmArthAn
dharma kAma arthAnacts which are means for the three purushArthams viz dharma, artha and kAma18.34 yayA thu dharmakAmArthAn
dharmam adharmam chadharma (righteous act) and adharmam (unrighteous act)18.31 yayA dharmam adharmam cha
dharmyAmrutham idhamthis bhakthi yOgam which is the prApakam (means) and prApyam (goal)12.20 yE thu dharmyAmrutham idham
dharpa:pride (derived due to enjoying sensual pleasures)16.4 dhambhO dharpOthimAnaS cha
dharpampride18.53 ahankAram balam dharpam
dharpampride (of thinking that there is no match for self)16.18 ahankAram balam dharpam
dharSana kAnkshiNa:are desiring to see11.52 sudhurdharSam idham rUpam
dharSayAmAsamanifested11.9 Evam ukthvA thathO rAjan
dharSithamwas revealed11.47 mayA prasannEna thavArjunEdham
dhaSa Ekam cha indhriyANi chathe five gyAna indhriyams (sense organs of knowledge), the five karma indhriyams (sense organs of action) and the mind which controls these sense organs – all put together 11 sense organs13.5 mahAbhUthAnyahankArO
dhaSanAntharEshu vilagnAhanging in the gaps between the teeth11.27 vakthrANi thE thvaramANA viSanthi
dhAthavyam ithigiving only for the purpose of doing so17.20 dhAthavyam ithi yadh dhAnam
dhaththamdhAnam (charity)17.28 aSradhdhayA hutham dhaththam
dhEha bhruthABy the AthmA who sustains the body18.11 na hi dhEhabhruthA Sakyam
dhEha bruthAthmA residing in the body14.14 yadhA sathvE pravrudhdhE thu
dhEha samudhbhavAnin the body which is a transformation of prakruthi (matter)14.20 guNAn EthAn athIthya thrIn
dhEham ASritha:being present in the bodies15.14 aham vaiSvAnarO bhUthvA
dhEhavadhbhi:those who are attached to their bodies12.5 klESOdhikatharas thEshAm
dhEhEin his body14.5 sathvam rajas thama ithi
dhEhIThis AthmA who has the body14.20 guNAn EthAn athIthya thrIn
dhEhinAmfor those who have (materialistic) body17.2 thrividhA bhavathi SradhdhA
dhEhinamjIvAthmA who is dwelling in the body14.5 sathvam rajas thama ithi
dhEhinamthe AthmA who is in the body14.7 rajO rAgAthmakam vidhdhi
dhESEat the apt place17.20 dhAthavyam ithi yadh dhAnam
dhEvaOh lord!11.15 paSyAmi dhEvAms thava dhEva dhEhE
dhEvaOh lord!11.44 thasmAth praNamya praNidhAya kAyam
dhEvA apieven dhEvas (celestial beings)11.52 sudhurdharSam idham rUpam
dhEva dhvija guru prAgyA pUjanamWorshipping celestial beings, twice-born persons [brAhmaNas], preceptor, learned persons17.14 dhEvadhvijaguruprAgyA
dhEva!Oh most merciful!11.45 adhrushtapUrvam hrushithOsmi dhrushtvA
dhEvamkrishNa (who manifested viSvarUpam)11.14 thatha: sa vismayAvishtO
dhEvamradiant11.11 dhivya mAlyAmbaradharam
dhEvAndhEvas (celestial beings)17.4 yajanthE sAthvikA dhEvAn
dhEvavaraOh best among dhEvathAs!11.31 AkhyAhi mE kO bhavAn ugrarUpO
dhEvESaOh lord of dhEvas (such as brahmA et al)!11.45 adhrushtapUrvam hrushithOsmi dhrushtvA
dhEVESaOh lord of dhEvas!11.25 dhamshtrAkarAlAni cha thE mukhAni
dhEvESaOh lord of dhEvas!11.37 and 11.37.5 anantha dEvESa jagannivAsa
dhIptha huthAsa vakthramhaving mouths which are swallowing everything like the blazing fire during total deluge11.19 anAdhimadhyAntham ananthavIryam
dhIptha vishAla nEthramhaving wide and shining eyes11.24 nabhasspruSam dhIptham anEkavarNam
dhIpthamshining11.24 nabhasspruSam dhIptham anEkavarNam
dhIpthAn (dhivyAn)radiant11.15 paSyAmi dhEvAms thava dhEva dhEhE
dhIpthAnalArkadhyuthimhaving rays similar to those of blazing fire and sun11.17 kirItinam gadhinam chakrinam cha
dhIra:who is able to distinguish between body and soul14.24 samadhu:khasukha: svastha:
dhIrga sUthrI chanaturally having evil intent towards others18.28 ayuktha: prAkrutha: sthabdha:
dhiSa:directions11.25 dhamshtrAkarAlAni cha thE mukhAni
dhiSa: dhravanthifleeing in all directions11.36 sthAnE hrushIkESa thava prakIrthyA
dhiviin the sky11.12 dhivi sUryasahasrasya
dhivi dhEvEshu vA puna:among celestials in the heaven18.40 na thadh asthi pruthivyAm vA
dhivya anEka udhyatha Ayudhamhaving many divine weapons.11.10 anEka vakthra nayanam
dhivya gandha anulEpanamanointed with divine sandalwood paste etc11.11 dhivya mAlyAmbaradharam
dhivya mAlya ambaradharambeing decorated with divine garlands and garments11.11 dhivya mAlyAmbaradharam
dhivyam chakshu:divine eyes which are different from these material eyes11.8 na thu mAm SakyasE dhrashtum
dhivyAniamazing11.5 paSya mE pArtha rUpANi
dhOshavath karmakarmas such as yagya (sacrifice), which are with defects18.3 thyAjyam dhOshavadhithyEkE
dhOshENa AvruthA:surrounded by blemishes18.48 sahajam karma kaunthEya
dhrashtAone who is established in sathva guNam and has self-realisation14.19 nAnyam guNEbhya: karthAram
dhrashtum chato see11.54 bhakthyA thvananyayA Sakya
dhrashtum ichchAmidesire to see11.46 kirItinam gadhinam chakrahastham
dhrashtum ichchAmi (aham)I desire to see.11.3 Evam EthadhyathAththa thvam
dhrashtum na Sakya:cannot be seen.11.48 na vEdhayagyAdhyayanair na dhAnair
dhrashtum Sakyam ithican be seen11.4 manyasE yadhi tachchakyam
dhrONadhrONa, the teacher11.26 amI cha thvAm dhrutharAshtrasya puthrA:
dhrONam chadhrONa11.34 dhrONam cha bhIshmam cha jayadhratham ca
dhruda niSchaya:having firm knowledge/faith (in what is explained in SAsthram)12.14 santhushta: sathatham yOgI
dhrudam ishta: asibeing very dear18.64 sarvaguhyathamam bhUya:
dhrudEnafirm (due to having good knowledge)15.3 aSvaththam Enam suvirUdamUlam
dhrushtvAhaving seen11.45 adhrushtapUrvam hrushithOsmi dhrushtvA
dhrushtvAhaving seen11.49 mA thE vyathA mA cha vimUdabhAvO
dhrushtvAon seeing11.23 rUpam mahath thE bahuvakthranEthram
dhrushtvAseeing11.24 nabhasspruSam dhIptham anEkavarNam
dhrushtvA Evajust on seeing11.25 dhamshtrAkarAlAni cha thE mukhAni
dhrushtvAn asiyou have seen11.52 sudhurdharSam idham rUpam
dhrusthvAhaving seen11.51 dhrushtvEdham mAnusham rUpam
dhruthE: cha Evafirm stand (even if there are hurdles in the karma which is started)18.29 budhdhEr bhedham dhruthES chaiva
dhruthi uthsAha samanvitha:dhruthi which means the ability to tolerate unavoidable sorrow, uthsAham which means enthusiasm of being set out to do the task18.26 mukthasangOnahamvAdhI
dhruthi:being firm (even in dire situations)16.3 thEja: kshamA dhruthi: Saucham
dhruthi:standing firm and completing the tasks which were commenced even when hurdles occur18.43 Sauryam thEjO dhruthir dhAkshyam
dhruthimsustaining the body11.24 nabhasspruSam dhIptham anEkavarNam
dhruthyAwith the (previously explained) sAthvika dhruthi18.51 budhdhyA viSudhdhayA yukthO
dhruvA(remain) well established18.78 yathra yOgESvara: krishNO
dhruvameternal12.3 yE thvaksharam anirdhESyam
dhu:khamsorrow13.6 ichchA dhvEsha: sukham dhu:kham
dhu:kham (Ahu:)said [by those who know the nature of rajO guNam] that it leads to continuous suffering in samsAram (material realm).14.16 karmaNa: sukruthasyAhu:
dhu:kham avApyathE hiisn-t it attained through great struggles?12.5 klESOdhikatharas thEshAm
dhu:kham ithi Evadue to being sorrowful18.8 dhu:kham ithyEva yath karma
dhu:khAntham cha ni gachchathiending all the pains in this samsAram18.36 abhyAsAdhramathE yathra
dhu:khaSOkAmaya pradhA:lead to sorrow, grief and illness.17.9 katvamlalavaNAthyushNa
dhUmEnaby smoke18.48 sahajam karma kaunthEya
dhUrastham chathough present inside one-s own body, it stands very far (for those who lack the qualities such as amAnithvam etc and who have qualities contradictory to these)13.15 bahir anthaS cha bhUthAnAm
dhurmEdhA:one with evil intellect18.35 yayA svapnam bhayam SOkam
dhushpUramunappeasable16.10 kAmam ASrithya dhushpUram
dhvautwo categories.16.6 dhvau bhUthasargau lOkEsmin
dhvEsha:hatred13.6 ichchA dhvEsha: sukham dhu:kham
dhvishatha:having hatred towards me (as explained previously)16.19 thAn aham dvishatha: krUrAn
dhyAnammeditation upon the self (which is means for self-realisation)12.12 SrEyO hi gyAnam abhyAsAj
dhyAnAthbetter than (incomplete) meditation12.12 SrEyO hi gyAnam abhyAsAj
dhyAnEnathrough [dhyAna] yOga13.24 dhyAnEnAthmani paSyanthi
dhyAvApruthivyO: idham antharamthe space between the higher worlds and lower worlds11.20 dhyAvApruthivyOr idham antharam hi
Ebhi: thribhi: prakruthijai: guNai: mukthamfreed from these three qualities which are materialistic18.40 na thadh asthi pruthivyAm vA
Eka: ravi:the sun13.33 yathA prakASayathyEka:
EkAgrENa chEthasAwith single focussed mind18.72 kachchidhEthachrutham pArtha
Ekam bhAvamAthmA, which is in a singular state (not being different based on the species etc)18.20 sarvabhUthEshu yEnaikam
Ekasmin kAryEin an act (of worshipping dead people and ghosts which leads to lowest results)18.22 yath thu kruthsnavadh Ekasmin
Ekasthamin a single entity (that is prakruthi (matter))13.30 yadhA bhUtapruthagbhAvam
Ekasthamin a single spot
Ekasthamin one part11.7 ihaikastham jagath kruthsnam
Enampreviously explained15.3 aSvaththam Enam suvirUdamUlam
Enamthis jIvAthmA15.11 yathanthO yOginaS chainam
Enam na paSyanthido not see the AthmA truly.15.11 yathanthO yOginaS chainam
Enam purushamthis jIvAthmA (soul) who was explained previously13.23 ya Enam vEththi purusham
Esha: thE vyavasAya:this resolve in you18.59 yadhyahankAram ASrithya
Ethai: thribhi:from these three – kAma (lust), krOdha (anger) and lObha (greed)16.22 Ethair vimuktha: kaunthEya
Ethai: thribhi:from these three – kAma (lust), krOdha (anger) and lObha (greed)16.22 Ethair vimuktha: kaunthEya
EthAm dhrushtimthis crooked view16.9 EthAm dhrushtim avashtabhya
EthAnthese14.20 guNAn EthAn athIthya thrIn
EthAn guNAnthese three qualities (sathvam, rajas, thamas)14.26 mAm cha yo-vyabhichArENa
EthAn thri guNAn athItha:one who has transcended these three qualities14.21 kair lingais thri guNAn EthAn
EthAn thrIn guNAn chathese three qualities14.21 kair lingais thri guNAn EthAn
EthAni(all) these14.13 aprakASOpravruththiS cha
EthAniall these14.12 lObha: pravruththir Arambha:
EthAnithese senses15.8 SarIram yadhavApnOthi
EthAni karmANi apithuthese karmas (like the upAsana (the means))18.6 EthAnyapi thu karmANi
EthAni pancha kAraNAnithese five causes18.13 panchaithAni mahAbAhO
Ethathall these13.6 ichchA dhvEsha: sukham dhu:kham
Ethaththese16.21 thrividham narakasyEdham
Ethaththese16.21 thrividham narakasyEdham
Ethaththese three13.18 ithi kshEthram thathA gyAnam
Ethaththese twenty qualities (seen from 7th SlOkam up to here)13.11 adhyAthmagyAnanithyathvam
Ethaththis18.63 ithi thE gyAnam AkhyAtham
Ethaththis18.75 vyAsaprasAdhAth SruthavAn
Ethaththis18.75 vyAsaprasAdhAth SruthavAn
Ethaththis SAsthram (which was explained by me)18.72 kachchidhEthachrutham pArtha
Ethath api karthum aSaktha: asiif unable to perform this activity (which is the beginning stage of bhakthi yOgam)12.11 athaithadhapyaSakthOsi
Ethath budhdhvAknowing this15.20 ithi guhyathamam SAsthram
Ethath thrayamthese three16.21 thrividham narakasyEdham
Ethath thrayamthese three16.21 thrividham narakasyEdham
Ethath vachanamthis speech11.35 EthachchruthvA vachanam kESavasya
Ethathya vEththiOne who knows this body13.1 idham SarIram kaunthEya
EthAvath ithi niSchithA:firmly believing -this is the ultimate goal-.16.11 chinthAm aparimEyAm cha
EthE manIshiNa:Some learned persons18.3 thyAjyam dhOshavadhithyEkE
EthE panchathese five [explained in previous SlOkam]18.15 SarIravAngmanObhir yath
Evamas explained in previous SlOkam12.1 Evam sathathayukthA yE
Evamas explained in this chapter13.34 kshEthrakshEthragyayOr Evam antharam
Evamin this manner15.19 yO mAm Evam asammUdO
Evam ajAnantha:those who don-t know the previously explained means to see AthmA13.25 anyE thvEvam ajAnantha:
Evam Ethath11.3 Evam EthadhyathAththa thvam
Evam rUpa: ahamI who am having this form11.48 na vEdhayagyAdhyayanair na dhAnair
Evam sathiwhile it is in this manner (that is, jIvAthmA-s actions are depending on the permission of paramAthmA)18.16 thathraivam sathi karthAram
Evam ukthvAsaying thus11.9 Evam ukthvA thathO rAjan
Evam vidhain that manner11.53 nAham vEdhair na thapasA
Evam vidha:in this manner11.54 bhakthyA thvananyayA Sakya
gachchanthiattains15.5 nirmAnamOhA jithasangadhOshA
gadhinamhaving gadha (mace)11.17 kirItinam gadhinam chakrinam cha
gadhinamholding a mace11.46 kirItinam gadhinam chakrahastham
gAm AviSyapermeating the earth15.13 gAm AviSya cha bhUthAni
gandhAnfragrant pollens15.8 SarIram yadhavApnOthi
gandharva yaksha asura sidhdha sanghA:groups of gandharvas, yakshas, asuras and sidhdhas11.22 rudhrAdhithyA vasavO yE cha sAdhyA
garbhampregnancy (in the form of a collection of all chEthanas)14.3 mama yOnir mahadhbrahma
garIyAn guru: chayou are the revered teacher (who is more revered than one-s father)11.43 pithA-si lOkasya charAcharasya
garIyasEbeing big11.36.5 kasmAchcha thE na namEran mahAthman
gatha rasamlost the natural taste17.10 yAthayAmam gatharasam
gatha sandhEha:being freed from doubts18.73 nashtO mOha: smruthirlabdhA
gathavyatha:not being affected by sorrow (which arise out of engaging in activities ordained in SAsthram)12.16 anapEksha: Suchir dhaksha
ghOramsevere17.5 aSAsthravihitham ghOram
gIthAmsung.13.4 rishibhir bahudhA gItham
grANam Eva chanose, these five sense organs15.9 SrOthram chakshu: sparSanam cha
grasamAna:consuming11.30 lElihyasE grasamAna: samanthAth
grasishNu (cha)as the devourer (of food prepared using creatures)13.16 avibhaktham cha bhUthEshu
gruhIthvAcarrying them (from the body which is being given up)15.8 SarIram yadhavApnOthi
gruhIthvAholding on to16.10 kAmam ASrithya dhushpUram
gruNanthipraising you (according to their abilities)11.21 amI hi thvAm surasanghA viSanthi
gudAkESaOh conqueror of sleep!11.7 ihaikastham jagath kruthsnam
guhya thamam SAsthrammost secretive scripture15.20 ithi guhyathamam SAsthram
guhyam yOgamthis secret of yOga18.75 vyAsaprasAdhAth SruthavAn
guhyam yOgamthis secret of yOga18.75 vyAsaprasAdhAth SruthavAn
guhyAth guhya tharammost secretive among the secrets18.63 ithi thE gyAnam AkhyAtham
guNa bhEdhatha:per the nature of those qualities18.19 gyAnam karma cha karthA cha
guNa bhOkthru chacapable of enjoying such qualities13.14 sarvEndhriyaguNAbhAsam
guNa pravrudhdhA:nourished by the qualities such as sathva, rajas and thamas15.1.5 adhaS chOrdhvam prasruthAs thasya SAkhA
guNa sanga:the attachment towards joy and sorrow which are caused by sathva, rajas and thamas qualities13.21 kAraNam guNasangOsya
guNa sankhyAnEwhile counting the effect of qualities (such as sathvam, rajas and thamas)18.19 gyAnam karma cha karthA cha
guNA: varthanthE-the three qualities are the cause (for the effect such as knowledge etc)-14.23 udhAsInavadhAsInO
guNaiby the three qualities14.23 udhAsInavadhAsInO
guNai: sahawith the qualities such as sathvam, rajas and thamas13.23 ya Enam vEththi purusham
guNAnjoy/sorrow which are derived through guNas (qualities such as sathva, rajas and thamas)13.20.5 purusha: prakruthisthO hi
guNAn cha Evaand the qualities (such as amAnithvam etc which are the cause for liberation), both13.19 prakruthim purusham chaiva
guNAnvitham(as explained previously) being together with the body which is filled with three qualities15.10 uthkrAmantham sthitham vApi
guNatha:by the three-fold qualities18.29 budhdhEr bhedham dhruthES chaiva
guNAthItha:beyond the (three) qualities14.25 mAnAvamAnayOs thulyas
guNEbhya: anyamthe AthmA which is different from the qualities such as sathvam etc14.19 nAnyam guNEbhya: karthAram
guNEbhya: param cha (yadhA) vEththiwhen he considers the qualities (the doer) to be different from AthmA (the non-doer)14.19 nAnyam guNEbhya: karthAram
gyAna chakshu:those who have the eyes of wisdom (which identify the AthmA as being different from the body)15.10 uthkrAmantham sthitham vApi
gyAna chakshushAthe vision of knowledge (which discriminates between body and soul)13.34 kshEthrakshEthragyayOr Evam antharam
gyAna gamyamis attained through knowledge (as explained in previous SlOkams starting with amAnithvam -);13.17 jyOthishAm api thath jyOthis
gyAna sangEnacausing attachment to knowledge14.6 thathra sathvam nirmalathvAth
gyAna yagyEna aham ishta: syAmworshipped with the gyAna yagya (the service through knowledge)18.70 adhyEshyathE cha ya imam
gyAna yOga vyavasthithi:being focussed on AthmA (which is distinct from matter)16.1 abhayam sathvasamSudhdhi:
gyAnamknowing truly about the supreme lord and other principles18.42 SamO dhamas thapa: Saucham
gyAnamknowledge (about the karma to be performed)18.19 gyAnam karma cha karthA cha
gyAnamknowledge (about the karma)18.18 gyAnam gyEyam parigyAthA
gyAnamknowledge (including self-realisation)14.17 sathvAth sanjAyathE gyAnam
gyAnamknowledge (to facilitate liberation)18.63 ithi thE gyAnam AkhyAtham
gyAnamknowledge (which is acceptable)13.2 kshEthragyam chApi mAm vidhdhi
gyAnamknowledge to identify any entity15.15 sarvasya chAham hrudhi sannivishtO
gyAnamthe knowledge which facilitates direct vision (which is the means for such devotional practice)12.12 SrEyO hi gyAnam abhyAsAj
gyAnam Avruthyahiding the knowledge which makes one understand things as they are14.9 sathvam sukhE sanjayathi
gyAnam gyEyamis known to be an embodiment of knowledge;13.17 jyOthishAm api thath jyOthis
gyAnam ithi prOkthamare said to be the means to attain Athma gyAnam13.11 adhyAthmagyAnanithyathvam
gyAnAnAm uththamam gyAnambest among the knowledge (to know about prakruthi (matter) and purusha (soul))14.1 param bhUya: pravakshyAmi
gyAnAthbetter than the (incomplete) self-realisation12.12 SrEyO hi gyAnam abhyAsAj
gyAthumto know (through SAsthram)11.54 bhakthyA thvananyayA Sakya
gyAthvAknowing truly16.24 thasmAch chAsthram pramANam thE
gyEyamis to be known (as different from the creatures)13.16 avibhaktham cha bhUthEshu
gyEyamthe karma which is to be performed18.18 gyAnam gyEyam parigyAthA
gyEyamthe true nature of AthmA which is to be known13.18 ithi kshEthram thathA gyAnam
hanishyE(I who am valorous) will kill.16.14 asau mayA hatha: Sathrur
harE: thath adhbhutham rUpamkrishNas amazing universal form18.77 thachcha samsmruthya samsmruthya
harE: thath adhbhutham rUpamkrishNas amazing universal form18.77 thachcha samsmruthya samsmruthya
harsha SOkAnvitha:being the one who becomes joyous and sorrowful (due to the victory or defeat respectively in war etc)18.27 rAgI karmapalaprEpsur
harshAmarsha bhaya udhvEgai: muktha:one who is free from joy, sorrow, fear and dread12.15 yasmAn nOdhvijathE lOkO
hatha:is slain;16.14 asau mayA hatha: Sathrur
hathAnall of those who are (already) determined to be killed11.34 dhrONam cha bhIshmam cha jayadhratham ca
he is avyaya:indestructible15.17 uththama: purushas thvanya:
hE krishNa!Oh krishNa!11.41 sakhEthi mathvA prasabham yadhuktham
hE sakhE!Oh friend!11.41 sakhEthi mathvA prasabham yadhuktham
hE yAdhava!Oh yAdhava!11.41 sakhEthi mathvA prasabham yadhuktham
hEthava:are the causes.18.15 SarIravAngmanObhir yath
hEthu madhbhi:with reasoning13.4 rishibhir bahudhA gItham
hEthu:as the cause13.20 kAryakAraNakarthruthvE
hEthu:as the cause (by being the abode of such experiences)13.20 kAryakAraNakarthruthvE
hibecause18.48 sahajam karma kaunthEya
hithis is because14.27 brahmaNO hi prathishtAham
himsAmsuffering [it causes] to creatures18.25 anubandham kshayam himsAm
himsAthmaka:harming others to perform his karma18.27 rAgI karmapalaprEpsur
hitham vakshyAmitell what is good for you.18.64 sarvaguhyathamam bhUya:
hrI:being ashamed (of engaging in harmful activities)16.2 ahimsA sathyam akrOdhas
hrudhiin the heart13.17 jyOthishAm api thath jyOthis
hrudhiin the heart15.15 sarvasya chAham hrudhi sannivishtO
hrudhyA:pleasing to the eyes17.8 Ayu:sathva balArOgya
hrushIkESaOh one who controls the senses!18.1 sanyAsasya mahAbAhO
hrushIkESa!Oh the controller of senses!11.36 sthAnE hrushIkESa thava prakIrthyA
hrushitha asmiI have become blissful11.45 adhrushtapUrvam hrushithOsmi dhrushtvA
hrushtarOmA:with goosebumps11.14 thatha: sa vismayAvishtO
hrushyAmi chaI become greatly blissful18.76 rAjan samsmruthya samsmruthya
hrushyAmi chaI become greatly blissful18.76 rAjan samsmruthya samsmruthya
huthamhOma (yagya, sacrifice)17.28 aSradhdhayA hutham dhaththam
ichchAdesire13.6 ichchA dhvEsha: sukham dhu:kham
ichchAmiI desire18.1 sanyAsasya mahAbAhO
ichchAmiI like.11.31 AkhyAhi mE kO bhavAn ugrarUpO
idhamall these (lands, children etc)16.13 idham adhya mayA labdham
idhamthis purushOththama vidhyA15.20 ithi guhyathamam SAsthram
idhamthis SAsthram (which was confidentially explained to you by me)18.67 idham thE nAthapaskAya
idham (dhanam) asthiI have this wealth due to my ability.16.13 idham adhya mayA labdham
idham dhanamThis wealth which I desire to attain16.13 idham adhya mayA labdham
idham ghOram rUpamthis terrible form11.49 mA thE vyathA mA cha vimUdabhAvO
idham gyAnamthis knowledge (which is to be explained)14.2 idham gyAnam upASrithya
idham SarIramthis body13.1 idham SarIram kaunthEya
idham sarvamall these entities18.46 yatha: pravruththir bhUthAnAm
idham thava saumyam mAnusham rUpamyour this beautiful human form11.51 dhrushtvEdham mAnusham rUpam
idham ugram adhbhutham rUpam dhrushtvAseeing this amazingly fierce divine form11.20 dhyAvApruthivyOr idham antharam hi
idham viSvam thapanthamwarming up the worlds11.19 anAdhimadhyAntham ananthavIryam
idhAnImnow11.51 dhrushtvEdham mAnusham rUpam
idhAnImnow18.35.5 sukham thu ihdAnIm thrividham
Idhruksuch11.49 mA thE vyathA mA cha vimUdabhAvO
Idyamone who is to be venerated by everyone11.44 thasmAth praNamya praNidhAya kAyam
ihaby the samsAris (materialistic people) in this earthly abode15.2.5 na rUpam asyEha thathOpalabhyathE
ihahere, in this karma bhUmi16.24 thasmAch chAsthram pramANam thE
ihain this battle field11.32 kAlOsmi lOkakshayakruth pravrudhdhO
ihain this world17.18 sathkAra mAna pUjArtham
iha cha nOdoes not lead to any materialistic benefit as well.17.28 aSradhdhayA hutham dhaththam
iha mama dhEhEin this my form here11.7 ihaikastham jagath kruthsnam
IhanthEyearn for16.12 ASApASaSathair badhdhA:
ijyathEis performed17.11 apalAkAnkshibhir yagyO
ijyayA dhrashtum na Sakya:cannot be seen through fire sacrifices11.53 nAham vEdhair na thapasA
IkshathEis seen18.20 sarvabhUthEshu yEnaikam
imamthis18.74 ithyaham vAsudhEvasya
imam bhEdhamthe variances (based on sathva etc qualities)17.7 AhAras thvapi sarvasya
imam dharmyam samvAdhamSAsthram which was a conversation about the means for liberation18.70 adhyEshyathE cha ya imam
imam kruthsnam lOkamthe whole world13.33 yathA prakASayathyEka:
imam mahimAnAmthis greatness11.41 sakhEthi mathvA prasabham yadhuktham
imam manOrathamthis object which is desired16.13 idham adhya mayA labdham
imam puNyam adhbhutham samvAdhamthis pure, amazing conversation18.76 rAjan samsmruthya samsmruthya
imam puNyam adhbhutham samvAdhamthis pure, amazing conversation18.76 rAjan samsmruthya samsmruthya
imAn lOkAn hathvA apieven if he kills all the beings in this world (in a battle)18.17 yasya nAhankruthO bhAvO
indhriya grAmam sanniyamyarestraining the sensory organs such as eyes, from engaging in their activities12.4 sanniyamyEndhriyagrAmam
indhriyArthEshu vairAgyamdetachment towards sense objects such as Sabdham (sound) etc which are perceived through sense-organs13.8 indhriyArthEshu vairAgyam
ISamone who controls everyone11.44 thasmAth praNamya praNidhAya kAyam
ishta anishta upapaththishuwhen attaining desirable or undesirable objects13.9 asakthir anabhishvanga:
ishtamsvarga etc which give joy (to the one who performs the karma)18.12 anishtam ishtam miSram cha
ISvara bhAva: chaability to control one-s citizens18.43 Sauryam thEjO dhruthir dhAkshyam
ISvara:bound soul who controls his senses15.8 SarIram yadhavApnOthi
ISvara:controller15.17 uththama: purushas thvanya:
ISvara:vAsudhEva who controls everyone18.61 ISvara: sarvabhUthAnAm
itha:from this samsAram (material realm)14.1 param bhUya: pravakshyAmi
ithiconsidering that14.23 udhAsInavadhAsInO
ithiin this manner11.50 ithyarjunam vAsudhEvas thathOkthvA
ithiin this manner13.18 ithi kshEthram thathA gyAnam
ithiin this manner15.20 ithi guhyathamam SAsthram
ithiin this manner18.63 ithi thE gyAnam AkhyAtham
ithiin this manner18.74 ithyaham vAsudhEvasya
ithisaying so11.41 sakhEthi mathvA prasabham yadhuktham
ithisaying these16.15 AdyObhijanavAn asmi
ithithis18.70 adhyEshyathE cha ya imam
ithithis is18.6 EthAnyapi thu karmANi
ithi (prAhu:)said.18.3 thyAjyam dhOshavadhithyEkE
ithi chApi uktha:he is explained in this manner13.22 upadhrashtAnumanthA cha
ithi Ethathall these17.16 mana:prasAdha: saumyathvam
ithi prAhu:said;18.3 thyAjyam dhOshavadhithyEkE
ithi thatha:due to18.64 sarvaguhyathamam bhUya:
ivaas (they carry)15.8 SarIram yadhavApnOthi
jagan nivAsaOh the refuge for the whole world!11.45 adhrushtapUrvam hrushithOsmi dhrushtvA
jagan nivAsa!Oh omnipresent lord!11.37 and 11.37.5 anantha dEvESa jagannivAsa
jagannivAsaOh the abode of all worlds!11.25 dhamshtrAkarAlAni cha thE mukhAni
jagathall the residents of this universe such as dhEvas (celestial beings), gandharva (celestial beings) (who are here to see you)11.36 sthAnE hrushIkESa thava prakIrthyA
jagaththe world16.8 asathyam aprathishtam thE
jagath kAma hEthukam Ahu:hence the world exists based on lust – they say.16.8 asathyam aprathishtam thE
jaghanya guNa vruththisthA:being further engaged in inferior thamO guNam activities14.18 Urdhvam gachchanthi sathvasthA:
jahikill11.34 dhrONam cha bhIshmam cha jayadhratham ca
jana samsadhi arathi:not liking to be in a crowd13.10 mayi chAnanyayOgEna
janArdhanaOh janArdhana!11.51 dhrushtvEdham mAnusham rUpam
jAnAthiknows15.19 yO mAm Evam asammUdO
janma mruthyu jara dhu:khai: vimuktha:being freed from birth, death, old age and sorrow14.20 guNAn EthAn athIthya thrIn
janma mruthyu jarA vyAdhi dhu:kha dhOsha anudharSanammeditating upon the inferior nature of birth, death, old age, disease, suffering13.8 indhriyArthEshu vairAgyam
janmani janmaniin subsequent births16.20 AsurIm yOnim ApannA
jayadhratham chaand jayadhratha11.34 dhrONam cha bhIshmam cha jayadhratham ca
jAyanthEoccur14.12 lObha: pravruththir Arambha:
jAyanthioccur14.13 aprakASOpravruththiS cha
jAyathEis born;14.15 rajasi praLayam gathvA
jAyathEis born;14.15 rajasi praLayam gathvA
jEthAsibe victorious11.34 dhrONam cha bhIshmam cha jayadhratham ca
jitha sanga dhOshA:having overcome the attachment towards worldly objects which are with the three qualities15.5 nirmAnamOhA jithasangadhOshA
jithAthmAbeing victorious over the mind18.49 asakthabudhdhi: sarvathra
jIva bhUtha:being a badhdha jIva (bound soul, surrounded by karma)15.7 mamaivAmSO jIvalOkE
jIva lOkEbeing in this leelA vibhUthi (material realm) where bound souls live15.7 mamaivAmSO jIvalOkE
jvaladhbhi vadhanaifiery mouths11.30 lElihyasE grasamAna: samanthAth
jyOthi:being the light (to identify them);13.17 jyOthishAm api thath jyOthis
jyOthishAm apifor luminous objects (like lamp, sun)13.17 jyOthishAm api thath jyOthis
kAin which?17.1 yE SAsthravidhim uthsrujya
kawhat do you desire to do?11.31 AkhyAhi mE kO bhavAn ugrarUpO
kachchith pranashta:is it destroyed?18.72 kachchidhEthachrutham pArtha
Kachchith Sruthamwas it heard?18.72 kachchidhEthachrutham pArtha
kadhAchana na (vAchyam)should be told ever;18.67 idham thE nAthapaskAya
kai: lingai: bhavathiwhat internal identity does he have?14.21 kair lingais thri guNAn EthAn
kAla: asmiI am death personified (who calculates the life span of these warriors).11.32 kAlOsmi lOkakshayakruth pravrudhdhO
kAlAnala sannibhAni charesembling the fire of deluge11.25 dhamshtrAkarAlAni cha thE mukhAni
kAlE chaat an auspicious time17.20 dhAthavyam ithi yadh dhAnam
kAma bhOgArthamto gratify their lust16.12 ASApASaSathair badhdhA:
kAma bhOgEshuin sensual pleasures16.16 anEkachiththavibhrAnthA
kAma kAratha: varthathEacting on his own desire16.23 ya: SAsthravidhim uthsrujya
kAma kAratha: varthathEacting on his own desire16.23 ya: SAsthravidhim uthsrujya
kAma krOdha parAyaNA:being well engaged in lust and anger16.12 ASApASaSathair badhdhA:
kAma rAga balAnvithA:being with the strength of lust, attachment17.5 aSAsthravihitham ghOram
kAma:lust16.21 thrividham narakasyEdham
kAma:lust16.21 thrividham narakasyEdham
kamala pathrAkshaOh lord who is having lotus-leaf like eyes!11.2 bhavApyayau hi bhUthAnAm
kamalAsanastham ISamSiva (rudhra) who is obedient towards brahmA who is seated in a lotus flower11.15 paSyAmi dhEvAms thava dhEva dhEhE
kAmamdesires16.10 kAmam ASrithya dhushpUram
kAmamgreed18.53 ahankAram balam dharpam
kAmamlust (to accomplish everything with such desire)16.18 ahankAram balam dharpam
kAmEpsunAwith attachment to the results18.24 yath thu kAmEpsunA karma
kAmOpa bhOga paramA:considering lust as the highest goal16.11 chinthAm aparimEyAm cha
kAmyAnAm karmaNAmof kAmya karmas which are done expecting certain results18.2 kAmyAnAm karmaNAm nyAsam
kAraNamcause13.21 kAraNam guNasangOsya
karaNamthe materials etc (which are the means for the karma)18.18 gyAnam gyEyam parigyAthA
karishyasi apiyou will do it (due to other reasons, even if you forego my order)18.60 svabhAvajEna kaunthEya
karishyEwill act.18.73 nashtO mOha: smruthirlabdhA
karmakarmas such as nithya karma (daily rituals), naimiththika karma (periodical rituals) etc18.8 dhu:kham ithyEva yath karma
karmaordained activities (and the wisdom)16.24 thasmAch chAsthram pramANam thE
karmathe action/ritual (which is performed)18.19 gyAnam karma cha karthA cha
karmathe karma (such as yagyam etc)18.18 gyAnam gyEyam parigyAthA
karma chOdhanAthe rules of vEdham regarding karma (ritualistic worships such as jyOthishtOmam etc)18.18 gyAnam gyEyam parigyAthA
karma pala prEpsu:being desirous of the results of the karma18.27 rAgI karmapalaprEpsur
karma pala thyAga:karma (activities) performed giving up the fruit (which is the means for such meditation)12.12 SrEyO hi gyAnam abhyAsAj
karma pala thyAgIwho gives up the results of the actions18.11 na hi dhEhabhruthA Sakyam
karma sangEnacausing desire in worldly activities14.7 rajO rAgAthmakam vidhdhi
karma sangishuin the clan of those who work to attain worldly benefits14.15 rajasi praLayam gathvA
karma sangraha:the factors of karma (which is in the middle)18.18 gyAnam gyEyam parigyAthA
karma yOgEnathrough karma yOga (which includes gyAna yOga, making their mind qualified for dhyAna yOga and seeing the AthmA as explained previously).13.24 dhyAnEnAthmani paSyanthi
karmaNAm Arambha:starting a task specifically focussed on the goal14.12 lObha: pravruththir Arambha:
karmANiactions18.11 na hi dhEhabhruthA Sakyam
karmANiactivities18.41 brAhmaNakshathriyaviSAm
karmaNi (sanjayathi)mainly creates attachment to actions14.9 sathvam sukhE sanjayathi
karmAnubandhInibondage of karma (deeds)15.2 adhaS cha mUlAnyanusanthathAni
karNam (cha)and karNa11.34 dhrONam cha bhIshmam cha jayadhratham ca
karSayantha:troubling17.6 karSayantha: SarIrastham
karSayantha:troubling (those who engage in penance and sacrifice)17.6 karSayantha: SarIrastham
karshathimakes them work (based on karma)15.7 mamaivAmSO jIvalOkE
karthAone who performs the karma18.26 mukthasangOnahamvAdhI
karthAthe performer of karma18.28 ayuktha: prAkrutha: sthabdha:
karthAthe performer of the karma18.27 rAgI karmapalaprEpsur
karthA chathe doer (who performs the karma)18.19 gyAnam karma cha karthA cha
karthA ithithe perfomer of the karma18.18 gyAnam gyEyam parigyAthA
karthAramas the doer18.16 thathraivam sathi karthAram
karthAram na anupaSyathiwhen he does not consider as the doer14.19 nAnyam guNEbhya: karthAram
karthavyAnimust be performed (by mumukshus);18.6 EthAnyapi thu karmANi
karthum arhasiyou are qualified to pursue.16.24 thasmAch chAsthram pramANam thE
karuNa Eva chashowing mercy towards them (when they suffer)12.13 adhvEshtA sarvabhUthAnAm
kArya akArya vyavasthithauto determine what is to be pursued and what is to be discarded16.24 thasmAch chAsthram pramANam thE
kArya akAryEdo-s and dont-s (for those who are focussed on these means)18.30 pravruththim cha nivruththim cha
kArya kAraNa karthruthvEfor the actions which are done by the body and eleven sense organs13.20 kAryakAraNakarthruthvE
kAryam akAryam Eva chaand do-s and don-ts18.31 yayA dharmam adharmam cha
kAryam Evaare to be performed (till the end);18.5 yagyadhAnathapa: karma
kAryam ithi Evathinking that performing the karma itself is the purpose18.9 kAryam ithyEva yath karma
kasmAth cha na namEranhow could they not bow?11.36.5 kasmAchcha thE na namEran mahAthman
katham athivarthathEhow does he transcend?14.21 kair lingais thri guNAn EthAn
katvamla lavaNa athi ushNa thIkshNa rUkshavidhAhina:bitter, sour, salty, over-hot, pungent, dry and burning17.9 katvamlalavaNAthyushNa
kaunthEyaOh arjuna!13.1 idham SarIram kaunthEya
kaunthEyaOh son of kunthI!13.31 anAdhithvAn nirguNathvAth
kaunthEyaOh son of kunthI!14.4 sarva yOnishu kaunthEya
kaunthEyaOh son of kunthI!14.7 rajO rAgAthmakam vidhdhi
kaunthEyaOh son of kunthI!16.20 AsurIm yOnim ApannA
kaunthEyaOh son of kunthI!16.22 Ethair vimuktha: kaunthEya
kaunthEyaOh son of kunthI!16.22 Ethair vimuktha: kaunthEya
kaunthEyaOh son of kunthI!18.48 sahajam karma kaunthEya
kaunthEyaOh son of kunthI!18.50 sidhdhim prApthO yathA brahma
kaunthEyaOh son of kunthI!18.60 svabhAvajEna kaunthEya
kavaya:(Some) learned persons18.2 kAmyAnAm karmaNAm nyAsam
kAya klESa bhayAthfearing the trouble caused for the body18.8 dhu:kham ithyEva yath karma
kAyam praNidhAyawith my body bent11.44 thasmAth praNamya praNidhAya kAyam
kEwho12.1 Evam sathathayukthA yE
kEchithsome (who are experts in yOga)13.24 dhyAnEnAthmani paSyanthi
kEchithsome of them11.21 amI hi thvAm surasanghA viSanthi
kEchithsome of them11.27 vakthrANi thE thvaramANA viSanthi
kESavArjunayO:between kESava and arjuna18.76 rAjan samsmruthya samsmruthya
kESavArjunayO:between kESava and arjuna18.76 rAjan samsmruthya samsmruthya
kESavasyakrishNa-s11.35 EthachchruthvA vachanam kESavasya
kESInishUdhanaOh killer of demon kESi!18.1 sanyAsasya mahAbAhO
kEvalam AthmAnam thuself alone18.16 thathraivam sathi karthAram
kilbishamsamsAra which is the result of sin18.47 svabhAvaniyatham karma
kim AchAra: (bhavathi)what external conduct does he have?14.21 kair lingais thri guNAn EthAn
kim anyan (ithi Ahu:)which entity exists?- – they say;16.8 asathyam aprathishtam thE
kinchith sthAvara jangamamas an immovable entity (such as plant) or a movable entity (such as an animal)13.26 yAvath sanjAyathE kinchith
kirItIarjuna11.35 EthachchruthvA vachanam kESavasya
kirItinamhaving crown11.17 kirItinam gadhinam chakrinam cha
kirItinamwearing one crown11.46 kirItinam gadhinam chakrahastham
klESa:difficulties12.5 klESOdhikatharas thEshAm
krishNaOh krishNa!17.1 yE SAsthravidhim uthsrujya
krishNa:krishNa (is present)18.78 yathra yOgESvara: krishNO
kriyAbhi: cha dharshtum na Sakya:Cannot be seen by engaging in fire rituals too.11.48 na vEdhayagyAdhyayanair na dhAnair
kriyanthEperformed.17.25 thadhithi anabhisandhAya
kriyanthEperformed.17.25 thadhithi anabhisandhAya
kriyathEperformed18.24 yath thu kAmEpsunA karma
krOdha:anger16.21 thrividham narakasyEdham
krOdha:anger16.21 thrividham narakasyEdham
krOdha:anger (which harms others)16.4 dhambhO dharpOthimAnaS cha
krOdhamanger18.53 ahankAram balam dharpam
krOdham chaand anger (to destroy everyone who causes hurdles for such accomplishments)16.18 ahankAram balam dharpam
krUrAnbeing cruel16.19 thAn aham dvishatha: krUrAn
krushi gOrakshya vANijyamfarming, protecting cows and doing business18.44 krushigOrakshyavANijyam
krutha kruthya: chashall have accomplished all the necessary tasks for such attainment.15.20 ithi guhyathamam SAsthram
kruthAnjaliperforming anjali (joined palms)11.35 EthachchruthvA vachanam kESavasya
kruthAnjalisaluting with joined palms11.14 thatha: sa vismayAvishtO
kruthsnaminside out, from toe to head13.33 yathA prakASayathyEka:
kruthsnam jagathall the words11.13 thathraikastham jagath kruthsnam
kruthsnavathlike engaging in acts which give fulfilling results18.22 yath thu kruthsnavadh Ekasmin
kshamApatience (even towards those who harm)16.3 thEja: kshamA dhruthi: Saucham
kshAmayErequest to pardon me.11.42 yachchAvahAsArtham asathkruthOsi
kshamIpatient12.13 adhvEshtA sarvabhUthAnAm
kshAnthi:being undisturbed when troubled by others18.42 SamO dhamas thapa: Saucham
kshAnthi:not being mentally affected even when others cause hurt13.7 amAnithvam adhambhithvam
kshara: cha akshara: cha dhvau imau purushau Evatwo types of souls viz kshara – badhdha jIvAthmAs (bound souls – those who are with destructible material body) and akshara – muktha jIvAthmAs (liberated souls – those who are with indestructible spiritual body) are well known kshara: – kshara purusha15.16 dhvAvimau purushau lOkE
ksharamkshara purusha (bound souls)15.18 yasmAth ksharam athIthoham
kshAthram chaactivities for kshathriya18.43 Sauryam thEjO dhruthir dhAkshyam
kshayamloss of wealth18.25 anubandham kshayam himsAm
kshayAya prabhavanthibecome the cause for the ruin of the universe16.9 EthAm dhrushtim avashtabhya
kshEthra kshEthragya samyOgAth(created) due to the combination of the two principes namely kshEthra (body) and kshEthragya (soul)13.26 yAvath sanjAyathE kinchith
kshEthra kshEthragyayO: antharamthe difference between kshEthra (body) and kshEthragya (soul)13.34 kshEthrakshEthragyayOr Evam antharam
kshEthra kshEthragyO: yath gyAnamthis knowledge which explains -the body and soul are different from each other, and both have me as their antharAthmA-13.2 kshEthragyam chApi mAm vidhdhi
kshEthragya: ithi prAhu:call him kshEthragya: (knower of the field).13.1 idham SarIram kaunthEya
kshEthragyam cha api(as the body which is known as kshEthra) the AthmA which is known as kshEthragya too13.2 kshEthragyam chApi mAm vidhdhi
kshEthram(his) body13.33 yathA prakASayathyEka:
kshEthrambody which is known as kshEthram13.18 ithi kshEthram thathA gyAnam
kshEthramfield13.6 ichchA dhvEsha: sukham dhu:kham
kshEthram ithias field (for AthmA-s enjoyment)13.1 idham SarIram kaunthEya
kshEthrIthe jIvAthmA who is having the body13.33 yathA prakASayathyEka:
kshipAmiI push them16.19 thAn aham dvishatha: krUrAn
kuru nandhanaOh descendant of kuru dynasty!14.13 aprakASOpravruththiS cha
kuru pravIraOh great warrior of kuru clan!11.48 na vEdhayagyAdhyayanair na dhAnair
kurvanone who performs18.47 svabhAvaniyatham karma
kuSalE (karmaNi)puNya karma (pious deed), which gives favourable results and is thus desirable18.10 na dhveshtyakuSalam karma
kUtastha: uchyathEis known as mukthAthmAs (who have no material connection)15.16 dhvAvimau purushau lOkE
kUtasthambeing common for all bodies12.3 yE thvaksharam anirdhESyam
kvachithever18.12 anishtam ishtam miSram cha
labathEattains18.45 svE svE karmaNyabhiratha:
labdhAacquired;18.73 nashtO mOha: smruthirlabdhA
labdhamattained;16.13 idham adhya mayA labdham
labhathEattains18.54 brahmabhUtha: prasannAthmA
laghvASIwith a light diet18.52 vivikthasEvI laghvASI
lObha:stinginess14.12 lObha: pravruththir Arambha:
lObha: Eva chadesire towards heaven etc is created;14.17 sathvAth sanjAyathE gyAnam
lOkAthe residents of this world11.23 rUpam mahath thE bahuvakthranEthram
lOka thrayamthree types of entities [of the world] viz achith (matter), badhdha jIvAthmAs (bound souls) and mukthAthmAs (liberated souls)15.17 uththama: purushas thvanya:
lOka thrayamthree types of people [the favourable ones, unfavourable ones and the unconcerned ones]11.20 dhyAvApruthivyOr idham antharam hi
lOka:this world12.15 yasmAn nOdhvijathE lOkO
lOkakshaya kruthato destroy (the demoniac) lands of this world11.32 kAlOsmi lOkakshayakruth pravrudhdhO
lOkAn[the warriors of] this kingly land11.32 kAlOsmi lOkakshayakruth pravrudhdhO
lOkAthtowards this world12.15 yasmAn nOdhvijathE lOkO
lOkathrayE apiin the three worlds11.43 pithA-si lOkasya charAcharasya
lOkEin SAsthram (sacred texts)15.16 dhvAvimau purushau lOkE
lOkEin the world13.13 sarvatha: pANipAdham thath
lubdha:being a miser (to spend the money required to perform the karma)18.27 rAgI karmapalaprEpsur
mA (bhUtha)be rid11.49 mA thE vyathA mA cha vimUdabhAvO
mA (bhUtha)be rid11.49 mA thE vyathA mA cha vimUdabhAvO
mA Sucha:do not grieve (thinking -am I born as an asura?-);16.5 mA Sucha: sampadham dhaivIm
mA Sucha:do not grieve.18.66 sarvadharmAn parithyajya
mA vyathishtAdon-t grieve (out of misplaced compassion and love thinking -How can I kill them?-)11.34 dhrONam cha bhIshmam cha jayadhratham ca
machchiththa:Placing your heart in me (if you performed all actions as explained previously)18.57.5 machchiththa: sarvadhurgANi
machchiththa: bhavahave your heart focussed on me18.57 chEthasA sarvakarmANi
madhanugrahAyamercifully towards me11.1 mad-anugrahāya paramaṁ
madhartham karmANi kurvan apiby engaging in my deeds in this manner12.10 abhyAsEpyasamarthOsi
madhbhaktha:my devotee13.18 ithi kshEthram thathA gyAnam
madhbhaktha: bhava(moreover) have deep love for me;18.65 manmanA bhava madhbhakthO
madhbhakthEshuto my devotees18.68 ya idha paramam guhyam
madhbhakthimdevotion towards me18.54 brahmabhUtha: prasannAthmA
madhbhAvammy state14.19 nAnyam guNEbhya: karthAram
madhbhAvAya upapadhyathEwill become qualified to remain detached from samsAram (materialistic aspects).13.18 ithi kshEthram thathA gyAnam
madhvyapASraya:submitting the doership etc towards me18.56 sarvakarmANyapi sadhA
madhyAjI bhava(moreover) become my worshipper;18.65 manmanA bhava madhbhakthO
madhyE thishtanthisuffer in middle level births (which mostly give sorrow only);14.18 Urdhvam gachchanthi sathvasthA:
mahA bAhOOh mighty armed!11.23 rUpam mahath thE bahuvakthranEthram
mahA bhUthAnithe five great elements13.5 mahAbhUthAnyahankArO
mahA yOgESvara: hari:krishNa, the lord, who is together with amazing aspects11.9 Evam ukthvA thathO rAjan
mahAbAhOOh mighty armed arjuna!14.5 sathvam rajas thama ithi
mahAbAhOOh mighty armed!18.1 sanyAsasya mahAbAhO
mahAbAhOOh mighty armed!18.13 panchaithAni mahAbAhO
mahAn vismaya:great amazement (occurs)18.77 thachcha samsmruthya samsmruthya
mahAn vismaya:great amazement (occurs)18.77 thachcha samsmruthya samsmruthya
maharshi sidhdha sanghA:other groups of great sages11.21 amI hi thvAm surasanghA viSanthi
mahathgreat14.3 mama yOnir mahadhbrahma
mahathhuge11.23 rUpam mahath thE bahuvakthranEthram
mahath brahmaprimordial matter (which is in effect state along with the chEthanas (souls))14.4 sarva yOnishu kaunthEya
mahAthmAkrishNa who is sathya sankalpa (one who fulfills all his vows)11.50 ithyarjunam vAsudhEvas thathOkthvA
mahAthmanOh great lord!11.36.5 kasmAchcha thE na namEran mahAthman
mahAthmanOh one with unlimited will!11.20 dhyAvApruthivyOr idham antharam hi
mahAthmana: pArthasya chaarjuna who is a very wise person18.74 ithyaham vAsudhEvasya
mAhAthmyam api chahave heard all your multifaceted greatness11.2 bhavApyayau hi bhUthAnAm
mahESvara:being the great lord (for his own body, senses, mind etc)13.22 upadhrashtAnumanthA cha
maithrabeing friendly towards all creatures12.13 adhvEshtA sarvabhUthAnAm
mAmme14.26 mAm cha yo-vyabhichArENa
mAmme15.19 yO mAm Evam asammUdO
mAmme15.19 yO mAm Evam asammUdO
mAmme18.55 bhakthyA mAm abhijAnAthi
mAmme18.55 bhakthyA mAm abhijAnAthi
mAmme18.65 manmanA bhava madhbhakthO
mAmme18.67 idham thE nAthapaskAya
mAmsuch me18.55 bhakthyA mAm abhijAnAthi
mAm aprApyawithout attaining true knowledge about me16.20 AsurIm yOnim ApannA
mAm Apthum ichchayou will desire to attain me12.9 atha chiththam samAdhAthum
mAm dhrashtum thu na SakshyasEyou cannot see me11.8 na thu mAm SakyasE dhrashtum
mAm dhyAyantha upAsathEworshipping me through meditation, prayers etc12.6 yE thu sarvANi karmANi
mAm Ekamonly me18.66 sarvadharmAn parithyajya
mAm Eva Eshyathiwill reach me;18.68 ya idha paramam guhyam
mAm Evaishyasi(by being like this) you will certainly reach me;18.65 manmanA bhava madhbhakthO
mAm prApnuvanthi Evaattain the state of mukthAthmA (liberated soul) which has the same knowledgeable nature as I12.4 sanniyamyEndhriyagrAmam
mAm vidhdhiknow as having me as the antharyAmi13.2 kshEthragyam chApi mAm vidhdhi
mAm yathA dhrushtavAn asiHow you have seen me11.53 nAham vEdhair na thapasA
mamais mine.15.6 na thadh bhAsayathE sUryO
mamamy11.49 mA thE vyathA mA cha vimUdabhAvO
mamamy14.3 mama yOnir mahadhbrahma
mama amSa: Eva (san)one amongst the jIvAthmAs who are having my features15.7 mamaivAmSO jIvalOkE
mama ayam mOhamy confusion relating to this AthmA related matters11.1 mad-anugrahāya paramaṁ
mama dhEhE Ekastham paSyayou can see in one part of my body11.7 ihaikastham jagath kruthsnam
mama idham yath rUpamthis form of mine which11.52 sudhurdharSam idham rUpam
mama mathamthis is my conclusion.13.2 kshEthragyam chApi mAm vidhdhi
mama sAdharmyamequality with me14.2 idham gyAnam upASrithya
mama: mathi:this is my opinion.18.78 yathra yOgESvara: krishNO
mAmakamas mine15.12 yadhAdhithyagatham thEjO
mAmEthiattains me truly11.55 mathkarmakrun mathparamO
mana Adhathsvaplace your heart/mind12.8 mayyEva mana Adhathsva
mAna avamAnayO: thulya:treating equally when others honour and insult14.25 mAnAvamAnayOs thulyas
mana shashtAni indhiryANithe mind and the five gyAna indhriyams (skin, mouth, eyes, nose and ears – the sense organs of knowledge)15.7 mamaivAmSO jIvalOkE
mana:their heart12.2 mayyAveSya manO yE mAm
mana: chamind (which controls these)15.9 SrOthram chakshu: sparSanam cha
mana: praNa indhriya kriyA:the act of mind, vital air and the senses18.33 dhruthyA yayA dhArayathE
mana: prasAdha:Keeping the mind clear and free from anger etc17.16 mana:prasAdha: saumyathvam
mana: samAdhAyawith resolute mind17.11 apalAkAnkshibhir yagyO
mAnasam thapa:penance of the mind17.16 mana:prasAdha: saumyathvam
mAnava:man18.46 yatha: pravruththir bhUthAnAm
mAnavamAnayO: (sama:)being equal towards glory and shame12.18 sama: Sathrau cha mithrE cha
manIshiNAmfor those upAsakas (practitioners) who desire liberation18.5 yagyadhAnathapa: karma
manmanA bhavahave your heart focussed on me constantly;18.65 manmanA bhava madhbhakthO
manthra hInamdevoid of proper manthras17.13 vidhihInam asrushtAnnam
manushyEshuamong men18.69 na cha thasmAn manushyEshu
mArdhavambeing gentle (to be easily approached by noble persons)16.2 ahimsA sathyam akrOdhas
marutha: cha(forty nine) maruthas11.22 rudhrAdhithyA vasavO yE cha sAdhyA
math bhaktha:due to having exclusive devotion towards me without which he cannot sustain and hence engaging in actions having me as the goal11.55 mathkarmakrun mathparamO
math bhaktha:who is affectionate towards me12.16 anapEksha: Suchir dhaksha
math karma kruthengaging in karma as part of worshipping me11.55 mathkarmakrun mathparamO
math karma parama: bhavaengage with great devotion in my deeds;12.10 abhyAsEpyasamarthOsi
math parA:having me as the goal12.6 yE thu sarvANi karmANi
math parammy subordinate/servitor13.12 gyEyam yath thath pravakshyAmi
math parama:having me as the ultimate goal for his actions11.55 mathkarmakrun mathparamO
math prasAdhAthby my grace18.56 sarvakarmANyapi sadhA
math prasAdhAthwith my grace18.57.5 machchiththa: sarvadhurgANi
math yOgam ASritha:pursuing bhakthi yOgam towards me12.11 athaithadhapyaSakthOsi
mathpara:considering me as the result18.57 chEthasA sarvakarmANi
mathparamAdesiring to be united with me always12.20 yE thu dharmyAmrutham idham
maththa: Evaoriginate from me;15.15 sarvasya chAham hrudhi sannivishtO
maunamcontrolling the speech through mind17.16 mana:prasAdha: saumyathvam
maunIbeing silent (while others praise or blame him)12.19 thulyanindhAsthuthir maunI
mayAby me11.2 bhavApyayau hi bhUthAnAm
mayAby me11.4 manyasE yadhi tachchakyam
mayAby me11.34 dhrONam cha bhIshmam cha jayadhratham ca
mayAby me15.20 ithi guhyathamam SAsthram
mayAby me18.63 ithi thE gyAnam AkhyAtham
mayAby me18.73 nashtO mOha: smruthirlabdhA
mayAby me (who is very strong)16.14 asau mayA hatha: Sathrur
mayAby my ability16.13 idham adhya mayA labdham
mayA Eva EthE pUrvam Eva nihathA:these people (who have carried out unjust activities) have been already willed by me to be killed11.33 thasmAth thvam uththishta yaSO labhasva
mayA sadhruSa: ka: anya asthi(in this world) is there any one like me (who has acquired all these fame and wealth with self-effort)?16.15 AdyObhijanavAn asmi
mAyayAin this mAyA (samsAram – material realm) which is filled with sathva, rajO, thamO guNam18.61 ISvara: sarvabhUthAnAm
mayiin me12.2 mayyAveSya manO yE mAm
mayiin me12.8 mayyEva mana Adhathsva
mayiin me12.9 atha chiththam samAdhAthum
mayiin me, who is sarvESvara13.10 mayi chAnanyayOgEna
mayitowards me18.68 ya idha paramam guhyam
mayi arpithO manO budhdhi:having a heart which is focussed on me and conviction12.14 santhushta: sathatham yOgI
mayi AvESitha chEthasAm thEshAmfor those who have their hearts focussed in me12.7 thEshAm aham samudhdharthA
mayi Evain me only12.8 mayyEva mana Adhathsva
mayi Eva nivasishyasiyou will live in me12.8 mayyEva mana Adhathsva
mayi sannyasyaas offerings to me18.57 chEthasA sarvakarmANi
mayi sanyasyaoffering to me12.6 yE thu sarvANi karmANi
mEfor me11.4 manyasE yadhi tachchakyam
mEfor me11.31 AkhyAhi mE kO bhavAn ugrarUpO
mEfor me12.15 yasmAn nOdhvijathE lOkO
mEfor me18.64 sarvaguhyathamam bhUya:
mEfor me18.69 na cha thasmAn manushyEshu
mEfor me18.69 na cha thasmAn manushyEshu
mEfor me18.77 thachcha samsmruthya samsmruthya
mEfor me18.77 thachcha samsmruthya samsmruthya
mEfrom me16.6 dhvau bhUthasargau lOkEsmin
mEfrom me18.13 panchaithAni mahAbAhO
mEmy11.5 paSya mE pArtha rUpANi
mEmy18.6 EthAnyapi thu karmANi
mEmy18.64 sarvaguhyathamam bhUya:
mEto me12.14 santhushta: sathatham yOgI
mEto me12.20 yE thu dharmyAmrutham idham
mE aiSvaram yOgam paSyaYou see the auspicious qualities and wealth which are present with me, the ISvara, exclusively11.8 na thu mAm SakyasE dhrashtum
mE dharSayaplease show to me11.45 adhrushtapUrvam hrushithOsmi dhrushtvA
mE mana:my heart11.45 adhrushtapUrvam hrushithOsmi dhrushtvA
mE matha:are understood by me (in this way)11.18 thvam aksharam paramam vEdhithavyam
mE mathi:my opinion.18.70 adhyEshyathE cha ya imam
mE nibOdhalisten from me;18.50 sidhdhim prApthO yathA brahma
mE priya:is dear to me12.16 anapEksha: Suchir dhaksha
mE priya:is dear to me12.17 yO na hrushyathi na dhvEshti
mE priya:is dear to me12.19 thulyanindhAsthuthir maunI
mE priya: asiyou are dear to me18.65 manmanA bhava madhbhakthO
mE puna: bhavishyathiI will attain again (due to my ability).16.13 idham adhya mayA labdham
mE SruNuhear from me13.3 thath kshEthram yachcha yAdhruk cha
mE SruNuhear from me;18.4 niSchayam SruNu mE thathra
mE SruNulisten from me18.35.5 sukham thu ihdAnIm thrividham
mE yukthathamA mathA:are considered by me as the best yOgis12.2 mayyAveSya manO yE mAm
mEdhAvI(because of that) having true knowledge about the truths18.10 na dhveshtyakuSalam karma
miSram chachildren, wealth, food etc which give a mixture of joy and sorrow (to the one who performs the karma)18.12 anishtam ishtam miSram cha
mithra ari pakshayO: thulya:treating equally friends and foes14.25 mAnAvamAnayOs thulyas
mithyAwill also become false;18.59 yadhyahankAram ASrithya
mOha jAla samAvruthA:being surrounded with various confusions16.16 anEkachiththavibhrAnthA
mOha:(my) contradictory knowledge18.73 nashtO mOha: smruthirlabdhA
mOha: Eva chacontrary knowledge14.13 aprakASOpravruththiS cha
mOham Eva chabewildermen t (which is an effect of thamO guNam)14.22 prakASam cha pravruththim cha
mOhanamcauses bewilderment18.39 yadhagrE chAnubandhE cha
mOhanamcauses knowledge which is contrary to righteousness14.8 thamas thvagyAnajam vidhdhi
mOhAthdue to bewilderment (thinking karma is defective)18.7 niyathasya thu sanyAsa:
mOhAthdue to ignorance16.10 kAmam ASrithya dhushpUram
mOhAthwithout knowing (that bhagavAn is the controller)18.25 anubandham kshayam himsAm
mOksha kAnkshibhi:by those [brAhmaNas, kshathriyas, vaiSyas] who desire mOksham17.25 thadhithi anabhisandhAya
mOksha kAnkshibhi:by those [brAhmaNas, kshathriyas, vaiSyas] who desire mOksham17.25 thadhithi anabhisandhAya
mOkshayishyAmiwill free;18.66 sarvadharmAn parithyajya
mruthyu samsAra sAgarAth(due to being a hurdle in attaining me) from this material world which is an ocean of nescience and which leads to destruction of self12.7 thEshAm aham samudhdharthA
mruthyumsamsAra (material realm)13.25 anyE thvEvam ajAnantha:
mUda yOnishuin ignorant species (such as animals, plants)14.15 rajasi praLayam gathvA
mUdA:having nurtured with misunderstanding about me16.20 AsurIm yOnim ApannA
mUdagrAhENadue to the staunch desire of foolish persons17.19 mUdagrAhENAthmanO yath
muhu: muhu:again and again18.76 rAjan samsmruthya samsmruthya
muhu: muhu:again and again18.76 rAjan samsmruthya samsmruthya
mukhAnifaces/mouths11.25 dhamshtrAkarAlAni cha thE mukhAni
muktha sanga:without attachment to the results18.26 mukthasangOnahamvAdhI
muktha:being freed (from the sins which are the hurdles to begin devotion towards me)18.71 SradhdhAvAn anasUyaScha
mUlAniroots15.2 adhaS cha mUlAnyanusanthathAni
nanot understood (as attachment to the qualities).15.2.5 na rUpam asyEha thathOpalabhyathE
nanot understood (as explained previously that it occurs on going beyond the qualities).15.2.5 na rUpam asyEha thathOpalabhyathE
nanot understood (as ignorance).15.2.5 na rUpam asyEha thathOpalabhyathE
na (vAchyam)should not be told;18.67 idham thE nAthapaskAya
na ahankrutha:are not arising from the pride of -I am the doer-18.17 yasya nAhankruthO bhAvO
na antham paSyAmiI am not seeing the end11.16 anEkabAhUdharavakthranEthram
na anupaSyanthido not see (the AthmA who is different from the body)15.10 uthkrAmantham sthitham vApi
na anushajjathEdoes not desire for it18.10 na dhveshtyakuSalam karma
na ApnOthiwill not attain18.47 svabhAvaniyatham karma
na avApnOthidoes not attain.16.23 ya: SAsthravidhim uthsrujya
na avApnOthidoes not attain.16.23 ya: SAsthravidhim uthsrujya
na bhavathi(such results) does not occur.18.12 anishtam ishtam miSram cha
na bhavishyathi(by my will) are going to be destroyed.11.32 kAlOsmi lOkakshayakruth pravrudhdhO
na cha Sarma labhEnot attaining joy11.25 dhamshtrAkarAlAni cha thE mukhAni
na dhrustha pUrvamnot seen by11.47 mayA prasannEna thavArjunEdham
na dhvEShti(one who has crossed the three qualities) does not hate.14.22 prakASam cha pravruththim cha
na dhvEshtidoes not hate it18.10 na dhveshtyakuSalam karma
na dhvEshtiwho does not hate (unpleasant aspects)12.17 yO na hrushyathi na dhvEshti
na Eva labhEthwill never attain.18.8 dhu:kham it hyEva yath karma
na hanthiwill not be considered as the killer;18.17 yasya nAhankruthO bhAvO
na hi Sakyamis it possible?18.11 na hi dhEhabhruthA Sakyam
na hinasthi hiisn-t he protecting and not destroying it?13.28 samam paSyan hi sarvathra
na ingathEdoes not act (based on those qualities)14.23 udhAsInavadhAsInO
na jAnEI do not know11.25 dhamshtrAkarAlAni cha thE mukhAni
na kAnkshathi[he] does not desire.14.22 prakASam cha pravruththim cha
na kAnkshathidoes not desire (to acquire new pleasant aspects)12.17 yO na hrushyathi na dhvEshti
na kAnkshathinor desires (for anything other than me);18.54 brahmabhUtha: prasannAthmA
na karOthi(unlike the body) he is not the abode of kriyA (actions)13.31 anAdhithvAn nirguNathvAth
na lipyathEdoes not get affected by the qualities of body (and become tainted).13.31 anAdhithvAn nirguNathvAth
na lipyathEis free from the thoughts such as -the results of this action are mine-, -this action is mine-18.17 yasya nAhankruthO bhAvO
na madhyam (paSyAmi)I am not seeing the middle11.16 anEkabAhUdharavakthranEthram
na nibadhyathEwill not be bound in this samsAram (material realm) as a result of such killing.18.17 yasya nAhankruthO bhAvO
na nivarthanthEthere is no return (to samsAram for those who reached there)15.6 na thadh bhAsayathE sUryO
na paSyathidoes not truly understand (the actual doer)18.16 thathraivam sathi karthAram
na puna Adhim (paSyAmi)I am not seeing the beginning11.16 anEkabAhUdharavakthranEthram
na samSaya:there is no doubt12.8 mayyEva mana Adhathsva
na sath na asath uchyathEit is not known by the word sath (AthmA in an effect state) or asath (AthmA in causal state)13.12 gyEyam yath thath pravakshyAmi
na SOchathidoes not worry (when losing pleasant aspects)12.17 yO na hrushyathi na dhvEshti
na SOchathineither laments (for anything other than me)18.54 brahmabhUtha: prasannAthmA
na SrOshyasi chEthif you don-t listen to me18.58 atha chEth thvam ahankArAn
na thyajEthcannot be given up18.48 sahajam karma kaunthEya
na thyAjyamcannot be given up (by mumukshus (liberation seekers));18.5 yagyadhAnathapa: karma
na thyAjyamcannot be given up (even by mumukshus)18.3 thyAjyam dhOshavadhithyEkE
na udhvijathEdoes not fear12.15 yasmAn nOdhvijathE lOkO
na udhvijathEnot trembling out of fear12.15 yasmAn nOdhvijathE lOkO
na upalipyathEdoes not become affected by the properties of the bodies13.32 yathA sarvagatham saukshmyAdh
na upapadhyathEdoes not fit;18.7 niyathasya thu sanyAsa:
na vAchyamshould not be told.18.67 idham thE nAthapaskAya
na vichAlyathEnot changed (due to like and dislike)14.23 udhAsInavadhAsInO
na vidhu:do not know;16.7 pravruththim cha nivruththim cha
na vindhAmi hihave not achieved, isn-t it?11.24 nabhasspruSam dhIptham anEkavarNam
na yOthsyE ithisaying -I won-t fight-18.59 yadhyahankAram ASrithya
nabhasspruSamstanding tall, in contact with paramapadham (spiritual realm)11.24 nabhasspruSam dhIptham anEkavarNam
nachirAthsoon12.7 thEshAm aham samudhdharthA
nadhInAm ambuvEgA:waters of rivers flowing11.28 yathA nadhInAm bahavOmbuvEgA:
nahi prajAnAmiI don-t know.11.31 AkhyAhi mE kO bhavAn ugrarUpO
naishkarmya sidhdhimfirm state of dhyAna (meditation)18.49 asakthabudhdhi: sarvathra
naishkruthika:decei tful18.28 ayuktha: prAkrutha: sthabdha:
nAma yagyai:sacrifices which are aimed at name and fame16.17 AthmasambhAvithA: sthabdhA
nama: (asthu)let my obeisances belong11.39 and 11.39.5 namO namas thEsthu sahasrakruthva:
nama: (asthu)let my obeisances belong11.39 and 11.39.5 namO namas thEsthu sahasrakruthva:
nama: (asthu)let my obeisances belong11.39 and 11.39.5 namO namas thEsthu sahasrakruthva:
namaskruthvAbowing reverently (to krishNa)11.35 EthachchruthvA vachanam kESavasya
namaskuruoffer obeisances (with all your three faculties viz mind, speech and body);18.65 manmanA bhava madhbhakthO
namasyanthi chasaluting you11.36 sthAnE hrushIkESa thava prakIrthyA
namO nama: (asthu)let my obeisances belong11.39 and 11.39.5 namO namas thEsthu sahasrakruthva:
namO nama: asthulet my obeisances belong11.39 and 11.39.5 namO namas thEsthu sahasrakruthva:
nAnA varNa AkruthInisee the forms which have many colours and states11.5 paSya mE pArtha rUpANi
nAnA vidhAniand many varieties11.5 paSya mE pArtha rUpANi
nAnAbhAvAnmany different groups of AthmAs18.21 pruthakthvEna thu yath gyAnam
nara:a man18.15 SarIravAngmanObhir yath
nara:person18.45 svE svE karmaNyabhiratha:
narAdhamAnbeing lowly amongst men16.19 thAn aham dvishatha: krUrAn
narai:by men17.17 SradhdhayA parayA thaptham
narakasyathe hell of demoniac nature16.21 thrividham narakasyEdham
narakasyathe hell of demoniac nature16.21 thrividham narakasyEdham
nASAya viSanthienter to die11.29 yathA pradhIptha jvalana pathangA
nashta:is destroyed;18.73 nashtO mOha: smruthirlabdhA
nashtAthmAna:not seeing the AthmA (which is different from the body)16.9 EthAm dhrushtim avashtabhya
nAthimAnithAabsence of pride (such qualities)16.3 thEja: kshamA dhruthi: Saucham
nibadhdha:being bound18.60 svabhAvajEna kaunthEya
nibadhnanthibinding him.14.5 sathvam rajas thama ithi
nibadhnAthibinds the AthmA14.8 thamas thvagyAnajam vidhdhi
nibandhAya mathAleads to attainment of lowly states.16.4.5 dhaivI sampadh vimOkshAya
nibOdhalearn18.13 panchaithAni mahAbAhO
nidhrA Alasya pramAdhOththamcaused by sleep, lethargy and carelessness18.39 yadhagrE chAnubandhE cha
nimalam Ahu:said [by those who know the greatness of sathva guNam] that there will be no trace of sorrow.14.16 karmaNa: sukruthasyAhu:
nimiththa mAthram bhavayou just be an instrument (like an arrow) in my hands11.33 thasmAth thvam uththishta yaSO labhasva
nirahankAra:being free from ego12.13 adhvEshtA sarvabhUthAnAm
nirguNam(naturally) without the qualities such as sathva (goodness), rajas (passion) and thamas (ignorance)13.14 sarvEndhriyaguNAbhAsam
nirguNathvAthsince he does not have qualities such as sathvam, rajas and thamas13.31 anAdhithvAn nirguNathvAth
nirmalathvAthsince it is naturally revealing without concealing (the AthmA-s knowledge and bliss)14.6 thathra sathvam nirmalathvAth
nirmamabeing free from possessiveness12.13 adhvEshtA sarvabhUthAnAm
nirmama:without possessiveness on anything which is not owned by him18.53 ahankAram balam dharpam
nirmAna mOhA:being relieved from the confusion of dhEhAthmAbhimAnam (considering body as self)15.5 nirmAnamOhA jithasangadhOshA
niSchayamtruth18.4 niSchayam SruNu mE thathra
niSchitham uththamam mathamfirm and top-most principle.18.6 EthAnyapi thu karmANi
nishtAstate17.1 yE SAsthravidhim uthsrujya
nIthi:virtues18.78 yathra yOgESvara: krishNO
nithya yukthA:desiring to be with me always12.2 mayyAveSya manO yE mAm
nithyamalways11.52 sudhurdharSam idham rUpam
nithyamalways13.9 asakthir anabhishvanga:
nithyam dhyAna yOga para:practicing dhyAna yOga everyday until the end18.52 vivikthasEvI laghvASI
nivruththAnithat which separates from him (intentionally or as a means)14.22 prakASam cha pravruththim cha
nivruththim chathe righteous acts which are means for salvation18.30 pravruththim cha nivruththim cha
nivruththim chavaidhika dharmam (the path shown by vEdham) which is the means for liberation16.7 pravruththim cha nivruththim cha
niyamya chawithdrawing it from worldly matters18.51 budhdhyA viSudhdhayA yukthO
niyathamwhich is apt (per the individual-s varNa and ASrama)18.23 niyatham sangarahitham
niyatham karmanithya (daily), naimiththika (occasional) karmas18.9 kAryam ithyEva yath karma
niyathasya karmaNa:of the karmas such as nithya (daily), naimiththika (periodical) etc18.7 niyathasya thu sanyAsa:
niyOshyathiwill lead you to fight.18.59 yadhyahankAram ASrithya
nrulOkEin this world11.48 na vEdhayagyAdhyayanair na dhAnair
nyAsamtotal abandonment18.2 kAmyAnAm karmaNAm nyAsam
nyAyyam vAas established in SAsthram18.15 SarIravAngmanObhir yath
OjasAwith my unstoppable vigour15.13 gAm AviSya cha bhUthAni
Om ithi udhAhruthyaonly after reciting -Om- first17.24 thasmAdhOm ithyudhAhruthya
Om thath sath ithi-Om thath sath-17.23 Om thath sadh ithi nirdhESO
pachAmidigest15.14 aham vaiSvAnarO bhUthvA
padhamme, the goal18.56 sarvakarmANyapi sadhA
palAkAnkshIone who desires for results (other than mOksham)18.34 yayA thu dharmakAmArthAn
palam abhisandhAya thuwith the desire for material benefits17.12 abhisandhAya thu palam
palam anabhisandhAyawithout expecting result [other than mOksham]17.25 thadhithi anabhisandhAya
palam anabhisandhAyawithout expecting result [other than mOksham]17.25 thadhithi anabhisandhAya
palam udhdhiSya vA puna:or expecting a reward (in the after life)17.21 yath thu prathyupakArArtham
palAni chathe desire for the result18.6 EthAnyapi thu karmANi
pancha indhriya gOcharA: chathe five senses, viz, Sabdha (sound), sparSa (touch), rUpa (form), rasa (taste) and gandha (smell)13.5 mahAbhUthAnyahankArO
panchamam dhaivam cha Evafifth and the most important cause, paramAthmA.18.14 adhishtAnam thathA karthA
pANdavaarjuna11.13 thathraikastham jagath kruthsnam
pANdavaOh son of pANdu!14.22 prakASam cha pravruththim cha
pANdavaOh son of pANdu!16.5 mA Sucha: sampadham dhaivIm
pANdava!Oh son of pANdu!11.55 mathkarmakrun mathparamO
para: purusha:this AthmA (which has infinite knowledge and power)13.22 upadhrashtAnumanthA cha
paradharmAngyAna yOga which is to be pursued by someone else18.46.5 SrEyAn svadharmO viguNa:
paramdifferent (from previously explained)14.1 param bhUya: pravakshyAmi
paramdifferent from13.17 jyOthishAm api thath jyOthis
parAmsupreme18.54 brahmabhUtha: prasannAthmA
paramultimate18.75 vyAsaprasAdhAth SruthavAn
paramultimate18.75 vyAsaprasAdhAth SruthavAn
parAm bhakthim kruthvAwill engage in ultimate devotion18.68 ya idha paramam guhyam
param cha dhAma asiyou are the great paramapadham (spiritual realm)11.38 vEththA-si vEdhyam cha param cha dhAma
parAm gathimhigher goal of self realisation13.28 samam paSyan hi sarvathra
parAm gathimthe greatest goal of me (the supreme lord)16.22 Ethair vimuktha: kaunthEya
parAm gathimthe greatest goal of me (the supreme lord)16.22 Ethair vimuktha: kaunthEya
parAm gathim na (avApnOthi)he does not attain the ultimate goal (of attaining me) as well.16.23 ya: SAsthravidhim uthsrujya
parAm gathim na (avApnOthi)he does not attain the ultimate goal (of attaining me) as well.16.23 ya: SAsthravidhim uthsrujya
param nidhAnamthe great resting place11.37 and 11.37.5 anantha dEvESa jagannivAsa
param nidhAnamyou are the shelter11.18 thvam aksharam paramam vEdhithavyam
parAm SAnthimfreedom from all bondage18.62 tham Eva SaraNam gachcha
parAm sidhdhim gathA:attaining the great realisation of their pure self14.1 param bhUya: pravakshyAmi
param yAnthiattain the superior AthmA (which is free from worldly bondage)13.34 kshEthrakshEthragyayOr Evam antharam
paramamincomparable11.9 Evam ukthvA thathO rAjan
paramAmthe top-most18.49 asakthabudhdhi: sarvathra
paramam dhAmasupreme light15.6 na thadh bhAsayathE sUryO
paramam guhyamvery secretive11.1 mad-anugrahāya paramaṁ
paramam guhyam idhamthis SAsthram which is most confidential18.68 ya idha paramam guhyam
paramam vacha:supreme word18.64 sarvaguhyathamam bhUya:
paramAthmAbeing the great soul (which is greater than body, senses, mind etc)13.22 upadhrashtAnumanthA cha
paramAthmA ithi udhAhrutha:known (from SAsthram) as paramAthmA15.17 uththama: purushas thvanya:
paramESvaraOh sarvESvara! (Lord of all)11.3 Evam EthadhyathAththa thvam
paramESvaram thistanthambeing the lord (of such body, mind and senses)13.27 samam sarvEshu bhUthEshu
paranthapaOh tormenter of enemies!18.41 brAhmaNakshathriyaviSAm
paranthapa! arjuna!Oh arjuna who torments the enemies!11.54 bhakthyA thvananyayA Sakya
parasya uthsAdhanArtham vAto torture others17.19 mUdagrAhENAthmanO yath
parayA SradhdhayAwith great faith17.17 SradhdhayA parayA thaptham
parayA SradhdhayA upEthA:with great faith12.2 mayyAveSya manO yE mAm
paricharyAthmakam karmato take up activities in serving those belonging to the first three varNas18.44 krushigOrakshyavANijyam
parigrahamrelatives18.53 ahankAram balam dharpam
parigyAthAthe one who knows (such karma)18.18 gyAnam gyEyam parigyAthA
pariklishtamwith an anguished mind17.21 yath thu prathyupakArArtham
parimArgithavyamshould seek.15.3 aSvaththam Enam suvirUdamUlam
pariNAmEat the end (of the yOga)18.37 yath thadhagrE visham iva
pariNAmEin the end (when the result of such enjoyment arrives)18.38 vishayEndhriyasamyOgAdh
parithyAga:abandonment18.7 niyathasya thu sanyAsa:
parithyajyarenouncing fully18.66 sarvadharmAn parithyajya
pArthaOh arjuna!12.6 yE thu sarvANi karmANi
pArthaOh son of kunthI!11.5 paSya mE pArtha rUpANi
pArthaOh son of kunthI!16.4 dhambhO dharpOthimAnaS cha
pArthaOh son of kunthI!16.6 dhvau bhUthasargau lOkEsmin
pArthaOh son of kunthI!17.26 sadhbhAvE sAdhubhAvE cha
pArthaOh son of kunthI!17.28 aSradhdhayA hutham dhaththam
pArthaOh son of kunthI!17.26 sadhbhAvE sAdhubhAvE cha
pArthaOh son of kunthI!18.6 EthAnyapi thu karmANi
pArthaOh son of kunthI!18.30 pravruththim cha nivruththim cha
pArthaOh son of kunthI!18.31 yayA dharmam adharmam cha
pArthaOh son of kunthI!18.32 adharmam dharmam ithi yA
pArthaOh son of kunthI!18.33 dhruthyA yayA dhArayathE
pArthaOh son of kunthI!18.35 yayA svapnam bhayam SOkam
pArthaOh son of kunthI!18.72 kachchidhEthachrutham pArtha
pArtha arjunaOh arjuna, son of kunthI!18.34 yayA thu dharmakAmArthAn
pArtha:arjuna (is present)18.78 yathra yOgESvara: krishNO
pArthAyato the son of kunthI!11.9 Evam ukthvA thathO rAjan
pArushyamharshness (which irks noble people)16.4 dhambhO dharpOthimAnaS cha
paryupAsathEpractice well12.20 yE thu dharmyAmrutham idham
paryupAsathEworship perfectly12.1 Evam sathathayukthA yE
paryushitham chahaving the taste changed due to having been held for a long time17.10 yAthayAmam gatharasam
paSyabehold11.6 paSyAdhithyAn vasUn rudhrAn
paSyabehold (them in my singular form)11.6 paSyAdhithyAn vasUn rudhrAn
paSyasee;11.5 paSya mE pArtha rUpANi
paSyAmiI am seeing11.19 anAdhimadhyAntham ananthavIryam
paSyAmiI am seeing.11.16 anEkabAhUdharavakthranEthram
paSyAmiI am seeing.11.17 kirItinam gadhinam chakrinam cha
paSyAmiseeing11.15 paSyAmi dhEvAms thava dhEva dhEhE
paSyanthiare seeing.13.24 dhyAnEnAthmani paSyanthi
paSyanthisee (with the eyes of yOga);15.11 yathanthO yOginaS chainam
paSyanthisee the distinction (in all the aforementioned states, thatthe AthmA is different from the body)15.10 uthkrAmantham sthitham vApi
pathangA:moths11.29 yathA pradhIptha jvalana pathangA
pAthrE chato an apt recipient17.20 dhAthavyam ithi yadh dhAnam
paurusham cha(self-s) ability to accomplish the task18.25 anubandham kshayam himsAm
pAvaka: na (bhAsayathE)not illuminated by fire.15.6 na thadh bhAsayathE sUryO
pAvanAni Evaare purifying acts (which remove the long-standing hurdles which stop the upAsana from completing).18.5 yagyadhAnathapa: karma
pIdayAto torture the self17.19 mUdagrAhENAthmanO yath
pithAfather14.4 sarva yOnishu kaunthEya
pithA asiare the father11.43 pithA-si lOkasya charAcharasya
pithA puthrasya ivaas a father dealing with his son-s mistakes11.44 thasmAth praNamya praNidhAya kAyam
prabhavishNu chaas the cause (in the form of semen, foetus etc) for changes13.16 avibhaktham cha bhUthEshu
prabhOOh sarvESvara! (Lord of all)11.4 manyasE yadhi tachchakyam
prabhO!My lord!14.21 kair lingais thri guNAn EthAn
pradhIptha jvalanamin flaming fire11.29 yathA pradhIptha jvalana pathangA
pradhvishantha:unable to tolerate (me)16.18 ahankAram balam dharpam
prahrushyathiare very joyful;11.36 sthAnE hrushIkESa thava prakIrthyA
prAhu:is said (by vEdham)15.1 UrdhvamUlam adha:SAkham
prajApathi: chaas prajApathis (progenitors) and their father brahmA11.38.5 vAyur yamOgnir varuNa: SaSAnka:
prakASakamcauses true knowledge (to AthmA);14.6 thathra sathvam nirmalathvAth
prakASam chaclear knowledge (which is an effect of sathva guNam)14.22 prakASam cha pravruththim cha
prakASayathiilluminates (with his knowledge)13.33 yathA prakASayathyEka:
prakASE gyAnamknowledge which helps reveal the true nature of things14.11 sarvadhvArEshu dhEhEsmin
prakrusthistha:being connected to matter13.20.5 purusha: prakruthisthO hi
prakruthA Eva kriyamANAniare performed by the body which is an effect of matter13.29 prakruthyaiva cha karmANi
prAkrutha:being a layman (who is not learned in SAsthram)18.28 ayuktha: prAkrutha: sthabdha:
prakruthi sambhavA:always united with matter14.5 sathvam rajas thama ithi
prakruthi sambhavAn vidhdhiknow them to be born in this material realm13.19 prakruthim purusham chaiva
prakruthi sthAnipresent in body which is an effect of prakruthi (matter)15.7 mamaivAmSO jIvalOkE
prakruthi:prakruthi (which is pervaded by the jIvAthmA)13.20 kAryakAraNakarthruthvE
prakruthi:your body which is an effect of primordial matter18.59 yadhyahankAram ASrithya
prakruthijAncaused by such connection13.20.5 purusha: prakruthisthO hi
prakruthim chaand the prakruthi (matter)13.23 ya Enam vEththi purusham
prakruthim chamUla prakruthi (primordial matter)13.19 prakruthim purusham chaiva
prakruthim gatha: asmiI have also regained my composure.11.51 dhrushtvEdham mAnusham rUpam
praLayam gathvAif the AthmA sheds its body14.15 rajasi praLayam gathvA
praLayam yAthi (chEth)if he sheds his body14.14 yadhA sathvE pravrudhdhE thu
pralayAnthAm chato exist and achieve until the deluge16.11 chinthAm aparimEyAm cha
praLayE na vyathanthi chanor destroyed.14.2 idham gyAnam upASrithya
praleena:one who dies14.15 rajasi praLayam gathvA
pramAdhacarelessness14.13 aprakASOpravruththiS cha
pramAdha Alasya nidhrAbhi:causing carelessness, lethargy and sleep14.8 thamas thvagyAnajam vidhdhi
pramAdha mOhauengagement in evil deeds due to carelessness, and (as a result of that) contrary knowledge14.17 sathvAth sanjAyathE gyAnam
pramAdhAthby bewilderment11.41 sakhEthi mathvA prasabham yadhuktham
pramAdhE sanjayathi uthamainly creates attachment in forbidden activities through carelessness (by causing contrary knowledge)14.9 sathvam sukhE sanjayathi
pramANamauthority (due to its being the cause for wisdom);16.24 thasmAch chAsthram pramANam thE
praNamyabow unto11.44 thasmAth praNamya praNidhAya kAyam
prANApAna samAyuktha:being with vital airs like prANa, apAna etc15.14 aham vaiSvAnarO bhUthvA
praNayEna vApior by friendship for long time11.41 sakhEthi mathvA prasabham yadhuktham
prANinAmall creatures-15.14 aham vaiSvAnarO bhUthvA
prAnjalaya:standing with joined palms11.21 amI hi thvAm surasanghA viSanthi
prapadhyEthshould surrender (to have the ignorance etc removed).15.4 tham Eva chAdhyam purusham prapadhyEdh
prapithAmaha: thvamyou are the father of brahmA, the grandsire11.38.5 vAyur yamOgnir varuNa: SaSAnka:
prApnuyAthwill reach18.71 SradhdhAvAn anasUyaScha
prApsyasiwill attain18.62 tham Eva SaraNam gachcha
prApsyEwill attain (with my own ability);16.13 idham adhya mayA labdham
prArabhathEengage in18.15 SarIravAngmanObhir yath
prasabham yath utkthamthe inappropriate words said without respect towards you11.41 sakhEthi mathvA prasabham yadhuktham
prasAdhayEpray for your grace.11.44 thasmAth praNamya praNidhAya kAyam
prasakthA:being deeply engaged16.16 anEkachiththavibhrAnthA
prasangEnawith great attachment18.34 yayA thu dharmakAmArthAn
prasannAthmAhaving unperturbed mind18.54 brahmabhUtha: prasannAthmA
prasannEna mayAby me who is pleased11.47 mayA prasannEna thavArjunEdham
praSasthE karmaNieven in worldly actions which are auspicious17.26 sadhbhAvE sAdhubhAvE cha
praSasthE karmaNieven in worldly actions which are auspicious17.26 sadhbhAvE sAdhubhAvE cha
prasIdhabe merciful11.31 AkhyAhi mE kO bhavAn ugrarUpO
prasIdhabecome merciful [towards me]11.25 dhamshtrAkarAlAni cha thE mukhAni
prasIdhabless me11.45 adhrushtapUrvam hrushithOsmi dhrushtvA
prathapanthiburn11.30 lElihyasE grasamAna: samanthAth
prathipadhyathEattains14.14 yadhA sathvE pravrudhdhE thu
prathishtAmeans;14.27 brahmaNO hi prathishtAham
prathitha: asmiI am reputedly known15.18 yasmAth ksharam athIthoham
prathyanIkEshuin (your) opposite side11.32 kAlOsmi lOkakshayakruth pravrudhdhO
prathyupakArArthamexpecting a favour in return17.21 yath thu prathyupakArArtham
pravakshyAmiI will explain you well;13.12 gyEyam yath thath pravakshyAmi
pravarthanthEare acting.16.10 kAmam ASrithya dhushpUram
pravarthanthEpracticed17.24 thasmAdhOm ithyudhAhruthya
pravEshtum chato attain11.54 bhakthyA thvananyayA Sakya
pravibhakthAniare highlighted individually (in SASthram)18.41 brAhmaNakshathriyaviSAm
pravrudhdhaI who have appeared with this terrible form11.32 kAlOsmi lOkakshayakruth pravrudhdhO
pravruththa:I am set out;11.32 kAlOsmi lOkakshayakruth pravrudhdhO
pravruththi:useless activities14.12 lObha: pravruththir Arambha:
pravruththim chaefforts (which is an effect of rajO guNam)14.22 prakASam cha pravruththim cha
pravruththim chathe means for aiSvarya (material wealth, control)16.7 pravruththim cha nivruththim cha
pravruththim chathe righteous acts which are means for worldly wealth18.30 pravruththim cha nivruththim cha
pravyathithAhave become fearful11.23 rUpam mahath thE bahuvakthranEthram
pravyathithamhave become fearful11.20 dhyAvApruthivyOr idham antharam hi
pravyathitham chahas become troubled too11.45 adhrushtapUrvam hrushithOsmi dhrushtvA
pravyathithAntharAthmAI who am frightened11.24 nabhasspruSam dhIptham anEkavarNam
prayujyathEis said (both in common terms and in vEdham).17.26 sadhbhAvE sAdhubhAvE cha
prayujyathEis said (both in common terms and in vEdham).17.26 sadhbhAvE sAdhubhAvE cha
prEthAndead people17.4 yajanthE sAthvikA dhEvAn
prEthyaafter performing the karma18.12 anishtam ishtam miSram cha
prEthya nadoes not lead to mOksham (liberation);17.28 aSradhdhayA hutham dhaththam
prItha manA:with pleased heart11.49 mA thE vyathA mA cha vimUdabhAvO
priyadear12.15 yasmAn nOdhvijathE lOkO
priya hitham chaboth being sweet and causing goodness17.15 anudhvEgakaram vAkyam
priya:dear12.14 santhushta: sathatham yOgI
priya:you who are dear to me11.44 thasmAth praNamya praNidhAya kAyam
priya: bhavathiis dear17.7 AhAras thvapi sarvasya
priyakruththama: na chanone who has performed a dearer service18.69 na cha thasmAn manushyEshu
priyathara: bhavithA na chathere will be none dearer in the future as well.18.69 na cha thasmAn manushyEshu
priyAyamistakes of mine, who is dear to you11.44 thasmAth praNamya praNidhAya kAyam
prOkthAnithe said18.13 panchaithAni mahAbAhO
pruthagvidhAnbeing distinct by characteristics (such as fair, dark, tall, short)18.21 pruthakthvEna thu yath gyAnam
pruthak (gItham)(this true nature of body and soul) individually sung.13.4 rishibhir bahudhA gItham
pruthak gIthamthis matter individually sung.13.4 rishibhir bahudhA gItham
pruthak vEdhithumto know if they are different from each other (or the same).18.1 sanyAsasya mahAbAhO
pruthak vidham karaNam chathe karmEndhriyams (five faculties along with the mind)18.14 adhishtAnam thathA karthA
pruthakthvEnaconsidering their distinguished nature (of being brAhmaNa etc)18.21 pruthakthvEna thu yath gyAnam
pruthakthvEna prOchyamAnammy individual explanation18.29 budhdhEr bhedham dhruthES chaiva
pruthivyAm vAamong humans in this earth18.40 na thadh asthi pruthivyAm vA
pUjya: chayou are venerable11.43 pithA-si lOkasya charAcharasya
puna: prapaSyaagain see11.49 mA thE vyathA mA cha vimUdabhAvO
puna: puna: hrushyAmi chaI become very blissful again and again18.77 thachcha samsmruthya samsmruthya
puna: puna: hrushyAmi chaI become very blissful again and again18.77 thachcha samsmruthya samsmruthya
puna: sAhankArENa vAwith the prideful thinking -I am the doer-18.24 yath thu kAmEpsunA karma
puna: saumya vapu bhUthvAagain appeared with beautiful divine form11.50 ithyarjunam vAsudhEvas thathOkthvA
punaS chaagain11.39 and 11.39.5 namO namas thEsthu sahasrakruthva:
puNya karmaNAm(my) devotees who have performed many virtuous deeds18.71 SradhdhAvAn anasUyaScha
purAduring creation17.23 Om thath sadh ithi nirdhESO
purANa purushathe ancient lord11.37 and 11.37.5 anantha dEvESa jagannivAsa
purusha vyAghraOh leader among men!18.4 niSchayam SruNu mE thathra
purusha:jIvAthmA13.20 kAryakAraNakarthruthvE
purusha:jIvAthmA13.20.5 purusha: prakruthisthO hi
purusham api ubhau Evaand the jIvAthmA (soul), both13.19 prakruthim purusham chaiva
purushOththamaOh purushOththama! (greatest among all)11.3 Evam EthadhyathAththa thvam
purushOththama:as purushOththama15.18 yasmAth ksharam athIthoham
purushOththamamas the one who is greater than bound souls and liberated souls for many reasons15.19 yO mAm Evam asammUdO
pushkalAbhi sthuthibhi:lavish praises (matching your greatness)11.21 amI hi thvAm surasanghA viSanthi
pushNAminourish15.13 gAm AviSya cha bhUthAni
pUthistinking17.10 yAthayAmam gatharasam
puthra dhAra gruhAdhishutowards wife, children, house etc13.9 asakthir anabhishvanga:
rAgadhvEshaulikes and dislikes18.51 budhdhyA viSudhdhayA yukthO
rAgAthmakamcause of desire (between male and female)14.7 rajO rAgAthmakam vidhdhi
rAgIbeing desirous of fame18.27 rAgI karmapalaprEpsur
raja:rajO guNam14.7 rajO rAgAthmakam vidhdhi
raja:the quality of rajas (passion)14.9 sathvam sukhE sanjayathi
raja: Eva (bhavathi)rajas is predominant (at times);14.10 rajas thamaS chAbhibhUya
raja: sathvam thathA thathA (abhibhUya)overpowering rajO guNam and sathva guNam in the same manner14.10 rajas thamaS chAbhibhUya
raja: thama: cha abhibhUyaoverpowering rajO guNam and thamO guNam14.10 rajas thamaS chAbhibhUya
rAjanOh king dhritharAshtra!18.76 rAjan samsmruthya samsmruthya
rAjanOh king dhritharAshtra!18.77 thachcha samsmruthya samsmruthya
rAjanOh king dhritharAshtra!18.77 thachcha samsmruthya samsmruthya
rAjanOh king dhritharAshtra!18.76 rAjan samsmruthya samsmruthya
rAjanOh king dhrutharAshtra!11.9 Evam ukthvA thathO rAjan
rajasa:only by (abundant) rajO guNam14.17 sathvAth sanjAyathE gyAnam
rAjasA:those who are having abundance of rajO guNam (passion), and faith in such mode17.4 yajanthE sAthvikA dhEvAn
rAjasA:those who have abundance of rajO guNam14.18 Urdhvam gachchanthi sathvasthA:
rajasa: palam thuthe result of rajO guNam14.16 karmaNa: sukruthasyAhu:
rAjasa: pari kIrthitha:is said to be a rAjasa karthA18.27 rAgI karmapalaprEpsur
rAjasam prOkthamis said to be caused by rajO guNam (passion);17.18 sathkAra mAna pUjArtham
rAjasam smruthamis said to be caused by rajO guNam18.38 vishayEndhriyasamyOgAdh
rAjasam thyAgam kruthvAdue to abandoning by the influence of rajO guNam (passion)18.8 dhu:kham ithyEva yath karma
rAjasam udhAhruthamis said to be rAjasa karma18.24 yath thu kAmEpsunA karma
rAjasam udhAhruthamis said to rAjasa dhAnam (charity in the mode of passion).17.21 yath thu prathyupakArArtham
rAjasam vidhdhiknow it as rAjasa yagya (sacrifice in the mode of passion)17.12 abhisandhAya thu palam
rAjasam vidhdhiknow to be rAjasa gyAnam (knowledge born of rajO guNam).18.21 pruthakthvEna thu yath gyAnam
rAjasasya ishtA:dear to those who are having abundance of rajO guNam (passion)17.9 katvamlalavaNAthyushNa
rAjasIis caused by rajO guNam18.31 yayA dharmam adharmam cha
rAjasiis caused by rajO guNam18.34 yayA thu dharmakAmArthAn
rajasi (pravrudhdhE)when rajO guNam is on the rise14.15 rajasi praLayam gathvA
rajasi vivrudhdhEwhen rajO guNam rises14.12 lObha: pravruththir Arambha:
rakshAmsidemoniac11.36 sthAnE hrushIkESa thava prakIrthyA
ramathEattaining great delight18.36 abhyAsAdhramathE yathra
raNEin the battle field11.34 dhrONam cha bhIshmam cha jayadhratham ca
rasanamtongue15.9 SrOthram chakshu: sparSanam cha
rasAthmaka: sOma: bhUthvAbecoming the nectarean moon15.13 gAm AviSya cha bhUthAni
rasyA:filled with sweetness17.8 Ayu:sathva balArOgya
rishibi:by sages (such as parASara et al)13.4 rishibhi r bahudhA gItham
rOmaharshaNam adhbhutham samvAdhamamazing conversation which causes goose bumps18.74 ithyaham vAsudhEvasya
rudhrAdhithyA:(eleven) rudhras, (twelve) Adhithyas11.22 rudhrAdhithyA vasavO yE cha sAdhyA
rudhrAn(11) rudhras11.6 paSyAdhithyAn vasUn rudhrAn
rUpamthe aforementioned form15.2.5 na rUpam asyEha thathOpalabhyathE
rUpamviSvarUpam11.9 Evam ukthvA thathO rAjan
rUpANiforms (which are present everywhere)11.5 paSya mE pArtha rUpANi
sAthat brightness11.12 dhivi sUryasahasrasya
sA budhdhi:that knowledge18.31 yayA dharmam adharmam cha
sA budhdhi:that knowledge18.32 adharmam dharmam ithi yA
sA budhdhi: sAthvikIthat knowledge is made of sathva guNam18.30 pravruththim cha nivruththim cha
sa charAcharam kruthsnam jagathall movable and immovable entities of the material realm11.7 ihaikastham jagath kruthsnam
sa dhanajaya:that arjuna11.14 thatha: sa vismayAvishtO
sa dhOsham apieven with blemishes18.48 sahajam karma kaunthEya
sA dhruthi:that steadiness18.33 dhruthyA yayA dhArayathE
sA dhruthi:that steadiness18.34 yayA thu dharmakAmArthAn
sA dhruthi:that steadiness18.35 yayA svapnam bhayam SOkam
sa Eva sa:he is a result of that such only.17.3 sathvAnurUpA sarvasya
sa thyAga:such thyAgam (renunciation)18.9 kAryam ithyEva yath karma
sa:he11.55 mathkarmakrun mathparamO
sa:he12.14 santhushta: sathatham yOgI
sa:he12.16 anapEksha: Suchir dhaksha
sa:he12.17 yO na hrushyathi na dhvEshti
sa:he13.23 ya Enam vEththi purusham
sa:he14.19 nAnyam guNEbhya: karthAram
sa:he14.25 mAnAvamAnayOs thulyas
sa:he14.26 mAm cha yo-vyabhichArENa
sa:he16.23 ya: SAsthravidhim uthsrujya
sa:he16.23 ya: SAsthravidhim uthsrujya
sa:he18.8 dhu:kham ithyEva yath karma
sa:he18.17 yasya nAhankruthO bhAvO
sa:such yagya17.11 apalAkAnkshibhir yagyO
sa: apithat man18.71 SradhdhAvAn anasUyaScha
sa: chahe too12.15 yasmAn nOdhvijathE lOkO
sa: cha ya:what is the true nature of the jIvAthmA, who is highlighted as kshEthragya (knower of the field) in the previous two SlOkams13.3 thath kshEthram yachcha yAdhruk cha
sa: dhurmathi:he sees it wrong18.16 thathraivam sathi karthAram
sa: paSyathiknows it truly13.27 samam sarvEshu bhUthEshu
sa: paSyathionly he sees (AthmA truly).13.29 prakruthyaiva cha karmANi
sa: sarvavithhe knows all the paths to reach me.15.19 yO mAm Evam asammUdO
sa: thuhe only18.11 na hi dhEhabhruthA Sakyam
sa: vEdhavithhe is the knower of vEdham.15.1 UrdhvamUlam adha:SAkham
SabdhAdhIn vishayAnsenses such as Sabdha (sound), sparSa (touch), rUpa (form), rasa (taste), gandha (smell)18.51 budhdhyA viSudhdhayA yukthO
sachchabdha:the word -sath-17.26 sadhbhAvE sAdhubhAvE cha
sachchabdha:the word -sath-17.26 sadhbhAvE sAdhubhAvE cha
sachEthA:having my heart regain its composure11.51 dhrushtvEdham mAnusham rUpam
sadhA kurvANa:one who always performs18.56 sarvakarmANyapi sadhA
sadhbhAvEindicating -an entity which exists-17.26 sadhbhAvE sAdhubhAvE cha
sadhbhAvEindicating -an entity which exists-17.26 sadhbhAvE sAdhubhAvE cha
sadhruSI syadhwill be comparable11.12 dhivi sUryasahasrasya
sAdhu bhAvE chaand indicating -a good entity-17.26 sadhbhAvE sAdhubhAvE cha
sAdhu bhAvE chaand indicating -a good entity-17.26 sadhbhAvE sAdhubhAvE cha
sagadhgadham Ahaspoke with a broken voice11.35 EthachchruthvA vachanam kESavasya
sahajam karmakarma yOga which is naturally fitting [for the nature of individuals]18.48 sahajam karma kaunthEya
sahasra kruthvathousands of times11.39 and 11.39.5 namO namas thEsthu sahasrakruthva:
sahasrabAhO!Oh one with unlimited arms!11.46 kirItinam gadhinam chakrahastham
sakhA ithi mathvAconsidering you to be my friend11.41 sakhEthi mathvA prasabham yadhuktham
sakhA sakhyu: ivaas a friend dealing with his friend-s mistakes11.44 thasmAth praNamya praNidhAya kAyam
SAKhA:(some more) branches15.1.5 adhaS chOrdhvam prasruthAs thasya SAkhA
sAkshAth SruthavAndirectly heard18.75 vyAsaprasAdhAth SruthavAn
sAkshAth SruthavAndirectly heard18.75 vyAsaprasAdhAth SruthavAn
sakthamto engage18.22 yath thu kruthsnavadh Ekasmin
Sakya:possible11.54 bhakthyA thvananyayA Sakya
sama dhu:kha sukhaseeing joy and sorrow equally12.13 adhvEshtA sarvabhUthAnAm
sama dhu:kha sukha:(one) who considers grief and joy equally14.24 samadhu:khasukha: svastha:
sama lOshtASma kAnchana:who considers a block of soil, stone or gold equally14.24 samadhu:khasukha: svastha:
sama:being equal (in detachment)18.54 brahmabhUtha: prasannAthmA
Sama:controlling the external senses18.42 SamO dhamas thapa: Saucham
samachiththathvam chabeing free from elation or dejection13.9 asakthir anabhishvanga:
samagram jagathall the worlds11.30 lElihyasE grasamAna: samanthAth
samagrAn lOkAnall of these warriors11.30 lElihyasE grasamAna: samanthAth
samAharthumto destroy personally11.32 kAlOsmi lOkakshayakruth pravrudhdhO
samambeing equal13.27 samam sarvEshu bhUthEshu
Samam chathe control of mind, senses etc11.24 nabhasspruSam dhIptham anEkavarNam
samam paSyanone sees them equally (as explained previously)13.28 samam paSyan hi sarvathra
samanthAdh dhurnirIkshamevery limb being difficult to behold11.17 kirItinam gadhinam chakrinam cha
samanthAth lElihyasElicking all around many times11.30 lElihyasE grasamAna: samanthAth
samApnOshipervaded (as antharAthmA)11.40 ananthavIryAmithavikramas thvam
samAsatha: ukthambriefly explained.13.18 ithi kshEthram thathA gyAnam
samAsEnabriefly13.3 thath kshEthram yachcha yAdhruk cha
samAsEnabriefly13.6 ichchA dhvEsha: sukham dhu:kham
samAsEnabriefly18.50 sidhdhim prApthO yathA brahma
samathIthyagoing beyond14.26 mAm cha yo-vyabhichArENa
samavasthitham ISvaramthe AthmA who is the svAmi (lord), AdhAra (support) and niyanthA (controller) (in each of those bodies)13.28 samam paSyan hi sarvathra
sambavanthiare appearing14.4 sarva yOnishu kaunthEya
sambhava:birth14.3 mama yOnir mahadhbrahma
sampadhyathEattains13.30 yadhA bhUtapruthagbhAvam
samprakIrthitha: hiwas it not explained previously (by me)?18.4 niSchayam SruNu mE thathra
samprathishtA chathe source on which it stands15.2.5 na rUpam asyEha thathOpalabhyathE
sampravruththAniwhich obtains (unintentionally, or as a means)14.22 prakASam cha pravruththim cha
samrudhdha vEgA lOkA: apithe warriors with great speed11.29 yathA pradhIptha jvalana pathangA
samrudhdham rAjyam bhunkshvaenjoy the rich kingdom11.33 thasmAth thvam uththishta yaSO labhasva
samrudhdhavEgA:having great speed11.29 yathA pradhIptha jvalana pathangA
samsArEshuin births (which contain repeated birth, death, old-age and disease)16.19 thAn aham dvishatha: krUrAn
samsidhdhimfruit of mOksham18.45 svE svE karmaNyabhiratha:
samSrithA:holding on to16.18 ahankAram balam dharpam
samsruthya samsruthyathinking about it everytime18.76 rAjan samsmruthya samsmruthya
samsruthya samsruthyathinking about it everytime18.76 rAjan samsmruthya samsmruthya
samsruthya samsruthya chathinking about it everytime18.77 thachcha samsmruthya samsmruthya
samsruthya samsruthya chathinking about it everytime18.77 thachcha samsmruthya samsmruthya
samudhdharthA bhavAmibe the good saviour12.7 thEshAm aham samudhdharthA
samudhram Eva abhimukhA:towards the sea11.28 yathA nadhInAm bahavOmbuvEgA:
samvruththa: asmihave become satisfied.11.51 dhrushtvEdham mAnusham rUpam
samyAthireaching (the new body).15.8 SarIram yadhavApnOthi
sanAthana purushathe primordial lord (who is pronounced in upanishaths)11.18 thvam aksharam paramam vEdhithavyam
sanAthana:existing since time immemorial (forever)15.7 mamaivAmSO jIvalOkE
sandhruSyanthEare seen11.27 vakthrANi thE thvaramANA viSanthi
sanga varjitha:having given up other results/benefits11.55 mathkarmakrun mathparamO
sanga vivarjitha:being detached from everything12.18 sama: Sathrau cha mithrE cha
sangamthe thought of -mine-18.6 EthAnyapi thu karmANi
sangam palam chaiva thyakthvAgiving up the attachment of thinking -this is my karma- and the result of the karma18.9 kAryam ithyEva yath karma
sangarahithamwithout attachment (such as -I am the doer-, -this is my karma-)18.23 niyatham sangarahitham
sanjaya uvAchasanjaya said11.50 ithyarjunam vAsudhEvas thathOkthvA
sanjaya uvAchasanjaya says18.74 ithyaham vAsudhEvasya
sanjaya uvAchasanjaya speaks11.35 EthachchruthvA vachanam kESavasya
sanjAyathEis created nicely;14.17 sathvAth sanjAyathE gyAnam
sAnkhyE kruthAnthEwhile determining the truth using true knowledge in line with vEdham18.13 panchaithAni mahAbAhO
sAnkhyEna yOgEnathrough gyAna yOga (making their mind qualified for dhyAna yOga and seeing the AthmA as explained previously).13.24 dhyAnEnAthmani paSyanthi
sannivishta:entered as the AthmA and residing there15.15 sarvasya chAham hrudhi sannivishtO
SAntha:only considering self-realisation as enjoyable18.53 ahankAram balam dharpam
SAnthi:peace of mind (occurs)12.12 SrEyO hi gyAnam abhyAsAj
SAnthi:training the senses (except mind) to not engage in sensual pleasures16.2 ahimsA sathyam akrOdhas
santhushta:being content12.14 santhushta: sathatham yOgI
sanyAsa: thuabandonment18.7 niyathasya thu sanyAsa:
sanyAsam vidhu:say it to be known as sanyAsam.18.2 kAmyAnAm karmaNAm nyAsam
sanyAsasyaabout sanyAsa (renunciation, which is explained as the means for mOksham in upanishaths)18.1 sanyAsasya mahAbAhO
sanyAsEna(one who can perform) with (the three types of) renunciation (namely giving up doership, ownership and result)18.49 asakthabudhdhi: sarvathra
sanyAsinAm thufor those who have renounced the aforementioned three aspects18.12 anishtam ishtam miSram cha
sapathnAnenemies11.34 dhrONam cha bhIshmam cha jayadhratham ca
SaraNamas means18.66 sarvadharmAn parithyajya
SaraNam gachchafollow;18.62 tham Eva SaraNam gachcha
sargE api na upajAyanthE(they) are neither created here14.2 idham gyAnam upASrithya
SarIra vAng manObhi:through body, speech and mind18.15 SarIravAngmanObhir yath
SArIram thapa uchyathEare said to be the penances performed with the body17.14 dhEvadhvijaguruprAgyA
SarIrastha:while residing in the body13.31 anAdhithvAn nirguNathvAth
SarIrastham bhUthagrAmamthe five great elements in their body17.6 karSayantha: SarIrastham
sarva Aramba parithyAgIgiving up all activities which lead to bodily bondage14.25 mAnAvamAnayOs thulyas
sarva AScharyamayambeing the abode of all amazing entities/aspects11.11 dhivya mAlyAmbaradharam
sarva bhAvEna bhajathihe remains the one who has served in all paths of devotion etc.15.19 yO mAm Evam asammUdO
sarva bhUtha hithE rathA:not thinking ill of any being12.4 sanniyamyEndhriyagrAmam
sarva bhUthAnAmall creatures (starting from brahmA down to grass)14.3 mama yOnir mahadhbrahma
sarva bhUthAnAm adhvEshtAnot hating any creature12.13 adhvEshtA sarvabhUthAnAm
sarva bhUthAnAm hrudhdhESEin the heart (which is the origin for knowledge), of all beings18.61 ISvara: sarvabhUthAnAm
sarva bhUthAniall beings18.61 ISvara: sarvabhUthAnAm
sarva bhUthEshuin all creatures (having classifications such as brAhmaNa, kshathriya etc, who are engaged in karma)18.20 sarvabhUthEshu yEnaikam
sarva bhUthEshu nirvaira: ya:one who is not inimical towards any creature11.55 mathkarmakrun mathparamO
sarva dharmAnall means18.66 sarvadharmAn parithyajya
sarva dhEhinAmfor all AthmAs who have bodies14.8 thamas thvagyAnajam vidhdhi
sarvA dhiSaS chaall directions11.20 dhyAvApruthivyOr idham antharam hi
sarva dhurgANiall hurdles which bind [you] in this samsAram (material realm)18.57.5 machchiththa: sarvadhurgANi
sarva dhvArEshall the gates, i.e., the sense organs such as eye etc., through which knowledge is transmitted14.11 sarvadhvArEshu dhEhEsmin
sarva guhya thamamabout bhakthi yOga which is the most secretive amongst the secrets18.64 sarvaguhyathamam bhUya:
sarva karma pala thyAgamabandonment of results of all karmas18.2 kAmyAnAm karmaNAm nyAsam
sarva karma pala thyAgam kurugive up the fruits of all activities (as part of being engaged in gyAna yOgam which will instill parabhakthi (full attachment to bhagavAn))12.11 athaithadhapyaSakthOsi
sarva karmANAm sidhdhayEto fulfil all actions18.13 panchaithAni mahAbAhO
sarva karmANiall actions18.57 chEthasA sarvakarmANi
sarva karmANi apiall kAmya karma (actions with expectation for results)18.56 sarvakarmANyapi sadhA
sarva kshEthrEshuin all bodies (such as celestial, human etc)13.2 kshEthragyam chApi mAm vidhdhi
sarva yOnishuin all births such as dhEva (celestial), manushya (human), thiryak (animal) and sthAvara (plants)14.4 sarva yOnishu kaunthEya< /td>
sarva: asiyou are called by the names of all those entities11.40 ananthavIryAmithavikramas thvam
sarvA: OshadhI:all plants15.13 gAm AviSya cha bhUthAni
sarva!Oh one who is everything!11.39 and 11.39.5 namO namas thEsthu sahasrakruthva:
sarvabhAvEnain all manner18.62 tham Eva SaraNam gachcha
sarvabruth cha Evacapable of assuming all types of bodies13.14 sarvEndhriyaguNAbhAsam
sarvagathamwhile prevailing with everything13.32 yathA sarvagatham saukshmyAdh
sarvai: vEdhai: chaall vEdhams15.15 sarvasya chAham hrudhi sannivishtO
sarvamall entities13.13 sarvatha: pANipAdham thath
sarvamall entities other than yourself11.40 ananthavIryAmithavikramas thvam
sarvAn bhUtha viSEsha sangAn paSyAmiI am seeing the collections of all creatures11.15 paSyAmi dhEvAms thava dhEva dhEhE
sarvAn dhEvAn paSyAmiI am seeing all dhEvas11.15 paSyAmi dhEvAms thava dhEva dhEhE
sarvAn rushIn chaall sages11.15 paSyAmi dhEvAms thava dhEva dhEhE
sarvANi bhUthAniall bound souls.15.16 dhvAvimau purushau lOkE
sarvANi karmANiall activities (such as eating, engaging in fire rituals etc)12.6 yE thu sarvANi karmANi
sarvapApEbhya:all sins18.66 sarvadharmAn parithyajya
sarvArambha parithyAgIdoes not begin engaging in activities (which are not ordained in SAsthram)12.16 anapEksha: Suchir dhaksha
sarvArambhA:all actions such as karma yOga, gyAna yOga etc18.48 sahajam karma kaunthEya
sarvArthAnall things (which are already present and to be acquired)18.32 adharmam dharmam ithi yA
sarvaSa: karmANiall karmas (actions)13.29 prakruthyaiva cha karmANi
sarvasyafor all living entities17.7 AhAras thvapi sarvasya
sarvasyafor everyone17.3 sathvAnurUpA sarvasya
sarvasyain all creatures such as humans13.17 jyOthishAm api thath jyOthis
sarvasya chaall creatures-15.15 sarvasya chAham hrudhi sannivishtO
sarvathaon all sides11.16 anEkabAhUdharavakthranEthram
sarvatha dhIpthimanthamhaving radiance on all sides11.17 kirItinam gadhinam chakrinam cha
sarvathA varthamAna: apithough bound in any body such as dhEva (celestial), manushya (human), thiryak (animal) or sthAvara (plant)13.23 ya Enam vEththi purusham
sarvatha: Evain all sides at all times11.39 and 11.39.5 namO namas thEsthu sahasrakruthva:
sarvatha: pANi pAdhamcan perform all activities of hands and feet13.13 sarvatha: pANipAdham thath
sarvathaS Sruthi mathcan perform all activities of ears everywhere13.13 sarvatha: pANipAdham thath
sarvathOkshi SirO mukhamcan perform all activities of eyes, head and face13.13 sarvatha: pANipAdham thath
sarvathraboth in karma (actions) and its palam (results)18.49 asakthabudhdhi: sarvathra
sarvathrain all bodies (such as dhEva (celestials), manushya (humans), thiryak (animals) and sthAvara (plants))13.28 samam paSyan hi sarvathra
sarvathra dhEhE avasthitha:while being present in different bodies such as dhEva (celestial), manushya (human), thiryak (animal) and sthAvara (plant)13.32 yathA sarvagatham saukshmyAdh
sarvathra samabudhdhaya:having equal mind considering the AthmAs in all bodies are similar (by their gyAnam)12.4 sanniyamyEndhriyagrAmam
sarvathragamwhile being present in all bodies12.3 yE thvaksharam anirdhESyam
sarvEall of them11.32 kAlOsmi lOkakshayakruth pravrudhdhO
sarvE chaivaall of them11.22 rudhrAdhithyA vasavO yE cha sAdhyA
sarvE munaya:all those who meditate upon which14.1 param bhUya: pravakshyAmi
sarvE sidhdha sanghAthe groups of sidhdhas (mystics)11.36 sthAnE hrushIkESa thava prakIrthyA
sarvEndhriya guNAbhAsamit is capable of knowing all actions with the sense organs13.14 sarvEndhriyaguNAbhAsam
sarvEndhriya vivarjitham(in its natural state) it is capable of knowing everything even without the sense organs13.14 sarvEndhriyaguNAbhAsam
sarvEshu bhUthEshuin all creatures (such as dhEva (celestials), manushya (humans), thiryak (animals), sthAvara (plants))13.27 samam sarvEshu bhUthEshu
sarvEshu bhUthEshuIn all creatures having different bodies such as brAhmaNa etc18.21 pruthakthvEna thu yath gyAnam
sarvEshu bhUthEshutowards all material objects (other than me)18.54 brahmabhUtha: prasannAthmA
SaSAnka:as chandhra (the deity for moon)11.38.5 vAyur yamOgnir varuNa: SaSAnka:
SaSAnka: na (bhAsayathE)not illuminated by moon;15.6 na thadh bhAsayathE sUryO
SaSi sUrya nEthramhaving divine eyes which are cool like moon and hot like sun11.19 anAdhimadhyAntham ananthavIryam
SAsthra vidhAnOkthamthe principle (of supreme lord) which is explained in SAsthram and the means to attain him16.24 thasmAch chAsthram pramANam thE
SAsthra vidhimmy orders of vEdham16.23 ya: SAsthravidhim uthsrujya
SAsthra vidhimmy orders of vEdham16.23 ya: SAsthravidhim uthsrujya
SAsthra vidhim uthsrujyaeven after disregarding the rules of SAsthram17.1 yE SAsthravidhim uthsrujya
SAsthramvEdham is the only16.24 thasmAch chAsthram pramANam thE
SASvatha dharma gOpthAprotector of the eternal vaidhika dharmam11.18 thvam aksharam paramam vEdhithavyam
SASvathameternally present18.56 sarvakarmANyapi sadhA
SASvatham sthAnam chaparamapadham which is the eternal abode of liberation18.62 tham Eva SaraNam gachcha
SASvathasya dharmasya cha (prathishtA)Also, I am the means for the eternal dharmam, bhakthi yOgam, which leads to great opulence.14.27 brahmaNO hi prathishtAham
Sata:having attachment in inferior karmas like abichAra (exorcising)18.28 ayuktha: prAkrutha: sthabdha:
sathprimordial matter which is in manifested state, with name and form11.37 and 11.37.5 anantha dEvESa jagannivAsa
sath asath yOni janmasufor being born in higher births (such as dhEva (celestial)) and lower births (such as animal, plant)13.21 kAraNam guNasangOsya
sath ithi Ethaththe word sath17.26 sadhbhAvE sAdhubhAvE cha
sath ithi Ethaththe word sath17.26 sadhbhAvE sAdhubhAvE cha
sath ithi Evaas -sath- only17.27 yagyE thapasi dhAnE cha
sath ithi Evaas -sath- only17.27 yagyE thapasi dhAnE cha
sath ithi uchyathEis said to be -sath-.17.27 yagyE thapasi dhAnE cha
sath ithi uchyathEis said to be -sath-.17.27 yagyE thapasi dhAnE cha
SathaSa sahasraSa chahundreds and thousands of11.5 paSya mE pArtha rUpANi
sathatha yukthA:desiring to be together with you always12.1 Evam sathathayukthA yE
sathathamalways17.24 thasmAdhOm ithyudhAhruthya
sathathamalways18.57 chEthasA sarvakarmANi
sathatham yOgIone who meditates upon self always12.14 santhushta: sathatham yOgI
sathkAra mAna pUjArthamto gain respect, praise and worship17.18 sathkAra mAna pUjArtham
Sathrau cha mithrE cha sama:being equal towards the foe (who is nearby) and friend12.18 sama: Sathrau cha mithrE cha
Sathrun jithvA yaSa: labhasvaacquire fame by defeating the enemies11.33 thasmAth thvam uththishta yaSO labhasva
sathva samAvishta:Being in sathva guNam as mentioned previously18.10 na dhveshtyakuSalam karma
sathva samsudhd hi:purity of heart16.1 abhayam sathvasamSudhdhi:
sathvamis it in sathva guNam (goodness)?17.1 yE SAsthravidhim uthsrujya
sathvamsathvam (goodness)14.6 thathra sathvam nirmalathvAth
sathvamthe quality of sathva (goodness)14.9 sathvam sukhE sanjayathi
sathvam bhavathisathvam is predominant (at times);14.10 rajas thamaS chAbhibhUya
sathvam raja: thama: ithi guNA:these three qualities namely sathvam (goodness), rajas (passion) and thamas (ignorance)14.5 sathvam rajas thama ithi
sathvam thama: cha (abhibhUya)overpowering sathva guNam and rajO guNam14.10 rajas thamaS chAbhibhUya
sathvam vivrudhdham ithisathvam rises above (rajas and thamas)14.11 sarvadhvArEshu dhEhEsmin
sathvAnurUpAas per their desire17.3 sathvAnurUpA sarvasya
sathvasthA:those who have abundance of sathva guNam14.18 Urdhvam gachchanthi sathvasthA:
sathvAthonly by (abundant) sathva guNam14.17 sathvAth sanjAyathE gyAnam
sAthvika priyA:dear to sAthvikas (people who are in the mode of goodness)17.8 Ayu:sathva balArOgya
sAthvika:is a sAthvika yagya (yagya in the mode of goodness)17.11 apalAkAnkshibhir yagyO
sAthvikA:Those who are having abundance of sathva guNam (goodness), and faith in such mode17.4 yajanthE sAthvikA dhEvAn
sAthvika: matha:is said to be caused by sathva guNam (quality of goodness).18.9 kAryam ithyEva yath karma
sAthvika: uchyathEis said to be sAthvika karthA18.26 mukthasangOnahamvAdhI
sAthvikam palamthe result of sathva guNam14.16 karmaNa: sukruthasyAhu:
sAthvikam parichakshathEis said (by scholars) to be sAthvika thapas (penance in the mode of goodness)17.17 SradhdhayA parayA thaptham
sAthvikam prOkthamis said to be caused by sathva guNam18.37 yath thadhagrE visham iva
sAthvikam smruthamis said to be sAthvikam (in the mode of goodness)17.20 dhAthavyam ithi yadh dhAnam
sAthvikam uchyathEis said to be sAthvika karma18.23 niyatham sangarahitham
sAthvikam vidhdhiknow as -sAthvika gyAnam-18.20 sarvabhUthEshu yEnaikam
sAthvikIis caused by sathva guNam!18.33 dhruthyA yayA dhArayathE
sAthvikI rAjasI chaiva thAmasI chEthias sAthvika (in goodness), rAjasa (passionate) and thAmasa (ignorant)17.2 thrividhA bhavathi SradhdhA
sathyamspeaking the truth which causes good to all creatures16.2 ahimsA sathyam akrOdhas
sathyamtruthful17.15 anudhvEgakaram vAkyam
sathyam na vidhyathEbeing truthful is also not present in them.16.7 pravruththim cha nivruththim cha
sathyam thE prathijAnEI promise that this is the truth;18.65 manmanA bhava madhbhakthO
Sauchamacquiring the ability to engage in activities ordained in SAsthram18.42 SamO dhamas thapa: Saucham
Sauchamhaving cleanliness (in mind, speech and body) to engage in activities (which are highlighted in SAsthram)16.3 thEja: kshamA dhruthi: Saucham
Sauchampurity of the three faculties (which are helpful in knowing about self and pursuing it)13.7 amAnithvam adhambhithvam
Sauchamthe acts which lead to purity (such as taking a dip in holy rivers)17.14 dhEvadhvijaguruprAgyA
Saucham na vidhyathEpurity (which is required to practice vaidhika rituals) is not present;16.7 pravruththim cha nivruththim cha
saukshmyAthbeing subtle13.32 yathA sarvagatham saukshmyAdh
saukshmyAthbeing subtle13.32 yathA sarvagatham saukshmyAdh
saumyathvamthinking about the well-being of others17.16 mana:prasAdha: saumyathvam
Sauryamvalour which makes one enter into a battlefield fearlessly18.43 Sauryam thEjO dhruthir dhAkshyam
s avikAramwith mutations13.6 ichchA dhvEsha: sukham dhu:kham
savyasAchinOh arjuna who can shoot arrows even with your left hand!11.33 thasmAth thvam uththishta yaSO labhasva
sEvathEworships14.26 mAm cha yo-vyabhichArENa
sidhdhi asidhdhi: nirvikAra:being indifferent towards the [favourable/unfavouble] result18.26 mukthasangOnahamvAdhI
sidhdhimany goal such as birth in heaven etc in his next birth16.23 ya: SAsthravidhim uthsrujya
sidhdhimany goal such as birth in heaven etc in his next birth16.23 ya: SAsthravidhim uthsrujya
sidhdhim avApsyasiyou will reach me (soon through abhyAsa yOga (constant practice) by developing firm attachment in your heart towards me).12.10 abhyAsEpyasamarthOsi
sidhdhim prAptha:one who attained the firm state of dhyAna18.50 sidhdhim prApthO yathA brahma
sidhdhim vindhathiattains me who is the supreme goal18.46 yatha: pravruththir bhUthAnAm
SirasA praNamyabowing his head11.14 thatha: sa vismayAvishtO
SIthOshNa sukha dhu:khEshu sama:being equal towards heat and cold, pleasure and pain12.18 sama: Sathrau cha mithrE cha
smruthi:memory15.15 sarvasya chAham hrudhi sannivishtO
smruthi:true knowledge18.73 nashtO mOha: smruthirlabdhA
snigdhA:having softness17.8 Ayu:sathva balArOgya
sOdum arhasimercifully forgive them11.44 thasmAth praNamya praNidhAya kAyam
sparSanam chabody15.9 SrOthram chakshu: sparSanam cha
spruhAdesire for worldly pleasures14.12 lObha: pravruththir Arambha:
SradhdhA bhavathifaith occurs;17.3 sathvAnurUpA sarvasya
SradhdhA maya:is a transformation of such faith;17.3 sathvAnurUpA sarvasya
SradhdhA virahithamdone without faith17.13 vidhihInam asrushtAnnam
SradhdhadhAnAbeing faithful12.20 yE thu dharmyAmrutham idham
SradhdhAvAnbeing desirous to hear18.71 SradhdhAvAn anasUyaScha
SradhdhayA anvithA:with faith17.1 yE SAsthravidhim uthsrujya
SrEya: hiisn-t it better?12.12 SrEyO hi gyAnam abhyAsAj
SrEyAnbest18.46.5 SrEyAn svadharmO viguNa:
SrI bhagavAn uvAchabhagavAn said11.47 mayA prasannEna thavArjunEdham
SrI bhagavAn uvAchabhagavAn spoke12.2 mayyAveSya manO yE mAm
SrI bhagavAn uvAchAkrishNa, the lord, explained11.5 paSya mE pArtha rUpANi
SrI bhagavAn uvAchaSrI bhagavAn said11.52 sudhurdharSam idham rUpam
SrI bhagavAn uvAchaSrI bhagavAn spoke13.1 idham SarIram kaunthEya
SrI bhagavAn uvAchaSrI bhagavAn spoke14.22 prakASam cha pravruththim cha
SrI:all wealth18.78 yathra yOgESvara: krishNO
SrOthramears15.9 SrOthram chakshu: sparSanam cha
SruNuhear!16.6 dhvau bhUthasargau lOkEsmin
SruNulisten18.45 svE svE karmaNyabhiratha:
SruNulisten (from me).17.7 AhAras thvapi sarvasya
SruNuyou hear.17.2 thrividhA bhavathi SradhdhA
SruNuyAth apione who simply hears this SAsthram18.71 SradhdhAvAn anasUyaScha
Sruthau hihaven-t been heard?11.2 bhavApyayau hi bhUthAnAm
Sruthi parAyaNA: thE api chathose who are engaged in hearing those instructions too13.25 anyE thvEvam ajAnantha:
SruthvAby hearing about karma yOga etc through instructions13.25 anyE thvEvam ajAnantha:
SruthvAhearing11.35 EthachchruthvA vachanam kESavasya
sthabdhA:(due to such self adulation) being puffed up16.17 AthmasambhAvithA: sthabdhA
sthabdha:being incapable of starting the karma (explained in SAsthram)18.28 ayuktha: prAkrutha: sthabdha:
sthairyambeing firm (in the principles explained by SAsthram)13.7 amAnithvam adhambhithvam
sthAnE(all of these) are very fitting [to your glory]11.36 sthAnE hrushIkESa thava prakIrthyA
sthirA:leading to eternal goodness17.8 Ayu:sathva balArOgya
sthiramathi:having firm mind in AthmA12.19 thulyanindhAsthuthir maunI
sthitha: asmistanding firm, with realisation of truth;18.73 nashtO mOha: smruthirlabdhA
sthitham vA-pi(or) being seated in another body15.10 uthkrAmantham sthitham vApi
sthithi: cha[those thraivarNikas – brAhmaNas, kshathriyas and vaiSyas] to remain firm17.27 yagyE thapasi dhAnE cha
sthithi: cha[those thraivarNikas – brAhmaNas, kshathriyas and vaiSyas] to remain firm17.27 yagyE thapasi dhAnE cha
sthuvanthipraising11.21 amI hi thvAm surasanghA viSanthi
SubhAn lOkAnauspicious assemblies18.71 SradhdhAvAn anasUyaScha
SubhASubha: parithyAgigiving up puNya (virtuous) and pApa (sinful) karmas (actions)12.17 yO na hrushyathi na dhvEshti
Suchi:having AhAra Sudhdhi (purity in food consumption)12.16 anapEksha: Suchir dhaksha
SUdhrANAm chaand of SUdhras18.41 brAhmaNakshathriyaviSAm
SUdhrasya apifor the Sudhra, who belongs to fourth varNa18.44 krushigOrakshyavANijyam
sukha dhu:kha samgyai: dhvandhvai:from the pair of joy and sorrow15.5 nirmAnamOhA jithasangadhOshA
sukha dhu:khAnAm bhOkthruthvEfor experiencing joys and sorrows13.20 kAryakAraNakarthruthvE
sukha sangEnacausing attachment to bliss14.6 thathra sathvam nirmalathvAth
sukhamjoy13.6 ichchA dhvEsha: sukham dhu:kham
sukham na (avApnOthi)he does not attain happiness in this birth as well.16.23 ya: SAsthravidhim uthsrujya
sukham na (avApnOthi)he does not attain happiness in this birth as well.16.23 ya: SAsthravidhim uthsrujya
sukham thuhappiness18.35.5 sukham thu ihdAnIm thrividham
sukhE sanjayathimainly creates attachment in joyfulness14.9 sathvam sukhE sanjayathi
sukruthasya karmaNa:deeds which are done without attachment to the results (by one born in the clan of knowledeable)14.16 karmaNa: sukruthasyAhu:
sUkshmathvAthdue to being very subtle13.15 bahir anthaS cha bhUthAnAm
sUrya sahasrasya bhA:the brightness of thousand suns11.12 dhivi sUryasahasrasya
sUrya: na bhAsayathEnot illuminated by sun;15.6 na thadh bhAsayathE sUryO
suvirUdamUlamhaving deeply fixed root15.3 aSvaththam Enam suvirUdamUlam
sva karma niratha:one who acts according to one-s varNa18.45 svE svE karmaNyabhiratha:
sva karmaNAaccording to his own varNa and ASrama18.46 yatha: pravruththir bhUthAnAm
sva thEjasAby your radiance11.19 anAdhimadhyAntham ananthavIryam
svabhAva niyatham karmakarma which is naturally fitting [for his nature]18.47 svabhAvaniyatham karma
svabhAva prabhavai: guNai:the qualities for each of them acquired based on (previous) karma18.41 brAhmaNakshathriyaviSAm
svabhAvajA sA SrAdhdhAthe faith they acquire due to their taste in various matters17.2 thrividhA bhavathi SradhdhA
svabhAvajamacquired by [birth based on] previous karma18.42 SamO dhamas thapa: Saucham
svabhAvajamacquired by [birth based on] previous karma18.43 Sauryam thEjO dhruthir dhAkshyam
svabhAvajamacquired by [birth based on] previous karma18.44 krushigOrakshyavANijyam
svabhAvajamacquired by [birth based on] previous karma18.44 krushigOrakshyavANijyam
svabhAvajEnacaused by your previous karma18.60 svabhAvajEna kaunthEya
svadharma:karma yOga which is naturally pursuable (for a man who is with a body)18.46.5 SrEyAn svadharmO viguNa:
svAdhyAya abhyAsanam cha Evaconstantly learning/reciting vEdham17.15 anudhvEgakaram vAkyam
svAdhyAya:studying vEdham16.1 abhayam sathvasamSudhdhi:
svakam rUpamhis nectar like four-shouldered divine form11.50 ithyarjunam vAsudhEvas thathOkthvA
svanushtithAth(sometimes) well practiced18.46.5 SrEyAn svadharmO viguNa:
svapnam madhamthe acts of mind, vital air etc which cause dream, (sleepiness), jaggedness etc18.35 yayA svapnam bhayam SOkam
svastha:who is engaged in the soul (self) only14.24 samadhu:khasukha: svastha:
svasthi ithi ukthvAsaying -let there be auspiciousness-11.21 amI hi thvAm surasanghA viSanthi
svayam kathayatha: yOgESvarAth krishNa:from krishNa who has auspicious qualities and who directly spoke18.75 vyAsaprasAdhAth SruthavAn
svayam kathayatha: yOgESvarAth krishNa:from krishNa who has auspicious qualities and who directly spoke18.75 vyAsaprasAdhAth SruthavAn
svE svE karmaNiin activities according to one-s varNa18.45 svE svE karmaNyabhiratha:
svEna karmaNAvalour which is your act18.60 svabhAvajEna kaunthEya
thadhAat that time14.11 sarvadhvArEshu dhEhEsmin
thadhAat that time14.14 yadhA sathvE pravrudhdhE thu
thadhAthen11.13 thathraikastham jagath kruthsnam
thadhanantharamsubsequently18.55 bhakthyA mAm abhijAnAthi
thadharthIyam Eva karma chathe rituals/actions which are meant for those thraivarNikas17.27 yagyE thapasi dhAnE cha
thadharthIyam Eva karma chathe rituals/actions which are meant for those thraivarNikas17.27 yagyE thapasi dhAnE cha
thadhvidha:Athma gyAnis (those who are knowledgeable about the soul)13.1 idham SarIram kaunthEya
thamhim13.1 idham SarIram kaunthEya
thAmthat nature of such faith17.2 thrividhA bhavathi SradhdhA
thamthat supreme lord18.46 yatha: pravruththir bhUthAnAm
thamthat tree15.1 UrdhvamUlam adha:SAkham
tham Evasupreme lord (me)18.62 tham Eva SaraNam gachcha
tham purusham Evaonly that supreme lord15.4 tham Eva chAdhyam purusham prapadhyEdh
tham yagyamthat yagya17.12 abhisandhAya thu palam
thama: Eva (bhavathi)thamas is predominant (at times).14.10 rajas thamaS chAbhibhUya
thama: thuand the quality of thamas (ignorance)14.9 sathvam sukhE sanjayathi
thama: thuas for thamO guNam (quality of ignorance)14.8 thamas thvagyAnajam vidhdhi
thamasA AvruthAcovered with thamO guNam18.32 adharmam dharmam ithi yA
thAmasa parikIrthitha:said to be caused due to thAmasa guNam (the mode of ignorance).18.7 niyathasya thu sanyAsa:
thAmasa priyamdear to those who are having abundance of thamO guNam (ignorance)17.10 yAthayAmam gatharasam
thamasa:only by (abundant) thamO guNam14.17 sathvAth sanjAyathE gyAnam
thamasa:primordial matter13.17 jyOthishAm api thath jyOthis
thAmasA:those who are having abundance of thamO guNam (ignorance), and faith in such mode17.4 y ajanthE sAthvikA dhEvAn
thAmasA:those who have abundance of thamO guNam14.18 Urdhvam gachchanthi sathvasthA:
thamasa: palam (thu)the result of thamO guNam14.16 karmaNa: sukruthasyAhu:
thAmasa: uchyathEis said to be thAmasa karthA18.28 ayuktha: prAkrutha: sthabdha:
thAmasam parichakshathEis declared (by the knowers of SAsthram) as thAmasa yagyam (yagya in the mode of ignorance)17.13 vidhihInam asrushtAnnam
thAmasam uchyathEis said to be thAmasa karma.18.25 anubandham kshayam himsAm
thAmasam udhAhruthamis said to be caused by thamO guNam (ignorance)17.19 mUdagrAhENAthmanO yath
thAmasam udhAhruthamis said to be thAmasa gyAnam (which is acquired from thamO guNam)18.22 yath thu kruthsnavadh Ekasmin
thAmasam udhAhruthamis said to be thAmasa happiness.18.39 yadhagrE chAnubandhE cha
thAmasam udhAhruthamis said to thAmasa dhAnam (charity done in the mode of ignorance)17.22 adhESakAlE yadh dhAnam
thAmasIcaused by thamO guNam18.35 yayA svapnam bhayam SOkam
thAmasIis caused by thamO guNam18.32 adharmam dharmam ithi yA
thamasi (pravrudhdhE)when thamO guNam is on the rise14.15 rajasi praLayam gathvA
thamasi vivrudhdhEwhen thamO guNam rises14.13 aprakASOpravruththiS cha
thamO dhvArai:the cause of darkness (i.e., misunderstanding about me)16.22 Ethair vimuktha: kaunthEya
thamO dhvArai:the cause of darkness (i.e., misunderstanding about me)16.22 Ethair vimuktha: kaunthEya
thAnthem17.6 karSayantha: SarIrastham
thAnthose (demoniac people)16.19 thAn aham dvishatha: krUrAn
thAni apiThose too18.19 gyAnam karma cha karthA cha
thapa:applying austerity for the body as ordained in SAsthram18.42 SamO dhamas thapa: Saucham
thapa:engaging in penances (such as EkAdhaSi vratham etc)16.1 abhayam sathvasamSudhdhi:
thapa:penances (are also of three categories);17.7 AhAras thvapi sarvasya
thapa: thapyanthEperform penances and sacrifices17.5 aSAsthravihitham ghOram
thapasA dhrashtum na Sakya:cannot be seen through penance11.53 nAham vEdhair na thapasA
thapasiin thapas (penance)17.27 yagyE thapasi dhAnE cha
thapasiin thapas (penance)17.27 yagyE thapasi dhAnE cha
tharishyasiwill cross over;18.57.5 machchiththa: sarvadhurgANi
thAsAmfor those bodies14.4 sarva yOnishu kaunthEya
thasmAthas the vaidhika karmas along with these three words are created (in this manner, by me)17.24 thasmAdhOm ithyudhAhruthya
thasmAthdue to previously mentioned reasons11.44 thasmAth praNamya praNidhAya kAyam
thasmAthdue to the aforementioned reason11.33 thasmAth thvam uththishta yaSO labhasva
thasmAththus16.21 thrividham narakasyEdham
thasmAthThus16.24 thasmAch chAsthram pramANam thE
thasmAththus16.21 thrividham narakasyEdham
thasmAth anya:other than him18.69 na cha thasmAn manushyEshu
thasmAth anya: kaSchithother than the one who explains this SAsthram18.69 na cha thasmAn manushyEshu
thasminin that14.3 mama yOnir mahadhbrahma
thasyafor such act18.15 SarIravAngmanObhir yath
thasyasuch karma18.7 niyathasya thu sanyAsa:
thasyathat tree-s15.1.5 adhaS chOrdhvam prasruthAs thasya SAkhA
thasya mahAthmana bhAsathat great lord-s brightness11.12 dhivi sUryasahasrasya
thathall of those11.42 yachchAvahAsArtham asathkruthOsi
thathdue to that reason only11.4 manyasE yadhi tachchakyam
thathfor all such entities13.26 yAvath sanjAyathE kinchith
thaththat13.12 gyEyam yath thath pravakshyAmi
thaththat14.8 thamas thvagyAnajam vidhdhi
thathThat15.6 na thadh bhAsayathE sUryO
thaththat17.17 SradhdhayA parayA thaptham
thaththat17.22 adhESakAlE yadh dhAnam
thaththat17.28 aSradhdhayA hutham dhaththam
thaththat AthmA13.15 bahir anthaS cha bhUthAnAm
thaththat AthmA13.15 bahir anthaS cha bhUthAnAm
thaththat AthmA13.15 bahir anthaS cha bhUthAnAm
thaththat AthmA13.16 avibhaktham cha bhUthEshu
thaththat AthmA13.17 jyOthishAm api thath jyOthis
thaththat charity17.21 yath thu prathyupakArArtham
thaththat karma18.23 niyatham sangarahitham
thaththat karma18.24 yath thu kAmEpsunA karma
thaththat karma18.25 anubandham kshayam himsAm
thaththat knowledge13.2 kshEthragyam chApi mAm vidhdhi
thaththat knowledge18.22 yath thu kruthsnavadh Ekasmin
thaththat light of jIvAthmA15.6 na thadh bhAsayathE sUryO
thaththat penance17.18 sathkAra mAna pUjArtham
thaththat penance17.19 mUdagrAhENAthmanO yath
thaththat pure AthmA13.13 sarvatha: pANipAdham thath
thaththat rajO guNam14.7 rajO rAgAthmakam vidhdhi
thaththose karmas18.5 yagyadhAnathapa: karma
thathyour form11.4 manyasE yadhi tachchakyam
thath dhAnamthat charity17.20 dhAthavyam ithi yadh dhAnam
thath Eva mE idham rUpamthis form which you are used to11.49 mA thE vyathA mA cha vimUdabhAvO
thath gyAnamthat knowledge18.20 sarvabhUthEshu yEnaikam
thath gyAnamthat knowledge18.21 pruthakthvEna thu yath gyAnam
thath ithiwith the recital of -thath- (which is the name of brahmam)17.25 thadhithi anabhisandhAya
thath ithiwith the recital of -thath- (which is the name of brahmam)17.25 thadhithi anabhisandhAya
thath kshEthramthe body which is highlighted as kshEthram in the previous two SlOkams13.3 thath kshEthram yachcha yAdhruk cha
thath na asthisuch creature is not present.18.40 na thadh asthi pruthivyAm vA
thath padhamthe state of truly realised self15.5 nirmAnamOhA jithasangadhOshA
thath prasAdhAthby his mercy18.62 tham Eva SaraNam gachcha
thath rUpam Evayour merciful form (which was seen before your assuming the universal form)11.45 adhrushtapUrvam hrushithOsmi dhrushtvA
thath samakshamor in front of others11.42 yachchAvahAsArtham asathkruthOsi
thath sudhrurdharSamvery difficult to see for anyone11.52 sudhurdharSam idham rUpam
thath sukhamthat happiness18.37 yath thadhagrE visham iva
thath sukhamthat happiness18.38 vishayEndhriyasamyOgAdh
thath sukhamthat happiness18.39 yadhagrE chAnubandhE cha
thath thEja:that radiance15.12 yadhAdhithyagatham thEjO
thath thrividham thapa: thapthamthe three-fold penance (explained previously) which are performed17.17 SradhdhayA parayA thaptham
thathAsimilarly11.15 paSyAmi dhEvAms thava dhEva dhEhE
thathAat that time13.30 yadhA bhUtapruthagbhAvam
thathAin the same manner12.18 sama: Sathrau cha mithrE cha
thathAin the same manner13.29 prakruthyaiva cha karmANi
thathAIn the same manner17.26 sadhbhAvE sAdhubhAvE cha
thathAIn the same manner17.26 sadhbhAvE sAdhubhAvE cha
thathAsimilarly11.15 paSyAmi dhEvAms thava dhEva dhEhE
thathAsimilarly11.28 yathA nadhInAm bahavOmbuvEgA:
thathAsimilarly11.34 dhrONam cha bhIshmam cha jayadhratham ca
thathAsimilarly13.32 yathA sarvagatham saukshmyAdh
thathAsimilarly13.33 yathA prakASayathyEka:
thathAsimilarly14.15 rajasi praLayam gathvA
thathAso are17.7 AhAras thvapi sarvasya
thathAthat means18.50 sidhdhim prApthO yathA brahma
thathA ahamI too have become fearful.11.23 rUpam mahath thE bahuvakthranEthram
thathA asau sUthaputhra:karNa who is also seen here11.26 amI cha thvAm dhrutharAshtrasya puthrA:
thathA Evaas before11.46 kirItinam gadhinam chakrahastham
thathA gyAnammeans to acquire knowledge about AthmA13.18 ithi kshEthram thathA gyAnam
thathA karthAthe soul18.14 adhishtAnam thathA karthA
thathA kuruyou do that.18.63 ithi thE gyAnam AkhyAtham
thathA lObha:greed16.21 thrividham narakasyEdham
thathA lObha:greed16.21 thrividham narakasyEdham
thathA marutha:(49) maruthas11.6 paSyAdhithyAn vasUn rudhrAn
thathA na upalabhyathEis not understood, as explained in previous SlOkams.15.2.5 na rUpam asyEha thathOpalabhyathE
thathA ukthvAas explained previously11.50 ithyarjunam vAsudhEvas thathOkthvA
thatha:by joining these two (matter and souls)14.3 mama yOnir mahadhbrahma
thatha:due to that detachment15.3 aSvaththam Enam suvirUdamUlam
thatha:due to that reason12.9 atha chiththam samAdhAthum
thatha:hence11.40 ananthavIryAmithavikramas thvam
thatha:subsequently11.14 thatha: sa vismayAvishtO
thatha:than those [lowly] births16.20 AsurIm yOnim ApannA
thatha:then11.9 Evam ukthvA thathO rAjan
thatha:then12.11 athaithadhapyaSakthOsi
thatha:then16.22 Ethair vimuktha: kaunthEya
thatha:then16.22 Ethair vimuktha: kaunthEya
thatha:through that paramabhakthi18.55 bhakthyA mAm abhijAnAthi
thatha:through this equal vision13.28 samam paSyan hi sarvathra
thatha: Evafrom that prakruthi itself13.30 yadhA bhUtapruthagbhAvam
thathaivasimilarly11.29 yathA pradhIptha jvalana pathangA
thathampervaded18.46 yatha: pravruththir bhUthAnAm
thathraamong the three qu alities namely sathvam, rajas and thamas14.6 thathra sathvam nirmalathvAth
thathrain one-s actions18.16 thathraivam sathi karthAram
thathrathere18.78 yathra yOgESvara: krishNO
thathra dhEva dhEvasya SarIrEIn the divine form of such lord of lords11.13 thathraikastham jagath kruthsnam
thathra thyAgEabout this thyAga which is viewed differently by different persons18.4 niSchayam SruNu mE thathra
thathva gyAnArtha (dharSanam) chinthanammeditation to acquire true knowledge13.11 adhyAthmagyAnanithyathvam
thathvamtruth18.1 sanyAsasya mahAbAhO
thathvatha:truly18.55 bhakthyA mAm abhijAnAthi
thathvatha: gyAthvAknowing truly18.55 bhakthyA mAm abhijAnAthi
thathvEnatruly11.54 bhakthyA thvananyayA Sakya
thavafor you11.16 anEkabAhUdharavakthranEthram
thavato you who is my dear devotee11.47 mayA prasannEna thavArjunEdham
thavayour11.20 dhyAvApruthivyOr idham antharam hi
thavayour11.29 yathA pradhIptha jvalana pathangA
thavayour11.41 sakhEthi mathvA prasabham yadhuktham
thava abhi vijvalanthi vakthrANiin your blazing mouths11.28 yathA nadhInAm bahavOmbuvEgA:
thava dhEhEin your form11.15 paSyAmi dhEvAms thava dhEva dhEhE
thava prakIrthyAseeing your glory11.36 sthAnE hrushIkESa thava prakIrthyA
thava pravruththimyour desired activities11.31 AkhyAhi mE kO bhavAn ugrarUpO
thava vachanamaccording to your instructions (to fight the battle)18.73 nashtO mOha: smruthirlabdhA
thavAmyou11.16 anEkabAhUdharavakthranEthram
thEby you18.67 idham thE nAthapaskAya
thEfor you11.39 and 11.39.5 namO namas thEsthu sahasrakruthva:
thEfor you11.49 mA thE vyathA mA cha vimUdabhAvO
thEfor you16.24 thasmAch chAsthram pramANam thE
thEthey12.2 mayyAveSya manO yE mAm
thEthey13.34 kshEthrakshEthragyayOr Evam antharam
thEthey too12.4 sanniyamyEndhriyagrAmam
thEthose demoniac people16.17 AthmasambhAvithA: sthabdhA
thEThose demoniac persons16.8 asathyam aprathishtam thE
thEto you11.36.5 kasmAchcha thE na namEran mahAthman
thEto you11.39 and 11.39.5 namO namas thEsthu sahasrakruthva:
thEto you18.63 ithi thE gyAnam AkhyAtham
thEto you18.64 sarvaguhyathamam bhUya:
thEyour11.25 dhamshtrAkarAlAni cha thE mukhAni
thEyour18.72 kachchidhEthachrutham pArtha
thE bhakthA:those devotees12.20 yE thu dharmyAmrutham idham
thE dhadhAmiI am giving you.11.8 na thu mAm SakyasE dhrashtum
thE nama: asthulet my salutations belong to you11.31 AkhyAhi mE kO bhavAn ugrarUpO
thE purasthAthin front of you11.39 and 11.39.5 namO namas thEsthu sahasrakruthva:
thE rUpamyour form11.3 Evam EthadhyathAththa thvam
thE rUpamyour form11.23 rUpam mahath thE bahuvakthranEthram
thE vakthrANiin your mouths11.27 vakthrANi thE thvaramANA viSanthi
thEja:being undefeatable18.43 Sauryam thEjO dhruthir dhAkshyam
thEja:being undefeated (by evil people)16.3 thEja: kshamA dhruthi: Saucham
thEjObhi:(with their) radiance11.30 lElihyasE grasamAna: samanthAth
thEjOmayambeing a bundle of radiance11.47 mayA prasannEna thavArjunEdham
thEjOrASimbeing a bundle of great resplendence11.17 kirItinam gadhinam chakrinam cha
thEnaby him18.70 adhyEshyathE cha ya imam
thEnaby those words11.1 mad-anugrahāya paramaṁ
thEnaUnited with those three words17.23 Om thath sadh ithi nirdhESO
thEna Evaas before11.46 kirItinam gadhinam chakrahastham
thEshAmamong these two12.1 Evam sathathayukthA yE
thEshAmfood, sacrifices, penances and charities, their17.7 AhAras thvapi sarvasya
thEshAm thutheir17.1 yE SAsthravidhim uthsrujya
thEshuin them16.7 pravruththim cha nivruththim cha
thistathiremains.18.61 ISvara: sarvabhUthAnAm
thridhA Eva prOchyathEare all explained in three different ways individually.18.19 gyAnam karma cha karthA cha
thrIn guNAnthree qualities14.20 guNAn EthAn athIthya thrIn
thrividhAconstitute the three factors;18.18 gyAnam gyEyam parigyAthA
thrividhA bhavathiof three categories;17.2 thrividhA bhavathi SradhdhA
thrividha:three-fold18.4 niSchayam SruNu mE thathra
thrividha:three.18.18 gyAnam gyEyam parigyAthA
thrividha: nirdhESa:three words17.23 Om thath sadh ithi nirdhESO
thrividha: thubased on the three categories (sathva, rajas and thamas)17.7 AhAras thvapi sarvasya
thrividhamthree kinds18.35.5 sukham thu ihdAnIm thrividham
thrividham bhEdhamthe three variations18.29 budhdhEr bhedham dhruthES chaiva
thrividham dhvAramthree types of causes;16.21 thrividham narakasyEdham
thrividham dhvAramthree types of causes;16.21 thrividham narakasyEdham
thrividham karmaNa: palamthree types of results of karmas18.12 anishtam ishtam miSram cha
thrushNA sanga samudhbhavamcause of desire towards worldly pleasures based on Sabdha (sound) etc and attachment towards children/friends14.7 rajO rAgAthmakam vidhdhi
thulya nindhA sthuthi:being equal towards praise and blame12.19 thulyanindhAsthuthir maunI
thulya nindhAthma samsthuthi:who considers blame and praise equally14.24 samadhu:khasukha: svastha:
thulya priya apriya:who considers desirable and undesirable aspects equally14.24 samadhu:khasukha: svastha:
thvAyou11.17 kirItinam gadhinam chakrinam cha
thvAyou11.19 anAdhimadhyAntham ananthavIryam
thvAyou11.24 nabhasspruSam dhIptham anEkavarNam
thvAyou18.66 sarvadharmAn parithyajya
thvayour11.30 lElihyasE grasamAna: samanthAth
thvA ruthE apieven if you are not there11.32 kAlOsmi lOkakshayakruth pravrudhdhO
thvA viSanthi hiwhen they approach you11.21 amI hi thvAm surasanghA viSanthi
thvadhanyEnaanyone other than you11.47 mayA prasannEna thavArjunEdham
thvamyou11.4 manyasE yadhi tachchakyam
thvamyou11.18 thvam aksharam para mam vEdhithavyam
thvamyou11.18 thvam aksharam paramam vEdhithavyam
thvamyou11.18 thvam aksharam paramam vEdhithavyam
thvamyou11.18 thvam aksharam paramam vEdhithavyam
thvAmyou11.21 amI hi thvAm surasanghA viSanthi
thvAmyou11.22 rudhrAdhithyA vasavO yE cha sAdhyA
thvamyou11.33 thasmAth thvam uththishta yaSO labhasva
thvamyou11.34 dhrONam cha bhIshmam cha jayadhratham ca
thvamyou11.37 and 11.37.5 anantha dEvESa jagannivAsa
thvamyou11.43 pithA-si lOkasya charAcharasya
thvAmyou11.44 thasmAth praNamya praNidhAya kAyam
thvAmyou11.46 kirItinam gadhinam chakrahastham
thvamyou11.49 mA thE vyathA mA cha vimUdabhAvO
thvAmyou12.1 Evam sathathayukthA yE
thvamyou18.58 atha chEth thvam ahankArAn
thvAmyou18.59 yadhyahankAram ASrithya
thvamyou alone11.37 and 11.37.5 anantha dEvESa jagannivAsa
thvamyou alone11.37 and 11.37.5 anantha dEvESa jagannivAsa
thvaramANA Eva viSanthientering in (towards their destruction)11.27 vakthrANi thE thvaramANA viSanthi
thvath anyEnaother than you (who are devoted to me)11.48 na vEdhayagyAdhyayanair na dhAnair
thvath prasAdhAthby your grace18.73 nashtO mOha: smruthirlabdhA
thvath sama: anya: na asthithere is none equal to you (in your qualities such as mercyc et)11.43 pithA-si lOkasya charAcharasya
thvaththafrom you (who is paramAthmA) (springing)11.2 bhavApyayau hi bhUthAnAm
thvayAby you18.72 kachchidhEthachrutham pArtha
thvayA EkEnaby you only11.20 dhyAvApruthivyOr idham antharam hi
thvayA thathampervaded by you11.38 vEththA-si vEdhyam cha param cha dhAma
thyAga palamknowledge which is the result of sAthvika thyAgam (renunciation of an act out of sathva guNam)18.8 dhu:kham ithyEva yath karma
thyAga:giving up (those aspects which do not cause any good to self)16.2 ahimsA sathyam akrOdhas
thyAga:this thyAga (which is observed while performing karmas)18.4 niSchayam SruNu mE thathra
thyAgasya chaabout thyAga (sacrifice)18.1 sanyAsasya mahAbAhO
thyAgAthfrom engaging in karma yOga giving up the fruits12.12 SrEyO hi gyAnam abhyAsAj
thyAgIthe one who is not attached to the result, doership of karmas18.10 na dhveshtyakuSalam karma
thyAgI ithias renouncer18.11 na hi dhEhabhruthA Sakyam
thyajEthshould be shunned.16.21 thrividham narakasyEdham
thyajEthshould be shunned.16.21 thrividham narakasyEdham
thyAjyamcan be given up (by mumukshus (liberation seekers))18.3 thyAjyam dhOshavadhithyEkE
thyakthvAgiving up18.6 EthAnyapi thu karmANi
thyakthvAgiving up18.51 budhdhyA viSudhdhayA yukthO
uchchishtamfood remnants from the same container a person (other than AchAryas and learned elders) ate17.10 yAthayAmam gatharasam
uchyathEis explained;13.20 kAryakAraNakarthruthvE
uchyathEis explained.13.20 kAryakAraNakarthruthvE
uchyathEis said to be14.25 mAnAvamAnayOs thulyas
uchyathEis said to be;13.17 jyOthishAm api thath jyOthis
uchyathEsaid17.15 anudhvEgakaram vAkyam
uchyathEsaid17.16 mana:prasAdha: saumyathvam
udhAhruthamexplained13.6 ichchA dhvEsha: sukham dhu:kham
udhAsIna:being indifferent (towards other matters)12.16 anapEksha: Suchir dhaksha
udhAsInavath AsIna:remaining unconcerned (on matters other than AthmA as explained previously)14.23 udhAsInavadhAsInO
ugrA bhAsafierce rays11.30 lElihyasE grasamAna: samanthAth
ugra karmANa:being engaged in evil activities (which harm everyone)16.9 EthAm dhrushtim avashtabhya
ugra rUpa bhavAnyou who are having very fierce form11.31 AkhyAhi mE kO bhavAn ugrarUpO
ugrai: thapObhi: cha dhrashtum na Sakya:Cannot be seen by engaging in fierce penances too.11.48 na vEdhayagyAdhyayanair na dhAnair
ukthaminstructed (to you).15.20 ithi guhyathamam SAsthram
upadhrashtAacting (upon seeing the body)13.22 upadhrashtAnumanthA cha
upAsathE(through those) they meditate upon AthmA;13.25 anyE thvEvam ajAnantha:
upasEvathEenjoys15.9 SrOthram chakshu: sparSanam cha
upASrithA:having16.11 chinthAm aparimEyAm cha
upASrithyaattaining14.2 idham gyAnam upASrithya
uragAn chaserpents11.15 paSyAmi dhEvAms thava dhEva dhEhE
Urdhva mUlamhaving the root at the top15.1 UrdhvamUlam adha:SAkham
Urdhvam gachchanthi(eventually) reach the higher position of mOksham (liberation);14.18 Urdhvam gachchanthi sathvasthA:
UshmapA: chapithrus (ancestors)11.22 rudhrAdhithyA vasavO yE cha sAdhyA
uthkrAmanthamleaving one body15.10 uthkrAmantham sthitham vApi
uthsrujyadiscarding16.23 ya: SAsthravidhim uthsrujya
uthsrujyadiscarding16.23 ya: SAsthravidhim uthsrujya
uththama vidhAm lOkAnthe abodes of those who have the highest knowledge (about AthmA)14.14 yadhA sathvE pravrudhdhE thu
uththama: chabeing greater15.18 yasmAth ksharam athIthoham
uththama: purusha:the supreme person (due to these reasons)15.17 uththama: purushas thvanya:
uththishtaarise (to fight)11.33 thasmAth thvam uththishta yaSO labhasva
vairAgyam samupASritha:nurturing detachment (in matters unrelated to AthmA)18.52 vivikthasEvI laghvASI
vaiSvAnara: bhUthvAbeing the jAtarAgni (fire of digestion)15.14 aham vaiSvAnarO bhUthvA
vaiSyam karmaactivities for vaiSya18.44 krushigOrakshyavANijyam
vAngmayam thapa:as the penance done by speech17.15 anudhvEgakaram vAkyam
varuNa:as varuNa (deity for water)11.38.5 vAyur yamOgnir varuNa: SaSAnka:
vasava(eight) vasus11.22 rudhrAdhithyA vasavO yE cha sAdhyA
vAsudhEva:krishNa11.50 ithyarjunam vAsudhEvas thathOkthvA
vAsudhEvasyabetween krishNa, the son of vasudhEva18.74 ithyaham vAsudhEvasya
vasUn(8) vasus11.6 paSyAdhithyAn vasUn rudhrAn
vAyu:as vAyu (deity for air)11.38.5 vAyur yamOgnir varuNa: SaSAnka:
vAyu:wind15.8 SarIram yadhavApnOthi
vEdha vith chaknower of vEdham15.15 sarvasya chAham hrudhi sannivishtO
vEdha yagya adhyayanai:(without devotion) by just reciting vEdham, hearing vEdham, performing yagya or by learning vEdham11.48 na vEdhayagyAdhyayanair na dhAnair
vEdhA: chavEdhams (scriptures)17.23 Om thath sadh ithi nirdhESO
vEdhai: dhrashtum na Sakya:cannot be seen through vEdham11.53 nAham vEdhair na thapasA
vEdhAntha kruthbenefactor of the fruits of the ordainments of vEdham15.15 sarvasya chAham hrudhi sannivishtO
vEdhE lOkE chain Sruthi and smruthi15.18 yasmAth ksharam athIthoham
vEdhithavyam paramam aksharamYou are to be known as the supreme aksharam (imperishable) as pronounced in upanishaths11.18 thvam aksharam paramam vEdhithavyam
vEdhya:known;15.15 sarvasya chAham hrudhi sannivishtO
vEdhyam cha asiyou are the knowable [that which is to be known]11.38 vEththA-si vEdhyam cha param cha dhAma
vEpamAna:shivering11.35 EthachchruthvA vachanam kESavasya
vEththA asiyou are the knower (in all of the world)11.38 vEththA-si vEdhyam cha param cha dhAma
vibhaktham iva cha sthitham(for the ignorant) appears to be in divided (as dhEva etc);13.16 avibhaktham cha bhUthEshu
vibhakthEshumany different types of qualities18.20 sarvabhUthEshu yEnaikam
vichakshaNA:Some other learned persons18.2 kAmyAnAm karmaNAm nyAsam
vidhAnOkthA:as ordained in vEdha vAkyams (verses in vEdham)17.24 thasmAdhOm ithyudhAhruthya
vidhdhiknow13.26 yAvath sanjAyathE kinchith
vidhdhiknow15.12 yadhAdhithyagatham thEjO
vidhdhiknow that14.8 thamas thvagyAnajam vidhdhi
vidhdhiknow;14.7 rajO rAgAthmakam vidhdhi
vidhi dhrushta:as ordained by SAsthram17.11 apalAkAnkshibhir yagyO
vidhi hInamdevoid of permission (of brAhmaNas)17.13 vidhihInam asrushtAnnam
vidhyAth utha(jIvAthmA) shall know14.11 sarvadhvArEshu dhEhEsmin
vigatha:has been completely eliminated.11.1 mad-anugrahāya paramaṁ
vigathaspruha:not desirous (of one-s doership)18.49 asakthabudhdhi: sarvathra
viguNa: (api)even with shortcomings18.46.5 SrEyAn svadharmO viguNa:
vigyAnamknowing the distinguished features of supreme lord18.42 SamO dhamas thapa: Saucham
vigyAthumto know11.31 AkhyAhi mE kO bhavAn ugrarUpO
vigyAyaknowing truly13.18 ithi kshEthram thathA gyAnam
vihAra SayyAsana bhOjanEshuwhile playing, reclining, sitting, eating and being together with you11.42 yachchAvahAsArtham asathkruthOsi
vihithA:were created by me.17.23 Om thath sadh ithi nirdhESO
vijaya:victory18.78 yathra yOgESvara: krishNO
vikArAn chachanges (such as liking, hatred etc which are the cause for bondage in this samsAram)13.19 prakruthim purusham chaiva
vIkshanthEare seeing11.22 rudhrAdhithyA vasavO yE cha sAdhyA
vimOkshAya mathAleads to liberation from samsAram;16.4.5 dhaivI sampadh vimOkshAya
vimuchyagiving up18.53 ahankAram balam dharpam
vimUda bhAva: chaperplexity11.49 mA thE vyathA mA cha vimUdabhAvO
vimUdA:those who are bewildered (that the body and the soul are same)15.10 uthkrAmantham sthitham vApi
vimukthA:being relieved15.5 nirmAnamOhA jithasangadhOshA
vimuktha: nara:one who is freed16.22 Ethair vimuktha: kaunthEya
vimuktha: nara:one who is freed16.22 Ethair vimuktha: kaunthEya
vinankshyasiyou will perish.18.58 atha chEth thvam ahankArAn
vinaSyathsuwhile that body perishes13.27 samam sarvEshu bhUthEshu
viniSchithai:fully firm13.4 rishibhir bahudhA gItham
vinivruththa kAmA:being relieved from desire towards everything else [other than spiritual matters]15.5 nirmAnamOhA jithasangadhOshA
viparItham vAas forbidden in SAsthram18.15 SarIravAngmanObhir yath
viparIthAn cha (manyathE)understanding contrarily18.32 adharmam dharmam ithi yA
viSanthientering11.28 yathA nadhInAm bahavOmbuvEgA:
viSathEattains me fully18.55 bhakthyA mAm abhijAnAthi
vishAdhInaturally sorrowful18.28 ayuktha: prAkrutha: sthabdha:
visham ivaappearing to be sorrowful (due to lack of practice in AthmA related aspects, and having to undergo hardship due to that)18.37 yath thadhagrE visham iva
visham ivathat which gives poison like sorrow18.38 vishayEndhriyasamyOgAdh
vishaya pravALA:having sprouts, i.e., the sense objects such as Sabdham (sound)15.1.5 adhaS chOrdhvam prasruthAs thasya SAkhA
vishayAnthose matters15.9 SrOthram chakshu: sparSanam cha
vishayEndhriya samyOgAthDue to senses coming into contact with objects (like food, beverages etc)18.38 vishayEndhriyasamyOgAdh
vishNOOh vishNu!11.24 nabhasspruSam dhIptham anEkavarNam
vishNOOh vishNu!11.30 lElihyasE grasamAna: samanthAth
vishtithamresides.13.17 jyOthishAm api thath jyOthis
viSishyathE (hi)isn-t it better?12.12 SrEyO hi gyAnam abhyAsAj
viSishyathE hiisn-t it better?12.12 SrEyO hi gyAnam abhyAsAj
vismayAvishtabeing filled with amazement (having seen everything in krishNa-s divine form as mentioned in previous verses)11.14 thatha: sa vismayAvishtO
vismithA:being astonished11.22 rudhrAdhithyA vasavO yE cha sAdhyA
visthAram cha(when one sees) diversity (within the same species such as son, grandson etc) of13.30 yadhA bhUtapruthagbhAvam
vistharaSa:elaborately11.2 bhavApyayau hi bhUthAnAm
vistharaSa: prOktha:was elaborately explained.16.6 dhvau bhUthasargau lOkEsmin
viSvamall this world11.38 vEththA-si vEdhyam cha param cha dhAma
viSvampervading the whole world11.47 mayA prasannEna thavArjunEdham
viSvamUrthE!Oh one who has the whole universe as your body!11.46 kirItinam gadhinam chakrahastham
viSvarUpaOh one who has everything as your body!11.16 anEkabAhUdharavakthranEthram
viSvathO mukhamhaving faces in all directions11.11 dhivya mAlyAmbaradharam
viSvESvaraOh controller of all!11.16 anEkabAhUdharavakthranEthram
vividhA pruthak chEshtA chasimilarly, the prANa (vital air) which has five different functions18.14 adhishtAnam thathA karthA
vividhA:many ways17.25 thadhithi anabhisandhAya
vividhA:many ways17.25 thadhithi anabhisandhAya
vividhai: chandhObhi:in many vEdhams [portions of sacred texts]13.4 rishibhir bahudhA gItham
viviktha dhESa sEvithvamliving in seclusion13.10 mayi chAnanyayOgEna
vivikthasEvIbeing in a secluded place (where there are no hurdles for dhyAna)18.52 vivikthasEvI laghvASI
vrajaconsider;18.66 sarvadharmAn parithyajya
vyapEthabhI:being relieved of fear11.49 mA thE vyathA mA cha vimUdabhAvO
vyAptham hihaven-t been pervaded?11.20 dhyAvApruthivyOr idham antharam hi
vyAsa prasAdhAthby the grace of vyAsa18.75 vyAsaprasAdhAth SruthavAn
vyAsa prasAdhAthby the grace of vyAsa18.75 vyAsaprasAdhAth SruthavAn
vyathAanguish11.49 mA thE vyathA mA cha vimUdabhAvO
vyAththAnanamhaving wide open mouth11.24 nabhasspruSam dhIptham anEkavarNam
vyuthyasya chagiving up18.51 budhdhyA viSudhdhayA yukthO
yAthat knowledge18.32 adharmam dharmam ithi yA
yA gyAnasya parA nishtA:that brahma is the ultimate goal of gyAna (knowledge) which is in the form of dhyAna (meditation)18.50 sidhdhim prApthO yathA brahma
ya vEththione who knows truly13.23 ya Enam vEththi purusham
yA vEththithat knowledge which discerns18.30 pravruththim cha nivruththim cha
ya:he12.15 yasmAn nOdhvijathE lOkO
ya:he12.15 yasmAn nOdhvijathE lOkO
ya:me who is of such nature and attitude18.55 bhakthyA mAm abhijAnAthi
ya:one14.26 mAm cha yo-vyabhichArENa
ya:one15.19 yO mAm Evam asammUdO
ya:one18.11 na hi dhEhabhruthA Sakyam
ya:one18.67 idham thE nAthapaskAya
ya:one18.70 adhyEshyathE cha ya imam
ya:One who16.23 ya: SAsthravidhim uthsrujya
ya:One who16.23 ya: SAsthravidhim uthsrujya
ya:one who18.68 ya idha paramam guhyam
ya:that karma yOga nishta (practitioner of karma yOga)12.16 anapEksha: Suchir dhaksha
ya:who12.17 yO na hrushyathi na dhvEshti
ya:who17.3 sathvAnurUpA sarvasya
ya:whosoever14.23 udhAsInavadhAsInO
ya:whosoever14.23 udhAsInavadhAsInO
ya: ijyathEthe yagya which is performed17.12 abhisandhAya thu palam
ya: madh bhaktha:one who loves me (by engaging in karma yOgam)12.14 santhushta: sathatham yOgI
yA: mUrthaya:those forms/bodies14.4 sarva yOnishu kaunthEya
ya: na hrushyathithat karma yOga nishta (karma yOga practitioner) who does not become joyful (on seeing pleasant aspects)12.17 yO na hrushyathi na dhvEshti
ya: nara:that man18.71 SradhdhAvAn anasUyaScha
ya: paSyathione who sees13.29 prakruthyaiva cha karmANi
ya: paSyathione who sees18.16 thathraivam sathi karthAram
ya: paSyathione who sees it13.27 samam sarvEshu bhUthEshu
ya: vEdhaone who knows15.1 UrdhvamUlam adha:SAkham
ya: yagya:that yagya17.11 apalAkAnkshibhir yagyO
ya:thuone who is15.17 uththama: purushas thvanya:
yachcha api uthkrAmathifrom the body which he leaves (from that body)15.8 SarIram yadhavApnOthi
yachchradhdha:whatever faith he is with17.3 sathvAnurUpA sarvasya
yadh gathvAafter reaching where15.6 na thadh bhAsayathE sUryO
yadhA sathvE pravrudhdhE thuwhen sathva guNam is on the rise14.14 yadhA sathvE pravrudhdhE thu
yadhA upajAyathEwhen occurs14.11 sarvadhvArEshu dhEhEsmin
yadhdhAnam dhIyathEthat charity which is performed17.22 adhESakAlE yadh dhAnam
yadhi manyasEif you think11.4 manyasE yadhi tachchakyam
yadhi manyasEif you think18.59 yadhyahankAram ASrithya
yadhi uththithara bhavEthif appeared11.12 dhivi sUryasahasrasya
yAdhruk chawhich entit ies reside in it13.3 thath kshEthram yachcha yAdhruk cha
yadhvikAriits transformations13.3 thath kshEthram yachcha yAdhruk cha
yagya dhAna thapa: karmakarmas such as yagya (sacrifice), dhAna (charity), thapa (penance)18.3 thyAjyam dhOshavadhithyEkE
yagya dhAna thapa: karmavaidhika karmas such as yagya (sacrifice), dhAnam (charity), thapas (penance)18.5 yagyadhAnathapa: karma
yagya dhAna thapa: kriyA:vaidhika rituals such as yAgam (sacrifices), dhAnam (charities), thavam (penances)17.24 thasmAdhOm ithyudhAhruthya
yagya thapa: kriyA:yagyas and penances17.25 thadhithi anabhisandhAya
yagya thapa: kriyA:yagyas and penances17.25 thadhithi anabhisandhAya
yagya:sacrifices (are also of three categories);17.7 AhAras thvapi sarvasya
yagya: chaengaging in pancha mahA yagyam etc (as thiruvArAdhanam to bhagavAn, without any expectation)16.1 abhayam sathvasamSudhdhi:
yagyA: chayagyams (sacrifices)17.23 Om thath sadh ithi nirdhESO
yagya: dhAnam thapa: chathese karmas such as yagya (sacrifice), dhAnam (charity), thapas (penance)18.5 yagyadhAnathapa: karma
yagyamyagya17.13 vidhihInam asrushtAnnam
yagyEIn yagya (sacrifice)17.27 yagyE thapasi dhAnE cha
yagyEIn yagya (sacrifice)17.27 yagyE thapasi dhAnE cha
yajanthEperform yagya16.17 AthmasambhAvithA: sthabdhA
yajanthEperforming yagya17.1 yE SAsthravidhim uthsrujya
yajanthEworship17.4 yajanthE sAthvikA dhEvAn
yajanthEworship;17.4 yajanthE sAthvikA dhEvAn
yaksha rakshAmsi (yajanthE)worship yakshas (ghosts) and rAkshasas (demons);17.4 yajanthE sAthvikA dhEvAn
yam aSvaththamthat samsAram which is like a peepal tree15.1 UrdhvamUlam adha:SAkham
yama:as yama (deity for dharma)11.38.5 vAyur yamOgnir varuNa: SaSAnka:
yanthra ArUdAniin the body which is the machine, an effect of matter18.61 ISvara: sarvabhUthAnAm
yashtavyamEva ithiconsidering that the yagya must be done (since such yagya is part of worshipping bhagavAn)17.11 apalAkAnkshibhir yagyO
yasmAthFor that karma yOga nishta (practitioner of karma yOga)12.15 yasmAn nOdhvijathE lOkO
yasmAthsince15.18 yasmAth ksharam athIthoham
yasmin gathA bhUya: na nivarthanthi thath padhamthe goal of not having to return to this samsAram15.3 aSvaththam Enam suvirUdamUlam
yasya bhAva:The thoughts of the one (on the doership)18.17 yasya nAhankruthO bhAvO
yasya budhdhi:the intellect of the one18.17 yasya nAhankruthO bhAvO
yasya chandhAmsi parNAnihaving vEdha vAkyams (sayings from sacred texts) as the leaves15.1 UrdhvamUlam adha:SAkham
yaththat17.28 aSradhdhayA hutham dhaththam
yathThe happiness which18.39 yadhagrE chAnubandhE cha
yathwhat is its true nature13.3 thath kshEthram yachcha yAdhruk cha
yath asathkruthO-siwhatever way you have been insulted by me11.42 yachchAvahAsArtham asathkruthOsi
yath atha: anyathAeverything other than these13.11 adhyAthmagyAnanithyathvam
yath bhOjanamthose food items17.10 yAthayAmam gatharasam
yath chawhat material it is made of13.3 thath kshEthram yachcha yAdhruk cha
yath cha agnauthe radiance of the fire (which illuminates the worlds)15.12 yadhAdhithyagatham thEjO
yath cha anyath dhrashtum ichchasiwhichever else you may like to see11.7 ihaikastham jagath kruthsnam
yath cha asathkruthO-siwhatever way you have been insulted by me11.42 yachchAvahAsArtham asathkruthOsi
yath dhAnam dhIyathEthe charity which is performed17.20 dhAthavyam ithi yadh dhAnam
yath gyAnam vEththithe knowledge which helps one know18.21 pruthakthvEna thu yath gyAnam
yath gyAthvAattaining which knowledge14.1 param bhUya: pravakshyAmi
yath gyAthvAknowing which13.12 gyEyam yath thath pravakshyAmi
yath idham mE param rUpam (thatha)this superior universal form of mine11.47 mayA prasannEna thavArjunEdham
yath karmaany act18.15 SarIravAngmanObhir yath
yath karmaThe karma (action)18.23 niyatham sangarahitham
yath karma thuThe karma18.24 yath thu kAmEpsunA karma
yath karmamThe karma18.25 anubandham kshayam himsAm
yath kriyathEif performed18.9 kAryam ithyEva yath karma
yath mOhAth karthum na ichchasi thaththe war you are not willing to fight due to ignorance18.60 svabhAvajEna kaunthEya
yath prabhAva: chawhat are his glories13.3 thath kshEthram yachcha yAdhruk cha
yath SarIram avApnOthi(after shedding the previous body) the body which he attains (for that body)15.8 SarIram yadhavApnOthi
yath sathvam syAthany creature18.40 na thadh asthi pruthivyAm vA
yath thapa: cha thapthamthe penance which is performed (that)17.28 aSradhdhayA hutham dhaththam
yath thapa: kriyathEthe penance which is practiced17.18 sathkAra mAna pUjArtham
yath that paramthe liberated souls (who are greater than all these)11.37 and 11.37.5 anantha dEvESa jagannivAsa
yath thaththat happiness18.37 yath thadhagrE visham iva
yath thath amruthOpamamthat happiness which feels like nectar18.38 vishayEndhriyasamyOgAdh
yath thath gyEyamabout such AthmA which is to be known13.12 gyEyam yath thath pravakshyAmi
yath thEja:that radiance15.12 yadhAdhithyagatham thEjO
yath thuthe knowledge18.22 yath thu kruthsnavadh Ekasmin
yath thvayA ukthamwhatever told by you11.1 mad-anugrahāya paramaṁ
yath thyajEthif abandoned18.8 dhu:kham ithyEva yath karma
yath vAkyamwords17.15 anudhvEgakaram vAkyam
yathA anupaSyathiwhen one sees13.30 yadhA bhUtapruthagbhAvam
yathA brahma ApnOthiwith the means with which one attains self-realisation which is known as brahma18.50 sidhdhim prApthO yathA brahma
yathA dhravanthihow they flow11.28 yathA nadhInAm bahavOmbuvEgA:
yathA ichchasiwhatever you desire according to your capacity18.63 ithi thE gyAnam AkhyAtham
yathA na upalipyathEnot affected by the properties of those entities13.32 yathA sarvagatham saukshmyAdh
yathA nASaya viSanthihow they enter to die11.29 yathA pradhIptha jvalana pathangA
yathA prakASayathihow he illuminates (with his light)13.33 yathA prakASayathyEka:
yathA sidhdhim vindhathithathhow he attains the fruit of mOksham18.45 svE svE karmaNyabhiratha:
yatha thapa: kriyathEthe penance which is practiced17.19 mUdagrAhENAthmanO yath
yathA thvam AthmAnam AththaThe way you explained about yourself11.3 Evam EthadhyathAththa thvam
yatha vAk kAya mAnasa:engaging the mind, speech and action in dhyAna18.52 vivikthasEvI laghvASI
yAtha yAmamstale17.10 yAthayAmam gatharasam
yatha:from that paramapurusha (supreme lord)18.46 yatha: pravruththir bhUthAnAm
yatha: chathe purpose of its creation13.3 thath kshEthram yachcha yAdhruk cha
yatha: purANI pravruththi: prasruthAfrom whom, (the AthmAs-) connection with matters related to the three qualities is continuing since time immemorial15.4 tham Eva chAdhyam purusham prapadhyEdh
yathantha: apithough they attempt (without surrendering unto me)15.11 yathanthO yOginaS chainam
yathantha: yOgina: chathe yOgis who engage in efforts (such as karma yOga, to surrender unto me)15.11 yathanthO yOginaS chainam
yathAthmAhaving a controlled-mind12.14 santhushta: sathatham yOgI
yathAthmavAnhaving controlled the mind (through karma yOgam)12.11 athaithadhapyaSakthOsi
yathAvath SruNuhear their true nature.18.19 gyAnam karma cha karthA cha
yAthiattains16.22 Ethair vimuktha: kaunthEya
yAthiattains16.22 Ethair vimuktha: kaunthEya
yAthi hiisn-t he attaining?13.28 samam paSyan hi sarvathra
yathOkthamas explained in the second SlOkam of this chapter12.20 yE thu dharmyAmrutham idham
yathrawhere18.78 yathra yOgESvara: krishNO
yathrawhere18.78 yathra yOgESvara: krishNO
yathra abhyAsAthbeing used to the happiness for long18.36 abhyAsAdhramathE yathra
yaththu dhIyathEthe charity which is given17.21 yath thu prathyupakArArtham
yAvAn cha asmime who is of such qualities and wealth18.55 bhakthyA mAm abhijAnAthi
yAvath sathvam sanjAyathEhow many ever entities are born13.26 yAvath sanjAyathE kinchith
yayAwith the knowledge18.31 yayA dharmam adharmam cha
yayA dhruthyA dhArayathEthe dhruthi (steadiness) with which one sustains18.33 dhruthyA yayA dhArayathE
yayA na vimunchathisustains with the dhruthi (steadiness)18.35 yayA svapnam bhayam SOkam
yayA thu dhruthyAwith that dhruthi (steadiness)18.34 yayA thu dharmakAmArthAn
yEthose17.1 yE SAsthravidhim uthsrujya
yE bhakthA:those devotees12.1 Evam sathathayukthA yE
yE cha viSvE sAdhyA:all those sAdhya dhEvas11.22 rudhrAdhithyA vasavO yE cha sAdhyA
yE chApithose12.1 Evam sathathayukthA yE
yE janA:Those men17.5 aSAsthravihitham ghOram
yE mAm upAsathEwho worship me (as the goal)12.2 mayyAveSya manO yE mAm
yE thubut those12.6 yE thu sarvANi karmANi
yE thuthose who12.20 yE thu dharmyAmrutham idham
yE thu paryupAsathEthose who worship as the goal12.4 sanniyamyEndhriyagrAmam
yE vithu:those who know13.34 kshEthrakshEthragyayOr Evam antharam
yE yOdhA: avasthithA:those few warriors who are waiting (to fight)11.32 kAlOsmi lOkakshayakruth pravrudhdhO
yEnaby that supreme lord18.46 yatha: pravruththir bhUthAnAm
yEnaThat gyAnam (knowledge)18.20 sarvabhUthEshu yEnaikam
yEna kEnachith santhushta:being satisfied with anything which he gets, even if that is insignificant12.19 thulyanindhAsthuthir maunI
yOga viththamA:will attain their goal quickly?12.1 Evam sathathayukthA yE
yOgEnathrough bhagavath upAsanam (worship of emperumAn)18.33 dhruthyA yayA dhArayathE
yOgESvaraOh one with auspicious qualities!11.4 manyasE yadhi tachchakyam
yOgESvara:one who commands all glories18.78 yathra yOgESvara: krishNO
yOni:being the origin (for the whole world)14.3 mama yOnir mahadhbrahma
yOni:cause.14.4 sarva yOnishu kaunthEya
yudhdhE chApi apalAyanamnot retracting from a battlefield even if death is assured18.43 Sauryam thEjO dhruthir dhAkshyam
yudhyasvafight (without any doubt)11.34 dhrONam cha bhIshmam cha jayadhratham ca
yugapathat once11.12 dhivi sUryasahasrasya
yujyathEis used.17.26 sadhbhAvE sAdhubhAvE cha
yujyathEis used.17.26 sadhbhAvE sAdhubhAvE cha
yukthai:with (the thought that this is part of worshipping paramAthmA)17.17 SradhdhayA parayA thaptham

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