nAchchiyAr thirumozhi – 7.9 – padhinARAm Ayiravar

SrI: SrImathE SatakOpAya nama: SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama: SrImadh varavara munayE nama:

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avathArikai (Introduction) – she tells pAnchajanyam that it is not proper on his part to eat all by himself, the nectar of emperumAn’s divine mouth when it is common to emperumAn’s sixteen thousand consorts.

padhinARAm Ayiravar dhEvimAr pArththiruppa
madhuvAyil koNdARpOl mAdhavan than vAyamudham
podhuvAga uNbadhanaip pukku nI uNdakkAl
sidhaiyArO? unnOdu selvap perum sangE

Word-by-Word Meanings

peru selvam sangE – Oh, conch, which has huge wealth!
padhinARAm Ayiravar dhEvimAr – sixteen thousand consorts
pArththu iruppa – while they were expecting (to drink the nectar of the divine mouth of kaNNa pirAn)
podhuvAga uNbadhu mAdhavan than vAy amudhaththai – nectar of that emperumAn’s divine mouth which is to be consumed by all the followers, as a common food
nI pukku – you alone, seizing
madhu vAyil koNdAl pOl uNdakkAl – if you imbibe, just as beetles imbibe honey
unnOdu sidhaiyArO – will (the others) not argue with you?

Simple Translation

Oh, conch, who has a huge wealth! While sixteen thousand consorts (of kaNNapirAn) were waiting (to desirously drink the nectar of that emperumAn’s divine mouth), you seized it for only yourself. That nectar is common to all the followers of emperumAn. If you were to drink that nectar like beetles drink honey, will the others not argue with you?

vyAkyAnam (Commentary)

padhinARAm Ayiravar dhEvimAr pArthiruppa – should you eat all the food while sixteen thousand consorts [of emperumAn] are made to fast?

padhinARAmAyiravar ….. uNdakkAl – just as it has been said in SrI vishNu purANam 31-17 & 18 “thA: kanyA narakENAsan sarvathO yAs samAhruthA: l EkasminnEva gOvindha: kAlE thAsAm mahAmunE ll jagrAha vidhivath pANIn pruthag gEhEshu dharmatha: l shOdhaSasthrI sahasrANi SathamEkam thathO’dhikam ll (Oh sage! krishNa, at the same time, married all the sixteen thousand one hundred women, who were imprisoned by the monster naraka, individually, at their respective house (by taking as many forms)). While sixteen thousand consorts were waiting for a suitable time to drink the nectar of his divine mouth, if you alone were to consume it, which is common for all, just like beetles drink honey….

sidhaiyArO unnOdu – if all the consorts join together and ostracise you, saying “He is outside our assembly”, will you not lose the wealth of drinking the nectar of his divine mouth and reach the level of having to eat soil and sand? What will you do if they decide to keep you away, just as my [ANdAl’s] father periyAzhwAr said in thiruppallANdu 3kUzhAtpattu ninRIrgaLai engaL kuzhuvinil pugudhalottOm” (we will not allow those who go after materialistic wealth, to enter our assembly)? Aren’t they ones who enjoy emperumAn only after getting consent from followers of emperumAn, just as periyAzhwAr had said in periyAzhwAr thirumozhi 3-6-11 “sAdhu kOttiyuL koLLappaduvArE” (they will be allowed to come into the assembly of emperumAn’s followers)?

selvap perum sangE – Are you not carrying out this activity because of the arrogance of your wealth? Isn’t your wealth superior to our wealth, which is the basis of his [emperumAn’s] wealth!

Next, we will consider the last pAsuram of this decad.

adiyEn krishNa rAmAnuja dhAsan

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