nAchchiyAr thirumozhi – 7.10 – pAncha sanniyaththai

SrI: SrImathE SatakOpAya nama: SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama: SrImadh varavara munayE nama:

Full series >> Seventh decad

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avathArikai (Introduction) – Since pAnchajanyam did not respond to any of her questions, in this last pAsuram of this decad, where she tells the benefits of reciting this pAsuram, she severs her relationship with pAnchajanyam and brings the decad to an end by saying as the benefit “Those who are capable of reciting these ten pAsurams will become confidantes of emperumAn such that they can sever their relationship with pAnchajanyam”

pANchasanniyaththaip paRpanAbanOdum
vAyndha perum suRRamAkkiya oN pudhuvai
Eyndha pugazh battarpirAn kOdhai thamizh Iraindhum
AyndhEththa vallAr avarum aNukkarE

Word-by-Word Meanings

pAnchasanniyaththai – conch
paRpanAbanOdum – with emperumAn
vAyndha perum suRRam Akkiya – one who created great relationship with emperumAn
oN pudhuvai – one who mercifully incarnated in the beautiful SrIvillipuththUr
Eyndha pugazh – one who has complete eminence
battar pirAn kOdhai – AndAL, the divine daughter of periyAzhwAr
(mercifully composed)
thamizh Ir aindhum – these ten pAsurams in thamizh language
Ayndhu – meditating upon
Eththa vallAr avarum – those who could worship (emperumAn, with these)
aNukkar – will be confidantes of emperumAn (just like me, ANdAL)

Simple Translation

ANdAL created great relationship for the conch, pAnchajanyam, with emperumAn; she mercifully incarnated in the beautiful SrIvillipuththUr; she has complete eminence and is the divine daughter of periyAzhwAr; she composed these ten pAsurams in thamizh language. Those who could worship emperumAn, with these pAsurams, will become confidantes of emperumAn.

vyAkyAnam (Commentary)

pAnchasanniyaththaip paRpanAbanOdum vAyndha perum suRRamAkkiya kOdhai – the meaning implied in this is that since ANdAL says “kOdhai [ANdAL] made a great relationship for pAnchajanyam with padhmanAbhan [emperumAn]” it is clear that SrI pAnchajanyam did not respond to ANdAL’s queries in this decad, due to which she severed her relationship with him and made him related only to emperumAn.

paRpanAbanOdum – by bringing in the word paRpanAban (padhmanAbhan), which refers to one who has navel which looks like lotus flower, she speaks about the beauty of emperumAn’s divine form. Through the usage of this term, she tells pAnchajanyam “Just as you alone enjoy, with unfettered liberty, the divine nectar of emperumAn’s divine mouth which is food for us, who have nowhere else to go, you alone enjoy the divine beauty of his divine form too, which is to be enjoyed by everyone”.

oNpudhuvai Eyndha pugazhp pattar pirAn kOdhai – ANdAL incarnated in the radiant SrIvillipuththUr and is the divine daughter of periyAzhwAr who has overfilling eminence. If some were to ask “Could ANdAL be angry with SrI pAnchajanyAzhwAn who is a confidante of emperumAn?” the response would be “Since she is the divine daughter of periyAzhwAr, she has the right to get angry with SrI pAnchajanyAzhwAn and it is appropriate that she is angry with him”. She has fame throughout the world for this. The terms oN pudhuvai and Eyndha pugazh could also be considered as speaking about the fame of periyAzhwAr. In this case, Eyndha pugazh would refer to periyAzhwAr getting the fame of making emperumAn to manifest himself to him when periyAzhwAr established the supremacy of emperumAn [in response to the pANdiya king’s doubt], and he was praised by the pANdiya king.

kOdhai thamizh Iraindhum AyndhEththa vallAr – those who are capable of reciting this thirumozhi (divine words in this decad) mercifully composed by ANdAL, along with meditating on their meanings…..

avarum aNukkarE – they will also become very close to emperumAn, just like me, ANdAL, such that they too can get angry with SrI pAnchajanyAzhwAn.

Next, we will consider the pravESam of the eighth decad.

adiyEn krishNa rAmAnuja dhAsan

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