SrI: SrImathE SatakOpAya nama: SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama: SrImath varavaramunayE nama:
emperumAnAr – AzhwArthirunagari bhavishyadhAchAryan sannidhi
mAmunigaL – SrIrangam
e-book –!AiNzc-LF3uwygjSe2NZknk3rWJuE
mannuyirgAL ingE maNavALa mAmunivan
ponnadiyAm sengamalap pOdhugaLai – unnich
chiraththAlE thINdil amAnavanum nammaik
karaththAlE thINdal kadan [UpadhESa raththina mAlai 74]
The pUrvAchArya paramparai which saw many AchAryas incarnating in this world, concludes with maNAvALa mAmunigaL. Our elders consider that the guru paramparai completed with mAmunigaL though many great AchAryas appeared even after him since SrIranganAtha himself became the Sishya of mAmunigaL who had all the qualities required for an AchArya in the fullest manner. Born in AzhwArthirunagari which is glorified as “nallAr navil kurugUr“, as the divine son of the great AchArya named thirunAvIrudaiya pirAn thAdhar aNNan in the sAdhAraNa year, aippasi month and thirumUlam star. His AchArya is thiruvAimozhip piLLai.
thiruvAimozhip piLLai was once meditating upon the auspicious qualities of emperumAnAr. Remembering emperumAnAr being glorified as “mARan adi paNindhu uyndhavan” (uplifted after surrendering at the lotus feet of nammAzhwAr) and his great attachment toward AzhwAr’s divine feet and dhivya prabandhams, he mercifully ordered his Sishyas to establish a separate temple for emperumAnAr.
nAyanAr (mAmunigaL in his pUrvASramam) too had great devotion at the divine feet of udaiyavar and was performing kainkaryams at the temple there. As per his AchArya’s orders he compiled this yathirAja vimSathi in glorification of the lotus feet of udaiyavar. The sweetness of this yathirAja vimSathi is nicely spoken by prathivAdhi bhayankaram aNNan in his varavaramuni Sathakam.
- Introduction/thaniyan
- SlOkam 1
- SlOkam 2
- SlOkam 3
- SlOkam 4
- SlOkam 5
- SlOkam 6
- SlOkam 7
- SlOkam 8
- SlOkam 9
- SlOkam 10
- SlOkam 11
- SlOkam 12
- SlOkam 13
- SlOkam 14
- SlOkam 15
- SlOkam 16
- SlOkam 17
- SlOkam 18
- SlOkam 19
- SlOkam 20
adiyen sarathy ramanuja dasan
SlOkams Translation by Sri U.Ve.Dr.M.Varadarajan Swami, MA, MA, PhD
Preface is written based on SrI u vE P B aNNangarAchArya swAmy’s article in SrIrAmAnujan magazine dated 3-11-1970 which is archived in
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