SrI: SrImathE SatakOpAya nama: SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama: SrImath varavaramunayE nama:
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pAsuram 51
thunnu pugazhk kandhAdai thOzhappar tham ugappAl
enna ulagAriyanO enRu uraikkap – pinnai
ulagAriyan ennum pEr nampiLLaikku Ongi
vilagAmal ninRadhu enRum mEl 51
Word by word meaning
kandhAdai thOzhappar,
thunnu – of fitting
pugazh – greatness,
tham ugappAl – due to his affection (asked)
enna – are (you a)
ulagAriyar(n)O – lOkAcharyar! (AchAryan for the whole world?).
enRu uraikka – As he said so,
pinnai – subsequently
pEr – the divine name
ulagAriyan ennum – of lOkAchAryan
nampiLLaikku – for nampiLLai
Ongi – spread
vilagAmal – without parting
ninRadhu – and stayed firm
mEl – in esteemed position.
Now, he (maNavALa mAmunigaL) is divining the reason for the chief among the aforementioned ones, that is, nampiLLai, getting an even more distinguished name, as lOkAchAryar – with this pAsuram of ‘thunnu pugazh’, etc.
He (kandhAdai thOzhappar) is – the one having the greatness of great family heritage, education, moral conduct, having the name as pachchai vAraNap perumAL, being a divine grandson of mudhaliyANdAn, and being a divine son of kandhAdai ANdaN, isn’t he? It is talking about what such a person did, as ‘tham ugappAl’.
That is, seeing nampiLLai’s greatness of knowledge and wealth of disciples, he could not tolerate, and got jealous, and in the presence of perumAL insulted him, and, as he returned to his home, his divine wife who is of goodness, heard about this, and said a few words of regret, and hearing those words of her, he got his jealousy cleared as said in ‘pramAdhAth budhdhithOvApi yadhaka: kriyathE sadhA anuthaprasthu thAnEva kshamayEnnAnyathA sama:’ (~due to inattentiveness or knowingly what mistake is committed, always be repenting and asking for bearing /forgiving it; it cannot be any other way),
with great regret, to find the lost item in the actual place, was starting to go there with additional support,
at that time, as said in ‘ahEthOrapi sakrOdha marchchayan achyuthapriyam prabOdhya vividhairyathnai: praSAdhayEth’ (~ When one who does archanai and is dear to achyuthan gets angry without any reason, a knowledgeable one should try to get his mercy and satisfy him [is this the correct interpretation??]),
(thOzhappar decided) to please him, had come to the entrance of his divine house (thirumALigai), and was being there in the pial (thiNNai / front patio), saw such nampiLLai, and saw and heard his very submissive words and actions, and with love wondered what a way this exchange was, and due to excess of love, looked at him and said ‘All these days you were an AchAryan for a few people; now you have become fit for being an AchAryan for the whole world’, ‘enna ulagAriyar(n)O enRu uraikka’ – what, are you the lOkAchAryan, saying so he divined this name.
ulagAsiriyan (nampiLLai)
This is also referenced in ‘lOkAchAryabhidhAmdhathu: kalijidhdhAsa sUrayE | syAmEbhESasya charaNau karaNaisthribhirASrayE || dhayayA dhEvarAjasya dhAsarathyAryasanthathE | abhivrudhdhikaram vandhE harithadhvipadhESikam’ .
pinnai ulagAriyan ennum pEr, etc. – After getting the name due to him, the name lokAchAryar attained greatness (due to being associated with such great personality), and it was established for nampiLLai in all the worlds. After reaching him, this name stayed with him; by this, his being lokAchAryan was established without debate when the descendants of kUraththAzhwAn and mudhaliyANdAn surrendered unto nampiLLai’s divine feet.
The meanings said in this pAsuram, and for the other ones related to this – my (piLLai lOkam jIyar‘s) paramAchAryar periya pattar pirAn jIyar has mercifully explained this very well in anthimOpAya nishtai. See and follow in that.
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Translation: raghurAm SrInivAsa dhAsan
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