SrI: SrImathE SatakOpAya nama: SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama: SrImadh varavara munayE nama:
avathArikai (Introduction) – in this pAsuram, ANdAL celebrates the beauty of divine conch sitting on the divine hand of vAsudhEvan, just like full moon on top of the mountain on the eastern side, during the period of autumn.
thadavaraiyinmIdhE saraRkAla chandhiran
idaiyuvAvil vandhu ezhundhAlE pOl nIyum
vada madhuraiyAr mannan vAsudhEvan kaiyil
kudiyERi vIRRirundhAy kOlap perum sangE
Word-by-Word Meanings
kOlam perum sangE – Oh, beautiful, huge conch!
saraRkAlam chandhiran – moon, during the period of autumn
uvA idaiyil – on the day of full moon
thada varaiyin mIdhu vandhu ezhundhAl pOl – rising up, coming on the huge mountain on the eastern side
vada madhuraiyAr mannan vAsudhEvan kaiyil – on the divine hand of vAsudhEvan, the king of those who are in vada madhurai [mathurA]
nIyum kudiyERi – you had also taken residence
vIRRirundhAy – you remained, manifesting all your eminence
Simple Translation
Oh, beautiful, huge conch! On the day of full moon, during the time of autumn, just like the moon rises up on the mountain on the eastern side, you have also taken residence on the divine hand of vAsudhEvan, who is the king of the people of mathurA, manifesting all your eminence.
vyAkyAnam (Commentary)
thadavaraiyin mIdhE saraRkAla chandhiran idai uvAvil vandhu ezhiundhAlE pOl – On the day of full moon, on top of the rising mountain, just like the full moon appears with all its sixteen parts shining brightly.
thadavarai – did not her father, periyAzhwAr, too praise emperumAn’s shoulder, as in periyAzhwAr thirumozhi 5-4-4 “thadavaraiththOL” (shoulders which are like huge mountains)! The opinion here is that the way the divine conch sat on that divine shoulder was similar to the full moon rising on top of the mountain on the eastern side.
saraRkAla chandhiran – during the time of autumn, the sky will be clear, not muddled by any cloud. Hence, she is citing the autumn moon as an analogy for the white, divine conch.
idai uvAvil vandhu ezhundhAlE pOl – the term uvA refers both to new moon and full moon. Here, since moon has been cited as an analogy for conch, the term uvA would refer to full moon. The phrase idai uvAvil has got transformed into uvA idaiyil (during full moon).
nIyum vada madhuraiyAr mannan vAsudhEvan kaiyil kudiyERi vIRRirundhAy – you had also taken residence atop the divine hand of kaNNapirAn, who is the soon of SrI vasudhEvar and who is the king of mathurA, inseparable from his divine hand, manifesting all your eminence. How great is your opulence! ANdAL shows through the phrase vada madhuraiyAr mannan, emperumAn’s greatness, through the word vAsudhEvan, his simplicity, and through the word kaiyil, his divine beauty. Isn’t this combination [of eminence, simplicity and beauty] one which the AzhwArs enjoy repeatedly!
kOlap perum sangE – Oh, the divine conch which is famous for beauty! The implied meaning is that apart from your beauty, because of your eminence, emperumAn too has attained added beauty.
Next, we will consider the 4th pAsuram of this decad.
adiyEn krishNa rAmAnuja dhAsan
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