Glossary/Dictionary by word – thiruvezhukURRirukkai

Sorted by pAsuram

adanga cheRRanai(which you) crushed them togetherthiruvezhukURRirukkai – 10
Adu aravu amaLiyil(where you are leaning) in the bed of Adhi sEshan with its open hoodthiruvezhukURRirukkai – 12
agaRRithey avoidthiruvezhukURRirukkai – 6
Agaththu iruththinaihave placed her in your divine chest.thiruvezhukURRirukkai – 11
aimpAl OdhiyaipirAtti whose hair is identification of five ways of hair;thiruvezhukURRirukkai – 11
aimpulan agaththinuL seRuththu(without letting roam around onto other bad influences outside) they control the five senses to stay insidethiruvezhukURRirukkai – 6
aivagai vELvifive types of yagyas (rituals), andthiruvezhukURRirukkai – 5
aivAi aravOduhaving the snake which has got five mouthsthiruvezhukURRirukkai – 7
alaikkumgreat in number thrown by its waves,thiruvezhukURRirukkai – 12
aLandhanai(and) you spannedthiruvezhukURRirukkai – 3
am kaiyuLIn your beautiful divine handsthiruvezhukURRirukkai – 8
am siRai paRavai ERi(and you) got onto the garudan who has got beautiful feathersthiruvezhukURRirukkai – 4
amarndhanaiyou holdthiruvezhukURRirukkai – 8
andhaNar vaNangum thanmaiyai(you are of the nature who is) prayed by the brAhmaNas usingthiruvezhukURRirukkai – 5
Anguby such a bhakthi yOgamthiruvezhukURRirukkai – 6
anthaNar(that is suitable for) brAhmaNasthiruvezhukURRirukkai – 12
aRam mudhal nAngu avai AyYou are the one who grants the four goals aRam (dharma), poruL (things/wealth), inbam (pleasure), vIdu (srIvaikuNtam)thiruvezhukURRirukkai – 11
arandhaiyaithe suffering ofthiruvezhukURRirukkai – 4
aRi thuyil amarndhaand involved in doing yOga nidhrai (meditating sleep),thiruvezhukURRirukkai – 12
aRi thuyil amarndhanaiwhile you are immersed in meditating sleep (yOga nidhrA).thiruvezhukURRirukkai – 9
aRivu arucannot know youthiruvezhukURRirukkai – 7
aRivu arucannot know/understandthiruvezhukURRirukkai – 11
aRiyum thanmaiyaiYou are of such a nature that they can reach You (by their own efforts as the means).thiruvezhukURRirukkai – 6
ARu podhi sadaiyOnand having river gangA in the plaits of his hairthiruvezhukURRirukkai – 7
aRu thozhilsix types of karmas.thiruvezhukURRirukkai – 5
aRu vagai chamayamumSix type of other philosophiesthiruvezhukURRirukkai – 11
aRupadham muralum kUndhal kAraNamFor nappinnai pirAtti to whose hair the bees (six legs) come buzzing (for enjoying the honey),thiruvezhukURRirukkai – 10
attanai(you) burned and destroyed (such lankA),thiruvezhukURRirukkai – 2
ayanaibrahmAthiruvezhikURRirukkai – 1
azhal vAiand which have got the mouth that spits fire.thiruvezhukURRirukkai – 2
enRum iNangik kidappanais always felt inthiruvezhukURRirukkai – 13
eyiRRinil koNdanai(by srI varaham) lifted into your trunk (dhantham)thiruvezhukURRirukkai – 7
Ezh vidaithe seven bullsthiruvezhukURRirukkai – 10
Ezhulaguall the worldsthiruvezhukURRirukkai – 7
idam koNda(heart that is) wide and deep.thiruvezhukURRirukkai – 13
iLa piRaithe young moon,thiruvezhukURRirukkai – 12
ilangailankApurithiruvezhukURRirukkai – 2
ilangu mArviniladorned in your chest,thiruvezhukURRirukkai – 3
InRanaiyou createdthiruvezhikURRirukkai – 1
Ir adiwith (your) two divine feet.thiruvezhukURRirukkai – 3
iraNdu avairajas and thamasthiruvezhukURRirukkai – 6
iru(from the) bigthiruvezhikURRirukkai – 1
iru kAl vaLaiyawith its two ends curved,thiruvezhukURRirukkai – 2
iru nIr maduvuL(and went to the shore of) the pond having deep watersthiruvezhukURRirukkai – 4
iru piRappu aRuppOrupAsakars (worshipers/followers who use their own efforts) avoid two types of births,thiruvezhukURRirukkai – 6
iru piRappu oru mAN Agias unparalleled Brahmin bachelorthiruvezhukURRirukkai – 3
iru seviand which has got two ears,thiruvezhukURRirukkai – 4
iru sudarmoon and sunthiruvezhukURRirukkai – 2
iru vagai payan AyYou are the one who creates happiness and sadness (based on karmAs)thiruvezhukURRirukkai – 11
kanakam mALigai nimir kodiflags fluttering upward from the golden palaces/mansionsthiruvezhukURRirukkai – 12
kaRpOr purisaitown inhabited by the learned,thiruvezhukURRirukkai – 12
karum thuththidark dots (in the hood)thiruvezhukURRirukkai – 13
kudanthaiIn thirukkudanthaithiruvezhukURRirukkai – 13
kunRA madhuhaving unlimited honeythiruvezhukURRirukkai – 12
kURiya aRu suvaip payanum Ayinaisix types of tastes (mentioned in the sAsthras) is You who is all such tastes for me.thiruvezhukURRirukkai – 8
mA maNiand the best gemsthiruvezhukURRirukkai – 12
malar(which is like a lotus) flowerthiruvezhikURRirukkai – 1
malar chOlai(from the) groves full of flowers,thiruvezhukURRirukkai – 12
malar ena am kaiyinusing their beautiful hands that can be said as flowersthiruvezhukURRirukkai – 9
malarndhathat have blossomed,thiruvezhukURRirukkai – 13
mAn urideer skinthiruvezhukURRirukkai – 3
manthiram mozhiyudan vaNangato recite vEdha sukthas;thiruvezhukURRirukkai – 12
mARRu vinaiplease remove those hurdles by your mercy.thiruvezhukURRirukkai – 12
mE thagum ai perum pUthamum nIyEYou are the antharyAmi of all the five elements (bhUthams) into which AthmAs can enter into and get set into them.thiruvezhukURRirukkai – 10
mIdhinil iyangAwould not span abovethiruvezhukURRirukkai – 2
mU adithree steps of landthiruvezhukURRirukkai – 3
mU ulaguthe three worldsthiruvezhukURRirukkai – 3
mukkaN(rudhran who is) having three eyesthiruvezhukURRirukkai – 7
mukkuNaththuout of the three characteristics, sathvam, rajas, and thamasthiruvezhukURRirukkai – 6
mum madhiL(lankA) that is covered by three kinds of protection, by water, mountain, and forest,thiruvezhukURRirukkai – 2
mummadhamwhich lets out madha (intoxicated) water out of three placesthiruvezhukURRirukkai – 4
munnIr vaNNaOh emperumAn, having the beauty like an ocean.thiruvezhukURRirukkai – 8
muppozhudhum(they) alwaysthiruvezhukURRirukkai – 9
muppuri nUloduwith pUNUl (yagyOpavItham) andthiruvezhukURRirukkai – 3
mUrthy mUnRu Ayas antharyAmi for the three mUrthysthiruvezhukURRirukkai – 11
muththIthree types of agni (fire), andthiruvezhukURRirukkai – 5
nAl maRaifour types of vEdhas, andthiruvezhukURRirukkai – 5
nAl thisai nadunga(got an anger such that) people in all four directions were scaredthiruvezhukURRirukkai – 4
nAl thOLfour shouldersthiruvezhukURRirukkai – 7
nAl vagai varuNamum AyinaiYou control all four varNas (category of births)thiruvezhukURRirukkai – 10
nAl vAithe one having a hanging mouththiruvezhukURRirukkai – 4
nAngu udan adakkieating, sleeping, fearing, enjoying other pleasures are the four things they nullifythiruvezhukURRirukkai – 6
nAnilamin this earth that has four kinds of areas,thiruvezhukURRirukkai – 3
nenjaththu(thirumangai AzhwAr’s) heartthiruvezhukURRirukkai – 13
neRi muRaiwho conduct themselves according to sAsthrathiruvezhukURRirukkai – 10
nilaiyinaiYou; such is your nature;thiruvezhukURRirukkai – 11
nin adi iNai paNivanam surrendering to your two divine feetthiruvezhukURRirukkai – 12
nin Ir adiyour two divine feetthiruvezhukURRirukkai – 9
onRi ninRuand stay involvedthiruvezhukURRirukkai – 6
onRinilonly in sathva guNam;thiruvezhukURRirukkai – 6
onRiya Ir eyiRuthat are fit into the bow, and having 2 teeththiruvezhukURRirukkai – 2
onRiya manaththAl(with their) mind immersed inthiruvezhukURRirukkai – 9
onRu Ai virindhu ninRanaijust the self (in the beginning), and then expanded as the whole world.thiruvezhukURRirukkai – 11
oruhaving no equals,thiruvezhikURRirukkai – 1
oru madhi mugaththu mangaiyar iruvarumthe two pirAttis, srIdhEvi and bHUdhEvi (thirumadanthai, maNmadanthai) with unparalleled divine face like the moon,thiruvezhukURRirukkai – 9
oru muRaiat one time (during creation)thiruvezhikURRirukkai – 1
oru muRaieven once (due to fear)thiruvezhukURRirukkai – 2
oru muRaionce upon a timethiruvezhukURRirukkai – 3
oru nALonce upon a timethiruvezhukURRirukkai – 4
oru silai(using your) unparalleled bow (sArngam)thiruvezhukURRirukkai – 2
oru thani vEzhaththuthat is the unparalleled elephant gajEndhran who was alone.thiruvezhukURRirukkai – 4
padam koNda pAmbu aNaiin the bed that is thiruvananthAzhwAn (Adhi sEshan) who has opened his hood,thiruvezhukURRirukkai – 13
paLLi koNdAnArAvamudhAzhvAr is lying downthiruvezhukURRirukkai – 13
paramahey paramEshwara!thiruvezhukURRirukkai – 12
pEr(that is having the) greatness (of)thiruvezhikURRirukkai – 1
perumaiyuL ninRanaiyou are having such a greatnessthiruvezhukURRirukkai – 7
ponniwith cAuvEry riverthiruvezhukURRirukkai – 12
ponniby kAvErithiruvezhukURRirukkai – 13
selvam malgu(it is the) wealthy andthiruvezhukURRirukkai – 12
sem kaNand reddish eyes,thiruvezhukURRirukkai – 13
sennel oN kazhanihaving fields that are beautified by rice of yellowish hue,thiruvezhukURRirukkai – 12
sudar vidum ai padaithe five weapons that are bright;thiruvezhukURRirukkai – 8
sundhara nAl thOLhaving four beautiful shouldersthiruvezhukURRirukkai – 8
sUzhumthat is surroundedthiruvezhukURRirukkai – 13
thAmarai koNda thadamand by the ponds having lotusesthiruvezhukURRirukkai – 13
thaN pUfull of cool/nice/pleasant flowersthiruvezhukURRirukkai – 13
thanmaiyou are of that naturethiruvezhukURRirukkai – 7
thavisilseat (also petals of the flower)thiruvezhikURRirukkai – 1
thazhal umizh vAiand with mouth spitting fire;thiruvezhukURRirukkai – 13
then thiru kudanthaibeautiful thiruk kudanthai,thiruvezhukURRirukkai – 12
thigazh vanam uduththasurrounded in all the four sides by wilderness / grove / forest,thiruvezhukURRirukkai – 12
thIrththanaiand removedthiruvezhukURRirukkai – 4
thiru pAdhangaLE(such ArAvamudhAzhvAr’s) beautiful divine feet (only)thiruvezhukURRirukkai – 13
thirukkudanthai ArAvamudhAzhvArthiruvezhukURRirukkai – 12
thuvakkumtouching/caressingthiruvezhukURRirukkai – 12
undhi(that is your) divine nAbhi (navel)thiruvezhikURRirukkai – 1
vALiyinusing the arrowsthiruvezhukURRirukkai – 2
vaN kodi padappaiand with gardens having beautiful creepers,thiruvezhukURRirukkai – 12
varu punalalways having proliferating water,thiruvezhukURRirukkai – 12
varudapress/caress (your divine feet)thiruvezhukURRirukkai – 9
varum idar agalafor the removal of hurdles that may come in the way (of reaching You);thiruvezhukURRirukkai – 12
veN paland white teeth,thiruvezhukURRirukkai – 13
vENdi(you) begged forthiruvezhukURRirukkai – 3
vidam koNdawho is having venomthiruvezhukURRirukkai – 13
visumbilin the sky< a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">thiruvezhukURRirukkai – 12

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