srImathE satakOpAya nama:
srImathE rAmAnujAya nama:
srImath varavaramunayE nama:
1-2-3-4-5-6-7-] 6-5 – 4-3-2-1 (ends)
aRu vagaich chamayamum aRivaru nilaiyinai
aimpAl Odhiyai Agaththu iruththinai
aRamudhal nAngavaiyAy mUrththi mUnRAi
iruvagaip payanAi onRAi virindhu ninRanai
Word by word meaning
aRu vagai chamayamum – Six type of other philosophies
aRivu aru – cannot know/understand
nilaiyinai – You; such is your nature;
aimpAl Odhiyai – pirAtti whose hair is identification of five ways of hair;
Agaththu iruththinai – have placed her in your divine chest.
aRam mudhal nAngu avai Ay – You are the one who grants the four goals – aRam (dharma), poruL (things/wealth), inbam (pleasure), vIdu (srIvaikuNtam)
mUrthy mUnRu Ay – as antharyAmi for the three mUrthys
iru vagai payan Ay – You are the one who creates happiness and sadness (based on karmAs)
onRu Ai virindhu ninRanai – just the self (in the beginning), and then expanded as the whole world.
Simple translation
These phrases talk about the aishwaryam (parathvam) of emperumAn.
It is impossible for those denying the emperumAn, that is those who believe in other six philosophies to reach/know emperumAn.
You have placed srIdhEvi pirAtti in your divine chest, where she stays at all times, to do purushakAram (recommendation).
You are the grantor of the four goals of beings; you are the antharyAmi of the three mUrthys; You are the one who controls the happiness and sadness of beings according to their karmas; You who was the only One existing during praLayam (annihilation), expanded into many, and gave names and shapes to things, and You are responsible for their being as the antharyAmi.
So it is not possible for me to lose you because of any lack of greatness/aishwaryam on Your part, says thirumangai AzhwAr.
aRuvagaich chamayamum aRivaru nilaiyinai – It is not possible to know You by those who do not accept you, that is, chArvAkar, bouththar, samaNar, naiyAyika’vaishEshikar (thArkkikar), sAnkyar, pAshupadhar; by this, Azhwar implies the meaning, “When you are beyond reach for those who do not accept you, you are beyond reach even for me who accepts you!”
aimpAl Odhiyai Agaththu iruththinai – You hold periya pirAtti in your divine chest; periya pirAtti having the five identifications of a good hair – being curled, shining, fragrant, dense, and soft.
Agaththu iruththinai – thiruvadi (hanuman) was corrected by pirAtti, “pApAnAm vA shuBhAnAm vA vaDhArhANAm plavangama | kAryam karuNamAryENa na kashchith nAparADhyathi ||“ [rAmAyaNam yudhdha kANdam 116-44] (hey vAnara! whether one has done sins or good deeds, even if they are to be killed, even in their matters a just person should show kindness. There is no one (in this world) who has not done any mistakes!); such pirAtti is kept in Your divine chest such that she is always available for purushakAram (recommendation);
When saying “mangaiyar iruvarum varuda” in a previous phrase, it referred to both srIdhEvi and bhUdhevi as doing purushakAram, but here it mentions the importance of srIdhEvi who is always present in the divine chest of emperumAn; so this is not insignificant. Or, it can be taken as this referring to srIdhEvi here to imply that emperumAn gets His aishwarya, (parathva), soulabhyam, beauty etc., due to pirAtti only. This idea is used in the upcoming phrases.
To begin with it talks about His aishwaryam.
aRam mudhal nAngavaiyAy – You are the four goals (purushArtham) – that are, aRam (dharma/charity), poruL (things/wealth), inbam (pleasure/happiness) and vIdu (srI vaikuNtam); “chathurNAm purushArththAnAm dhAthA dhEva: chathurBhuja:” [nArAyaNan who has got four arms, is the one who grants the four purushArthas].
“dhEvEndhras thriBhuvanam arththamEkapinga:
sarvardhDhim thriBhuvanagAm cha kArththavIrya: |
vaidhEha: paramapadham prasAdhya vishNum
samprAptha: sakala pala pradhO hi vishNu: ||” [vishNu dharmam 43-47]
[ By worshiping vishNu, dhevEndhra got three worlds, kubEran the wealth, kArththa vIryan the fame that spread to the three worlds, and janaka mahArAjan the paramapadham; such is vishNu bhagavAn who grants what one wishes.] – so since he is the one who can give the four goals, He himself is those goals, so says AzhwAr.
mUrthy mUnRAi – Three mUrthys, that are: brahmA, rudhra, and indhra; emperumAn is the antharyAmi in them; Or, if considering the three – brahmA, vishNu, rudhra, then it talks about how emperumAn stands between the two and does the protection himself, and does the creation and destruction as antharyAmi in brahmA and rudhra.
“srushti sthithi anthakaraNIm brahma vishNu shivAthmikAm |
sa samjyAm yAthi BhagavAn Eka Eva janArthdhana: ||” [vishNu purANam 1-2-66]
[creation, protection, and destruction are the three activities for which janArthdhanan takes the three names (and forms) of brahmA, vishNu, and shiva], so said srI parasara rishi.
iruvagaip payanAi – happiness, sadness are the two types of states due to karmas – he is the one who controls them.
onRAi virindhu ninRanai – during praLayam (annihilation), all the things would be without any name or form and stick together with emperumAn, so he is said as ‘sadhEva” [chAndhokya upanishad 6-2-1], that is, He is the only one existing; then during creation, he decides “bahu syAm” [chAndhokya Upanishad 6-2-3] (I shall become many/multiply), and expands to many things that get name and form.
Or, instead of creation, and praLaya (annihilation) times, it can also mean that during all times, all the things are parts of Him, so we can say “sentient and non-sentient things are parts of the body of emperumAn; such emperumAn is the one truth” – he is such.
And it can be considered as follows. Even though He is having these things as his body, He is not affected by the blemishes of those things.
Starting from ‘aRamudhal” till current phrase, His aishwaryam (parathvam) has been mentioned. From this, AzhwAr has implied, “It is not possible for me to lose (You) because of any lack of aishwaryam on Your part”
Note: With this the phrases that follow a numbering pattern ends. In the next pAsuram of this prabandham, thirumangai AzhwAr surrenders to thirukkudandhai emperumAn.
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Translation by raghuram srInivAsa dAsan
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