SrI: SrImathE SatakOpAya nama: SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama: SrImath varavaramunayE nama:
Thirty first pAsuram – (oru nAyagamAy…) In this pAsuram, mAmunigaL is following AzhwAr’s pAsurams of highlighting the defects of worldly wealth etc in having inferior and impermanent nature, and is mercifully explaining it.
oru nAyagamAy ulagukku vAnOr
iru nAttil ERi uykkum inbam thiramAgA
mannuyirp pOgam thIdhu mAl adimaiyE inidhAm
panniyivai mARan uraippAl
AzhwAr analysed and explained principles such as a) the pleasure which is enjoyed being the single lord for this whole world will not remain permanently, b) the pleasure which is enjoyed in the vast heaven by dhEvas will not remain permanently, c) self-enjoyment which is eternal, is bad and d) servitude towards bhagavAn is enjoyable.
Thirty second pAsuram – (bAlaraip pOl…) In this pAsuram, mAmunigaL is following AzhwAr’s pAsurams of desiring to enjoy emperumAn’s different forms of various places and times, in those places and times and is mercifully explaining it.
bAlaraip pOl sIzhgi paran aLavil vEtkaiyAl
kAlaththAl dhEsaththAl kai kazhindha – sAla
aridhAna bOgaththil AsaiyuRRu naindhAn
kurugUril vandhudhiththa kO
AzhwAr, the leader, who incarnated in AzhwArthirunagari, being cranky like a child, due to love towards emperumAn who is difficult to attain due to being distant by time and place, had an increased desire to acquire the joy of doing kainkarayam and became anguished.
Thirty third pAsuram – (kOvAna Isan…) In this pAsuram, mAmunigaL is following AzhwAr’s pAsurams of highlighting how emperumAn eliminated the time limitation and gave enjoyment and is mercifully explaining it.
kOvAna Isan kuRai ellAm thIravE
OvAdha kAlaththu uvAdhithanai – mEvik
kazhiththadaiyak kAtti kalandha guNam mARan
vazhuththudhalAl vAzhndhadhindha maN
emperumAn who is sarvaSEShi united with AzhwAr and eliminated the great limitations while time continues to move forward, to eliminate all worries of AzhwAr, and manifested all his activities which were desired by AzhwAr previously; as AzhwAr praised this quality of emperumAn uniting with him, this world sustained itself.
Thirty fourth pAsuram – (maNNulagil mun kalandhu….) In this pAsuram, mAmunigaL is following AzhwAr’s pAsurams of mistaking those entities which are similar and related to emperumAn as emperumAn himself, and singing about them as if they were emperumAn, and is mercifully explaining it.
maN ulagil mun kalandhu mAl pirigaiyAl mARan
peN nilaimaiyAyk kAdhal piththERi – eNNidil mun
pOli mudhalAna poruLai avanAy ninaindhu
mEl vizhundhAn maiyal thanin vIRu
emperumAn previously united with AzhwAr in this samsAra and then he separated; due to that, AzhwAr assumed feminine mood, due to devotion, became very mad and considered similes etc which are seen, to be emperumAn only and became determined due to overwhelming love.
Thirty fifth pAsuram – (vIRRirukkumAl…) In this pAsuram, mAmunigaL is following AzhwAr’s pAsurams of seeing emperumAn’s manifestation of his form as in the divine spiritual abode of paramapadham and becoming blissful on enjoying the same, and is mercifully explaining it.
vIRRirukkumAl viNNil mikka mayal thannai
ARRudhaRkAth than perumai AnadhellAm – thORRa vandhu
nanRu kalakkap pORRi nangugandhu vIRuraiththAn
senRa thuyar mARan thIrndhu.
emperumAn who is mercifully seated in pramapadham, arrived here, manifesting his glorious qualities, forms etc to eliminate AzhwAr’s great bewilderment and to unite well; AzhwAr, upon seeing sarvESvaran, worshipped him and becoming joyful, having eliminated the sorrows which were experienced, mercifully announced his own greatness .
Thirty sixth pAsuram -(thIrppArilAdha…) AzhwAr becomes unconscious, being unable to physically enjoy emperumAn who is having the quality of loving affection towards AzhwAr; those who are greatly affectionate towards AzhwAr try to find remedy for that and the awakened well-wishers highlight that it is inapt for AzhwAr’s [and our] nature and explain the apt reason and remedy; in this pAsuram, mAmunigaL is following AzhwAr’s pAsurams which are in this mood and is mercifully explaining it.
thIrppAr ilAdha mayal thIrak kalandha mAl
OrppAdhum inRi udan piriya – nErkka
aRivazhindhu uRRArum aRak kalangap pEr kEttu
aRivu peRRAn mARan seelam
sarvESvara, united with AzhwAr to fulfil AzhwAr’s insolvable, overwhelming love and left him without any analysis; the relatives who saw that, became worried, even more than previously and lost their minds; AzhwAr regained his existence [consciousness] on hearing the divine names of emperumAn; this is AzhwAr’s quality.
Thirty seventh pAsuram – (seelamigu kaNNan…) In this pAsuram, mAmunigaL is following AzhwAr’s pAsurams in lamenting about not enjoying nArAyaNa, the owner of the name, after becoming conscious on hearing such names, and is mercifully explaining it.
seelamigu kaNNan thirunAmaththAl uNarndhu
mElavan than mEni kaNdu mEvudhaRku – sAla
varundhi iravum pagalum mARAmal kUppittu
irundhananE thenkurugUr ERu
AzhwAr, who is the chief of AzhwArthirunagari, had his bewilderment eliminated and acquired clarity by the divine name of krishNa who has abundant auspicious qualities; after becoming conscious, being greatly anguished, he was calling out continuously to see krishNa’s divine form, approach and enjoy the same.
Thirty eighth pAsuram – (ERu thiruvudaiya…) In this pAsuram, mAmunigaL is following AzhwAr’s pAsurams of revealing his detachment in AthmA and AthmA’s belongings which are not existing for emperumAn’s sake, as emperumAn is not helping in such sorrowful state and is mercifully explaining it.
ERu thiruvudaiya Isan ugappukku
vERupadil ennudaimai mikka uyir – thERungAl
enRanakkum vENdAvenumARan thALai nenjE
nandhamakkup pERAga naNNu
AzhwAr said with disgust “If my ornaments etc and the AthmA which is greater than those belongings are not accepted for the divine heart of sarvESvaran on whose divine chest SrI mahAlakshmi climbed, when analysed, even I don’t need them”. Oh heart! Seek such AzhwAr’s divine feet as the ultimate benefit for us.
Thirty ninth pAsuram – (naNNAdhu mAladiyai…) In this pAsuram, mAmunigaL is following AzhwAr’s pAsurams of showing disgust on seeing the disastrous state of samsAris (materialistic people) and is mercifully explaining it.
naNNAdhu mAladiyai nAnilaththE valvinaiyAl
eNNArAth thunbamuRum ivvuyirgaL thaNNimaiyaik
kaNdirukka mAttAmal kaN kalangu mARanaruL
uNdu namakkuRRa thuNai onRu
AzhwAr seeing, on this earth, the lowliness of these AthmAs who are experiencing endless sorrow due to cruel sins, without surrendering at the divine feet of emperumAn, becomes unable to remain relaxed, is mercifully having his divine eyes shed tears; such AzhwAr’s mercy remains as our apt companion.
Fortieth pAsuram – (onRumilaith thEvu…) In this pAsuram, mAmunigaL is following AzhwAr’s pAsurams of explaining emperumAn’s parathvam (supremacy) in archAvathAram (deity form) which facilitates the surrender of samsAris (materialistic people), and is mercifully explaining it.
onRum ilaith thEvu ivvulagam padaiththa mAl
anRiyena Arum aRiyavE – nanRAga
mUdhaliththup pEsiyaruL moymmagizhOn thAL thozhavE
kAdhalikkum ennudaiya kai
My hands will only desire to perform anjali towards the divine feet of the glorious vakuLAbharaNa who mercifully spoke, to be understood by all, proving fully, saying “there is no other dheyvam than sarvESvaran who created these worlds”.
adiyen sarathy ramanuja dasan
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