Glossary/Dictionary by pAsuram – periya thirumozhi – 2nd centum

Sorted by word pAsuram Word Meaning periya-thirumozhi-2-1-1-vAnavar thangaL   en nenjamE   Oh favourable mind! periya-thirumozhi-2-1-1-vAnavar thangaL   mA   great periya-thirumozhi-2-1-1-vAnavar thangaL   thavam   having thapas (penance) periya-thirumozhi-2-1-1-vAnavar thangaL   mAnavar thangaL   men, their periya-thirumozhi-2-1-1-vAnavar thangaL   sindhai   in the heart periya-thirumozhi-2-1-1-vAnavar thangaL   amarndhu   firmly remaining periya-thirumozhi-2-1-1-vAnavar thangaL   uRaiginRa   one who is eternally residing periya-thirumozhi-2-1-1-vAnavar thangaL   endhai   being my lord periya-thirumozhi-2-1-1-vAnavar … Read more

Glossary/Dictionary by pAsuram – periya thirumozhi – 1st centum

Sorted by word periya-thirumozhi-1-1-1-vAdinEn vAdi   perum thuyar   being the recipient of great sorrow periya-thirumozhi-1-1-1-vAdinEn vAdi   idumbaiyil   in the body which is the cause for all sorrows periya-thirumozhi-1-1-1-vAdinEn vAdi   piRandhu   being born periya-thirumozhi-1-1-1-vAdinEn vAdi   kUdinEn   being unable to distinguish between body and soul, and remained closely together; periya-thirumozhi-1-1-1-vAdinEn vAdi   kUdi   having remained in this manner for … Read more

Glossary/Dictionary by Word – periya thirumozhi – 1st centum

Sorted by pAsuram Word MEaning pAsuram  A   cows periya-thirumozhi-1-8-3-ninRa mAmarudhu   adai   reach there. periya-thirumozhi-1-8-3-ninRa mAmarudhu   adai   try to reach periya-thirumozhi-1-2-5-karaisey mAkkadal   adai   try to reach periya-thirumozhi-1-2-6-paNangaL Ayiram   adai   try to reach periya-thirumozhi-1-5-1-kalaiyum kariyum   adai   try to reach periya-thirumozhi-1-8-1-kongalarndha   adai   try to reach. periya-thirumozhi-1-2-3-thudikoL   adai   try to reach. periya-thirumozhi-1-2-4-maRangoL ALari   adai   try to reach. periya-thirumozhi-1-2-8-iravu kUrndhu  … Read more

Glossary/Dictionary by word – rAmAnusa nURRanthAdhi

Sorted by pAsuram Word Meaning pAsuram achcharaN anRi other than those divine feet rAmAnusa nURRanthAdhi – 45 adaibavarkku for those who reach him, (will be reached by) rAmAnusa nURRanthAdhi – 32 adaindha pin after surrendering to rAmAnusa nURRanthAdhi – 56 adaiyAr kamalaththu alarmagAL for pirAtti who has got the birth place as lotus flower with … Read more

Glossary/Dictionary by word – Sri bhagavath githA – Chapter 1 to 10

Sorted by Verse Word Meaning Verse abhAva sorrowful state (of the mind due to such unfavourable experience) 10.4 budhdhir gyAnam asammOha: abhAva: temporary nature of achith (matter) 2.16 nAsathO vidhyathE bhAvO abhavath became very loud 1.13 – thatha: SankAs cha abhAvayatha: for one who does not meditate on self 2.66 nAsthi budhdhir ayukthasya abhayam [fearlessness] … Read more

Glossary/Dictionary by Verse – Sri bhagavath githA – Chapter 1 to 10

Sorted by word Verse Word Meaning 1.1 – dharmakshEthrE   sanjaya   Oh sanjaya! 1.1 – dharmakshEthrE   dharmakshEthrE kurukshEthrE   in the righteous land of kurukshEthra 1.1 – dharmakshEthrE   yuyuthsava   having the desire to fight 1.1 – dharmakshEthrE   samavEthA   assembled as a group 1.1 – dharmakshEthrE   mAmakA:   my sons 1.1 – dharmakshEthrE   pANdavA: cha Eva   and the sons … Read more

Glossary/Dictionary by Word – thiruvAimozhi – 1st centum

Sorted by pAsuram Word Meaning pAsuram a such (even more beautiful than in paramapadham) thiruvaimozhi-1-10-9-nambiyaith-thenkurungudi A A enRu Feeling for my separation and crying out -alas! alas!- thiruvAimozhi – 1.4.1 anjiRaiya madanArAy a(k) one with such glories thiruvaimozhi-1-10-1-poruma-nilpadai adaindha (by all means) rich thiruvaimozhi-1-7-11-kudainthu-vandunnum adaiya attaining the goal thiruvAimozhi – 1.1.5 – avaravar thamathamathu adal … Read more

Glossary/Dictionary by Word – thiruvAimozhi – 2nd centum

Sorted by pAsuram Word Meaning pAsuram a being the cause for such creation thiruvaimozhi-2-3-2-oththar-mikkarai a having such distinct relationship thiruvaimozhi-2-3-2-oththar-mikkarai AbharaNam ornaments thiruvaimozhi-2-5-6-pala-palave Ada to dance thiruvaimozhi-2-6-3-thamaraik-kannanai Ada to dance thiruvaimozhi-2-7-4-govindhan adaikkilum even if it becomes speechless thiruvaimozhi-2-9-3-seyyel-thivinai adaindhEn having united thiruvaimozhi-2-6-10-poginra-kalangal adaindhEn I, who attained it thiruvaimozhi-2-6-5-uyndhu-pondhu adaindhEnE have I not reached? thiruvaimozhi-2-3-6-serndhar-thivinaigatku adaindhu … Read more