nAchchiyAr thirumozhi – 9.2 – pOrkkaLiRu porum

SrI: SrImathE SatakOpAya nama: SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama: SrImadh varavara munayE nama:

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avathArikai (Introduction) – she says “After desiring the garland on his shoulder, to whom could I share the travails that I am undergoing?”

pOrkkaLiRu porum mAlirunjOlai am pUmpuRavil
thArkkodi mullaigaLum thavaLa nagai kAttuginRa
kArkkoL padAkkaL ninRU kazhaRIch chirikkath thariyEn
ArkkidugO? thOzhi! avan thAr seydha pUsalaiyE

Word-by-Word Meanings

pOr kaLiRu – elephants, for whom fighting in battles is regular work
porum – arena where they fight with each other
mAlirunjOlai – thirumAlirum sOlai’s
am pU puRavil – in the most beautiful slopes
thAr kodi mullaigaLum – creepers with budding jasmine flowers
thavaLam nagai – the whitish smile (of Azhagar, divine name of the presiding uthsavar idol)
kAttuginRa – remind me, of
(apart from that)
kArkkoL – pollinated
padAkkaL – creeper, by the name of padA
ninRu – blossoming
kazhaRich chirikka – flowering, as if they are smiling and saying “You cannot escape from me”
thariyEn – (seeing that) I am unable to sustain myself
thOzhI – Oh, friend!
avan thAr – garland from his divine shoulder (which we desired)
seydha – what it did
pUsalai – the despise
Arkku idugO – to whom shall we complain?

Simple Translation

Jasmine flowers, which appear to be smiling and are blossoming on the slopes of thirumAlirunjOlai, remind me of the whitish smile of Azhagar; in thirumAlirunjOlai, elephants which have fighting in battles as full-time occupation, are fighting with each other playfully. Further, the creepers of the plant padA, which have got pollinated, are flowering and smiling, as if saying “You cannot escape from us”. Oh, dear friend! To whom could we complain about the contempt which the garland on the divine shoulders of Azhagar, which we desired, showed us?

vyAkyAnam (Commentary)

pOrkkaLiRu porum mAlirunjOlai – thirumAlirunjOlai, the place where elephants, which have fighting in battles as full-time work, keep fighting with each other playfully. Male elephants were roaming joyfully, like emperumAn, while female elephants were in distress, like me, being in separation.

pOrkkaLiRu porum – this would refer to the action of elephants which dig out soil from mounds in thirumalai [here, thirumalai, which means ‘divine mountain’ would refer to thirumAlirunjOlai malai] with their tusks.

am pUm puRavil – on the slopes of thirumalai, where plants have blossomed

thArkkodi mullaigaLum thavaLanagai kAttuginRa – jasmine creeper, which has blossomed with beautiful flowers, reminds me of the time when emperumAn smiled at us prior to his uniting with us, and is tormenting me. The jasmine creeper is tormenting me, who is also like a creeper [looking for a supporting pole for sustaining myself]. An entity could torment another entity which is from a different species. But how could an entity torment an entity from the same species [both being creepers]?

kArkkoL padA ninRu kazhaRich chirikkath thariyEn – creepers, called as padA, which have got pollinated, had blossomed to such an extent that the flowers had completely covered the creepers. They reminded me, through their smile, the laughter of emperumAn at the peak stage, due to his total independent nature, when he had united with me.

ArkkidugO thOzhI avan thAr seydha pUsalaiyE – we had desired the garland which he [emperumAn] had donned on his divine shoulders. To whom shall we narrate the “mahAbhAratha battle” [severe war between the garland and me] which ensued as a result and get consoled? Could it not be narrated to the one who she had called as thOzhI? That friend had already swooned, after seeing ANdAL’s travails. Hasn’t nammAzhwAr too mercifully said in thiruvAimozhi 9-9-5 “emmilmun avanukku mAyvarAlO” (ahead of me, they became hurt, for his sake)? Since loss and gain are common between the two of us, you had already swooned ahead of me. Hence, I am unable to sustain myself by narrating my travails to you. Should I share my grief with others who are already roaming around, carrying many other worries which?

Next, we will consider the 3rd pAsuram of this decad.

adiyEn krishNa rAmAnuja dhAsan

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