sthOthra rathnam – 43

SrI:  SrImathE SatakOpAya nama:  SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama:  SrImath varavaramunayE nama:

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ALavandhAr enjoys the nithyasUris‘ actions in servitude for emperumAn as said in vishNu sUktham “sadhA paSyanthi sUraya:” (nithyasUris are always seeing emperumAn) etc. His prayer is as said in thiruvAimozhi 2.3.10adiyArgaL kuzhAngaLai udan kUdavadhu enRu kolO?” (When will I be in the group of nithyasUris?).

hathAkhilaklESamalai: svabhAvatha:
*sadhAnukUlyaikarasais thavOchithai: |
nishEvyamANam sachivair yathOchitham ||

* Also recited as thvadhAnukUlyaika.

Word by word meaning

hatha akhila klESa malai: – without any suffering and blemish (of having [had] bondage in prakruthi (material realm))
svabhAvatha: – natural
sadhA AnukUlyasa Ekarasai: – always having kainkaryam (service [to you]) as the enjoyment
thava uchithai: – matching you
gruhItha thath thath parichAra sAdhanai: – Holding garlands, incense, lamp etc which are required for such kainkaryams
sachivai: – by nithyasUris who instruct you and engage in proper service
yathOchitham – according to [their/your] svarUpam (true nature)
nishEvyamANam – one who is being worshipped

Simple Translation

Oh one [emperumAn] who is worshipped by nithyasUris who are devoid of sufferings and blemishes and who always have natural kainkaryam (service [to you]) as their enjoyment, who match you [in your nature, abilities etc], holding garlands, incense, lamp etc which are required for such kainkaryams, and who instruct you [about the proper relationship, activities] and engage in service [to you] and who worship you according to[their/your] svarUpam …

vyAkyAnam (Commentary)

  • hathAkhila klESamalai: – klESam (sufferings) are as said in pAthanjala sUthram “avidhyAsmithAbhinivESarAgadhvEshA: pancha klESA:” (avidhyA (ignorance), ahankAram (pride), abhinivESa (greed), rAga (desire), dhvESha (anger) are the sufferings). Those who have prAgabhAvam (non-existence since ever before) of them [i.e. they have never had these]. With this, they [nithyasUris] are distinguished from badhdha jIvAthmAs (bound souls in this material realm). malam indicates prakruthi, due to never being in contact with material nature, prAgabhAvam (non-existence since ever before) of bondage in them is explained. Thus, they [nithyasUris] are distinguished from muktha jIvAthmAs who were liberated from bondage is explained [i.e., they have never been in bondage].
  • svabhAvathas sadhAnukUlyaka rasai: – Those who have kainkaryam (servitude) at your highness’ divine feet as that which sustains them and that which gives enjoyment for them. With this also, they [nithyasUris] are distinguished from mutha jIvAthmAs who started serving your divine feet on a particular day [after liberation].
  • thavOchithai: – They are perfect match for your highness in their svarUpam (true nature), rUpam (form), guNa (qualities) etc.
  • gruhItha thath thath … – You whom is worshipped by those who are perfect match for you as they hold with great affection the tools that are used in your kainkaryam as said in thiruvirutham 21 “sUttu nan mAlai …” (Holding the best garland to be worn by emperumAn).
  • sachivai: – Even emperumAn out of his vAthsalyam (motherly affection) desires to engage in kainkaryam (in an improper manner), they would inform him the rules and serve him properly. They are said to be honest as in amalanAdhipirAn 1 “nIdhi vAnavar” (the honest residents of paramapadham). They would also engage you in protecting your devotees.
  • yathOchitham – Matching the svarUpam (true nature); also explained as – matching the situation.

In the next article we will enjoy the next SlOkam.

adiyen sarathy ramanuja dasan

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