Glossary/Dictionary by pAsuram – thiruppallANdu

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thiruppallANdu 1 – pallANdumalmallars (wrestlers) like chANUran, mushtikan
thiruppallANdu 1 – pallANduANdaone who controlled and killed them
thiruppallANdu 1 – pallANduthiNstrong and most powerful
thiruppallANdu 1 – pallANduthoLshoulders
thiruppallANdu 1 – pallANdumaNivaNNAone who has the color of dark gem
thiruppallANdu 1 – pallANduunyour
thiruppallANdu 1 – pallANduchEvadireddish feet’s
thiruppallANdu 1 – pallANduchevvithbeauty
thiruppallANdu 1 – pallANdupallANdumany (countless) years (denotes year count in human)
thiruppallANdu 1 – pallANdupallANdumany (countless) years (denotes year count in dhEva)
thiruppallANdu 1 – pallANdupallAyiraththANdumany (countless) years (denotes year count in brahmA)
thiruppallANdu 1 – pallANdupalakOti nURayirammany years of countless brahmAs
thiruppallANdu 1 – pallANduthirukkAppulet there be protection
thiruppallANdu 2 – adiyOmOdumadiyOmOdumadiyen and all other chEthanas who are servants for you
thiruppallANdu 2 – adiyOmOdumninnOdumand yourself who is the master for all of us
thiruppallANdu 2 – adiyOmOdumpirivinRishould be always together
thiruppallANdu 2 – adiyOmOdumAyiram pallANduthis relationship should exist forever
thiruppallANdu 2 – adiyOmOdumvadivAyBeautiful and one who is decorated with jewels
thiruppallANdu 2 – adiyOmOdumnin valamArbinil vAzhkinRaone who always dwells in right side of your chest
thiruppallANdu 2 – adiyOmOdummangaiyummangai denotes nangai (denotes completeness/wholeness of srI mahAlakshmi); um (also) – denotes bhUmi and neeLA dhEvis
thiruppallANdu 2 – adiyOmOdumpallANdushould be present always
thiruppallANdu 2 – adiyOmOdumvadivArchOthichakkaraththAzhwAn’s thEjas (radiance) surrounds the divine form of perumAL himself
thiruppallANdu 2 – adiyOmOdumvalaththuRaiyumone who eternally resides in right hand
thiruppallANdu 2 – adiyOmOdumchudarAzhiyumchakkaraththAzhwAn who destroys the enemies
thiruppallANdu 2 – adiyOmOdumpallANdulong live – should always exist
thiruppallANdu 2 – adiyOmOdumpadaithat serves as weapon
thiruppallANdu 2 – adiyOmOdumpOr pukku muzhangumin battle by its sound
thiruppallANdu 2 – adiyOmOdumappAnjasanniyamumthe conch by name pAnchajanya
thiruppallANdu 2 – adiyOmOdumpallANdEshould also be there with you always
thiruppallANdu 3 – vAzhAtpattuvAzhAL pattuif you are engrossed in bhagavath kainkaryam
thiruppallANdu 3 – vAzhAtpattuninRIruLLIrEland stand on that nishtai (intention/ways)
thiruppallANdu 3 – vAzhAtpattuvanthujoin with us (AzhwAr)
thiruppallANdu 3 – vAzhAtpattumaNNum maNamum koNminand for the uthsavams for emperumAn, please take soil (thirumuLaith thirunAL – sprouting ritual which is done before the uthsavam) and get immersed in the uthsavam
thiruppallANdu 3 – vAzhAtpattukUzhAL pattu ninRIrkaLaiif you are serving other people to fulfill your worldly needs,
thiruppallANdu 3 – vAzhAtpattuengaL kuzhuvinil puguthalottOmwe won’t allow you to join us
thiruppallANdu 3 – vAzhAtpattunAngaLus
thiruppallANdu 3 – vAzhAtpattuEzhAtkAlum pazhippilOmWe are flawless/faultless for 21 generations
thiruppallANdu 3 – vAzhAtpattuirAkkathar vAzh ilangailankA which is filled with demons
thiruppallANdu 3 – vAzhAtpattupAzhALAgagetting destroyed
thiruppallANdu 3 – vAzhAtpattupadai poruthAnukkuwho went to battle field
thiruppallANdu 3 – vAzhAtpattupallANdu kURuthumwe are singing pallANdu now
thiruppallANdu 4 – EdunilamEdu nilaththil iduvathan munnamBefore you are put in the graveyard/crematory ground
thiruppallANdu 4 – Edunilamvanthu engaL kuzhAm pugunthucome, join our ghOshti (group)
thiruppallANdu 4 – EdunilamkUdu manam udaiyIrgaLif you have that thought (of joining us),
thiruppallANdu 4 – Edunilamvarambozhi vanthugiving up kaivalyam
thiruppallANdu 4 – Edunilamollaisoon/immediately
thiruppallANdu 4 – EdunilamkUduminOcome and join our ghOsti
thiruppallANdu 4 – EdunilamnAdumpeople living in country-side
thiruppallANdu 4 – Edunilamnagaramumpeople living in cities
thiruppallANdu 4 – EdunilamnangaRiyafor both to be cognizance of your good,
thiruppallANdu 4 – EdunilamnamO nArAyaNA enRuchanting thirumanthram
thiruppallANdu 4 – EdunilampAdu manam udaip paththar uLLIr vanthuif you have the bhakthi to sing thirumanthram
thiruppallANdu 4 – EdunilampallAnNdu kURuminEcome and sing thirupallANdu.
thiruppallANdu 5 – aNdakkulamaNdakkulaththukkucollection of all the aNdams (worlds)
thiruppallANdu 5 – aNdakkulamadhipathiyAkione who is the master of such collection
thiruppallANdu 5 – aNdakkulamasurar irAkkatharaidemons and asuras
thiruppallANdu 5 – aNdakkulamiNdak kulaththaiassemblage of demons and asuras
thiruppallANdu 5 – aNdakkulamyeduththuk kaLainthagarner such assemblage and abolish them
thiruppallANdu 5 – aNdakkulamirudIkEchanone who is master of all iNdhriyas (senses)
thiruppallANdu 5 – aNdakkulamthoNdak kulaththil uLLIrwho is present in dhAsya kulam (clan of servitors of emperumAn)
thiruppallANdu 5 – aNdakkulamvanthu adithozhuthucome to our ghOshti and invoke lotus feet of achchuthan
thiruppallANdu 5 – aNdakkulamAyira nAmam chollisinging His thousand nAmas (divine names)
thiruppallANdu 5 – aNdakkulampaNdaik kulaiththaiyou were in a clan, where you would go to purushOththaman and desire for other purushArththams (goals) than bhagavAn himself
thiruppallANdu 5 – aNdakkulamthavirnthugive up that clan
thiruppallANdu 5 – aNdakkulampallAyiraththANdu enminEand perform mangaLAsAsanam
thiruppallANdu 6 – enthai thanthaienthaime and my father
thiruppallANdu 6 – enthai thanthaithanthaihis father
thiruppallANdu 6 – enthai thanthaithanthaihis father
thiruppallANdu 6 – enthai thanthaitham mUththappanhis father (and ancestor)
thiruppallANdu 6 – enthai thanthaiEzh padi kAl thodangistarting from seven generations before
thiruppallANdu 6 – enthai thanthaivanthuhaving come (at appropriate time to perform mangaLAsAsanam)
thiruppallANdu 6 – enthai thanthaivazhi vazhiin proper manner
thiruppallANdu 6 – enthai thanthaiAL cheyginROmserving
thiruppallANdu 6 – enthai thanthaithiruvONath thiruvizhavilon the auspicious day of sravaNam (star of the thamizh month)
thiruppallANdu 6 – enthai thanthaianthi am pOthilbeautiful sun-set time (when the strength of asuras increase)
thiruppallANdu 6 – enthai thanthaiari uru Agiassuming the form of lion-man
thiruppallANdu 6 – enthai thanthaiariyaihiraNyakasipu who is the enemy (of prahlAdha who is his devotee)
thiruppallANdu 6 – enthai thanthaiazhiththavanaione who destroyed him
thiruppallANdu 6 – enthai thanthaipanthanai thIrato eliminate his fatigue (from killing hiraNya)
thiruppallANdu 6 – enthai thanthaipallANdu pallAyiraththANdu enRu pAduthumwe will perform mangaLAsAsanam to him for eternity
thiruppallANdu 7 – thIyil poliginRathIyileven greater than fire, sun, etc
thiruppallANdu 7 – thIyil poliginRapoliginRagreatly shining
thiruppallANdu 7 – thIyil poliginRasem sudarhaving reddish radiance
thiruppallANdu 7 – thIyil poliginRaAzhicircular in shape
thiruppallANdu 7 – thIyil poliginRathigazhshining
thiruppallANdu 7 – thIyil poliginRathiruchchakkaraththin kOyilthe abode of srI sudharasana
thiruppallANdu 7 – thIyil poliginRapoRiyAlEwith the symbol
thiruppallANdu 7 – thIyil poliginRaoRRuNdu ninRuhaving marked with
thiruppallANdu 7 – thIyil poliginRakudi kudigeneration after generation
thiruppallANdu 7 – thIyil poliginRaAL seyginROmcame to serve
thiruppallANdu 7 – thIyil poliginRamAyap poru padaihaving an army which is able to engage in cunning warfare
thiruppallANdu 7 – thIyil poliginRavANanaibANAsuras
thiruppallANdu 7 – thIyil poliginRaAyiram thOLumfrom the 1000 shoulders
thiruppallANdu 7 – thIyil poliginRapozhi kurudhi pAyablood flowing like a flood
thiruppallANdu 7 – thIyil poliginRasuzhaRRiyacircling
thiruppallANdu 7 – thIyil poliginRaAzhisudharasana chakram
thiruppallANdu 7 – thIyil poliginRavallAnukkuthe capable one who ho lds it
thiruppallANdu 7 – thIyil poliginRapallANdu kURuthumwe are singing thiruppallANdu
thiruppallANdu 8 – neyyidai nallathOrney idaiin between ghee
thiruppallANdu 8 – neyyidai nallathOrnallathu Or sORumrice which is seen in there, that which is placed with pure heart and that which tastes delicious
thiruppallANdu 8 – neyyidai nallathOrniyathamumalways
thiruppallANdu 8 – neyyidai nallathOraththANich chEvakamuminseparable service
thiruppallANdu 8 – neyyidai nallathOrkaiplaced by (emperumAn with his own) hand
thiruppallANdu 8 – neyyidai nallathOradaik kAyumbetel leaves and nuts
thiruppallANdu 8 – neyyidai nallathOrkazhuththukkup pUNodu kAdhukkuk kuNdalamumornaments for the neck and ears
thiruppallANdu 8 – neyyidai nallathOrmeyyidafit to be applied on the body
thiruppallANdu 8 – neyyidai nallathOrnallathu Or sAnthamumvery fragrant sandalwood paste
thiruppallANdu 8 – neyyidai nallathOrthanthugiven
thiruppallANdu 8 – neyyidai nallathOrennai(most lowly) me
thiruppallANdu 8 – neyyidai nallathOrveL uyir Akka vallato transform me to be pure natured
thiruppallANdu 8 – neyyidai nallathOrpai udaihaving hoods
thiruppallANdu 8 – neyyidai nallathOrnAgamfor the serpent
thiruppallANdu 8 – neyyidai nallathOrpagaigaruda who is the enemy of (serpent)
thiruppallANdu 8 – neyyidai nallathOrkodiyAnukkuone who has it (garuda) in his flag
thiruppallANdu 8 – neyyidai nallathOrpallANdu kUruvanwill perform mangaLAsAsanam
thiruppallANdu 9 – uduththuk kaLainthauduththuworn in the sacred waist
thiruppallANdu 9 – uduththuk kaLainthakaLainthadiscarded
thiruppallANdu 9 – uduththuk kaLainthaninyour (being the master)
thiruppallANdu 9 – uduththuk kaLainthapIthaga Adaiyellowish cloth
thiruppallANdu 9 – uduththuk kaLainthauduththuwearing it
thiruppallANdu 9 – uduththuk kaLainthakalaththathuremainder in the vessel (from which you ate)
thiruppallANdu 9 – uduththuk kaLainthauNdueating it
thiruppallANdu 9 – uduththuk kaLainthasUdik kaLainthanathat which where worn by you and discarded
thiruppallANdu 9 – uduththuk kaLainthathoduththaprepared by (us, your servitors)
thiruppallANdu 9 – uduththuk kaLainthathuzhAy malarthuLasi flowers
thiruppallANdu 9 – uduththuk kaLainthasUdumwearing it
thiruppallANdu 9 – uduththuk kaLainthaith thoNdargaLOmus who are such servitors;
thiruppallANdu 9 – uduththuk kaLainthaviduththasent out to
thiruppallANdu 9 – uduththuk kaLainthathisaik karumamthe targets in the particular direction
thiruppallANdu 9 – uduththuk kaLainthathiruththicomplete it properly
thiruppallANdu 9 – uduththuk kaLainthapaduththain a lying down position
thiruppallANdu 9 – uduththuk kaLainthapai(due to that) having raised hoods
thiruppallANdu 9 – uduththuk kaLainthanAga aNaiin the bed named thiruvananthAzhwAn (Adhi sEshan)
thiruppallANdu 9 – uduththuk kaLainthapaLLi koNdAnukkuyou who is resting on it
thiruppallANdu 9 – uduththuk kaLainthathiruvONath thiruvizhavilon the auspicious sravaNam day
thiruppallANdu 9 – uduththuk kaLainthapallANdu kURuthumwe will sing thiruppallANdu
thiruppallANdu 10 – ennAL emperumAnemperumAnOh our master!
thiruppallANdu 10 – ennAL emperumAnun thanakkuto you (who is the master of all)
thiruppallANdu 10 – ennAL emperumAnadiyOm enRuthat we are servitors
thiruppallANdu 10 – ennAL emperumAnezhuththup pattawhen we gave that in writing
thiruppallANdu 10 – ennAL emperumAnennALwhich day
thiruppallANdu 10 – ennAL emperumAnannALEthat day
thiruppallANdu 10 – ennAL emperumAnadiyOngaLour (who are servitors)
thiruppallANdu 10 – ennAL emperumAnkudilsons, grand-sons, etc., who are in the house
thiruppallANdu 10 – ennAL emperumAnadibeing surrendered to you
thiruppallANdu 10 – ennAL emperumAnvIdu peRRubeing freed from kaivalya mOksham
thiruppallANdu 10 – ennAL emperumAnuynthathugot liberated/uplifted
thiruppallANdu 10 – ennAL emperumAnsem nALon that beautiful day
thiruppallANdu 10 – ennAL emperumAnthORRidescended
thiruppallANdu 10 – ennAL emperumAnthiru mathurai uLin the beautiful mathurA (of north bhAratham)
thiruppallANdu 10 – ennAL emperumAnsilai kuniththubroke the bow (in kamsas weapons court)
thiruppallANdu 10 – ennAL emperumAnain thalaiyahaving five heads
thiruppallANdu 10 – ennAL emperumAnpaihaving well expanded hoods
thiruppallANdu 10 – ennAL emperumAnnAgamkALiya the serpent
thiruppallANdu 10 – ennAL emperumAnthalaion the head
thiruppallANdu 10 – ennAL emperumAnpAynthavanEsarvEsvaran (you) who mercifully landed on it
thiruppallANdu 10 – ennAL emperumAnunnaifor you
thiruppallANdu 10 – ennAL emperumAnpallANdu kURuthumwe will perform mangaLAsAsanam
thiruppallANdu 11 – al vazhakkuthirumAlEOh master of srI mahAlakshmi!
thiruppallANdu 11 – al vazhakkual vazhakkubad manners/habits
thiruppallANdu 11 – al vazhakkuonRum illAone who is not having even a tinge of it
thiruppallANdu 11 – al vazhakkuaNibeing an ornament (for the samsAram (material real m))
thiruppallANdu 11 – al vazhakkukOttiyUrfor the residents of thirukkOshtiyUr
thiruppallANdu 11 – al vazhakkukOnbeing the leader
thiruppallANdu 11 – al vazhakkuabhimAna thunganbeing great due to considering himself as I am a servant of emperumAn
thiruppallANdu 11 – al vazhakkuselvanaip pOlalike selva nambi
thiruppallANdu 11 – al vazhakkunAnumme too
thiruppallANdu 11 – al vazhakkuunakkufor you who is the master
thiruppallANdu 11 – al vazhakkupazha adiyEnam being an eternal servitor;
thiruppallANdu 11 – al vazhakkupal vagaiyAlum paviththiranEOh the one who can eliminate [my/our] sins in many ways (through his nature, form, qualities, wealth, etc)!
thiruppallANdu 11 – al vazhakkunal vagaiyAlthrough beautiful ways
thiruppallANdu 11 – al vazhakkunamO nArAyaNA enRumeditating upon the thirumanthram and reciting the same
thiruppallANdu 11 – al vazhakkupala nAmamyour many auspicious names
thiruppallANdu 11 – al vazhakkuparavisaying in different improper ways
thiruppallANdu 11 – al vazhakkuunnaip pallANdu kURuvanI will perform mangaLAsAasnam to you
thiruppallANdu 12 – pallANdu enRupaviththiranaibeing the one who is (naturally) super pure
thiruppallANdu 12 – pallANdu enRuparamEttiyaibeing the one who is seated in the highest abode of srIvaikuNtam
thiruppallANdu 12 – pallANdu enRusArngam ennumhaving the auspicious name sArngam
thiruppallANdu 12 – pallANdu enRuvilbow
thiruppallANdu 12 – pallANdu enRuANdAn thannaitowards emperumAn who has complete control over that
thiruppallANdu 12 – pallANdu enRuvillipuththUrone who is born in srIvillipuththUr
thiruppallANdu 12 – pallANdu enRuvittuchiththanperiyAzhwAr who has the auspicious name of vishNuchiththan
thiruppallANdu 12 – pallANdu enRupallANdu enRusaying eternally being auspicious
thiruppallANdu 12 – pallANdu enRuvirumbiyamercifully spoken with (such) desire
thiruppallANdu 12 – pallANdu enRusolsrIsUkthi (divine words)
thiruppallANdu 12 – pallANdu enRunal ANdu enRufeeling that this is auspicious time (suitable to sing thiruppallANdu)
thiruppallANdu 12 – pallANdu enRunavinRu uraippArwho says repeatedly
thiruppallANdu 12 – pallANdu enRunamO nArAyaNAya enRumeditating upon the thirumanthram
thiruppallANdu 12 – pallANdu enRuparamAthmanaisrIman nArAyaNan who is the paramAthmA
thiruppallANdu 12 – pallANdu enRuchUzhnthu irunthusurrounding him
thiruppallANdu 12 – pallANdu enRupal ANdumcountless time (in future)
thiruppallANdu 12 – pallANdu enRupallANdu Eththuvarwill sing thirupallANdu

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