thiruppallANdu 5 – aNdakkulam

srImathE satakOpAya nama:
srImathE rAmAnujAya nama:
srImadh varavaramunayE nama:

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Previous pAsuram

dhevas-worshipping-vishnudhEvas worshiping srIman nArAyaNan

Introduction for this pAsuram

First periyAzhwAr  invited ananya prayOjanar (one who does not have any personal desire and only looks after the welfare of emperumAn). Though kaivalyArththi and aiswaryArththi are both prayOjanAntharaparars (ones who go to emperumAn to seek out other benefits instead of pure kainkaryam to emperumAn), seeing the suffering of kaivalyArththi,  periyAzhwAr invited him first. Next, periyAzhwAr invites aiswaryArththi.


அண்டக் குலத்துக் அதிபதியாகி அசுரர் இராக்கதரை
இண்டைக் குலத்தை எடுத்துக் களைந்த இருடீகேசன் தனக்கு
தொண்டக் குலத்திலுள்ளீர் வந்து அடிதொழுது ஆயிர நாமம் சொல்லி
பண்டைக் குலத்தைத் தவிர்ந்து பல்லாண்டு பல்லாயிரத்தாண்டு என்மினே

aNdak kulaththukku adhipathiyAgi asurar irAkkatharai
iNdak kulaththai eduththuk kaLaintha irudIkEsan thanakku
thoNdak kulaththiluLLIr vanthu adithozhuthu Ayira nAmam chollip
paNdaik kulaiththaith thavirnthu pallANdu pallAyiraththANdu enminE


word-by-word meanings

aNdakkulaththukku – collection of all the aNdams (worlds)
adhipathiyAki – one who is the master of such collection
asurar irAkkatharai – demons and asuras
iNdak kulaththai – assemblage of demons and asuras
yeduththuk kaLaintha – garner such assemblage and abolish them
irudIkEchan – one who is master of all iNdhriyas (senses)
thoNdak kulaththil uLLIr – who is present in dhAsya kulam (clan of servitors of emperumAn)
vanthu adithozhuthu – come to our ghOshti and invoke lotus feet of achchuthan
Ayira nAmam cholli – singing His thousand nAmas (divine names)
paNdaik kulaiththai – you were in a clan, where you would go to purushOththaman and desire for other purushArththams (goals) than bhagavAn himself
thavirnthu – give up that clan
pallAyiraththANdu enminE – and perform mangaLAsAsanam

Highlights from periyavAchchAn piLLai’s commentary:

  • aNdakkulaththukku adhipadhi – Why does an aiswaryArththi call bhagavAn as aNdAdhipathayE nama: (I worship the master of all worlds)? When a magnanimous person is holding a lemon fruit and we say to him that the lemon is beautiful, immediately he will give the lemon to us. Similarly aiswaryArththis glorify bhagavAn as aNdAdhipathi, so that He will give one of the galaxies to them. emperumAn is so generous that he glorifies such aiswaryArththi also as “udhArA:” in bhagavath gIthA 7.18 while talking about the four types of persons who approach him {because such person gives emperumAn an opportunity to bring out His generosity!}
  • asurarar irAkkatharai – Then why do they again need to glorify as asurar irAkkatharai…..? aiswaryArththis are of two types. (please refer to bhagavath gIthA 7.16 chathur vidhA bhajanthE mAm slOkam). apUrva aiswarya kAman – One who desires for new aiswaryam (the one explained previously) and brashta aiswarya kAman – one who is asking for the aiswaryam he has lost. First type of aiswaryArththi sings “aNdAthipathayE nama:” and second one will sing as “asura chathravE nama:” (I worship the enemy of demons) {like when wealth is lost to demons/others}.
  • irudIkEsan – hrushikEsa (One who controls our senses) – AzhwAr is saying to aiswaryArththi “when you go to him for requesting wealth, just see his beauty and forget the wealth – this way, you too can surrender unto him”.
  • thoNdakkulaththil uLLIr – the ones who belong to the clan of servitors consider “sEshathvamE svarUpam” (being a servitor is the true nature) unlike considering oneself as the body and seeking out bodily pleasures.
  • vanthadi thozhuthu Ayira nAmam cholli – Accepting that serving the lotus feet of  emperumAn is the goal and reciting all the names of emperumAn joyfully.
  • pallANdu pallAyiraththANdu enmin – Now that you too have become ananya prayOjana (not expecting anything other than kainkaryam), what are you waiting for? Start performing mangaLAsAsanam immediately which is fitting for both your svarUpam (true nature) and bhagavAn‘s greatness.

adiyEn sArathy rAmAnuja dAsan
adiyEn sudharsana rAmAnuja dAsan

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