Glossary/Dictionary by word – thiruppallANdu

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< td>thiruppallANdu 4 – Edunilam< /tr>
abhimAna thunganbeing great due to considering himself as I am a servant of emperumAnthiruppallANdu 11 – al vazhakku
adaik kAyumbetel leaves and nutsthiruppallANdu 8 – neyyidai nallathOr
adhipathiyAkione who is the master of such collectionthiruppallANdu 5 – aNdakkulam
adibeing surrendered to youthiruppallANdu 10 – ennAL emperumAn
adiyOm enRuthat we are servitorsthiruppallANdu 10 – ennAL emperumAn
adiyOmOdumadiyen and all other chEthanas who are servants for youthiruppallANdu 2 – adiyOmOdum
adiyOngaLour (who are servitors)thiruppallANdu 10 – ennAL emperumAn
ain thalaiyahaving five headsthiruppallANdu 10 – ennAL emperumAn
AL cheyginROmservingthiruppallANdu 6 – enthai thanthai
AL seyginROmcame to servethiruppallANdu 7 – thIyil poliginRa
al vazhakkubad manners/habitsthiruppallANdu 11 – al vazhakku
ANdaone who controlled and killed themthiruppallANdu 1 – pallANdu
aNdakkulaththukkucollection of all the aNdams (worlds)thiruppallANdu 5 – aNdakkulam
ANdAn thannaitowards emperumAn who has complete control over thatthiruppallANdu 12 – pallANdu enRu
aNibeing an ornament (for the samsAram (material realm))thiruppallANdu 11 – al vazhakku
annALEthat daythiruppallANdu 10 – ennAL emperumAn
anthi am pOthilbeautiful sun-set time (when the strength of asuras increase)thiruppallANdu 6 – enthai thanthai
appAnjasanniyamumthe conch by name pAnchajanyathiruppallANdu 2 – adiyOmOdum
ari uru Agiassuming the form of lion-manthiruppallANdu 6 – enthai thanthai
ariyaihiraNyakasipu who is the enemy (of prahlAdha who is his devotee)thiruppallANdu 6 – enthai thanthai
asurar irAkkatharaidemons and asurasthiruppallANdu 5 – aNdakkulam
aththANich chEvakamuminseparable servicethiruppallANdu 8 – neyyidai nallathOr
Ayira nAmam chollisinging His thousand nAmas (divine names)thiruppallANdu 5 – aNdakkulam
Ayiram pallANduthis relationship should exist foreverthiruppallANdu 2 – adiyOmOdum
Ayiram thOLumfrom the 1000 shouldersthiruppallANdu 7 – thIyil poliginRa
Azhicircular in shapethiruppallANdu 7 – thIyil poliginRa
Azhisudharasana chakramthiruppallANdu 7 – thIyil poliginRa
azhiththavanaione who destroyed himthiruppallANdu 6 – enthai thanthai
chEvadireddish feet’sthiruppallANdu 1 – pallANdu
chevvithbeautythiruppallANdu 1 – pallANdu
chudarAzhiyumchakkaraththAzhwAn who destroys the enemiesthiruppallANdu 2 – adiyOmOdum
chUzhnthu irunthusurrounding himthiruppallANdu 12 – pallANdu enRu
Edu nilaththil iduvathan munnamBefore you are put in the graveyard/crematory ground
emperumAnOh our master!thiruppallANdu 10 – ennAL emperumAn
engaL kuzhuvinil puguthalottOmwe won’t allow you to join usthiruppallANdu 3 – vAzhAtpattu
ennai(most lowly) methiruppallANdu 8 – neyyidai nallathOr
ennALwhich daythiruppallANdu 10 – ennAL emperumAn
enthaime and my fatherthiruppallANdu 6 – enthai thanthai
Ezh padi kAl thodangistarting from seven generations beforethiruppallANdu 6 – enthai thanthai
EzhAtkAlum pazhippilOmWe are flawless/faultless for 21 generationsthiruppallANdu 3 – vAzhAtpattu
ezhuththup pattawhen we gave that in writingthiruppallANdu 10 – ennAL emperumAn
iNdak kulaththaiassemblage of demons and asurasthiruppallANdu 5 – aNdakkulam
irAkkathar vAzh ilangailankA which is filled with demonsthiruppallANdu 3 – vAzhAtpattu
irudIkEchanone who is master of all iNdhriyas (senses)thiruppallANdu 5 – aNdakkulam
ith thoNdargaLOmus who are such servitors;thiruppallANdu 9 – uduththuk kaLaintha
kaiplaced by (emperumAn with his own) handthiruppallANdu 8 – neyyidai nallathOr
kaLainthadiscardedthiruppallANdu 9 – uduththuk kaLaintha
kalaththathuremainder in the vessel (from which you ate)thiruppallANdu 9 – uduththuk kaLaintha
kazhuththukkup pUNodu kAdhukkuk kuNdalamumornaments for the neck and earsthiruppallANdu 8 – neyyidai nallathOr
kodiyAnukkuone who has it (garuda) in his flagthiruppallANdu 8 – neyyidai nallathOr
kOnbeing the leaderthiruppallANdu 11 – al vazhakku
kOttiyUrfor the residents of thirukkOshtiyUrthiruppallANdu 11 – al vazhakku
kudi kudigeneration after generationthiruppallANdu 7 – thIyil poliginRa
kudilsons, grand-sons, etc., who are in the housethiruppallANdu 10 – ennAL emperumAn
kUdu manam udaiyIrgaLif you have that thought (of joining us),thiruppallANdu 4 – Edunilam
kUduminOcome and join our ghOstithiruppallANdu 4 – Edunilam
kUzhAL pattu ninRIrkaLaiif you are serving other people to fulfill your worldly needs,thiruppallANdu 3 – vAzhAtpattu
malmallars (wrestlers) like chANUran, mushtikanthiruppallANdu 1 – pallANdu
mangaiyummangai denotes nangai (denotes completeness/wholeness of srI mahAlakshmi); um (also) – denotes bhUmi and neeLA dhEvisthiruppallANdu 2 – adiyOmOdum
maNivaNNAone who has the color of dark gemthiruppallANdu 1 – pallANdu
maNNum maNamum koNminand for the uthsavams for emperumAn, please take soil (thirumuLaith thirunAL – sprouting ritual which is done before the uthsavam) and get immersed in the uthsavamthiruppallANdu 3 – vAzhAtpattu
mAyap poru padaihaving an army which is able to engage in cunning warfarethiruppallANdu 7 – thIyil poliginRa
meyyidafit to be applied on the bodythiruppallANdu 8 – neyyidai nallathOr
nAdumpeople living in country-sidethiruppallANdu 4 – Edunilam
nAga aNaiin the bed named thiruvananthAzhwAn (Adhi sEshan)thiruppallANdu 9 – uduththuk kaLaintha
nAgamfor the serpentthiruppallANdu 8 – neyyidai nallathOr
nAgamkALiya the serpentthiruppallANdu 10 – ennAL emperumAn
nagaramumpeople living in citiesthiruppallANdu 4 – Edunilam
nal ANdu enRufeeling that this is auspicious time (suitable to sing thiruppallANdu)thiruppallANdu 12 – pallANdu enRu
nal vagaiyAlthrough beautiful waysthiruppallANdu 11 – al vazhakku
nallathu Or sAnthamumvery fragrant sandalwood pastethiruppallANdu 8 – neyyidai nallathOr
nallathu Or sORumrice which is seen in there, that which is placed with pure heart and that which tastes deliciousthiruppallANdu 8 – neyyidai nallathOr
namO nArAyaNA enRuchanting thirumanthramthiruppallANdu 4 – Edunilam
namO nArAyaNA enRumeditating upon the thirumanthram and reciting the samethiruppallANdu 11 – al vazhakku
namO nArAyaNAya enRumeditating upon the thirumanthramthiruppallANdu 12 – pallANdu enRu
nAngaLusthiruppallANdu 3 – vAzhAtpattu
nangaRiyafor both to be cognizance of your good,thiruppallANdu 4 – Edunilam
nAnumme toothiruppallANdu 11 – al vazhakku
navinRu uraippArwho says repeatedlythiruppallANdu 12 – pallANdu enRu
ney idaiin between gheethiruppallANdu 8 – neyyidai nallathOr
ninyour (being the master)thiruppallANdu 9 – uduththuk kaLaintha
nin valamArbinil vAzhkinRaone who always dwells in right side of your chestthiruppallANdu 2 – adiyOmOdum
ninnOdumand yourself who is the master for all of usthiruppallANdu 2 – adiyOmOdum
ninRIruLLIrEland stand on that nishtai (intention/ways)thiruppallANdu 3 – vAzhAtpattu
niyathamumalwaysthiruppallANdu 8 – neyyidai nallathOr
ollaisoon/immediatelythiruppallANdu 4 – Edunilam
onRum illAone who is not having even a tinge of itthiruppallANdu 11 – al vazhakku
oRRuNdu ninRuhaving marked withthiruppallANdu 7 – thIyil poliginRa
padaithat serves as weaponthiruppallANdu 2 – adiyOmOdum
padai poruthAnukkuwho went to battle fieldthiruppallANdu 3 – vAzhAtpattu
pAdu manam udaip paththar uLLIr vanthuif you have the bhakthi to sing thirumanthramthiruppallANdu 4 – Edunilam
paduththain a lying down positionthiruppallANdu 9 – uduththuk kaLaintha
pagaigaruda who is the enemy of (serpent)thiruppallANdu 8 – neyyidai nallathOr
pai(due to that) having raised hoodsthiruppallANdu 9 – uduththuk kaLaintha
paihaving well expanded hoodsthiruppallANdu 10 – ennAL emperumAn
pai udaihaving hoodsthiruppallANdu 8 – neyyidai nallathOr
pal ANdumcountless time (in future)thiruppallANdu 12 – pallANdu enRu
pal vagaiyAlum paviththiranEOh the one who can eliminate [my/our] sins in many ways (through his nature, form, qualities, wealth, etc)!thiruppallANdu 11 – al vazhakku
pala nAmamyour many auspicious namesthiruppallANdu 11 – al vazhakku
palakOti nURayirammany years of countless brahmAsthiruppallANdu 1 – pallANdu
pallANdEshould also be there with you alwaysthiruppallANdu 2 – adiyOmOdum
pallANdumany (countless) years (denotes year count in human)thiruppallANdu 1 – pallANdu
pallANdumany (countless) years (denotes year count in dhEva)thiruppallANdu 1 – pallANdu
pallANdushould be present alwaysthiruppallANdu 2 – adiyOmOdum
pallANdulong live – should always existthiruppallANdu 2 – adiyOmOdum
pallANdu enRusaying eternally being auspiciousthiruppallANdu 12 – pallANdu enRu
pallANdu Eththuvarwill sing thirupallANduthiruppallANdu 12 – pallANdu enRu
pallANdu kURuthumwe are singing pallANdu nowthiruppallANdu 3 – vAzhAtpattu
pallANdu kURuthumwe are singing thiruppallANduthiruppallANdu 7 – thIyil poliginRa
pallANdu kURuthumwe will sing thiruppallANduthiruppallANdu 9 – uduththuk kaLaintha
pallANdu kURuthumwe will perform mangaLAsAsanamthiruppallANdu 10 – ennAL emperumAn
pallANdu kUruvanwill perform mangaLAsAsanamthiruppallANdu 8 – neyyidai nallathOr
pallANdu pallAyiraththANdu enRu pAduthumwe will perform mangaLAsAsanam to him for eternitythiruppallANdu 6 – enthai thanthai
pallAnNdu kURuminEcome and sing thirupallANdu.thiruppallANdu 4 – Edunilam
pallAyiraththANdumany (countless) years (denotes year count in brahmA)thiruppallANdu 1 – pallANdu
pallAyiraththANdu enminEand perform mangaLAsAsanamthiruppallANdu 5 – aNdakkulam
paLLi koNdAnukkuyou who is resting on itthiruppallANdu 9 – uduththuk kaLaintha
paNdaik kulaiththaiyou were in a clan, where you would go to purushOththaman and desire for other purushArththams (goals) than bhagavAn himselfthiruppallANdu 5 – aNdakkulam
panthanai thIrato eliminate his fatigue (from killing hiraNya)thiruppallANdu 6 – enthai thanthai
paramAthmanaisrIman nArAyaNan who is the paramAthmAthiruppallANdu 12 – pallANdu enRu
paramEttiyaibeing the one who is seated in the highest abode of srIvaikuNtamthiruppallANdu 12 – pallANdu enRu
paravisaying in different improper waysthiruppallANdu 11 – al vazhakku
paviththiranaibeing the one who is (naturally) super purethiruppallANdu 12 – pallANdu enRu
pAynthavanEsarvEsvaran (you) who mercifully landed on itthiruppallANdu 10 – ennAL emperumAn
pazha adiyEnam being an eternal servitor;thiruppallANdu 11 – al vazhakku
pAzhALAgagetting destroyedthiruppallANdu 3 – vAzhAtpattu
pirivinRishould be always togetherthiruppallANdu 2 – adiyOmOdum
pIthaga Adaiyellowish cloththiruppallANdu 9 – uduththuk kaLaintha
poliginRagreatly shiningthiruppallANdu 7 – thIyil poliginRa
pOr pukku muzhangumin battle by its soundthiruppallANdu 2 – adiyOmOdum
poRiyAlEwith the symbolthiruppallANdu 7 – thIyil poliginRa
pozhi kurudhi pAyablood flowing like a floodthiruppallANdu 7 – thIyil poliginRa
sArngam ennumhaving the auspicious name sArngamthiruppallANdu 12 – pallANdu enRu
selvanaip pOlalike selva nambithiruppallANdu 11 – al vazhakku
sem nALon that beautiful daythiruppallANdu 10 – ennAL emperumAn
sem sudarhaving reddish radiancethiruppallANdu 7 – thIyil poliginRa
silai kuniththubroke the bow (in kamsas weapons court)thiruppallANdu 10 – ennAL emperumAn
solsrIsUkthi (divine words)thiruppallANdu 12 – pallANdu enRu
sUdik kaLainthanathat which where worn by you and discardedthiruppallANdu 9 – uduththuk kaLaintha
sUdumwearing itthiruppallANdu 9 – uduththuk kaLaintha
suzhaRRiyacirclingthiruppallANdu 7 – thIyil poliginRa
thalaion the headthiruppallANdu 10 – ennAL emperumAn
tham mUththappanhis father (and ancestor)thiruppallANdu 6 – enthai thanthai
thanthaihis fatherthiruppallANdu 6 – enthai thanthai
thanthaihis fatherthiruppallANdu 6 – enthai thanthai
thanthugiventhiruppallANdu 8 – neyyidai nallathOr
thavirnthugive up that clanthiruppallANdu 5 – aNdakkulam
thigazhshiningthiruppallANdu 7 – thIyil poliginRa
thiNstrong and most powerfulthiruppallANdu 1 – pallANdu
thiru mathurai uLin the beautiful mathurA (of north bhAratham)thiruppallANdu 10 – ennAL emperumAn
thiruchchakkaraththin kOyilthe abode of srI sudharasanathiruppallANdu 7 – thIyil poliginRa
thirukkAppulet there be protectionthiruppallANdu 1 – pallANdu
thirumAlEOh master of srI mahAlakshmi!thiruppallANdu 11 – al vazhakku
thiruththicomplete it properlythiruppallANdu 9 – uduththuk kaLaintha
thiruvONath thiruvizhavilon the auspicious day of sravaNam (star of the thamizh month)thiruppallANdu 6 – enthai thanthai
thiruvONath thiruvizhavilon the auspicious sravaNam daythiruppallANdu 9 – uduththuk kaLaintha
thisaik karumamthe targets in the particular directionthiruppallANdu 9 – uduththuk kaLaintha
thIyileven greater than fire, sun, etcthiruppallANdu 7 – thIyil poliginRa
thoduththaprepared by (us, your servitors)thiruppallANdu 9 – uduththuk kaLaintha
thoLshouldersthiruppallANdu 1 – pallANdu
thoNdak kulaththil uLLIrwho is present in dhAsya kulam (clan of servitors of emperumAn)thiruppallANdu 5 – aNdakkulam
thORRi descendedthiruppallANdu 10 – ennAL emperumAn
thuzhAy malarthuLasi flowersthiruppallANdu 9 – uduththuk kaLaintha
uduththuworn in the sacred waistthiruppallANdu 9 – uduththuk kaLaintha
uduththuwearing itthiruppallANdu 9 – uduththuk kaLaintha
unyourthiruppallANdu 1 – pallANdu
un thanakkuto you (who is the master of all)thiruppallANdu 10 – ennAL emperumAn
unakkufor you who is the masterthiruppallANdu 11 – al vazhakku
uNdueating itthiruppallANdu 9 – uduththuk kaLaintha
unnaifor youthiruppallANdu 10 – ennAL emperumAn
unnaip pallANdu kURuvanI will perform mangaLAsAasnam to youthiruppallANdu 11 – al vazhakku
uynthathugot liberated/upliftedthiruppallANdu 10 – ennAL emperumAn
vadivArchOthichakkaraththAzhwAn’s thEjas (radiance) surrounds the divine form of perumAL himselfthiruppallANdu 2 – adiyOmOdum
vadivAyBeautiful and one who is decorated with jewelsthiruppallANdu 2 – adiyOmOdum
valaththuRaiyumone who eternally resides in right handthiruppallANdu 2 – adiyOmOdum
vallAnukkuthe capable one who holds itthiruppallANdu 7 – thIyil poliginRa
vANanaibANAsurasthiruppallANdu 7 – thIyil poliginRa
vanthujoin with us (AzhwAr)thiruppallANdu 3 – vAzhAtpattu
vanthuhaving come (at appropriate time to perform mangaLAsAsanam)thiruppallANdu 6 – enthai thanthai
vanthu adithozhuthucome to our ghOshti and invoke lotus feet of achchuthanthiruppallANdu 5 – aNdakkulam
vanthu engaL kuzhAm pugunthucome, join our ghOshti (group)thiruppallANdu 4 – Edunilam
varambozhi vanthugiving up kaivalyamthiruppallANdu 4 – Edunilam
vAzhAL pattuif you are engrossed in bhagavath kainkaryamthiruppallANdu 3 – vAzhAtpattu
vazhi vazhiin proper mannerthiruppallANdu 6 – enthai thanthai
veL uyir Akka vallato transform me to be pure naturedthiruppallANdu 8 – neyyidai nallathOr
vIdu peRRubeing freed from kaivalya mOkshamthiruppallANdu 10 – ennAL emperumAn
viduththasent out tothiruppallANdu 9 – uduththuk kaLaintha
vilbowthiruppallANdu 12 – pallANdu enRu
villipuththUrone who is born in srIvillipuththUrthiruppallANdu 12 – pallANdu enRu
virumbiyamercifully spoken with (such) desirethiruppallANdu 12 – pallANdu enRu
vittuchiththanperiyAzhwAr who has the auspicious name of vishNuchiththanthiruppallANdu 12 – pallANdu enRu
yeduththuk kaLainthagarner such assemblage and abolish themthiruppallANdu 5 – aNdakkulam

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