Glossary/Dictionary by pAsuram – thirumAlai

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thirumAlai – 1 – kAvalil pulanai vaiththumU ulaguall the worlds
thirumAlai – 1 – kAvalil pulanai vaiththuuNdu(during the time of deluge or annihilation) keeping in the stomach (and protecting)
thirumAlai – 1 – kAvalil pulanai vaiththuumizhndha(later) brought them out
thirumAlai – 1 – kAvalil pulanai vaiththumudhalvathe entity responsible for the creation of universe
thirumAlai – 1 – kAvalil pulanai vaiththunin nAmam kaRRaby learning (through AchAryan) your divine names
thirumAlai – 1 – kAvalil pulanai vaiththuAvalippu udaimaidue to the sense of pride (of learning the divine names)
thirumAlai – 1 – kAvalil pulanai vaiththupulanaithe five sensory perceptions (seeing, hearing, feeling, smelling and eating)
thirumAlai – 1 – kAvalil pulanai vaiththukAval il vaiththuletting the senses wander about without securing them firmly
thirumAlai – 1 – kAvalil pulanai vaiththudespite that
thirumAlai – 1 – kAvalil pulanai vaiththukali thannaiall the masses of sins
thirumAlai – 1 – kAvalil pulanai vaiththukadakkap pAyndhuget rid off, with all traces
thirumAlai – 1 – kAvalil pulanai vaiththunAvalittuwith a victorious war-cry
thirumAlai – 1 – kAvalil pulanai vaiththunaman thamar thalaigaL mIdhEboth atop yama (dhEvathA or demi-god for justice and righteousness) and his followers
thirumAlai – 1 – kAvalil pulanai vaiththuuzhi tharuginROm kaNdAywe keep walking, see for yourself
thirumAlai – 2 – pachchai mA malaiarangamA nagaruLAnEOh emperumAn! who is residing permanently in thiruvarangam for the sake of his servitors
thirumAlai – 2 – pachchai mA malaipachchai mA malai pOl mEnihaving thirumEni (divine physical form) similar to a huge emerald mountain
thirumAlai – 2 – pachchai mA malaipavaLa vAihaving coral like bright, divine, lips
thirumAlai – 2 – pachchai mA malaisem kamala kaNhaving divine eyes similar to lotus
thirumAlai – 2 – pachchai mA malaiachchuthAone who does not let go of his followers [Oh achyutha!]
thirumAlai – 2 – pachchai mA malaiamarar EREthe controller of nithyasUris
thirumAlai – 2 – pachchai mA malaiAyar tham kozhundhEthe leader of cow-herds
thirumAlai – 2 – pachchai mA malaiennumlike these [as a figure of speech]
thirumAlai – 2 – pachchai mA malaiichchuvai thaviraleaving aside this wonderful taste
thirumAlai – 2 – pachchai mA malaiyAnI (who takes pleasure in reciting your divine names)
thirumAlai – 2 – pachchai mA malaipOygo far off
thirumAlai – 2 – pachchai mA malaiindhira lOgam ALumif I have to rule over SrIvaikuNtam
thirumAlai – 2 – pachchai mA malaiachchuvaithat enjoyment
thirumAlai – 2 – pachchai mA malaipeRinumeven if I were to get that
thirumAlai – 2 – pachchai mA malaivENdEnI will not like (that)
thirumAlai – 3 – vEdha nUl pirAyamaranga mA nagar uLAneOh, one who is dwelling in the town of thiruvarangam
thirumAlai – 3 – vEdha nUl pirAyammanisarthAmsamsAris (those who live in this materialistic realm)
thirumAlai – 3 – vEdha nUl pirAyam vEdha nUlas per vEdha SAsthram (as laid out in the holy scriptures)
thirumAlai – 3 – vEdha nUl pirAyamnURu pirAyam puguvarElumthough they may live for hundred years
thirumAlai – 3 – vEdha nUl pirAyampAdhiyumhalf of that, i.e. 50 years
thirumAlai – 3 – vEdha nUl pirAyamuRangippOgumwill be spent sleeping
thirumAlai – 3 – vEdha nUl pirAyamninRa ippadhinaiyANduthe balance 50 years
thirumAlai – 3 – vEdha nUl pirAyampEdhaiin the ignorant state of infancy
thirumAlai – 3 – vEdha nUl pirAyampAlaganin childhood state
thirumAlai – 3 – vEdha nUl pirAyamadhu Agum(later) going after worldly pleasures in the state of youth
thirumAlai – 3 – vEdha nUl pirAyampiNibeing trapped by diseases [in each of the states mentioned above]
thirumAlai – 3 – vEdha nUl pirAyampasitime spent in satisfying the hunger that is created by the five senses
thirumAlai – 3 – vEdha nUl pirAyammUppubeing in old age
thirumAlai – 3 – vEdha nUl pirAyamthunbamtime spent in various other sorrowful ways
thirumAlai – 3 – vEdha nUl pirAyamAdhalAl– since the entire life is being spent in such activities,
thirumAlai – 3 – vEdha nUl pirAyampiRavi(such lowly) birth
thirumAlai – 3 – vEdha nUl pirAyamvENdEnI will never desire
thirumAlai – 4 – moyththa val vinaiyuLmoyththasurrounding fully
thirumAlai – 4 – moyththa val vinaiyuLvalvinaiyuL ninRustanding in the ocean of grave sins
thirumAlai – 4 – moyththa val vinaiyuLmUnRezhuththu udaiya pErAldue to the divine name of “gOvindha” with three syllables
thirumAlai – 4 – moyththa val vinaiyuLkaththirabandhum anREeven kshathrabandhu
thirumAlai – 4 – moyththa val vinaiyuLparAngathihigh status of paramapadham
thirumAlai – 4 – moyththa val vinaiyuLkaNdu koNdAnhad the experience of enjoying
thirumAlai – 4 – moyththa val vinaiyuLiththanai adiyar AnArkkufor such agreeable people
thirumAlai – 4 – moyththa val vinaiyuLirangumhaving pity and showering grace
thirumAlai – 4 – moyththa val vinaiyuLnam arangan Aya piththanaiour azhagiya maNavALan (Srirangam uthsavap perumAL) who has deep affection for his followers
thirumAlai – 4 – moyththa val vinaiyuLpeRRumeven after having him as swAmy (master)
thirumAlai – 4 – moyththa val vinaiyuLpiRaviyuLgetting caught in repeated births
thirumAlai – 4 – moyththa val vinaiyuLpiNangum AREthe way we despair
thirumAlai – 4 – moyththa val vinaiyuLandhOOh! [how sad it is!]
thirumAlai – 5 – peNdirAl sugangaL uyppAnpeNdirAlthrough women
thirumAlai – 5 – peNdirAl sugangaL uyppAnsugangaLall types of comforts / pleasures
thirumAlai – 5 – peNdirAl sugangaL uyppAnuyppAnthinking that he is enjoying
thirumAlai – 5 – peNdirAl sugangaL uyppAnperiyadhu Or idumbaivery huge problems
thirumAlai – 5 – peNdirAl sugangaL uyppAnpUNdutaking on oneself
thirumAlai – 5 – peNdirAl sugangaL uyppAnirA uNdueating in the night
thirumAlai – 5 – peNdirAl sugangaL uyppAnkidakkumbOdhuwhen lying on the bed
thirumAlai – 5 – peNdirAl sugangaL uyppAnudalukkE karaindhuworrying only about protecting the body
thirumAlai – 5 – peNdirAl sugangaL uyppAnnaindhugetting troubled in the mind
thirumAlai – 5 – peNdirAl sugangaL uyppAnthaN thuzhAy mArbansarvESwaran (emperumAn) who is adorning the cool, thuLasi (basil) garland
thirumAlai – 5 – peNdirAl sugangaL uyppAnthamargaL Ayas his followers
thirumAlai – 5 – peNdirAl sugangaL uyppAnpAdisinging (about his auspicious qualities and divine names)
thirumAlai – 5 – peNdirAl sugangaL uyppAnAdi(hence not remaining in the same place) dancing about
thirumAlai – 5 – peNdirAl sugangaL uyppAnthoNdu pUNdubecoming a servitor (to emperumAn)
thirumAlai – 5 – peNdirAl sugangaL uyppAnamudham uNNAnot eating the nectar (of enjoying emperumAn’s qualities)
thirumAlai – 5 – peNdirAl sugangaL uyppAnthozhumbarlowly persons
thirumAlai – 5 – peNdirAl sugangaL uyppAnsORu ugakkumAREhow do they relish food?!
thirumAlai – 6 – maRam suvarmaRam suvarwall of cruelty as nature [speaking or acting in a cruel way]
thirumAlai – 6 – maRam suvarmadhiL eduththuraise as protective wall
thirumAlai – 6 – maRam suvarmaRumaikkEfor benefits in the other world
thirumAlai – 6 – maRam suvarveRyumai pUNdutake on poverty
thirumAlai – 6 – maRam suvarpuRam suvaras outside wall
thirumAlai – 6 – maRam suvarOttaito be destroyed
thirumAlai – 6 – maRam suvarmAdamthis [physical] body
thirumAlai – 6 – maRam suvarpuraLumbOdhuthe time when the body falls on to the ground
thirumAlai – 6 – maRam suvaraRiya mAttIryou will not know
thirumAlai – 6 – maRam suvaraRam suvar Agi ninRaone who is standing with dharmam (righteousness) as wall
thirumAlai – 6 – maRam suvararanganArkkuto SrI ranganAthan
thirumAlai – 6 – maRam suvarAL seyyAdhEinstead of being a servitor
thirumAlai – 6 – maRam suvarpuRam suvarthis body which is like the outer wall
thirumAlai – 6 – maRam suvarkOlam seydhudecorate this body
thirumAlai – 6 – maRam suvarpuL kavvabeing pecked by vultures
thirumAlai – 6 – maRam suvarkidakkinRIRElying down, wasted
thirumAlai – 7 – pulaiyaRamAgi ninRakalaiSasthrams (vEdhas, ithihAsams etc)[all sacred texts]
thirumAlai – 7 – pulaiyaRamAgi ninRaaRak kaRRa mAndharmen (and women) who had learnt well the deeper, real meanings
thirumAlai – 7 – pulaiyaRamAgi ninRapulai aRam Agi ninRathose other lowly sects such as
thirumAlai – 7 – pulaiyaRamAgi ninRapuththodu samaNamellAmboudhdham, jainam etc
thirumAlai – 7 – pulaiyaRamAgi ninRakANbarOwill they investigate with their hearts?
thirumAlai – 7 – pulaiyaRamAgi ninRakEtparO thAmwill they listen with their ears?
thirumAlai – 7 – pulaiyaRamAgi ninRaMoreover
thirumAlai – 7 – pulaiyaRamAgi ninRathalaiyaRuppuNdumeven if I were beheaded
thirumAlai – 7 – pulaiyaRamAgi ninRasAvEnI will not die
thirumAlai – 7 – pulaiyaRamAgi ninRaaiyAOh, the great people
thirumAlai – 7 – pulaiyaRamAgi ninRakANminPlease see (I will show you)
thirumAlai – 7 – pulaiyaRamAgi ninRasaththiyamthis is a fact
thirumAlai – 7 – pulaiyaRamAgi ninRasilaiyinAlwith his bow
thirumAlai – 7 – pulaiyaRamAgi ninRailangai seRRaone who destroyed lankA
thirumAlai – 7 – pulaiyaRamAgi ninRadhEvanEand became famous
thirumAlai – 7 – pulaiyaRamAgi ninRadhEvan AvAnthe one emperumAn who is fit to be attained.
thirumAlai – 8 – veRuppodu samaNararangamAnagar uLAnEOh, thiruvarangA! The dweller of SrIrangam!
thirumAlai – 8 – veRuppodu samaNarveRuppodu(unable to listen to anything good about emperumAn) full of hatred
thirumAlai – 8 – veRuppodu samaNarsamaNarthe jainas
thirumAlai – 8 – veRuppodu samaNarmuNdarthe Saivas
thirumAlai – 8 – veRuppodu samaNarvidhi ilthe unfortunate (for they cannot attain emperumAn)
thirumAlai – 8 – veRuppodu samaNarsAkkiyargaLbhauddhas
thirumAlai – 8 – veRuppodu samaNarnin pAlin matters relating to you (who is the sarvESvaran, the Lord of all)
thirumAlai – 8 – veRuppodu samaNarpoRuppu ariyanagaLthe intolerable matters
thirumAlai – 8 – veRuppodu samaNarpEsilhad they spoken
thirumAlai – 8 – veRuppodu samaNaradhuvE nOyAgisuch abuses would become disease
thirumAlai – 8 – veRuppodu samaNarpOvadhuending in demise (which would have been the best)
thirumAlai – 8 – veRuppodu samaNarinstead of that
thirumAlai – 8 – veRuppodu samaNarenakkuto me (the one who cannot take such abuses about emperumAn)
thirumAlai – 8 – veRuppodu samaNarkuRippu adaiyum Agilshould I get an opportunity
thirumAlai – 8 – veRuppodu samaNarkUdumElif I have (the strength too)
thirumAlai – 8 – veRuppodu samaNarAngEat the same place (where they had abused emperumAn)
thirumAlai – 8 – veRuppodu samaNarthalaiyai aRuppadhEbeheading such persons
thirumAlai – 8 – veRuppodu samaNarkarumam kandAyis the just deed
thirumAlai – 9 – maRRum Or dheyvammadhiyilAwithout vEdhAntha (upanishath) knowledge
thirumAlai – 9 – maRRum Or dheyvammAnidangALOh men!
thirumAlai – 9 – maRRum Or dheyvammaRRum(other than the entity mentioned by me) another
thirumAlai – 9 – maRRum Or dheyvamOr dheyvam(fit to take refuge) a God
thirumAlai – 9 – maRRum Or dheyvamuNdEis there anyone? (No, there is none)
thirumAlai – 9 – maRRum Or dheyvamnIngaLyou people
thirumAlai – 9 – maRRum Or dheyvamuRRapOdhu anRi(only at the time when the dhEvathA [other than SrIman nArAyaNan] that you had surrendered to is in) difficult times
thirumAlai – 9 – maRRum Or dheyvam(at other times)
thirumAlai – 9 – maRRum Or dheyvamoruvan enRuhe is (the supreme) one entity
thirumAlai – 9 – maRRum Or dheyvamuNara mAttIryou will not know
thirumAlai – 9 – maRRum Or dheyvammElmore than (the meanings given in SAsthram (sacred texts))
thirumAlai – 9 – maRRum Or dheyvamaRRamthe hidden entity
thirumAlai – 9 – maRRum Or dheyvamonRu aRiyIryou will not know at all
thirumAlai – 9 – maRRum Or dheyvamavan allAlother than him
thirumAlai – 9 – maRRum Or dheyvamdheyvamLord (fit to take refuge under)
thirumAlai – 9 – maRRum Or dheyvamillai(there is) no one
thirumAlai – 9 – maRRum Or dheyvam(Hence)
thirumAlai – 9 – maRRum Or dheyvamkaRRu inam mEyththathe one who herded cattle
thirumAlai – 9 – maRRum Or dheyvamendhaimy swAmy (master) [krishNa’s]
thirumAlai – 9 – maRRum Or dheyvamkazahliNaithe two exalted feet
thirumAlai – 9 – maRRum Or dheyvamnIr paNiminyou hold on to, as in surrendering
thirumAlai – 9 – maRRum Or dheyvamnIryou
thirumAlai – 10 – nAttinAn dheyvamengumengumat all places
thirumAlai – 10 – nAttinAn dheyvamengumdheyvam– different types of rAjasa (those who are passionate and short tempered) and thAmasa (those who are ignorant and lazy) deities
thirumAlai – 10 – nAttinAn dheyvamengumnAttinAnestablished
thirumAlai – 10 – nAttinAn dheyvamengumuybavarkkufor those interested in living an exalted life
thirumAlai – 10 – nAttinAn dheyvamengumuyyumvaNNamto find the means
thirumAlai – 10 – nAttinAn dheyvamengumnalladhu Or aruL thannAlEwith his incomparable quality of mercy
thirumAlai – 10 – nAttinAn dheyvamengumthiruvarangamSrIrangam
thirumAlai – 10 – nAttinAn dheyvamengumkAttinAnpointed out
thirumAlai – 10 – nAttinAn dheyvamengumnambimIrgALthose having total dedication (on matters other than those relating to emperumAn)
thirumAlai – 10 – nAttinAn dheyvamengumkEttIrEdid you hear this meaning?
thirumAlai – 10 – nAttinAn dheyvamengumgerudavAhananum niRkaeven when emperumAn, who uses garudan as his vehicle, is around
thirumAlai – 10 – nAttinAn dheyvamengumchEttai than madiyagaththuat the door of mUdhEvi [deity for penury]
thirumAlai – 10 – nAttinAn dheyvamengumselvam pArththu irukkinRirEwaiting, begging for wealth
thirumAlai – 11 – oruvillAl Onguoru villAlwith a bow that he could lay his hands on
thirumAlai – 11 – oruvillAl OnguOngu munnIr adaiththuconstructing a dam on the turbulent ocean
thirumAlai – 11 – oruvillAl OnguulagangaL uyyaso that all worlds could get uplifted
thirumAlai – 11 – oruvillAl OngucheruvilEin war
thirumAlai – 11 – oruvillAl Onguarakkar kOnairAvaNa, the head of demons,
thirumAlai – 11 – oruvillAl OngucheRRa nam sEvaganArour azhagiya maNavALan who destroyed that rAvaNa
thirumAlai – 11 – oruvillAl Ongumaruviyadwelling permanently
thirumAlai – 11 – oruvillAl Onguperiya kOilthe temple which is famous
thirumAlai – 11 – oruvillAl Ongumadhil thiruvarangam– at SrIrangam, with several protective walls
thirumAlai – 11 – oruvillAl OnguennAnot saying so
thirumAlai – 11 – oruvillAl OngukaruvilE thiru ilAdhIrnot having emperumAn’s mercy when you were inside your mother’s womb
thirumAlai – 11 – oruvillAl OngukAlaththaitime (when you should be carrying out service to him after surrendering)
thirumAlai – 11 – oruvillAl OngukazhikkinRIrEwasting
thirumAlai – 12 – namanum muRkalanumnamanumyamadharmarAja (yama, the deity for justice)
thirumAlai – 12 – namanum muRkalanummuRkalanumand mudhgala bhagavAn
thirumAlai – 12 – namanum muRkalanumpEsawhen they were conversing
thirumAlai – 12 – namanum muRkalanumnaragil ninRargaL kEtkaas soon as those in narakam (hell) heard those words
thirumAlai – 12 – namanum muRkalanumnaragamEthat narakam itself
thirumAlai – 12 – namanum muRkalanumsuvargam Agumwould become svargam (heaven)
thirumAlai – 12 – namanum muRkalanumnAmangaL udaiyawith divine names
thirumAlai – 12 – namanum muRkalanumnambi avanadhuthe perfect emperumAn’s
thirumAlai – 12 – namanum muRkalanumUrdwelling place
thirumAlai – 12 – namanum muRkalanumarangam ennAdhunot saying “thiruvarangam”
thirumAlai – 12 – namanum muRkalanumaLiya mAndhargreat samsAris
thirumAlai – 12 – namanum muRkalanumayarththuforgetting (emperumAn’s divine names)
thirumAlai – 12 – namanum muRkalanumvIzhndhufalling down (into the pit of worldly issues)
thirumAlai – 12 – namanum muRkalanumkavalaiyuL paduginRAr enRubeing plagued by sorrows
thirumAlai – 12 – namanum muRkalanumadhanukkEonly for that
thirumAlai – 12 – namanum muRkalanumkavar(l)ginREnEI am worrying
thirumAlai – 13 – eRiyu nIr veRi koL vElaieRiyum nIrwater with lapping waves
thirumAlai – 13 – eRiyu nIr veRi koL vElaiveRikoL(from the meat) having bad odour
thirumAlai – 13 – eRiyu nIr veRi koL vElaivElaisurrounded by ocean
thirumAlai – 13 – eRiyu nIr veRi koL vElaimAnilaththu uyirgaL ellamall the chEthanars (sentient entities) on this huge mass of land called earth
thirumAlai – 13 – eRiyu nIr veRi koL vElaiveRi koLhaving sweet fragrance
thirumAlai – 13 – eRiyu nIr veRi koL vElaipUmbeautiful
thirumAlai – 13 – eRiyu nIr veRi koL vElaithuLaba mAlaiadorning thuLasi (basil) garland
thirumAlai – 13 – eRiyu nIr veRi koL vElaiviNNavar kOnaithe lord of nithyasUris [SrivaikuNtanAthan]
thirumAlai – 13 – eRiyu nIr veRi koL vElaiEththa(are meant to) only worship
thirumAlai – 13 – eRiyu nIr veRi koL vElaiaRivu ilA manisar ellAmthese men without any knowledge
thirumAlai – 13 – eRiyu nIr veRi koL vElaiarangam enRu azhaippar Agilif they say “thiruvarangam” [SrIrangam]
thirumAlai – 13 – eRiyu nIr veRi koL vElaipoRiyil vAzhliving, controlled by the senses
thirumAlai – 13 – eRiyu nIr veRi koL vElainaragam ellAmthis entire world, which is like narakam (hell)
thirumAlai – 13 – eRiyu nIr veRi koL vElaipul ezhundhusprouting grass
thirumAlai – 13 – eRiyu nIr veRi koL vElaiozhiyum anREwill it not go waste?
thirumAlai – 14 – vaNdinam muralum sOlaivaNdinamgroup of beetles
thirumAlai – 14 – vaNdinam muralum sOlaimuralum sOlaigardens where the bees keep humming
thirumAlai – 14 – vaNdinam muralum sOlaimayil inama muster of peacocks
thirumAlai – 14 – vaNdinam muralum sOlaiAlum sOlaigardens where the peacocks are dancing
thirumAlai – 14 – vaNdinam muralum sOlaikoNdal mIdhu aNavum#NAME?
thirumAlai – 14 – vaNdinam muralum sOlaisOlaigardens
thirumAlai – 14 – vaNdinam muralum sOlaikuyil inama bevy of quails
thirumAlai – 14 – vaNdinam muralum sOlaikUvum sOlaigardens where the quails keep calling out to each other
thirumAlai – 14 – vaNdinam muralum sOlaiaNdar kOnsarvESvaran (emperumAn) who is the lord of nithyasUris
thirumAlai – 14 – vaNdinam muralum sOlaiamarum sOlaigardens where emperumAn has taken permanent residence
thirumAlai – 14 – vaNdinam muralum sOlaiaNilike an ornament (to samsAram)
thirumAlai – 14 – vaNdinam muralum sOlaithiru arangam ennAthose who do not pronounce the word “SrIrangam”
thirumAlai – 14 – vaNdinam muralum sOlaimiNdarungrateful fool
thirumAlai – 14 – vaNdinam muralum sOlaipAyndhu uNNum sORRaifalling over [others] to eat food
thirumAlai – 14 – vaNdinam muralum sOlaivilakkiprevent (them from eating)
thirumAlai – 14 – vaNdinam muralum sOlainIr nAykku iduminyou give that [food] to a dog
thirumAlai – 15 – meyyarkkE meyyanAgumpuL kodi udaiya kOmanthe lord who has garuda as his flag
thirumAlai – 15 – meyyarkkE meyyanAgumvidhiyilA ennaip pOlaan unfortunate person such as I am (who for a long time did not get involved with matters related to emperumAn)
thirumAlai – 15 – meyyarkkE meyyanAgummeyyarkkuthose who do not have hatred (towards emperumAn)
thirumAlai – 15 – meyyarkkE meyyanAgummeyyan Agumdisplays his svarUpam (his basic nature)
thirumAlai – 15 – meyyarkkE meyyanAgumpoyyarkkufor those who are interested in matters (other than emperumAn)
thirumAlai – 15 – meyyarkkE meyyanAgumpoyyan Agumwill display falseness (without displaying his true self)
thirumAlai – 15 – meyyarkkE meyyanAgumuyyappOm uNarvinArgatkuthose who have the knowledge that they should know how to uplift themselves
thirumAlai – 15 – meyyarkkE meyyanAgumoruvan enRu uNarndha pinnaiafter they know that there is “ISwaran”
thirumAlai – 15 – meyyarkkE meyyanAgumaiyappAdu aRuththuremoving the (remaining) doubts
thirumAlai – 15 – meyyarkkE meyyanAgumthOnRumdisplaying himself
thirumAlai – 15 – meyyarkkE meyyanAgumazhaganemperumAn who enslaves the entire world by his beauty
thirumAlai – 15 – meyyarkkE meyyanAgumUrdwelling place
thirumAlai – 15 – meyyarkkE meyyanAgumarangam anrEwould be thiruvarangam
thirumAlai – 16 – sUdhanAyk kaLvanAgisUdhan Aysaying that there is no ISwaran (emperumAn), dharmam (virtuous ways) and adharmam (evil ways)
thirumAlai – 16 – sUdhanAyk kaLvanAgikaLvan Agiclaiming that AthmA (soul) is mine and not ISwaran’s
thirumAlai – 16 – sUdhanAyk kaLvanAgidhUrththarOdu isaindha kAlamduring the time of being together with those who are engaged in worldly pursuits.
thirumAlai – 16 – sUdhanAyk kaLvanAgimAdharArwomen’s
thirumAlai – 16 – sUdhanAyk kaLvanAgikayal kaN ennumin the beautiful fish-like eyes
thirumAlai – 16 – sUdhanAyk kaLvanAgivalaiyuL pattucaught in the net
thirumAlai – 16 – sUdhanAyk kaLvanAgiazundhuvEnaiI, who am sinking
thirumAlai – 16 – sUdhanAyk kaLvanAgipOdhu arE enRu sollicalling out “come here”
thirumAlai – 16 – sUdhanAyk kaLvanAgipundhiyuL pugundhuentering my heart
thirumAlai – 16 – sUdhanAyk kaLvanAgithanpAl Adharam peruga vaiththa azhaganemperumAn, who created a flood of affection towards him
thirumAlai – 16 – sUdhanAyk kaLvanAgiUrdwelling place
thirumAlai – 16 – sUdhanAyk kaLvanAgiarangam anREis it not thiruvarangam?
thirumAlai – 17 – virumbi ninREththavirumbi ninRustanding with lot of affection
thirumAlai – 17 – virumbi ninREththaEththa mAttEnI will not praise [emperumAn]
thirumAlai – 17 – virumbi ninREththavidhiyilEndid not carry out any kainkaryam physically (such as folding the palms together or praising through the mouth)
thirumAlai – 17 – virumbi ninREththamadhi onRu illaithe knowledge (that there is an emperumAn) is not there (for me)
thirumAlai – 17 – virumbi ninREththa(for such a person)
thirumAlai – 17 – virumbi ninREththairumbu pOl valiya nenjama mind [heart] as hardened as iron
thirumAlai – 17 – virumbi ninREththaiRai iRai urugum vaNNamsoftening gradually
thirumAlai – 17 – virumbi ninREththasurumbu amaroccupied by bees
thirumAlai – 17 – virumbi ninREththasOlai sUzhndhasurrounded by gardens
thirumAlai – 17 – virumbi ninREththamA arangamgreat thiruvarangam [SrIrangam]
thirumAlai – 17 – virumbi ninREththakOyil koNda#NAME?
thirumAlai – 17 – virumbi ninREththakarumbinaiperiya perumAL who is an object of enjoyment, like sugarcane
thirumAlai – 17 – virumbi ninREththaen kaN iNaimy two eyes
thirumAlai – 17 – virumbi ninREththakaNdu koNduseeing and enjoying
thirumAlai – 17 – virumbi ninREththakaLikkum AREhow they enjoy!
thirumAlai – 18 – inidhiraiththivalai mOdhainidhubeing sweet
thirumAlai – 18 – inidhiraiththivalai mOdhathirai thivalai mOdhadroplets from the waves, beating
thirumAlai – 18 – inidhiraiththivalai mOdhaeRiyum thaN paravai mIdhu(waves) agitating atop kAvEri which is like a cold ocean
thirumAlai – 18 – inidhiraiththivalai mOdhathani kidhandhusleeping alone
thirumAlai – 18 – inidhiraiththivalai mOdhaarasu seyyumruling over (destroying the ego of chEthanars (sentient entities))
thirumAlai – 18 – inidhiraiththivalai mOdhathAmaraik kaNNankrishNa with red-lotus like eyes
thirumAlai – 18 – inidhiraiththivalai mOdhaemmAnmy swAmy (lord)
thirumAlai – 18 – inidhiraiththivalai mOdhakani irundhu anaiya sevvAy kaNNanaiSri krishNa with reddish lips like a fruit
thirumAlai – 18 – inidhiraiththivalai mOdhakaNda kaNgaLthe eyes which saw him
thirumAlai – 18 – inidhiraiththivalai mOdhapani arumbucool, tears of joy
thirumAlai – 18 – inidhiraiththivalai mOdhaudhirumwill flow copiously
thirumAlai – 18 – inidhiraiththivalai mOdhapAviyEn(one who could not properly worship) sinner like me
thirumAlai – 18 – inidhiraiththivalai mOdhaen seygEnwhat will I do?
thirumAlai – 19 – kudadhisai mudiyai vaiththuulagaththIrEthose who are in this world
thirumAlai – 19 – kudadhisai mudiyai vaiththukadal niRam kadavuLsarvESvaran who is of the colour of ocean
thirumAlai – 19 – kudadhisai mudiyai vaiththuendhaimy swAmy (my Lord)
thirumAlai – 19 – kudadhisai mudiyai vaiththukudadhisaiin the western direction
thirumAlai – 19 – kudadhisai mudiyai vaiththumudiyai vaiththukeeping the divine head (as an indication of his being the Lord)
thirumAlai – 19 – kudadhisai mudiyai vaiththukuNadhisaiin the eastern direction
thirumAlai – 19 – kudadhisai mudiyai vaiththupAdham nIttistretching (to reach me) his divine feet (which are the refuge for all sentient entities)
thirumAlai – 19 – kudadhisai mudiyai vaiththuvadadhisaifor the people in the northern direction
thirumAlai – 19 – kudadhisai mudiyai vaiththupinbu kAttishowing the beautiful form of his back
thirumAlai – 19 – kudadhisai mudiyai vaiththuthen dhisaiin the southern side
thirumAlai – 19 – kudadhisai mudiyai vaiththuilangai nOkkilooking (affectionately) at lankA (where vibhIshaNa dwells)
thirumAlai – 19 – kudadhisai mudiyai vaiththuaravu aNaion the bed of thiruvananthAzhwAn [the serpent AdhiSEsha]
thirumAlai – 19 – kudadhisai mudiyai vaiththuthuyilum A kaNduafter looking at the beauty of his sleeping
thirumAlai – 19 – kudadhisai mudiyai vaiththuenakku udal urugummy body will melt
thirumAlai – 19 – kudadhisai mudiyai vaiththuAlOOh!
thirumAlai – 19 – kudadhisai mudiyai vaiththuen seygEnwhat will I do?
thirumAlai – 20 – pAyu nIr arangam thannuLpAyu nIrsurrounded by [the river] kAviri in which water is flowing
thirumAlai – 20 – pAyu nIr arangam thannuLarangam thannuLin thiruvarangam [SrI rangam]
thirumAlai – 20 – pAyu nIr arangam thannuLpAmbu aNaiin the bed of thiruvananthAzhwAn [AdhiSEsha]
thirumAlai – 20 – pAyu nIr arangam thannuLpaLLi koNdalying, asleep
thirumAlai – 20 – pAyu nIr arangam thannuLmAyanAremperumAn’s, with wondrous activities
thirumAlai – 20 – pAyu nIr arangam thannuLthiru nal mArvumthe supremely great chest where pirAtti [SrI mahAlakshmi] resides
thirumAlai – 20 – pAyu nIr arangam thannuLmaradhagam uruvumcolour of thirumEni [divine form] like emerald stone
thirumAlai – 20 – pAyu nIr arangam thannuLthOLumdivine shoulders
thirumAlai – 20 – pAyu nIr arangam thannuLthuvar idhazhred-coloured divine lips
thirumAlai – 20 – pAyu nIr arangam thannuLpavaLam vAyumcoral like divine mouth
thirumAlai – 20 – pAyu nIr arangam thannuLAya sIr mudiyumcrown with unparalleled greatness, for a very long time
thirumAlai – 20 – pAyu nIr arangam thannuLthEsumthe radiance (as a result of all the aforementioned aspects)
thirumAlai – 20 – pAyu nIr arangam thannuLadiyarOrkkufor his followers (who know their svarUpam, basic nature)
thirumAlai – 20 – pAyu nIr arangam thannuLagalalAmEcan they be lost?
thirumAlai – 21 – paNivinAl manamadhonRipavaLa vAyhaving divine mouth like coral
thirumAlai – 21 – paNivinAl manamadhonRiaranganArkkuin the matter of thiruvarangan (SrI ranganAthan)
thirumAlai – 21 – paNivinAl manamadhonRipaNivinAlbeing humble
thirumAlai – 21 – paNivinAl manamadhonRimanam adhu onRi(in matter relating to emperumAn) keeping the mind in harmony
thirumAlai – 21 – paNivinAl manamadhonRithuNivinAlwith determination, boldness
thirumAlai – 21 – paNivinAl manamadhonRivAzhamAttAunable to live
thirumAlai – 21 – paNivinAl manamadhonRithollai nenjEsince time immemorial, having lost out in bhagavath vishayam (matter relating to emperumAn), Oh my heart!
thirumAlai – 21 – paNivinAl manamadhonRiaNiyin Arperfectly beautiful
thirumAlai – 21 – paNivinAl manamadhonRisem pon Ayamade of reddish gold
thirumAlai – 21 – paNivinAl manamadhonRiaru varai anaiyalike the great mEru parvatha (a mountain in the higher worlds)
thirumAlai – 21 – paNivinAl manamadhonRikOyilin the temple
thirumAlai – 21 – paNivinAl manamadhonRimaNiyinAremperumAn shining like a blue diamond
thirumAlai – 21 – paNivinAl manamadhonRikidandha ARRaithe beauty of lying down and sleeping
thirumAlai – 21 – paNivinAl manamadhonRimanaththinAlthrough the mind (or heart)
thirumAlai – 21 – paNivinAl manamadhonRininaikkal AmEis it possible to measure?
thirumAlai – 21 – paNivinAl manamadhonRinI sollAyyou please tell
thirumAlai – 22 – pEsiRRE pEsalallAlpEdhai nenjE!Oh, ignorant mind!
thirumAlai – 22 – pEsiRRE pEsalallAlpEsiRREwhatever had been set out for speaking (by vEdhas and vaidhika purushas those who follow vEdhas)
thirumAlai – 22 – pEsiRRE pEsalallAlpEsal allAlinstead of speaking only that (by us)
thirumAlai – 22 – pEsiRRE pEsalallAlperumaiin (emperumAn’s) greatness
thirumAlai – 22 – pEsiRRE pEsalallAlonRueven one
thirumAlai – 22 – pEsiRRE pEsalallAluNaral AgAdhuit is not possible to know
thirumAlai – 22 – pEsiRRE pEsalallAlAsu aRRAr thangatku allAlother than blemishless persons (blemish is reaching out to other upAyams (as a means to attain emperumAn))
thirumAlai – 22 – pEsiRRE pEsalallAlaRiyal AvAnum allanhe can not be perceived
thirumAlai – 22 – pEsiRRE pEsalallAl(Hence)
thirumAlai – 22 – pEsiRRE pEsalallAlmAsu aRRAr manaththu uLAnairesiding permanently in the minds of those blemishless persons (who have left aside other benefits)
thirumAlai – 22 – pEsiRRE pEsalallAlnAm vaNangi iruppadhu allAlother than whatever has been enjoyed by us (who have surrendered totally to him)
thirumAlai – 22 – pEsiRRE pEsalallAlpEsa than Avadhu uNdOis it possible to speak through hymns (his greatness)?
thirumAlai – 22 – pEsiRRE pEsalallAlnI sollAyyou please tell
thirumAlai – 23 – gangaiyil punidhamAyaEzhaiyEnfickle minded person like I am
thirumAlai – 23 – gangaiyil punidhamAyagangaiyilmore than gangai [gangA]
thirumAlai – 23 – gangaiyil punidhamAyapunidham Ayawith the quality of sanctity
thirumAlai – 23 – gangaiyil punidhamAyakAviri naduvu pAttuin the middle of kAviri
thirumAlai – 23 – gangaiyil punidhamAyapongu nIrfrothing flood
thirumAlai – 23 – gangaiyil punidhamAyaparandhu pAyumflowing in all the places uniformly
thirumAlai – 23 – gangaiyil punidhamAyapUmpozhilhaving beautiful groves
thirumAlai – 23 – gangaiyil punidhamAyaarangam thannuLin the temple
thirumAlai – 23 – gangaiyil punidhamAyaengal mAlhaving affection towards his followers
thirumAlai – 23 – gangaiyil punidhamAyaiRaivanthe Lord of all
thirumAlai – 23 – gangaiyil punidhamAyaIsanthe controller of all, periya perumAL’s
thirumAlai – 23 – gangaiyil punidhamAyakidandhadhu Or kidakkaiunparalleled lying posture
thirumAlai – 23 – gangaiyil punidhamAyakaNdumafter seeing and enjoying
thirumAlai – 23 – gangaiyil punidhamAyamaRandhuforgetting (that divine posture)
thirumAlai – 23 – gangaiyil punidhamAyaenganam vAzhgEnhow can I sustain myself?
thirumAlai – 23 – gangaiyil punidhamAyaEzhaiyEnE(caught in emperumAn’s matter) I am standing, stunned, unable to do anything
thirumAlai – 24 – veLLa nIr parandhu pAyumveLLam nIrkAvEri with huge floods
thirumAlai – 24 – veLLa nIr parandhu pAyumparandhu pAyumflowing on all sides
thirumAlai – 24 – veLLa nIr parandhu pAyumviri pozhilhaving expansive gardens
thirumAlai – 24 – veLLa nIr parandhu pAyumarangam thannuLinside the temple
thirumAlai – 24 – veLLa nIr parandhu pAyumkaLvanArazhagiya maNavALan [SrI ranganAthan] who steals (the hearts of his followers)
thirumAlai – 24 – veLLa nIr parandhu pAyumkidandha ARumthe way that he is sleeping
thirumAlai – 24 – veLLa nIr parandhu pAyumkamalam nal mugamumdivine, beautiful face like a lotus
thirumAlai – 24 – veLLa nIr parandhu pAyumkaNdumeven after worshipping
thirumAlai – 24 – veLLa nIr parandhu pAyumuLLamEOh, heart!
thirumAlai – 24 – veLLa nIr parandhu pAyumvaliyai pOlumyou are too hardened, it appears
thirumAlai – 24 – veLLa nIr parandhu pAyumoruvan enRuthat he is incomparable
thirumAlai – 24 – veLLa nIr parandhu pAyumuNara mAttAyyou do not realise
thirumAlai – 24 – veLLa nIr parandhu pAyumkaLLamE kAdhal seydhufaking your love (in emperumAn related matter)
thirumAlai – 24 – veLLa nIr parandhu pAyumun kaLLaththEin your falsified actions
thirumAlai – 24 – veLLa nIr parandhu pAyumkAlaththaik kazhikkinRAyEyou are wasting your time!
thirumAlai – 25 – kuLiththu mUnRuarangamAnaruLAnEOh, thiruvarangA!
thirumAlai – 25 – kuLiththu mUnRukuLiththuafter having a bath
thirumAlai – 25 – kuLiththu mUnRumUnRu analaithe three types of agni (the element, fire)
thirumAlai – 25 – kuLiththu mUnRuOmbumto have the qualification for carrying out karma with agni
thirumAlai – 25 – kuLiththu mUnRukuRikoLthat which is difficult to ward off any shortcoming due to wrong-doing with manthram (reciting Slokas)
thirumAlai – 25 – kuLiththu mUnRuandhaNamai thannaibeing a brAhmaNa
thirumAlai – 25 – kuLiththu mUnRuoLiththittEnI had driven off
thirumAlai – 25 – kuLiththu mUnRuen kaN illaiI do not have (the knowledge of AthmA related matters)
thirumAlai – 25 – kuLiththu mUnRunin kaN paththanum allEnI do not have love towards you
thirumAlai – 25 – kuLiththu mUnRu(When things are like this)
thirumAlai – 25 – kuLiththu mUnRukaLippadhu enkoNdu(the one without repentence) how can I be glad
thirumAlai – 25 – kuLiththu mUnRunambIthe one who is full (with auspicious qualities such as simplicity)
thirumAlai – 25 – kuLiththu mUnRukadalvaNNAthe one has form like an ocean
thirumAlai – 25 – kuLiththu mUnRukadhaRuginrEnI am calling out to you
thirumAlai – 25 – kuLiththu mUnRuenakkuin my matter
thirumAlai – 25 – kuLiththu mUnRuaLiththu aruL sey kaNdAyyou must bless me by bestowing me with everything, beginning with being qualified
thirumAlai – 26 – pOdhellAm pOdhu koNdupOdhu ellAmat all times
thirumAlai – 26 – pOdhellAm pOdhu koNdupOdhu koNduwith flowers
thirumAlai – 26 – pOdhellAm pOdhu koNduun ponnadiat your beautiful divine feet
thirumAlai – 26 – pOdhellAm pOdhu koNdupunaiya mAttEnam without strength to offer
thirumAlai – 26 – pOdhellAm pOdhu koNduthIdhu ilAwithout faults
thirumAlai – 26 – pOdhellAm pOdhu koNdumozhigaL koNduwith words
thirumAlai – 26 – pOdhellAm pOdhu koNduun thirukkuNamyour auspicious qualities
thirumAlai – 26 – pOdhellAm pOdhu koNduseppa mAttEnam unable to recite
thirumAlai – 26 – pOdhellAm pOdhu koNdukadhAlAl anbuthe affection which comes out of love
thirumAlai – 26 – pOdhellAm pOdhu koNdunenjamin my heart
thirumAlai – 26 – pOdhellAm pOdhu koNdukalandhilEnhave not made
thirumAlai – 26 – pOdhellAm pOdhu koNduadhu thannAlEdue to that
thirumAlai – 26 – pOdhellAm pOdhu koNduarangaRkuyou, SrI ranganAthan
thirumAlai – 26 – pOdhellAm pOdhu koNduEdhilEndid not enjoy through any part of the body
thirumAlai – 26 – pOdhellAm pOdhu koNduellEOh!
thirumAlai – 26 – pOdhellAm pOdhu koNduen seyvAnfor what
thirumAlai – 26 – pOdhellAm pOdhu koNduthOnRinEnEwas I born?
thirumAlai – 27 – kurangugaL malaiyai nUkkakurangugaLmonkey warriors (to carry out a little bit of kainkaryam to prove their basic nature of servitorship)
thirumAlai – 27 – kurangugaL malaiyai nUkkamalaiyaimountains
thirumAlai – 27 – kurangugaL malaiyai nUkkanUkkapushing them
thirumAlai – 27 – kurangugaL malaiyai nUkkathAmthey
thirumAlai – 27 – kurangugaL malaiyai nUkkakuLiththuimmersing in water
thirumAlai – 27 – kurangugaL malaiyai nUkkapuraNdittu(after that) rolling in the sand on the shore
thirumAlai – 27 – kurangugaL malaiyai nUkkaOdirunning
thirumAlai – 27 – kurangugaL malaiyai nUkkatharangam nIrocean frothing with waves
thirumAlai – 27 – kurangugaL malaiyai nUkkaadaikkal uRRaengaged in blocking
thirumAlai – 27 – kurangugaL malaiyai nUkkasalam ilAwithout deceit
thirumAlai – 27 – kurangugaL malaiyai nUkkaaNilum pOlEn(I am) not like the squirrels
thirumAlai – 27 – kurangugaL malaiyai nUkkamarangaL pOllike the trees
thirumAlai – 27 – kurangugaL malaiyai nUkkavaliya nenjamhaving hardened mind
thirumAlai – 27 – kurangugaL malaiyai nUkkavanjanEnengaged in deceit
thirumAlai – 27 – kurangugaL malaiyai nUkkaaLiyaththEn(qualified for all services) me, having eminence
thirumAlai – 27 – kurangugaL malaiyai nUkkaaranganArkkuto thiruvarangan (SrI ranganAthan)
thirumAlai – 27 – kurangugaL malaiyai nUkkanenju thannAlwholeheartedly
thirumAlai – 27 – kurangugaL malaiyai nUkkaAL seyyAdhEnot carrying out service
thirumAlai – 27 – kurangugaL malaiyai nUkkaayarkkinREnEstanding foolishly, forgetting
thirumAlai – 28 – umbarAl aRiyalAgAumbarAl(starting with brahmA) celestial entities
thirumAlai – 28 – umbarAl aRiyalAgAaRiyal AgAunable to know (that it is this much, as per a measure)
thirumAlai – 28 – umbarAl aRiyalAgAoLi uLAremperumAn who is in the radiant paramapadham (SrI vaikuNtam)
thirumAlai – 28 – umbarAl aRiyalAgAAnaikkAgifor gajEndhrAzhwAn
thirumAlai – 28 – umbarAl aRiyalAgAsem pulAlred meat
thirumAlai – 28 – umbarAl aRiyalAgAuNdu vAzhumeating for sustenance
thirumAlai – 28 – umbarAl aRiyalAgAmudhalai mEl sIRigetting angry with crocodile
thirumAlai – 28 – umbarAl aRiyalAgAvandhArcame (to the bank of the pond)
thirumAlai – 28 – umbarAl aRiyalAgAnam param Ayadhu uNdE(when he is biased towards his followers as a protector) is there any responsibility for us in our protection?
thirumAlai – 28 – umbarAl aRiyalAgAnAygaLOmbeing lowly creatures like dogs
thirumAlai – 28 – umbarAl aRiyalAgAsiRumai OrAnot considering our faults
thirumAlai – 28 – umbarAl aRiyalAgAem pirARkufor my emperumAn
thirumAlai – 28 – umbarAl aRiyalAgAAL seyyAdhEinstead of being a servitor
thirumAlai – 28 – umbarAl aRiyalAgAen seyvAnfor what
thirumAlai – 28 – umbarAl aRiyalAgAthOnRinEnwas I born?
thirumAlai – 29 – UrilEn kANi illaiUr ilEnI was not born in a dhivya dhESam where you [emperumAn] are dwelling
thirumAlai – 29 – UrilEn kANi illaikANi illaiI do not have hereditary rights over land (given for carrying out kainkaryam such as reciting thiruppallANdu)
thirumAlai – 29 – UrilEn kANi illaiuRavu illaido not have relatives too
thirumAlai – 29 – UrilEn kANi illaimaRRoruvar illaiI do not have anyone else
thirumAlai – 29 – UrilEn kANi illaipArilon this earth
thirumAlai – 29 – UrilEn kANi illainin pAdha mUlamyour divine feet (the refuge for anyone who does not have any other refuge)
thirumAlai – 29 – UrilEn kANi illaipaRRilEn(as refuge) I have not embraced
thirumAlai – 29 – UrilEn kANi illaiparama mUrththithe lord for all
thirumAlai – 29 – UrilEn kANi illaikAroLi vaNNanEof a hue like dark clouds
thirumAlai – 29 – UrilEn kANi illai(en) kaNNanE#NAME?
thirumAlai – 29 – UrilEn kANi illaikadhaRuginRE nI am crying out to you
thirumAlai – 29 – UrilEn kANi illaiammAmy Lord
thirumAlai – 29 – UrilEn kANi illaiarangamA nagar uLAnEone who is dwelling in SrIrangam
thirumAlai – 29 – UrilEn kANi illaikaLai kaN Ar uLarwho else is my protector (apart from you)?
thirumAlai – 30 – manaththilOr thUymai illaipunam thuzhAythuLasi which blossoms as if it is in its own land
thirumAlai – 30 – manaththilOr thUymai illaimAlaiyAnEhaving as a garland
thirumAlai – 30 – manaththilOr thUymai illaiponni sUzhsurrounded by kAvEri
thirumAlai – 30 – manaththilOr thUymai illaithiruvarangAsleeping in the temple
thirumAlai – 30 – manaththilOr thUymai illaiennai AL udaiya kOvEswAmy who has made me your servitor
thirumAlai – 30 – manaththilOr thUymai illaimanaththilin my mind
thirumAlai – 30 – manaththilOr thUymai illaiOr thUymai illaino purity at all (without lust, anger etc)
thirumAlai – 30 – manaththilOr thUymai illaivAyilin my mouth
thirumAlai – 30 – manaththilOr thUymai illaiOr in sol illainot even one word with affection
thirumAlai – 30 – manaththilOr thUymai illaivALAwithout any benefit
thirumAlai – 30 – manaththilOr thUymai illaisinaththinAldue to anger
thirumAlai – 30 – manaththilOr thUymai illaiseRRam nOkkilooking inimically
thirumAlai – 30 – manaththilOr thUymai illaithee viLi viLivanI would speak harsh words full of fire
thirumAlai – 30 – manaththilOr thUymai illaienakkufor me (with such faults)
thirumAlai – 30 – manaththilOr thUymai illaiiniafter surrendering to you
thirumAlai – 30 – manaththilOr thUymai illaien gadhiwhat refuge
thirumAlai – 30 – manaththilOr thUymai illaisollAyyou must divine
thirumAlai – 31 – thavaththuLAr thammilaranga mA nagar uLAnEone who dwells in SrIrangam
thirumAlai – 31 – thavaththuLAr thammilthavaththuLAr thammilamong those who observe penance
thirumAlai – 31 – thavaththuLAr thammilallEnI am not with them
thirumAlai – 31 – thavaththuLAr thammildhanam padaiththArilamong those who have earned money (for conducting thadhIyArAdhanam – feeding others)
thirumAlai – 31 – thavaththuLAr thammilallEnI am not with them
thirumAlai – 31 – thavaththuLAr thammilenRan uRRavarkkuto my relatives
thirumAlai – 31 – thavaththuLAr thammiluvarththa nIr pOlalike salty water
thirumAlai – 31 – thavaththuLAr thammilonRum allEnI am not helpful to them for any benefit
thirumAlai – 31 – thavaththuLAr thammilthuvarththa sevvAyinArkkEeven for women with reddish lips
thirumAlai – 31 – thavaththuLAr thammilthuvakku aRain such a way that the connection severs
thirumAlai – 31 – thavaththuLAr thammilthurisan AnEnI was like a thief
thirumAlai – 31 – thavaththuLAr thammil(for such a person as I)
thirumAlai – 31 – thavaththuLAr thammilpiRavibirth
thirumAlai – 31 – thavaththuLAr thammilavaththamE thandhAygave me wastefully
thirumAlai – 32 – Arththu vaNdalambumvaNdubeetles
thirumAlai – 32 – Arththu vaNdalambumArththumaking a sound
thirumAlai – 32 – Arththu vaNdalambumalambummoving around
thirumAlai – 32 – Arththu vaNdalambumsOlaiof groves
thirumAlai – 32 – Arththu vaNdalambumaNi(for samsAram, materialistic world) being beautiful like an ornament
thirumAlai – 32 – Arththu vaNdalambumthiru arangam thannuLinside the temple (lying down)
thirumAlai – 32 – Arththu vaNdalambumkAr thiraL anaiyalike dark clouds
thirumAlai – 32 – Arththu vaNdalambummEnihaving divine body
thirumAlai – 32 – Arththu vaNdalambumkaNNanEOh krishNa! (who gives his divine body to his followers)
thirumAlai – 32 – Arththu vaNdalambumunnai kANum mArkkam onRua path to attain you
thirumAlai – 32 – Arththu vaNdalambumaRiyamAttAnot knowing
thirumAlai – 32 – Arththu vaNdalambummanisarilamong the people
thirumAlai – 32 – Arththu vaNdalambumthirusan Ayalike a criminal
thirumAlai – 32 – Arththu vaNdalambummUrkkanEna fool who will not let go of what he likes
thirumAlai – 32 – Arththu vaNdalambumvandhu ninREn(unmindful of my lowliness) came and stood
thirumAlai – 32 – Arththu vaNdalambummUrkkanEn kUrkkanEnEhow foolish am I !
thirumAlai – 33 – meyyellAm pOgavittuaiyanEOh Lord!
thirumAlai – 33 – meyyellAm pOgavittuaranganEthe dweller of thiruvarangam (SrIrangam)!
thirumAlai – 33 – meyyellAm pOgavittumey ellAmall the true means or entities (thought, word and deed)
thirumAlai – 33 – meyyellAm pOgavittupOgavittugiving them up totally
thirumAlai – 33 – meyyellAm pOgavittuviri kuzhalArilin the net of women with well spread locks of hair
thirumAlai – 33 – meyyellAm pOgavittupattubeing caught
thirumAlai – 33 – meyyellAm pOgavittupoy ellAmdifferent types of lies
thirumAlai – 33 – meyyellAm pOgavittupodhindhu koNduholding to the brim
thirumAlai – 33 – meyyellAm pOgavittupOtkanEnI, without any place to go
thirumAlai – 33 – meyyellAm pOgavittuun aruL ennum Asai thannAlout of the desire kindled by your grace
thirumAlai – 33 – meyyellAm pOgavittuvandhu ninREn , poyyanEn, poyyanEn, poyyanEnthrough the three means (of thought, word and action), I stood in front of you, as a liar
thirumAlai – 33 – meyyellAm pOgavittuvandhu ninREnI stood in front you, the omniscient.
thirumAlai – 34 – uLLaththE uRaiyum mAlaiuLLaththEinside the heart [mind]
thirumAlai – 34 – uLLaththE uRaiyum mAlaiuRaiyumdwelling (constantly)
thirumAlai – 34 – uLLaththE uRaiyum mAlaimAlaiemperumAn, who is omniscient
thirumAlai – 34 – uLLaththE uRaiyum mAlaiuLLuvAn uNarvuthe knowledge to meditate upon
thirumAlai – 34 – uLLaththE uRaiyum mAlaionRu illAwithout even a little bit
thirumAlai – 34 – uLLaththE uRaiyum mAlaikaLLaththEn nAnumI, the thief
thirumAlai – 34 – uLLaththE uRaiyum mAlaithoNdu Aybeing subservient to you
thirumAlai – 34 – uLLaththE uRaiyum mAlaithoNdukkE kOlam pUNduputting on an act of being subservient
thirumAlai – 34 – uLLaththE uRaiyum mAlaiuLLuvAr uLLiRRu ellAmthe thoughts of those who are thinking
thirumAlai – 34 – uLLaththE uRaiyum mAlaiudan irundhubeing together with
thirumAlai – 34 – uLLaththE uRaiyum mAlaiaRidhi enRu(knowing) that you know
thirumAlai – 34 – uLLaththE uRaiyum mAlaiennuLLEwithin myself
thirumAlai – 34 – uLLaththE uRaiyum mAlainAnI
thirumAlai – 34 – uLLaththE uRaiyum mAlaiveLgibeing ashamed
thirumAlai – 34 – uLLaththE uRaiyum mAlaipOyleaving (you)
thirumAlai – 34 – uLLaththE uRaiyum mAlaivilavu aRasuch that the rib will break
thirumAlai – 34 – uLLaththE uRaiyum mAlaisiriththittEnI laughed.
thirumAlai – 35 – thAvi anRu ulagamellAmanRuon that day (when the worlds were seized by mahAbali)
thirumAlai – 35 – thAvi anRu ulagamellAmulagam ellAmall the worlds
thirumAlai – 35 – thAvi anRu ulagamellAmthAvi thalaiviLAkkoNdagoing across, pervading everyone’s head with divine feet
thirumAlai – 35 – thAvi anRu ulagamellAmendhAymy swAmy (lord)
thirumAlai – 35 – thAvi anRu ulagamellAmunnai allAl sEviyEnI will not worship anyone other than you
thirumAlai – 35 – thAvi anRu ulagamellAmsem kaN mAlEOh the one with reddish eyes, being partial towards his followers!
thirumAlai – 35 – thAvi anRu ulagamellAmAviyEbeing my vital air
thirumAlai – 35 – thAvi anRu ulagamellAmamudhEbeing the nectar
thirumAlai – 35 – thAvi anRu ulagamellAmendhan Ar uyir anaiya endhAymy swAmy, being the in-dwelling soul of my life, like nectar
thirumAlai – 35 – thAvi anRu ulagamellAmpAviyEnsinner like I
thirumAlai – 35 – thAvi anRu ulagamellAmchikkenasurely (at all times)
thirumAlai – 35 – thAvi anRu ulagamellAmunnai allAlother than you
thirumAlai – 35 – thAvi anRu ulagamellAmpAviyEnwill not think of (others)
thirumAlai – 35 – thAvi anRu ulagamellAmpAviyEnEI have committed lot of sins
thirumAlai – 36 – mazhaikkanRu varaimun EndhumanRuat that time (when indhra created a shower of hailstones)
thirumAlai – 36 – mazhaikkanRu varaimun Endhummazhaikkuto stop the shower
thirumAlai – 36 – mazhaikkanRu varaimun Endhumvaraia mountain (that could be laid hands on)
thirumAlai – 36 – mazhaikkanRu varaimun Endhummunbefore (cows and other creatures could get harmed)
thirumAlai – 36 – mazhaikkanRu varaimun EndhumEndhumbearing (effortlessly)
thirumAlai – 36 – mazhaikkanRu varaimun EndhummaindhanEOh one who has tremendous strength!
thirumAlai – 36 – mazhaikkanRu varaimun Endhummadhura AREOh one who is like a most enjoyable river!
thirumAlai – 36 – mazhaikkanRu varaimun Endhumuzhai kanRu pOla nOkkam udaiyavarwomen with eyes like a fawn’s
thirumAlai – 36 – mazhaikkanRu varaimun EndhumvalaiyuL pattugetting trapped in the net (of their eyes)
thirumAlai – 36 – mazhaikkanRu varaimun EndhumuzhaikkinRERku ennaiquivering person like me
thirumAlai – 36 – mazhaikkanRu varaimun EndhumnOkkadhu ozhivadhEis it correct not to look at me comfortingly?
thirumAlai – 36 – mazhaikkanRu varaimun EndhumAdhi mUrththi– the primordial cause
thirumAlai – 36 – mazhaikkanRu varaimun Endhumaranga mAnagar uLAnEOh, one who dwells inside the huge thiruvarangam (SrIrangam)!
thirumAlai – 36 – mazhaikkanRu varaimun Endhumunnai anREonly you (who is looking for protecting others)
thirumAlai – 36 – mazhaikkanRu varaimun EndhumazhaikkinREnI am calling out to
thirumAlai – 37 – theLivilAk kalangal nIrtheLivu ilAwithout being clear
thirumAlai – 37 – theLivilAk kalangal nIrkalangalbeing muddled
thirumAlai – 37 – theLivilAk kalangal nIrnIr sUzhsurrounded by kAvEri
thirumAlai – 37 – theLivilAk kalangal nIrthiruvarangaththuLinside the temple
thirumAlai – 37 – theLivilAk kalangal nIrOngumbeing resplendent
thirumAlai – 37 – theLivilAk kalangal nIroLi uLAr thAmE anREisn’t he the radiant periya perumAL himself
thirumAlai – 37 – theLivilAk kalangal nIrthandhaiyum thAyum AvAris father and mother (to us)
thirumAlai – 37 – theLivilAk kalangal nIren thiRaththuin my matter (to be carried out)
thirumAlai – 37 – theLivilAk kalangal nIreLiyadhu Or aruLum anREto glance at me with comforting eyes
thirumAlai – 37 – theLivilAk kalangal nIrem pirAnArone who does favours to me
thirumAlai – 37 – theLivilAk kalangal nIrnam paiyal aLiyan ennArhe does not say (a word) “our little fellow is worthy of my grace”
thirumAlai – 37 – theLivilAk kalangal nIramma O kodiyavAREOh! (his heart) is so hardened
thirumAlai – 38 – mEmporuL pOgavittupunal sUzhsurrounded by kAvEri
thirumAlai – 38 – mEmporuL pOgavittuarangaththAnEone who is sleeping in the temple
thirumAlai – 38 – mEmporuL pOgavittumEm poruLthe worldly matters which give an impression of being great
thirumAlai – 38 – mEmporuL pOgavittupOgavittucasting aside, with trace
thirumAlai – 38 – mEmporuL pOgavittumeymmaiyaithe Athma svarUpam (true nature of AthmA, the soul)
thirumAlai – 38 – mEmporuL pOgavittumiga uNarndhuknowing, as it is [completely]
thirumAlai – 38 – mEmporuL pOgavittuAm parisubhagavath kainkaryam (service to emperumAn) which is the purushArtham (benefit) for AthmA’s true nature
thirumAlai – 38 – mEmporuL pOgavittuaRindhu koNduknowing it
thirumAlai – 38 – mEmporuL pOgavittuaim pulanthe five senses
thirumAlai – 38 – mEmporuL pOgavittuagaththu adakkicontrolling (instead of enjoying them)
thirumAlai – 38 – mEmporuL pOgavittukAmbu aRaremoving the attachment (in other means)
thirumAlai – 38 – mEmporuL pOgavittuthalai siraiththuremoving the weight from head
thirumAlai – 38 – mEmporuL pOgavittuun thalaikkadai irundhustanding at your door step (as a guard)
thirumAlai – 38 – mEmporuL pOgavittuvAzhumthose who live
thirumAlai – 38 – mEmporuL pOgavittusOmbaraifollowers who are lazy (in looking after themselves)
thirumAlai – 38 – mEmporuL pOgavittuugaththi pOlumdo you not enjoy them?
thirumAlai – 39 – adimaiyil kudimaiyillAmudiyinilon the divine head/crown
thirumAlai – 39 – adimaiyil kudimaiyillAthuLabam vaiththAyone who has adorned the thuLasi garland (as a subtle mark of being the lord of all)
thirumAlai – 39 – adimaiyil kudimaiyillAarangam mAnagar uLAnEdwelling inside the temple at SrIrangam
thirumAlai – 39 – adimaiyil kudimaiyillAadimaiyilcarrying out service (to you)
thirumAlai – 39 – adimaiyil kudimaiyillAkudimai illAeven if they are not involved
thirumAlai – 39 – adimaiyil kudimaiyillAayalbeing different (from being servitor)
thirumAlai – 39 – adimaiyil kudimaiyillAsadhuppEdhimArilfrom the vaidhikas (those who follow vEdhams) who recite the four vEdhams
thirumAlai – 39 – adimaiyil kudimaiyillAkudimaiyil kadaimai pattabeing lowly in terms of their birth
thirumAlai – 39 – adimaiyil kudimaiyillAkukkarilbelow the level of chaNdALas (of a very low birth)
thirumAlai – 39 – adimaiyil kudimaiyillApiRappar Elumeven if they are born
thirumAlai – 39 – adimaiyil kudimaiyillAmoy kazhaRkuyour close, divine feet
thirumAlai – 39 – adimaiyil kudimaiyillAanbu seyyumbeing affectionate
thirumAlai – 39 – adimaiyil kudimaiyillAadiyaraifollowers
thirumAlai – 39 – adimaiyil kudimaiyillAugaththi pOlumdon’t you enjoy!?
thirumAlai – 40 – thirumaRu mArvathiruperiya pirAtti (SrI mahAlakshmi)
thirumAlai – 40 – thirumaRu mArvamaRumole called as SrIvathsam
thirumAlai – 40 – thirumaRu mArvamArvaone who is adorning these two (thiru and maRu) on your chest!
thirumAlai – 40 – thirumaRu mArvaaranga mAnagar uLAnEone who is dwelling in thiruvarangam temple (SrIrangam)
thirumAlai – 40 – thirumaRu mArvamAnilaththuof this world
thirumAlai – 40 – thirumaRu mArvauyirgaL ellAmall the creatures
thirumAlai – 40 – thirumaRu mArvaveruvu uRato be frightened
thirumAlai – 40 – thirumaRu mArvakonRukilling (the creatures with weapons)
thirumAlai – 40 – thirumaRu mArvasuttittuburning (by fire)
thirumAlai – 40 – thirumaRu mArvaIttiya vinaiyar Elumeven if they have committed such sins
thirumAlai – 40 – thirumaRu mArvaninnaiyou
thirumAlai – 40 – thirumaRu mArvasindhaiyuLin (their) hearts
thirumAlai – 40 – thirumaRu mArvathigazha vaiththuto hold (as upAyam, means)
thirumAlai – 40 – thirumaRu mArvamaruviya manaththar Agilif they have full faith (that you are the goal or benefit)
thirumAlai – 40 – thirumaRu mArvaaruvinaideadly sins
thirumAlai – 40 – thirumaRu mArvapayan adhuits result
thirumAlai – 40 – thirumaRu mArvauyyArwill not enjoy
thirumAlai – 41 – vAnuLAr aRiyalAgAUnam AyinagaL seyyumif they carry out lowly activities [or]
thirumAlai – 41 – vAnuLAr aRiyalAgAUna kArakargaLEmif they carry out lowly activities through others
thirumAlai – 41 – vAnuLAr aRiyalAgAvAn uLAr aRiyalAga vAnavAOh one who lives in paramapadham (SrIvaikuNtam) and who cannot be known even by the dwellers of upper worlds such as brahmA et al !
thirumAlai – 41 – vAnuLAr aRiyalAgAenbar Agilif they say so
thirumAlai – 41 – vAnuLAr aRiyalAgAthEn ulAm thuLaba mAlai senniyAOh one who adorns on his divine crown, the garland of thuLasi, from which honey is dripping !
thirumAlai – 41 – vAnuLAr aRiyalAgAenbar Agil#NAME?
thirumAlai – 41 – vAnuLAr aRiyalAgApOnagam seydha sEdamthe remnants of bhagavath prasAdham (food that had been served to emperumAn) eaten (by them)
thirumAlai – 41 – vAnuLAr aRiyalAgAtharuvar Elif they give (with compassion)
thirumAlai – 41 – vAnuLAr aRiyalAgAanREimmediately
thirumAlai – 41 – vAnuLAr aRiyalAgApunitham(that ) will be very purifying
thirumAlai – 42 – pazhudhilA ozhugalARRumadhiL thiruvarangaththAnEOh one who is residing inside the temple with high walls!
thirumAlai – 42 – pazhudhilA ozhugalARRuozhugal ARuin the lengthy lineage starting with brahmA, up to themselves
thirumAlai – 42 – pazhudhilA ozhugalARRupazhudhu ilAwithout any blemish
thirumAlai – 42 – pazhudhilA ozhugalARRupala sadhuppEdhimArgaLthose who are learned in the four vEdhas!
thirumAlai – 42 – pazhudhilA ozhugalARRuem adiyArgaL Agilif they are regarded as “our servitors”
thirumAlai – 42 – pazhudhilA ozhugalARRuizhi kulaththavargaL Elum#NAME?
thirumAlai – 42 – pazhudhilA ozhugalARRunIryou
thirumAlai – 42 – pazhudhilA ozhugalARRuthozhuminworship (them)
thirumAlai – 42 – pazhudhilA ozhugalARRukoduminteach them (the special knowledge that you have)
thirumAlai – 42 – pazhudhilA ozhugalARRukoLminlearn from them (if they have special knowledge)
thirumAlai – 42 – pazhudhilA ozhugalARRuenRuthus
thirumAlai – 42 – pazhudhilA ozhugalARRuninnOdum okkaas your equal
thirumAlai – 42 – pazhudhilA ozhugalARRuvazhipadato worship
thirumAlai – 42 – pazhudhilA ozhugalARRuaruLinAy pOldid you not divine!
thirumAlai – 43 – amaravOr angam ARumaranga mAnagar uLAnEOh, one who resides inside the temple at SrIrangam
thirumAlai – 43 – amaravOr angam ARumOr angam ARumthe unique six parts of vEdham
thirumAlai – 43 – amaravOr angam ARumOr vEdham nAngumthe incomparable four vEdhas
thirumAlai – 43 – amaravOr angam ARumamarafirmly settled in their hearts
thirumAlai – 43 – amaravOr angam ARumOdhireciting them
thirumAlai – 43 – amaravOr angam ARumthamargaLilamong your followers
thirumAlai – 43 – amaravOr angam ARumthalaivar Ayabeing the leader
thirumAlai – 43 – amaravOr angam ARumsAdhi anthaNargaLElumeven if they belong to the class of brAhmaNa
thirumAlai – 43 – amaravOr angam ARumnumargaLaiyour followers
thirumAlai – 43 – amaravOr angam ARumpazhippar Agil(looking at their birth and behaviour) if they vilify them
thirumAlai – 43 – amaravOr angam ARumnodippadhOr aLavilin that minute itself
thirumAlai – 43 – amaravOr angam ARumavargaL thAmthose brAhmaNas only
thirumAlai – 43 – amaravOr angam ARumAngEat that same place
thirumAlai – 43 – amaravOr angam ARumpulaiyar pOlumwill become chaNdALas [people of low births; a wretch]
thirumAlai – 44 – peNNulam sadaiyinAnumpeN ulAmgangA moving about
thirumAlai – 44 – peNNulam sadaiyinAnumsadaiyinAnumsivan, having matted hair
thirumAlai – 44 – peNNulam sadaiyinAnumpiramanumand brahmA
thirumAlai – 44 – peNNulam sadaiyinAnumunnaik kANbAnto see you
thirumAlai – 44 – peNNulam sadaiyinAnumeN ilA Uzhi Uzhifor innumerable periods [Uzhi is the time of deluge]
thirumAlai – 44 – peNNulam sadaiyinAnumthavam seydhArthose who did penance
thirumAlai – 44 – peNNulam sadaiyinAnumveLgi niRpaputting their heads down in shame (since they could not see you)
thirumAlai – 44 – peNNulam sadaiyinAnumanRuduring that time
thirumAlai – 44 – peNNulam sadaiyinAnumAnaikkufor SrI gajEndhrAzhwAn (who got trapped in the crocodile’s jaws)
thirumAlai – 44 – peNNulam sadaiyinAnumvandhu(to liberate him) coming to the shore of the pond
thirumAlai – 44 – peNNulam sadaiyinAnumviN uLAr viyappamaking even the nithyasUris amazed
thirumAlai – 44 – peNNulam sadaiyinAnumaruLai Indhaproviding your grace
thirumAlai – 44 – peNNulam sadaiyinAnumkaNNuRaone who is blind [in not seeing the shortcomings of followers]
thirumAlai – 44 – peNNulam sadaiyinAnumunnaiyou
thirumAlai – 44 – peNNulam sadaiyinAnumkaLaigaNAbeing the refuge for all
thirumAlai – 44 – peNNulam sadaiyinAnumkarudhum ARu ennOhow to think?
thirumAlai – 45 – vaLavEzhum thavaLa mAdavaLam ezhumbeing beautiful
thirumAlai – 45 – vaLavEzhum thavaLa mAdathavaLambeing white coloured
thirumAlai – 45 – vaLavEzhum thavaLa mAdamAdamhaving storied houses
thirumAlai – 45 – vaLavEzhum thavaLa mAdamAbeing great
thirumAlai – 45 – vaLavEzhum thavaLa mAdamadhurai nagaram thannuLin vada madhurai (mathurA)
thirumAlai – 45 – vaLavEzhum thavaLa mAdakavaLamwith mouthful of food
thirumAlai – 45 – vaLavEzhum thavaLa mAdamAlhuge
thirumAlai – 45 – vaLavEzhum thavaLa mAdayAnaielephant (called kuvalayApIdam)
thirumAlai – 45 – vaLavEzhum thavaLa mAdakonRakilled
thirumAlai – 45 – vaLavEzhum thavaLa mAdakaNNanaiSrI krishNa
thirumAlai – 45 – vaLavEzhum thavaLa mAdaaranga mAlaiSrI ranganAthan
thirumAlai – 45 – vaLavEzhum thavaLa mAdathuLabam thoNdu Ayaone who is engaged in thuLasi service
thirumAlai – 45 – vaLavEzhum thavaLa mAdathol seerone who is fully engaged in bhAgavatha SEshathvam (being servitor to SrIvaishNavas)
thirumAlai – 45 – vaLavEzhum thavaLa mAdathoNdaradippodithoNdaradippodi AzhwAr
thirumAlai – 45 – vaLavEzhum thavaLa mAdasol(recited) prabandham called thirumAlai
thirumAlai – 45 – vaLavEzhum thavaLa mAdaiLaiya pun kavidhai Elumeven if it has blemishes such as choice of words, poetry metrics etc
thirumAlai – 45 – vaLavEzhum thavaLa mAdaem pirARkufor my swAmy (master) periya perumAL
thirumAlai – 45 – vaLavEzhum thavaLa mAdainiya AREhow is it so sweet!

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