periya thirumozhi – 3.9.9 – vangamali

SrI:  SrImathE SatakOpAya nama:  SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama:  SrImath varavaramunayE nama:

periya thirumozhi >> Third centum >> Ninth decad

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Highlights from avathArikai (Introduction)

No specific introduction.


vangamali thadangadaluL vAnavargaLOdu
mAmunivar palar kUdi mAmalargaL thUvi
engaL thani nAyaganE! emakku aruLAy ennum
Isan avan magizhndhu inidhu maruvi uRai kOyil
sengayalum vALaigaLum sennelidaik kudhippach
chElugaLum sezhumpaNai sUzh vIdhi thoRum midaindhu
mangul madhi agadurinju maNimAda nAngUr
vaigundha viNNagaram vaNangu mada nenjE!

Word-by-Word meanings

vanga mali – Filled with ships
thadam kadaluL – in the vast thiruppARkadal
vAnavargaLOdu mAmunivar palar kUdi – dhEvathAs along with sages such as sanaka et al gathered together and arrived
mA malargaL thUvi – offering the best flowers and other things for worship
engaL thani nAyaganE – Oh you, sarvESvaran, who are our lord!
emakku aruLAy – You should show your mercy towards us
ennum – to be prayed in this manner
Isanavan – the lord
magizhndhu – with joy
inidhu – to be sweet for the devotees
maruvi uRai kOyil – eternally residing without any other expectation
sem kayalum – reddish kayal fish
vALaigaLum – vALai fish
sem nel idai – in between the red paddy crops
gudhippa – as they jump around
sElugaLum – sEl fish which were joyfully present in between those crops
sezhum paNai suzh – surrounded by vast fertile fields
vIdhi thoRum – in every street
midaindhu – being dense
mangul madhi – moon which is roaming in the sky
agadu urinjum – to rub the bottom portion of the stomach
maNi mAdam – having gem studded mansions
nAngUr – in thirunAngUr
vaigundha viNNagaram – vaigundha viNNagaram
vaNangu – worship
mada nenjE – Oh humble heart!

Simple translation

emperumAn who is present in the vast thiruppARkadal to be praised by the dhEvathAs along with sages such as sanaka et al gathered together, offered the best flowers and other things for worship and arrived saying “Oh you, sarvESvaran, who are our lord! You should show your mercy towards us”; he is joyfully and eternally residing without any other expectation, to be sweet for his devotees, in vaigundha viNNagaram in thirunAngUr. Oh humble heart! Worship such abode where reddish kayal fish and vALai fish are jumping in between the red paddy crops and is surrounded by such vast fertile fields where sEl fish are joyfully present in between those crops and gem studded mansions which are present densely in every street, rubbing the bottom portion of the stomach of moon which is roaming in the sky.

Highlights from vyAkyAnam (Commentary)

vanga … –  In the vast thiruppARkadal which has no shortage of ships/boats. Just as a mountain is glorified based on the elephants in there, an ocean is glorified by the ships in it. Along with dhEvathAs, sages such as sanaka et al, would submit things for worship such as flowers etc, and praise sarvESvaran saying “Oh you, sarvESvaran, who are our lord! You should mercifully shower your grace to us”; the abode where such sarvESvaran is lovingly residing.

sem kayal … – Beautiful kayal fish, vALai fish would jump in between the red paddy crops seeing the coolness there; sEl fish would joyfully reside in the fertile fields which surround the abode. There, in every street, gem studded mansions which rub the bottom portion of the stomach of moon which roams in the sky, are present.

In the next article we will enjoy the next pAsuram.

adiyen sarathy ramanuja dasan

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