SrI: SrImathE SatakOpAya nama: SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama: SrImath varavaramunayE nama:
periya thirumozhi >> Fifth centum >> Seventh decad
Highlights from avathArikai (Introduction)
No specific introduction.
suri kuzhal kanivAyth thiruvinaip piriththa kodumaiyil kaduvisai arakkan
eri vizhiththu ilangu maNi mudi podi seydhu ilangai pAzh paduppadhaRku eNNi
vari silai vaLaiya adusaram thurandhu maRi kadal neRi pada malaiyAl
arikulam paNi koNdu alai kadal adaiththAn arangamA nagar amarndhAnE
Word-by-Word meanings
suri – beautiful
kuzhal – hair
kani – like kOvai fruit (a reddish fruit)
vAy – having mouth
thiruvinai – sIthAp pirAtti
eri vizhiththu – with cruel sight
piriththa – one who separated
kodumai – cruelty
kadu visai – having great speed
arakkan – rAvaNAsuran’s
ilangu – shining
maNi – made of precious gems
mudi – crowns
podi seydhu – turning to dust
ilangai – lankA
pAzh paduppadhaRku – to destroy
eNNi – vowed
vari – beautiful
silai – bow
vaLaiya – bent
adu – to be able to kill
saram – arrows (on it)
thurandhu – (joined and) launched
maRi – waves overlapping
kadal – ocean
neRi pada – to give way
ari kulam – vAnaras (monkeys)
paNi koNdu – engaged in service
alai – waves pounding
kadal – ocean
malaiyAl – by hills
adaiththAn – built a dam
aranga mA nagar amarndhAnE – is now mercifully resting in the dhivyadhESam, SrIrangam
Simple translation
rAvaNa, with a cruel sight, separated sIthAp pirAtti who is having beautiful hair and mouth which is like reddish fruit, from SrI rAma; bhagavAn; SrI rAma vowed to turn such rAvaNAsuran’s shining crowns made of precious gems to dust and destroy lankA. He bent his beautiful bow and launched arrows which can kill, to make the ocean with waves which are overlapping, give way . He engaged the vAnaras in service and built a dam on the ocean which has poundinging waves. Such bhagavAn is now mercifully resting in the dhivyadhESam, SrIrangam.
Highlights from vyAkyAnam (Commentary)
suri kuzhal … – As said in “sukESyA” (one who has beautiful hair) and in “chArukESIm” (having beautiful hair), having beautiful divine hair, and well matured mouth – such pirAtti. rAvaNa had the cruelty to separate sIthAp pirAtti and SrI rAma who said as seen in SrI rAmAyaNam sundhara kANdam 21.6 “ananyA rAghavENAham” (I always remain united with SrI rAma) and SrI rAmAyaNam yudhdha kANdam 122.19 “ananyAhi mayA sIthA” (Does sIthA not remain united with me always?) and placed them in separate places. He was having cruelty and great speed; turning his crowns which are made with precious gems which are shining like fire, into dust; alternatively, it can be said that rAvaNa had a fire like sight with which he stared at pirAtti and separated her. SrI rAma vowed to throw lankA into ruin and to be roamed around by dogs and foxes; for that, he used his beautiful bow and killer arrows, and the ocean [king] with great agitation came up and said “I will place myself in a favourable way; you can build a dam” and facilitated. The ocean which will swallow whatever is placed in it, let rocks and hills which will drown in the water usually, to stay afloat; bhagavAn engaged vAnaras who are incapable of doing anything in an organised manner, in service and built the dam on the ocean with rising waves.
In the next article we will enjoy the next pAsuram.
adiyen sarathy ramanuja dasan
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