SrI: SrImathE SatakOpAya nama: SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama: SrImadh varavara munayE nama:
avathArikai (Introduction) – She says that she enjoyed going around agni (ritual fire)
vAy nallAr nalla maRaiyOdhi mandhiraththAl
pAsilai nANal paduththup paridhivaiththuk
kAysina mAkaLiRannAn en kaip paRRith
thIvalam seyya kanAk kaNdEn thOzhi! nAn
Word-by-Word Meanings
thOzhI! – Oh, my friend!
vAy nallAr – vaidhikas (those who follow vEdhams) who recite [vEdhams] well
nalla maRai Odhi – reciting eminent vEdha vAkyams [text from vEdhams]
mandhiraththAl – with hymns (appropriate for various events)
pAsu ilai nANal paduththu – spreading reed grass which has green leaves
paridhi vaiththu – placing pieces of wood
kAy sinam mA kaLiRu annAn – kaNNapirAn, who was arrogant like an angry elephant, in exult
en kai paRRi – holding my hand
thI valam seyya – circumambulating the ritualistic fire
kanAk kaNdEn – I dreamt
Simple Translation
Oh, dear friend! Those who are capable of reciting vEdham were reciting them, after spreading reed grass which had green leaves, around the ritualistic fire. They stacked pieces of wood on the fire. I dreamt that kaNNa pirAn, who was arrogant like an angry elephant which was in exultation, held my hand and circumambulated the ritualistic fire.
vyAkyAnam (Commentary)
vAy nallAr – those who are capable of intonating hymns from vEdhas
nalla maRai Odhi – to qualify as good vEdham, are there two types of vEdhams – a good one and not a good one? In the first part of the vEdhams, it will mention about yagyams (rituals) which are conducted for emperumAn who is the antharyAmi (indwelling soul) for celestial entities such as indhra et al. In the second part of vEdhams which contain purusha sUktham [eloquently describing emperumAn] etc, the svarUpa (basic nature), rUpa (divine form), qualities of emperumAn will be mentioned. Considering the distinction of the latter over the former, ANdAL calls this as the eminent part of vEdham.
mandhiraththAl – while the greatness of emperumAn has been vividly described in purusha sUktham itself, reciting hymns appropriate for various events such as spreading the reed grass around ritualistic fire, applying the wooden sticks, circumambulating ritualistic fire etc.
pAsilai nANal paduththu – spreading reed grass, containing green leaves, around the ritualistic fire.
paridhi vaiththu – applying the wooden sticks
kAysina mAkaLiRannAn en kai paRRi – kaNNan, who came walking like an arrogant elephant, which was in exultation, held my hand
thI valam seyya …. kaLiRannAn – when he walked in circumambulation around the fire, he walked slowly, like an elephant. yajur ashtakam 3, praSna-7, panjAthi-89 says “EkamishE vishNus thvA’nvEthu l dhvE UrjE vishNus thvA’nvEthu l …… sakhya: sapthapadhA abhUma ll” (this is the hymn which the bridegroom will say, holding on to the bride’s hand ‘may vishNu lead you by one step…….after taking seven steps, may you be my companion”) ANdAL refers to this event, when kaNNan goes around the ritualistic fire, holding her hand
kaippaRRi – when he came as an elephant in exultation, and held her hand, it appeared that the female elephant was imprisoned by the male.
thI valam seyya – since they had held hands with agni (lord of fire) as the witness, he cannot let go of her hand and she too cannot let go his hand.
Next, we will consider the 8th pAsuram of this decad.
adiyEn krishNa rAmAnuja dhAsan
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