SrI: SrImathE SatakOpAya nama: SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama: SrImath varavaramunayE nama:
periya thirumozhi >> Fourth centum >> Seventh decad
Highlights from avathArikai (Introduction)
No specific introduction.
kondhAr thuLava malar koNdu aNivAnE!
nandhAdha perum pugazh vEdhiyar nAngUr
sendhAmarai nIrth thiruveLLakkuLaththuL
endhAy! adiyEn idaraik kaLaiyAyE
Word-by-Word meanings
kondhu Ar – filled with flower bunches
thuLavam – thuLasi’s
malar koNdu – stringing flowers as garland
aNivAnE – you who are mercifully adorning (on the divine crown)!
nandhAdha – imperishable
perum – inconceivable
pugazh – having glories
vEdhiyar – best of brAhmaNas, their
nAngUr – in thirunAngUr
sendhAmarai – having reddish lotus flowers
nIr – surrounded by ponds
thiruveLLak kuLaththuL – mercifully residing in thiruveLLak kuLam
endhAy – Oh my lord!
adiyEn – I, who have no refuge, my
idarai – sorrows (viz. connection with prakruthi (this body))
kaLaiyAy – you should mercifully sever.
Simple translation
Oh you who are mercifully adorning garland strung with bunches of thuLasi flowers! Oh my lord who is mercifully residing in thiruveLLak kuLam which is surrounded by ponds having reddish lotus flowers and which belongs to the best of brAhmaNas who are having imperishable and inconceivable glories! You should mercifully sever my sorrows, and I have no other refuge.
Highlights from vyAkyAnam (Commentary)
kondhu Ar … – You are having a garland on your divine crown, to show that you are the protector. Oh you who are adorning thuLasi flowers which are growing in bunches due to coming in contact with your divine hair!
nandhAdha perum pugazh … – thirunAngUr which belongs to brAhmaNas who are having glories which don’t have any break or boundary. AzhwAr is asking emperumAn “Don’t you want to be like the brAhmaNas who are in that town?”
sem thAmarai nIr …. – The water in pond and the lotus flower of the town match the decoration on his divine form and beautiful limbs respectively.
In the next article we will enjoy the next pAsuram.
adiyen sarathy ramanuja dasan
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