SrI: SrImathE SatakOpAya nama: SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama: SrImath varavaramunayE nama:
emperumAn, after taking away the robes of herd-girls, climbed on to a kurundham tree. The girls prayed to him and reviled him, and somehow got back their robes. emperumAn and the girls united together and enjoyed. However, since no happiness can last forever in this samsAram, emperumAn separated from them and stopped their happiness. The girls thought that even if he takes away their robes, it is better to be with him and engage in kUdal. kUdal is similar to fortune telling. In villages, girls will think of an event which they want to happen and draw a circle in sand, closing their eyes. If the circle gets joined correctly, then they believe that whatever event they had thought initially would come true [i.e. it will happen]. Since bhagavath vishayams (matters related to emperumAn) are great and sweet, they will make his devotees who are very much affectionate towards him to attain him somehow, even if they have to hold on to achEthana (insentient) entities [such as kUdal]. If he doesn’t create bewilderment in his followers when separated from him, it will appear that there is no greatness to emperumAn! Thus, in this padhigam [decad] they engage in kUdal to attain kaNNan.
First pAsuram. emperumAn who is like a bridegroom at thirumAlirunjOlai, is reclining at SrIrangam. Desiring confidential service to SrIrangam emperumAn, she is trying out kUdal (fortune-telling)
theLLiyAr palar kai thozhum dhEvanAr
vaLLal mAlinjOlai maNALanAr
paLLi koLLum idaththu adi kottida
koLLumAgil nI kUdidu kUdalE
Oh circle! The most supreme among all, who is worshipped as their lord by nithyas (permanent residents of SrIvaikuNtam) and mukthas (those who have reached SrIvaikuNtam from samsAram) who have clear knowledge, who is magnanimous and who is mercifully residing at thirumAlirunjOlai is reclining divinely at SrIrangam. If that emperumAn thinks that he would ask me to carry out servitude to his divine feet, you make it happen [by forming the correct circle].
Second pAsuram. She is saying “It appears that emperumAn is observing some means in order to attain me. Will you help me in this cause?”.
kAttil vEngadam kaNNapura nagar
vAttaminRi magizhndhuRai vAmanan
OttarA vandhu en kaippaRRi thannodum
kUttumAgil nI kUdidu kUdalE
Oh circle! If emperumAn who is residing with joy, permanently at thirumAlirunjOlai, which is inside a forest, and at thirukkaNNapuram which is inside a town, and who incarnated as vAmana will come running to me, hold my hand and take me with him, you join as a full circle and make it happen.
Third pAsuram. She is confirming with kUdal whether kaNNan will come.
pUmagan pugazh vAnavar pORRudhaR
kAmagan aNi vANudhal dhEvaki
mAmagan migu sIr vasudhEvar tham
kOmagan varil kUdidu kUdalE
Oh circle! He is the supreme entity apt to be praised by brahmA, who was born in the divine, lotus like navel of emperumAn, and the famed nithyasUris. He is the eminent son of dhEvaki pirAtti who has a beautiful, radiant forehead. He is the majestic son of SrI vasudhEva, who has multitudinous auspicious qualities. If such kaNNan would come to me, you join as a full circle and make it happen.
Fourth pAsuram. She checks with kUdal whether kaNNan who carried out amazing activities would come.
AychchimArgaLum Ayarum anjida
pUththa nIL kadambERip pugap pAyndhu
vAyththa kALIyan mEl nadam Adiya
kUththanAr varil kUdidu kUdalE
Oh circle! He jumped from the kadamba (Indian oakwood) tree which is tall and blossomed with flowers, such that his feet entered the waters [of yamunA], scaring the herd girls and the boys. He, who is an expert in dancing, danced on the head of the snake kALiyan who is fortunate (since emperumAn’s divine feet came on his head). If such kaNNan would come to me, you join as a full circle and make it happen.
Fifth pAsuram. She checks with kUdal to see if kaNNan who has the basic nature of destroying his enemies, would come.
mAda mALigai sUzh madhuraip padhi
nAdi nantheruvin naduvE vandhittu
Odai mA madha yAnai udhaiththavan
kUdumAgil nI kUdidu kUdalE
kaNNan kicked and killed kuvalayApIdam, [the royal elephant of kamsan] which was caparisoned and which was in exult. If such kaNNan searches our street in madhurA city, which is surrounded by palaces with huge mansions, and joins us such that everyone would look at us, you join as a full circle and make it happen.
Sixth pAsuram. She checks with kUdal to see if one who incarnated before her and for her, would come and unite with her.
aRRavan marudham muRiya nadai
kaRRavan kanjanai vanjanaiyinAl
seRRavan thigazhum madhuraippadhi
koRRavan varil kUdidu kUdalE
Oh circle! He had been here only for me; he had taken baby steps such that the marudha trees (yamaLArjuna trees in which two demons had pervaded) split and crashed; he killed kamsan deceitfully. If that kaNNan, who is the king of the radiant mathurA city would come to me, you join as a full circle and make it happen.
Seventh pAsuram. She checks with kUdal to see if kaNNan who annihilated all his enemies would come to unite with her.
anRu innAdhana sey sisupAlanum
ninRa nIL marudhum erudhum puLLum
venRi vEl viral kanjanum vizha mun
konRavan varil kUdidu kUdalE
Oh circle! SiSupAla had been induging in evil acts in earlier times; the twin marudha trees were standing erect; seven bulls were ready for a fight; demon bakAsura came in the form of a stork; kamsan had a victorious spear and strength. kaNNan annihilated them all in such a way that everyone saw those acts. If such kaNNan would come to me, you join as a full circle and make it happen.
Eighth pAsuram. She has eagerness and affection. He is protector and a simple entity too. She asks whether, in this state, he will come.
Aval anbudaiyAr tham manaththanRi
mEvalan virai sUzh thuvarApadhik
kAvalan kanRu mEyththu viLaiyAdum
kOvalan varil kUdidu kUdalE
Oh circle! He will not engage with anything other than the hearts of those who have eagerness and affection for him. He is the protector of the fragrant dhwArakA. He is gOpAlan (protector of cows) who plays with calves. If such kaNNan would come to me, you join as a full circle and make it happen.
Ninth pAsuram. She checks with kUdal to see if he, who measured the worlds which were his possession, will accept her too with him.
koNda kOlak kuRaL uruvAych chenRu
paNdu mAvali than peru vELviyil
aNdamum nilanum adi onRinAl
koNdavan varil kUdidu kUdalE
Oh circle! He had mercifully gone to the plalce where mahAbali was carrying out rituals, decked with beautiful ornaments, as vAmana. He measured the upper and lower worlds with one step each, as thrivikrama. If such thrivikrama would come to me, you join as a full circle and make it happen.
Tenth pAsuram. She checks with kUdal to see if emperumAn who protected gajEndhrAzhwAn would come and protect them too.
pazhagu nAnmaRaiyin poruLAy madham
ozhugu vAraNam uyya aLiththa em
azhaganAr aNi Aychchiyar sindhaiyuL
kuzhaganAr varil kUdidu kUdalE
Oh circle! He [emperumAn] is the inner meaning of the four timeless vEdhas. He showered his mercy on the exulting gajEndhrAzhwAn so that he could live after getting his sorrows removed. He has the beauty which attracts us. He stays tenderly in the hearts of the cowherd girls. Is such kaNNan would come, you join as a full circle and make it happen.
Eleventh pAsuram. She completes the decad by stating the benefit for those who learn it.
Udal kUdal uNardhal puNardhalai
nIdu ninRa niRai pugazh Aychchiyar
kUdalaik kuzhaRkOdhai mun kURiya
pAdal paththum vallArkku illai pAvamE
The cowherd girls have been engaging for a long time in Udal, love-quarrel (with emperumAn) and then uniting with him. They remind about faults and engage in union again. ANdAL [I], having beautiful tresses, composed these ten pAsurams about engaging with kUdal of such cowherd girls who have complete greatness. Those who are capable of reciting these pAsurams will not have the sin of being separated from emperumAn and consequent suffering.
adiyEn krishNa rAmAnuja dhAsan
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