SrI: SrImathE SatakOpAya nama: SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama: SrImath varavaramunayE nama:
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Introduction for this pAsuram
Highlights from thirukkurukaippirAn piLLAn‘s introduction
No specific introduction.
Highlights from nanjIyar‘s introduction
In the ninth pAsuram, emperumAn asked “After having seen my state of having the whole universe as my form, what more would you like?” AzhwAr says “That is not enough for me; I would like to see your presence in thirunAdu (paramapadham) which is distinguished and fully complete”.
Highlights from vAdhi kEsari azhagiya maNavALa jIyar‘s introduction
See nanjIyar‘s introduction.
Highlights from periyavAchchAn piLLai‘s introduction
See nanjIyar‘s introduction.
Highlights from nampiLLai‘s introduction as documented by vadakkuth thiruvIdhip piLLai
Ninth pAsuram. As said in SrIvishNu purANam 1.22.86 “thAni sarvANi thathvapu:” (everything is a SarIram (body) for that paramAthmA), subAla upanishath 7 “yasyAthmA SarIram … yasya pruthivI SarIram” (for whom, this AthmA is a body, this earth is a body) and SrIvishNu purANam 1.22.38 “… thath sarvam vai harEsthanu:” (Whatever is created, they are all body of hari), emperumAn says “I have showed you universal form so that you can see me everywhere”, AzhwAr says “That is common for the favourable and unfavourable ones; only if you don’t have another [distinguished] form, could I remain thinking ‘this is enough’? You should manifest your distinguished form in thirunAdu”.
mudhal thani viththEyO! muzhu mUvulagAdhikkellAm
mudhal thani unnai unnai enai nAL vandhu kUduvan nAn
mudhal thani angum ingum muzhu muRRuRu vAzh pAzhAy
mudhal thani sUzhndhaganRAzhndhuyarndha mudivileeyO!
Word-by-Word meanings (based on vAdhi kEsari azhagiya maNavALa jIyar‘s 12000 padi)
muzhu mU ulagu Adhikku ellAm – for all the three worlds etc
mudhal – being the primary efficient cause [nimiththa kAraNa]
thani viththEyO – (without expectation of any assistance) being the unique material cause [upAdhAna kAraNa]
angum ingum – (in the universe in the effectual form) who are outside the oval shaped universe and inside
muzhu muRRuRu – pervading all the entities completely
mudhal thani – being the unique cause
vAzh – the fertile field for prosperity (of attaining enjoyment and liberation)
pAzh Ay – being the controller of mUla prakruthi (primordial matter)
mudhal – (in controlling matter and all aspects of matter) being the primary
thani – incomparable (due to being different from achith (insentient objects))
sUzhndhu aganRu – pervading (through the dharma bhUtha gyAnam (knowledge which helps grasp external aspects))
Azhndhu uyarndha – being present in all ten directions
mudivileeyO – Oh you who are the controller (of the collection of AthmAs who are all eternal)!
mudhal – being primary in all aspects
thani – being incomparable
unnai – you
unnai – you (who are having distinguished nature, form and qualities which are different from all, instead of seeing in that universal form)
nAn – I (who am greatly craving due to not attaining and enjoying you)
enai nAL – when
vandhu kUduvan – will come there and unite with you?
Simple translation (based on vAdhi kEsari azhagiya maNavALa jIyar‘s 12000 padi)
Oh you who are the primary efficient cause for all the three worlds etc, who are the unique material cause, who are completely pervading all the entities which are outside the oval shaped universe and inside, who are the controller for mUla prakruthi which is the unique cause and the fertile field for prosperity, who are the primary, incomparable controller who is pervading and present in all ten directions! When will I come there and unite with you who are primary in all aspects and are incomparable?
vyAkyAnams (commentaries)
Highlights from thirukkurukaippirAn piLLAn‘s vyAkyAnam
See vAdhi kEsari azhagiya maNavALa jIyar‘s translation.
Highlights from nanjIyar‘s vyAkyAnam
See nampiLLai‘s vyAkyAnam.
Highlights from periyavAchchAn piLLai‘s vyAkyAnam
See nampiLLai‘s vyAkyAnam.
Highlights from nampiLLai‘s vyAkyAnam as documented by vadakkuth thiruvIdhip piLLai
- mudhal thani viththEyO muzhu mU ulagu Adhikku ellAm – Oh you who do not need the help of those who are protected by you, when you set out to protect them! Oh you who are all the three types of causes (upAdhAna (material), nimiththa (efficient), sahakAri (instrumental)) for everything starting with the three worlds!
- mudhal – nimiththa kAraNam.
- thani – sahakAri kAraNam.
- viththu – upAdhAna kAraNam.
- mudhal thani … – When will I come and unite with you who are primary, incomparable and complete in qualities, wealth etc?
- enai nAL vandhu kUduvan – Even for those who realised their true nature by the knowledge granted by him, they can speak like pirAtti [in desiring to unite with him].
- nAn – I who have understood the nature of paramapadham; I who desired for your distinguished form.
- mudhal thani angum ingum muzhu muRRuRu vAzh pAzhAy – In mahath etc which are primary, incomparable and present everywhere.
- muRRu – everywhere.
- uRu – pervading everywhere.
- vAzh pAzhAy – the level playing field for chEthanas to attain bhOgam (worldly enjoyment) and mOksham (liberation).
[The introduction section is repeated here and the pAsuram is explained once more from the beginning for the sake of a SrIvaishNava who arrived late while nampiLLai was explaining the meaning of this pAsuram]
- mudhal thani viththEyO – mudhal – nimiththa kAraNam, thani – sahakAri kAraNam, viththu – upAdhAna kAraNam.
- muzhu mU ulagu Adhikku ellAm – By “mU ulagam“, the three layered aNdam as in “kruthakam, akruthakam, kruthakAkruthakam” is explained; by muzhu, the countless oval shaped universes as said in SrIvishNu purANam 2.7.27 “aNdAnAnAnthu sahasrANAm sahasrANyayuthAni cha – IdhruSAnAntha thathra kOti kOti SathAni cha” (In that mUla prakruthi thousands of crores of oval shaped universes are present) are explained; by “Adhi“, the AvaraNams (covering layers) which are the causes for these aNdams are explained. Hence, oh you who are the cause for everything staring with the three worlds!
Note: kruthaka [The bottom seven layers of the universe – athala to pAthAla and the three middle layers – bhUr lOka, bhuva lOka and svarga lOka; these are completely destroyed as part of avAnthara praLayam (intermediary deluge at the end of brahmA’s day) and subsequently recreated], akruthaka [The top three layers of the universe – sathya lOka, thapa lOka and jana lOka; these remain in tact during avAnthara praLayam with their residents] and kruthakAkruthaka [mahar lOka; this remains in tact during avAnthara praLayam, but the residents shift to higher layers at that time].
- mudhal … – Being the primary, incomparable, complete in qualities and wealth, you who are having the universe as your body.
Thus, until now, bhagavAn having leelA vibhUthi (materialistic realm) is explained; subsequently – AzhwAr says that he desires to see the divine beauty of emperumAn’s divine form which is enjoyed by nithyasUris.
- unnai – bhagavAn having nithya vibhUthi (spiritual realm) is explained. Will just saying “unnai” explain his having nithya vibhUthi? Yes, it will; when emperumAn and pirAtti are mentioned as in thiruvAimozhi 4.9.10 “oNdodiyAL thirumagaLum nIyumE nilA niRpa – kaNda sadhir” (While SrImahAlakshmi, the one who is having distinguished forearms with ornaments like bangles, and you stand alone – determined the best means), the whole of paramapadham is implied.
- unnai – You who are as said in thiruvAimozhi 4.5.1 “vIRRirundhu Ezhulagum thanik kOl sella” (sarvESvaran, the lord of all, being distinct from every other entity, seated to conduct seven types of worlds with his matchless sceptre), having
- divine crown which can be confused as said in thiruvAimozhi 3.1.1 “mudichchOdhiyAy unadhu mugachchOdhi malarndhadhuvO” (Did the radiance of your divine face rise upwards to become the radiance in your divine crown?)
- divine hair as said in thiruvAimozhi 7.7.9 “mAyan kuzhal” (divine hair of krishNa who is having an amazing form), the beautiful divine face as said in thiruvAimozhi 7.7.8 “kOL izhaith thAmaraiyum kodiyum pavaLamum villum kOL izhaith thaN muththamum thaLirunguLir vAn piRaiyum kOL izhaiyA udaiya kozhunjOdhi vattangol?” (Is it a complete jyOthirmaNdalam with lotus flowers, creeper, coral, bow, cool pearl, sprouts, cool beautiful crescent having its own radiance as ornament? krishNa’s radiant divine face which, in itself, is an ornament, is stealing the life out of me, who is having cruel sin)
- divine neck which resembles the neck of youthful areca tree and conch, which are imprinted with the ornaments worn by the nAchchiyArs (divine consorts) in their hands
- divine shoulders as said in thiruvAimozhi 6.6.6 “kaRpagak kAvana naRpala thOL” (emperumAn who has many shoulders which resemble a garden of kaRpaga trees)
- divine chest which is like the palace of periya pirAttiyAr, which will drive her crazy to say as in thiruvAimozhi 6.10.10 “agalagillEn” (I cannot leave) while enjoying it eternally, which is said as in periyAzhwAr thirumozhi 1.3.10 “kurumA maNip pUN kulAvith thigazhum thirumArbu” (the divine chest where the kausthuba gem joyfully exists)
- divine stomach which roams around in the hearts of nithyasUris and mukthAthmAs as said in amalanAdhipirAn 4 “uLLaththuL ninRu ulAginRadhE” (staying in my heart and roaming around in there)
- divine navel which resembles a whirl in the ocean of beauty
- hip which cannot be explained any further as said in thiruvAimozhi 5.5.8 “algulum” (hip)
- slender waist
- divine lower garment which appears to have branched out of his divine body, which resembles the sky in the dusk time as said in amalanAdhipirAn 3 “andhi pOl niRaththAdaiyum” (the lower garment which resembles the complexion of dusk)
- divine thighs which are profound as a plantain stem
- divine shins which resemble the thorny stem of a lotus flower (due to having goosebumps)
- divine feet which are having the symbols as said in sthOthra rathnam 31 “kadhA punaS SankharathAngakalpaka dhvajAravaindhAnkuSa vajralAnchanam” (Oh thrivikrama! When will my head be decorated with your two divine feet which are having [the marks of] Sankha , chakra , et al?), which are so tender to make the pirAttis hesitate to massage them, which are perfectly enjoyable as said in thiruvAimozhi 1-5-8 “thEnE malarum thiruppAdham” (the divine feet from which honey will drip)
- enai nAL vandhu kUduvan – When will I come and reach you? Since he was granted unblemished knowledge and devotion by emperumAn as said in thiruvAimozhi 1.1.1 “mayarvaRa madhinala aruLinan“, he can speak like pirAtti.
- nAn – I who desired to see that form.
- mudhal thani angum ingum muzhu muRRu uRu vAzh pAzhAy – All of mahath etc, which are primary, incomparable and present everywhere.
- muRRu – Fully. Everywhere.
- uRu – Pervading.
- vAzh pAzhAy – Being the AthmA of prakruthi (primordial matter) which is a level playing field to facilitate bhOga and mOksha for chEthanas (sentient beings).
- mudhal … – Being the primary and controller for prakruthi.
- thani – Incomparable.
- sUzhndhu – Pervading primordial matter and the effectual entities of such matter.
While pervading,
- aganRu Azhndhu uyarndha – Pervading in ten directions with knowledge.
- mudivileeyO – Oh controller of the incomprehensible AthmAs!
- mudivilee – mudivu – nASam (destruction), being eternal unlike prakruthi which gets destroyed (fully transformed).
I have seen you who are the cause and in-dwelling soul of all aspects of matter and AthmAs; when will I see you who are enjoyed by nithyasUris in paramapadham? It is not sufficient to enjoy you with your form of being the controller of chith and achith in both kAraNa (causal) and kArya (effectual) state, as shown by you; I would like to enjoy you with your distinguishded form in the special abode of paramapadham.
In the next article we will enjoy the next pAsuram.
adiyen sarathy ramanuja dasan
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