thiruvAimozhi – 5.2 – poliga poliga

SrI:  SrImathE SatakOpAya nama:  SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama:  SrImath varavaramunayE nama:

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AzhwArs, AchAryas and emperumAnAr in SriperumbUthUr

Highlights from thirukkurukaippirAn piLLAn‘s introduction

AzhwAr, seeing those who have become vaishNavas on hearing his instructions in thiruvAimozhi 4.10 “onRum dhEvum“, became very joyful and out of that great joy, sings thiruppallANdu (well-wishing) for them.

Highlights from nanjIyar‘s introduction

See nampiLLai‘s introduction.

Highlights from vAdhi kEsari azhagiya maNavALa jIyar‘s introduction

In the second decad – Previously, AzhwAr meditates upon bhagavAn being bound by his own compassion and feels contented; to enjoy such joy of AzhwAr, those bhAgavathas who are experts in enjoying bhagavAn’s qualities and are comparable to nithyasUris, arrived together with great love to have all sufferings in this samsAram removed; seeing them, AzhwAr thinks in his divine heart “ISvara has probably vowed to reform the world through them” and  highlights the following aspects:

  1. emperumAn‘s unsurpassed greatness.
  2. His being the divine lord of SrI mahAlakshmi which highlights his greatness.
  3. His being together with divine forms which favour his devotees.
  4. His reclining in the ocean to favour others.
  5. His residing in SrIvaikuNtam which is the origin for that [i.e., of his form in milky ocean]
  6. His having weapons for the protection of his devotees.
  7. His great dominance in his incarnations.
  8. His SrIvathsa chihna (the mole on his chest) which symbolises his dominance.
  9. His non-abandoning nature with respect to his devotees.
  10. His great qualities [such as simplicity].

Meditating upon these aspects, AzhwAr becomes wonder-struck thinking “bhAgavathas who are immersed in such qualities of emperumAn, are all present here” and joyfully performs mangaLASAsanam (well wishes) and mercifully instructs the worldly people to follow them, become pure-hearted like them and enjoy bhagavath vishayam (matters related to bhagavAn).

Highlights from periyavAchchAn piLLai‘s introduction

See nampiLLai‘s introduction.

Highlights from nampiLLai‘s introduction

thirumAlai ANdAn‘s explanation for this decad as heard from ALavandhAr – “As nithyasUris arrive at AzhwArthirunagari to see the SrIvaishNavaSrI of AzhwAr, he performs mangaLASAsanam to them”.

emperumAnAr mercifully explains this decad giving importance to the residents of samsAram (this material realm) as – “AzhwAr thinking about the sufferings of the samsAris in thiruvAimozhi 4.9naNNAdhAr muRuvalippa“, as a remedy, instructs bhagavAn‘s supremacy in thiruvAimozhi 4.10onRum dhEvum” and reforms them; being reformed by that, as the barrier between samsAram and paramapadham gets broken, this allows those who are from paramapadham to come here freely; seeing this situation AzhwAr performs mangaLASAsanam”.

AzhwAr highlights the following aspects:

  • How well spread are those noble souls who have been reformed, as he instructed bhagavAn’s supremacy.
  • How shrunk are those rAjasa (passionate) and thAmasa (ignorance) persons due to their inattentive and ignorant nature.
  • How the vaishNava dharmam is conducted popularly, due to its being the best as pursued by the sAthvika (noble) persons.
  • How the dharmams which are contrary to the vaishNava dharmam, became mostly non-existent.
  • How due to coming in contact with bhagavAn, the place, time, qualified persons and their aspects have all acquired nobility as said in mahAbhAratham mOksha dharmam “sarvEshAm kila dharmANAm uththamO vaishNavO vidhi:“.
  • How without such contact with bhagavAn, everything is inferior, irrespective of having all [materialistic] goodness.

Highlighting these aspects, AzhwAr is bowing at the divine feet of those SrIvaishNavas who were reformed by him, reforming those who are qualified to be reformed and abandoning those who refuse to be reformed and thus performs mangaLASAsanam to the abundance of bhAgavathas.

[Translator’s note: As seen in and , poliga poliga decad and pAsuram points to the likes of thirumangai AzhwAr and SrI rAmAnuja (emperumAnAr), and directly points to emperumAnAr. emperumAnAr’s contemporary AchAryas and emperumAnAr himself asserted that poliga poliga points to emperumAnAr.]

Each pAsuram is discussed subsequently.

adiyen sarathy ramanuja dasan

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