thiruvAimozhi – 4.4 – maNNai irundhu

SrI:  SrImathE SatakOpAya nama:  SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama:  SrImath varavaramunayE nama:

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Highlights from thirukkurukaippirAn piLLAn‘s introduction

(maNNai irundhu) A girl (AzhwAr in feminine mood, parAnkuSa nAyaki) who is in separation of such loving emperumAn [as explained in previous decad], talking madly and constantly;  the mother of such a girl speaks the words of this girl unceasingly.

Highlights from nanjIyar‘s introduction

In fourth decad, emperumAn, seeing AzhwAr’s meditation on his praNaiythva (quality of being a beloved), knowing AzhwAr‘s nature, to pacify AzhwAr [to stop AzhwAr from being overwhelmed],  releases his embrace and separates from AzhwAr; at once, AzhwAr unable to see such loving emperumAn, becomes mad on him; AzhwAr consoles himself a little bit by seeing the objects which resemble him and which are related to him, yet grieves about not seeing him. AzhwAr speaks his state through the words of some one else (as the mother of a beloved in separation).

Highlights from vAdhi kEsari azhagiya maNavALa jIyar‘s introduction

In fourth decad – In this manner, after having mAnasa samSlEsham (togetherness with emperumAn in mind), AzhwAr desires to experience emperumAn but is unable to have that and thus starts grieving. He then starts talking about the following aspects of ISwara who has the qualities to pacify AzhwAr’s grief:

  1. His being together with vibhUthi dhvayam (two realms – spiritual realm and material realm)
  2. His being equally approachable by everyone.
  3. His prowess and kindness.
  4. Radiant, splendid, invigorating and distinguished nature of his form.
  5. His activities for the protection [of others].
  6. His enjoyable activities.
  7. His symbols of supremacy.
  8. His venerable nature of being with apt opulence.
  9. His favours towards his devotees.
  10. His ultimate simplicity.

AzhwAr, meditating upon such aspects, becomes more involved in sarvESvara seeing objects which are related to him and which resemble him. This is explained by AzhwAr through the words of a good mother of a beloved girl who is grieving after separating from her beloved man, as heard from those [friends] who are in close proximity of such a girl.

Highlights from periyavAchchAn piLLai‘s introduction

See nampiLLai‘s introduction.

Highlights from nampiLLai‘s introduction

In the previous decad – AzhwAr enjoyed his love and became mad. The [overwhelming] bliss he acquired was so much that it would nullify the svarUpam of both emperumAn and AzhwAr; to control that flow and pacify AzhwAr, ISvaran withdrew himself a little bit from the union with AzhwAr. Still, since AzhwAr got separated from emperumAn, that separation will not stop until having its impact [on AzhwAr]; being overwhelmed with grief, like a person who lost his wealth along with the bag will open and check everything which resembles his bag [AzhwAr too checks everything which resembles emperumAn]; as said in thiruvAimozhi 1.7.2vaippAm marundhAm” (wealth and medicine – goal and means), for AzhwAr, emperumAn is the wealth; thus, when AzhwAr sees objects which resemble emperumAn or objects which are related to emperumAn, he considers them to be emperumAn himself and checks closely only to find out that they are not emperumAn and unable to give up, becomes pained by that.

[Is there any one who suffered like this?] As said in SrI rAmAyaNam AraNya kANdam 60.35 “kvachith udh bhramathE vEgAth kvachith vibhramathE balAth | kvachith maththa ivAbAthi kAnthA anvEshaNa thathpara:” (SrI rAma who is searching for sIthA, is looking around and looking above; at one place he looks around in all directions with his ability, at other place he looks like a mad man), after getting separated from pirAtti, perumaL out of great grief, roams around looking above, stops after some time even unable to doing so, going from tree to tree, and asking “did you see maithili?”, searching in every river – AzhwAr is now going through the same grief as SrI rAma. The mother, seeing her [parAnkuSa nAyaki’s] suffering, speaks about her state and her words, and speaks about her own suffering on seeing her daughter’s suffering, and withdraws; finally emperumAn returns to AzhwAr and pacifies him to conclude this decad.

Each pAsuram is discussed subsequently.

adiyen sarathy ramanuja dasan

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