yathirAja vimSathi – 5

SrI:  SrImathE SatakOpAya nama:  SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama:  SrImath varavaramunayE nama:

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Ashtaksharakhya manuraja padatrayartha
Nishtam mamathra vitharadya Yatindra Natha /
Sishtagraganya janasevya bhavath padabje
Hrustasthu nityamubhuya mamasya buddhihi //

word-by-word meanings

Natha!   – Chief  for us
Yatindra  – Yatiraja
athra – in the ignorance world
adya  – reigned by Kalipursha
mama – for the low profile of myself
Ashtaksharakhya manuraja  – in the famous Ashtakshari Mantra
padatrayartha nishtam – the meaning of Om Namo Narayanaya i.e. ananyarhaseshatvam, ananyasaranathvam and ananyabhogyathvam, vithara –is to be given
Sishta agraganya jana sevya bhavath padabje  – among the disciples Kuresa, Pillan and so on who do not doubt your supremacy, a mean of liberation,  goal which is countable as Lord who is the Supreme, a mean and goal  and thought that  you are Supreme, you are a way, you are only the goal, they served at Your lotus like feet
nityam anubhuya – always experienced
asya mama bhuddhihi – low profile of my knowledge
hrushta – by enjoying the benefit of the experience
astu – to be done.

Simple Translation

Beginning with this Sloka to the final Sloka, the purport is of the third Sloka Nityam Yatindra. The 19th Sloka Sriman Yatindra is the end for the meaning of this Sloka which speaks the prayer for doing service to Yatindra and service to his servants. The 20th Sloka Vijnapanam Yatitham speaks by establishing the cause for meaning of first, end and middle portion matters.  The ultimate meaning of three words in Tirumantra are servitude to Acharya only, Acharya is the only means and Acharya is only to be experienced. The central meaning for Tirumantra is servitude to Bhagavathas only, Bhagavathas are the only means and Bhagavathas are only to be experienced. The first stage is Lord, middle stage is Bhagavathas and Charama or final Stage is Acharya. The eight syllabi Mantra of Akshastra Mantra, the three worded Om, Namaha, Narayanaya explains directly the Chieftain, means and experience – all are Lord only. Then in the place of Lord, Bhagavathas will be mentioned and afterwards those Bhagavathas point to Acharya who is all, as Acharya is the last resort for all. Hence, the first stage is Lord, the central stage is Bhagavathas and final stage is Acharya.  Hence, in this Sloka Mamunigal extolled Ramanuja and He is the meaning for the three words of Tirumantra, in which one can do service to Him, means as Him, goal as Him only and Mamunigal prays to seek his blessings.  The Nrisimha Mantra which has 32 syllabi is called Mantra Raja and to clearly distinguish, he refers Tirumantra Ashtaksharakya in the Sloka. Tirumantra is popular in the form of only eight syllabi.  In the second part of the Sloka, Mamunigal prays that he be blessed to do service at the feet of Sri Ramanuja, which was the cause for the experience of Kuresa, Mudaliyandan and others.

Translation by Sri U.Ve.Dr.M.Varadarajan Swami, MA, MA, PhD

Source: https://divyaprabandham.koyil.org/index.php/2015/10/yathiraja-vimsathi-tamil-slokam-5/

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