perumAL thirumozhi – 3.5 – thIdhil nanneRi

SrI: SrImathE SatakOpAya nama: SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama: SrImadh varavara munayE nama:

perumAL thirumozhi >> 3rd Decad

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avathArikai (Introduction)

AzhwAr says that he does not mingle with those who are desirous of lowly benefits and engage in improper activities, and that he developed affection only for emperumAn.

thIdhil nanneRi niRka allAdhu sey
nIdhiyArodum kUduvadhillai yAn
Adhi Ayan arangan andhAmaraip
pEdhai mA maNavALan than piththanE

Word-by-Word Meanings

thIdhil nanneRi niRka – while there are proper paths without any fault
allAdhu sey nIdhiyArodum – those who have taken a vow to keep desiring lowly benefits
yAn kUduvadhillai – I do not mingle
Adhi – being the causative factor for all the worlds
Ayan – incarnating as krishNa and being easy to approach for all
am thAmarai pEdhai mA maNavALan – being the consort of periya pirAttiyAr (SrI mahAlakshmi) who resides on a beautiful lotus flower
arangan than– in matters related to SrI ranganAthan
piththanE – I remained infatuated

Simple Translation

AzhwAr says that he does not mingle with those who have taken a vow to desire only lowly benefits even though there are proper paths which are without any fault, for them to follow. Instead, he says that he is infatuated with SrI ranganAthan, who is the consort of periya pirAttiyAr, who dwells on a beautiful lotus flower. He is the causative factor for all the worlds and was easy to approach, during his incarnation as krishNa.

vyAkyAnam (Commentary)

thIdhil nanneRi niRka – there are many ways which are without any fault, to attain emperumAn in this world, and to lead a righteous life. However, there are many people who observe various methods in order to attain benefits other than emperumAn himself. While looking at the benefits that they attain, it would appear that it would be better not to attain such benefits, and to refrain from indulging in such activities.

allAdhu sey nIdhiyArodum kUduvadhillai yAn – I do not mingle with those people who are pursuing such lowly benefits and who think that those benefits would uplift them.

In the next two lines, AzhwAr says that it is because of his infatuation with emperumAn that he was not mingling with such people.

Adhi – one who is the cause for all the worlds. atharvaSikai says “kAraNanthu dhyEya:” (only that entity who is responsible for the creation of all the worlds is apt to be meditated upon). emperumAn is the one who is apt to be worshipped upon, since he is the causative factor.

Ayan – though he is apt to be meditated upon, instead of remaining in paramapadham (SrI vaikuNtam) and being difficult to be seen, he incarnated as SrI rAma, krishNa et al and was easily accessible to all.

arangan – while incarnating, he did not make himself accessible only to those who were there during those times and leave back for paramapadham such that those who came in later times could not get any benefit. Instead, he took residence in SrI rangam so that even those who came in later times could worship him and get the benefit of his presence.

andhAmaraip pEdhai mAmaNavALan than piththanE – I became infatuated with emperumAn who is the loving consort of periya pirAtti, who dwells on a beautiful lotus and who is the decorative entity for all women. The verse andhAmaraip pEdhai mA maNavALan indicates the unique greatness of periya pirAtti. If the jIvAthmA (soul born in the materialistic realm) takes one step towards emperumAn (viz. if he becomes a little bit favourable), she magnifies it and removes the hurt caused in emperumAn’s heart by the faulty activities of the jIvAthmA, by being the purushakArabhUthai (one who recommends the jIvAthmA to paramAthmA). It is pertinent to recall SrI rAmAyaNam AraNya kANdam SlOkam 37-18 here: “apramEyam hi thaththEjO yasya sA janakAthmajA l na thvam samarthas thAm harthum rAmAchApASrayAm vanE ll”
((mArIchan tells rAvaNan) that splendour of SrI rAma, who, pirAtti, the divine daughter of janaka maharAja belongs to, is inestimable. You are not capable of bringing here that pirAtti who lives under his bow). The implied meaning here is that emperumAn acquires greatness because he is the sweet consort of such pirAtti. AzhwAr says that he does not mingle with the others because he is infatuated with matters relating to that emperumAn.

We will next take up the 6th pAsuram of this decad.

adiyEn krishNa rAmAnuja dhAsan

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