SrI: SrImathE SatakOpAya nama: SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama: SrImath varavaramunayE nama:
periya thirumozhi >> Fourth centum >> Tenth decad
Highlights from avathArikai (Introduction)
No specific introduction.
kARRidaip pULai karandhana arandhai uRak kadal arakkar tham sEnaik
kURRidaich chellak kodungaNai thurandha kOlavilli irAman than kOyil
URRidai ninRa vAzhaiyin kanigaL Uzhththu vIzhndhana uNdu maNdich
chERRidaik kayalgaL ugaL thigazh vayal sUzh thiruveLLiyangudi adhuvE
Word-by-Word meanings
kARRidai – in great wind
pULai – a tender flower
karandhana – just as it will be destroyed
kadal – like ocean
arakkar tham – rAkshasas’
sEnai – army
arandhai uRa – to suffer
kURRidai – yama’s place
sella – to reach
kodu – cruel
kaNai – arrows
thurandha – shot
kOla – beautiful
villi – having bow
rAman than – chakravarthith thirumagan’s
kOyil – dhivyadhESam is
URRidai – in the land where there are water-springs
ninRa – sprouted
vAzhaiyin – plantain trees’
Uzhththu – (well ripened and) separated
vIzhndhana – and fell down
kanigaL – fruits
maNdi – eagerly
uNdu – ate
kayalgaL – kayal fish
sERRidai – in the muddy areas
ugaL – jumping
thigazh – shining
vayal – by fertile fields
sUzh – surrounded
thiruveLLiyangudi adhuvE – it is thiruveLLiyangudi
Simple translation
thiruveLLIyangudi is the dhivyadhESam of chakravarthith thirumagan who is having a beautiful bow with which he shot cruel arrows on the ocean-like army of rAkshasas to make them suffer and reach yama’s abode, just as tender pULai flower will be destroyed in a great wind. It is surrounded by shining fertile fields where kayal fish, which eagerly eat fruits which got separated and fell down from the sprouted plantain trees which are in the land where there are water-springs, are jumping in the muddy areas.
Highlights from vyAkyAnam (Commentary)
kARRidai … – Just as pULai flower will be blown away and be destroyed, in a great wind.
arandhai uRa – To suffer. The whole army of rAkshasas who came like an agitated ocean with waves.
kURRidaich chella – These rAkshasas who previously subdued yama and collected taxes from him, have now become his citizens. When the rAkshasas went on a victorious journey, they first defeated yama.
kodungaNai thurandha – He shot the arrows which will not show mercy even if he shows mercy.
kOla villi rAman kOyil – All of those rAkshasas who will be destroyed just by the way he holds his bow, were thinking “Would we not be killed by him?” – the abode where such chakravarthith thirumagan who is having such beautiful bow is residing. It was told in SrI rAmAyaNam yudhdha kANdam 104.6 “ranjanIyasya” (SrI rAma’s valour is liked even by his enemies). As said in SrI rAmAyaNam yudhdha kANdam 59.130 “chachAla chApancha mumOcha vIra:” (rAvaNa walked unsteadily; he let go of his bow), one would drop one’s bow being disheartened. It has to be like that when it is said “vIra:” (the valorous one).
URRidai … -Bananas will ripe well, separate from the trees which were in the water bodies and fall on vALai fish in the muddy area; as their food appears close to them, they will eagerly consume the same and will jump around showing their strength; being surrounded by such shining fertile fields. The vALai fish are moving around in the muddy area just as in water. Even if they are placed in deluge, they will make that muddy with their strength.
In the next article we will enjoy the next pAsuram.
adiyen sarathy ramanuja dasan
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