SrI: SrImathE SatakOpAya nama: SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama: SrImath varavaramunayE nama:
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pAsuram 34
Thirty fourth pAsuram. mAmunigaL had been mercifully stating the divine stars and the places where AzhwArs had incarnated, until now. In the third pAsuram, he had carried out mangaLASAsanam to the divine works of our preceptors by saying “thAzhvAdhumil kuravar thAm vAzhi – EzhpArum uyya avargaL uraiththa avaigaL thAm vAzhi”. He now resolves that he would mercifully state the glories of the vyAkyAnams (commentaries) given by our AchAryAs (preceptors) for the compositions of AzhwArs, in the ensuing pAsurams.
AzhwArgaL ERRam aruLichcheyal ERRam
thAzhvAdhum inRi avai thAm vaLarththOr – Ezh pArum
uyya avargaL seydha vyAkkiyaigaL uLLadhellAm
vaiyam aRiyap pagarvOm vAyndhu
We will mention the vyAkyAnams (commentaries) of our preceptors who had no lowliness about them and who nurtured the uniqueness of AzhwArs as well as of their aruLichcheyals (divine compositions) which did not have any deficiency in them, so that the people of the world would know about them.
The uniqueness of AzhwArs is the granting of faultless knowledge and devotion by emperumAn, causelessly. The uniqueness of their aruLichcheyals is that they revealed the meanings of vEdhas in a simplified manner and that they did not talk about anything other than matters related to emperumAn. Our preceptors dedicated themselves to uplifting the people of the world, meditating constantly on emperumAn and serving him, without looking at the worldly pursuits such as accumulating fame, wealth or greatness for themselves, which are considered as lowly.
pAsuram 35
Thirty fifth pAsuram. He tells his heart that those who despise AzhwArs and their aruLichcheyals without understanding their greatness, are very lowly.
AzhwArgaLaiyum aruLichcheyalgaLaiyum
thAzhvA ninaippavardhAm naragil – vIzhvArgaL
enRu ninaiththu nenjE epppozhudhum nI avar pAl
senRaNugak kUsiththiRi
Oh heart! There are people who, without considering AzhwArs and their divine compositions as very eminent, think very lowly about them. Such people will fall in hell. Stay away from such people, and do not go near them and do not be friendly with them, since that will be ruinous for us.
AzhwArs, who are very dear to emperumAn, incarnated on this earth and showed the way to the people of the world to uplift themselves. If people think lowly of them because of the clan in which they were born or because their compositions were in thamizh language, emperumAn himself will not forgive them; he will push them into hell. When this is the state, how could you be together with them? Hence, if you see them, with a sense of disgust, stay away from them.
adiyEn krishNa rAmAnuja dhAsan
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