upadhEsa raththina mAlai – Simple Explanation – pAsurams 36 and 37

SrI: SrImathE SatakOpAya nama: SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama: SrImath varavaramunayE nama:

upadhEsa raththina mAlai

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pAsuram 36

Thirty sixth pAsuram. He tells his heart that there is none other than our AchAryars who truthfully know the eminence of AzhwArs and that of their aruLichcheyals.

theruLuRRa AzhwArgaL sIrmai aRivAr Ar
aruLichcheyalai aRivAr Ar – aruL peRRa
nAdhamuni mudhalAm nam dhEsigarai allAl
pEdhai manamE uNdO pEsu

Oh ignorant heart! Who knows the greatness of AzhwArs who had received clear knowledge? Who knows the greatness of aruLichcheyals which they had composed? You speak after analysing if there is anyone other than our AchAryas (preceptors) starting with nAthamuni, who had received the grace of AzhwArs, especially from nammAzhwAr.

Only our AchaAryas know well the glories of our AzhwArs. If a person understood a particular concept well, he would conduct himself according to that concept. We can understand that our pUrvAchAryas alone had clear knowledge about AzhwArs and their aruLichcheyals from the fact that they mercifully composed the commentaries for AzhwArs’ aruLichcheyals and followed in their way without slipping from that.

pAsuram 37

Thirty seventh pAsuram. He mercifully reveals that the path of prapaththi (surrendering to emperumAn) was handed down from one preceptor to the next as a lineage, starting with nAthamuni and that emperumAnAr, through his causeless mercy, changed it.

OrANvazhiyAy upadhEsiththAr munnOr
ErAr edhirAsar innaruLAl – pAr ulagil
Asai udaiyOrkku ellAm AriyargAL kURum enRu
pEsi varambu aRuththAr pin

Before the time of emperumAnAr, the previous AchAryas would instruct the meanings of prapaththi to eminent disciples alone. They had hidden it from others, considering the greatness of the concept. emperumAnAr, who had fitting greatness, through his deep compassion, unable to tolerate the sufferings of the people of this world, called the great AchAryas such as kUraththAzhwAn, mudhaliyANdAn et al, who were ordained by him in our sampradhAyam (traditional beliefs), told them “Instruct whosoever is desirous of attaining emperumAn, with compassion just as I had done” and severed the restriction of instructing only select few, which was in force earlier.

adiyEn krishNa rAmAnuja dhAsan

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