periya thirumozhi – 5.7.1 – paNdai nAnmaRaiyum

SrI:  SrImathE SatakOpAya nama:  SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama:  SrImath varavaramunayE nama:

periya thirumozhi >> Fifth centum >> Seventh decad

Highlights from avathArikai (Introduction)

No specific introduction.


paNdai nAnmaRaiyum vELviyum kELvip padhangaLum padhangaLin poruLum
piNdamAy virindha piRangoLi analum perugiya punalodu nilanum
koNdal mArudhamum kurai kadal Ezhum EzhumA malaigaLum visumbum
aNdamum thAnAy ninRa emperumAn arangamA nagar amarndhAnE

Word-by-Word meanings

paNdai – time immemorial
nAl maRaiyum – four vEdhams
vELviyum – yAgams (sacrifices)
kELvi – to be heard and learnt
padhangaLum – vyAkaraNa SAsthram (grammar)
padhangaLin – words’
poruLum – meanings, viz. the group of AthmAs (which are revealed through SAsthram)
piNdamAy – being in the causal state
virindha – (subsequently) expanded
piRangu – shining
oLi – having radiance
analum – fire
perugiya – overflowing
punalodu – with water
nilanum – earth
koNdal – cloud
mArudhamum – wind
kurai – boisterous
Ezh kadalum – seven oceans
mA – vast
Ezh malaigaLum – seven anchoring mountains
visumbum – sky
aNdamum – brahmANdam (oval shaped universe)

(all of these)
thAnAy – having as his prakAram (form)
ninRa – mercifully present
emperumAn – sarvESvaran
aranga mA nagar – in this dhivyadhESam named SrIrangam
amarndhAn – mercifully resting.

Simple translation

sarvESvaran who is mercifully present having the four vEdhams which are time immemorial, yAgams, vyAkaraNa SAsthram which is to be heard and learnt, meanings of the words, viz. the group of AthmAs, the prakruthi which was in causal state first and then expanded as shining fire which is having radiance, earth with overflowing water, cloud, wind, boisterous seven oceans, vast seven anchoring mountains, sky and brahmANdam, as his prakAram (form), is mercifully resting in this dhivyadhESam named SrIrangam.

Highlights from vyAkyAnam (Commentary)

paNdai nAnmaRai … – As said in kAtakam 3-9-50 “pUrvE pUrvEbhyO vacha EthadhUchu:” (the forefathers repeated the words of their forefathers), since vEdhams are learnt based on the repetition of previously spoken words, vEdhams which are free from all faults which occur from being created by an individual; the rituals such as yAgams which are ordained in those vEdhams; vyAkaraNa SAsthram (grammar) which should be learnt as words and letters, by hearing; the group of all AthmAs which are known by those words; pancha bhUthams (five elements) starting with fire, water, earth etc which are expanded from achith samashti (group of insentient entities which are together) which is the cause for the multitude of effects; clouds which show up and help the chEthanas when they need; wind which also helps similarly; the seven oceans which are boisterous and are like a fence for the earth; the huge mountains which are like anchors for the earth; the ether/space which accommodates all of these in it; pervading the oval shaped universe which is made of all of these, and performing anupravESam (manifesting his presence to guide all the entities), as said in SrIvishNu purANam 1.22.86 “thAni sarvANi thathvapu:” (everything is a SarIram (body) for that paramAthmA), since he remains to be indicated by any word which indicates these entities, sarvESvaran, who is being the lord by being the AthmA of all these entities which are his bodies, is mercifully resting in SrIrangam. AzhwAr says that he got to enjoy that emperumAn.

In the next article we will enjoy the next pAsuram.

adiyen sarathy ramanuja dasan

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