SrI: SrImathE SatakOpAya nama: SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama: SrImath varavaramunayE nama:
periya thirumozhi >> Fifth centum >> Sixth decad
Highlights from avathArikai (Introduction)
No specific introduction.
nIr azhalAy nedu nilanAy ninRAnai anRu arakkan
Ur azhalAl uNdAnaik kaNdAr pin kANAmE
pErazhalAyp peruvisumbAyp pin maRaiyOr mandhiraththin
ArazhalAl uNdAnaik kaNdadhu thennarangaththE
Word-by-Word meanings
nIrAy – being in the form of water
azhalAy – being in the form of fire too
nedu – vast
nilanAy – being the earth
ninRAnai – being the antharyAmi for pancha bhUthams
anRu – during the time of SrI rAmAvathAram
arakkan – rAvaNAsura’s
Ur – town of lankA
kaNdAr – those who had seen (previously)
kANAmE – be unable to see (with the same beauty)
azhalAl – through fire
uNdAnai – one who destroyed
pEr – huge
azhalAy – being in the form of badabAgni (batabA indicates female horse. It is said that a female horse resides in the middle of the ocean which controls the agitation of the ocean, with fire in its mouth)
peru – immeasurable
visumbAy – being the controller of paramapadham
pin – further
maRaiyOr – brAhmaNas’
mandhiraththu – havis (offering) in the form of manthra
Ar azhalAl – (by that offering) through fire which became satisfied
uNdAnai – one who mercifully consumed
kaNdadhu then arangaththE – seeing in the beautiful SrIrangam
Simple translation
I am seeing in the beautiful SrIrangam, bhagavAn who is in the form of water, fire, vast earth and thus being the antharyAmi of pancha bhUthams, who during the time of SrI rAmAvathAram, destroyed through fire, rAvaNAsura’s town of lankA such that those who had previously seen it could not see it subsequently; he is in the form of batabAgni (a type of fire) and is the controller of the immeasurable paramapadham; further, he mercifully consumed brAhmaNas’ havis in the form of manthra through fire which became satisfied in accepting it.
Highlights from vyAkyAnam (Commentary)
nIr … – Through thrivruth karaNam (creation through 3 elements), panchI karaNam (creation through 5 elements) is explained.
anRu … – When rAvaNa was tormenting others; those who saw his town with fort, kitchens, streets, could subsequently not see the same, by destroying it with fire as said in SrI rAmAyaNam sundhara kANdam 26.22 “smaSAna sadhruSI bhavEth” (This lankA will become like graveyard),
pEr azhalAy – Being batabA mukAgni here and being the apt destination of paramapadham for those who escaped the boundaries of this material world and reached there.
maRaiyOr … – To help them attain paramapadham, one who consumes the havis in the form of manthram, in the yagyas (fire sacrifice), through thrEthAgni (a type of fire in the yagya). SrI bhagavath gIthA 9.24 “aham hi sarvayagyAnAm bhokthA cha prabhur Eva cha | na thu mAm abhijAnanthi thathvEnAthaS chyavanthi thE ||” (I am only the enjoyer and the benefactor of all yagyas. Those who are only engaged in pUrva bhAgam (ritualistic aspects), do not know me truly (as the antharyAmi (indwelling super soul)) and hence they miss out on the main benefits).
In the next article we will enjoy the next pAsuram.
adiyen sarathy ramanuja dasan
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