SrI: SrImathE SatakOpAya nama: SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama: SrImath varavaramunayE nama:
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Highlights from avathArikai (Introduction)
No specific introduction.
than sinaththaith thavirththu adaindhAr thava neRiyaith thariyAdhu
kanjanaik konRu anRu ulagam uNdu umizhndha kaRpagaththai
venjinaththa kodum thozhilOn visai uruvai asaiviththa
anjiRaip puL pAganai yAn kaNdadhu thennarangaththE
Word-by-Word meanings
tham – their
sinaththai – anger
thavirththu – giving up
adaindhAr – those who reached him
thavam – in the form of firm belief
neRiyai – being the one who conducts their means
thariyAdhu – being unable to tolerate the sufferings (underwent by his mother and father)
kanjanai – kamsan
konRu – being the one who killed
anRu – during the time of deluge
ulagam – world
uNdu – swallowed
umizhndha – one who let it out during creation
kaRpagaththai – being most magnanimous
vem – very fierce
sinaththa – being angry
kodum – cruel
thozhilOn – rudhra who is having activities, his
visai – having fast movement
uruvai – body
asaiviththa – (in the bANAsura battle) one who made to tremble
am – beautiful
siRai – having wings
puL – garudAzhwAr
pAganai – sarvESvaran, who rides
yAn kaNdadhu then arangaththE – I am seeing in the beautiful SrIrangam
Simple translation
I am seeing in the beautiful SrIrangam, sarvESvaran who is the one who conducts the means of those who give up their anger and reach him; being unable to tolerate the sufferings (underwent by his mother and father), he killed kamsan; during the time of deluge he, being most magnanimous, swallowed the world and let it out during creation; rudhra, being fiercely angry, is having cruel activities; in the bANAsura battle, bhagavAn made such rudhra’s body tremble; he rides garudAzhwAr who is having beautiful wings.
Highlights from vyAkyAnam (Commentary)
tham sinaththai – Saying as in SrI bhagavath gIthA 9.1 “anasUyavE” (those who are not jealous of me), krishNa told [arjuna] “There is none as qualified as yourself; when I spoke about my greatness, you did not get angry; I am going to tell you more, carefully listen to me”. One should only avoid hatred; for those who eliminated hatred and approached him, he himself conducts the means to attain him.
thariyAdhu – Explains how he remains with those who have hatred. As kamsan was trying to torment SrI vasudhEvar and dhEvaki, being unable to tolerate it, he thought “we cannot leave him here even for one more moment” and killed him.
anRu … – This is how he remains towards those who neither hate him nor approach him. Hear he protects those who are in danger. He protects seeing the presence of danger. He only sees the relationship [between jIvAthmA and paramAthmA].
kaRapagaththai – One who does not even think that “I have helped so much”.
vem sinaththa … – Having cruel anger, rudhran is having the cruel activity of upasamhAram (annihilation) which is in the form of hurting creatures; krishNa made such rudhra’s form shake. As the bull ran with its tail lifted, rudhran spread out his matted hair and was running away saying as in SrIvishNu purANam “krishNa krishNa mahAbhAhO” (Oh krishNa! Oh krishNa! Oh one who has mighty shoulders!). One who has garuda as vehicle and made rudhra run away like this. This section could be explaining bANAsura vadham and narakAsura vadham as well.
In the next article we will enjoy the next pAsuram.
adiyen sarathy ramanuja dasan
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