perumAL thirumozhi – 6.10 – alli malarth thirumangai

SrI: SrImathE SatakOpAya nama: SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama: SrImadh varavara munayE nama:

perumAL thirumozhi >> 6th Decad

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avathArikai (Introduction)

By giving the benefits to those who learn this decad, AzhwAr brings the decad to an end.

alli malarth thirumangai kELvan thannai nayandh(dhu) iLa AychchimArgaL
ellippozhudhinil EmaththUdi eLgiyuraiththa uraiyadhanaik
kolli nagarkkiRai kUdaRkOmAn kulasEkaran innisaiyin mEvich
cholliya indhamizh mAlai paththum sollavallArkku illai thunbandhAnE

Word-by-Word Meanings

iLa AychchimArgaL – youthful cowherd girls
alli malar thirumangai kELvan thanni nayandhu – desiring the consort of periyapirAtti, who was born in a lotus flower
elli Emap pozhudhinilE – in the middle of the night
Udi – having love-quarrel
eLgi – (due to that) being involved
uraiththa – spoken
urai adhanai – the pAsurams
kolli nagarkku iRai – the king of kolli nagar
kUdal kOmAn – the chief of madhurai
kulasEkaran – kulaSEkhara AzhwAr
in isaiyil mEvi – to fit well with sweet music
in thamizh – in sweet thamizh language
mAlai – like a garland
paththum – these ten pAsurams
solla vallArrku – those who are capable of learning
thunbandhAn illai – (as a hurdle to bhagavadh anubhavam (experiencing matters relating to emperumAn)) no sorrow will entail

Simple Translation

Youthful cowherd girls, in the middle of the night, had a love-quarrel with kaNNan, the consort of periya pirAtti, who was born in a lotus flower. Due to their involvement with kaNNan, they spoke some words. kulaSEkhara AzhwaAr, the king of chEra and pANdiya kingdoms, composed those words as a garland, set to music in sweet thamizh language. Those who are capable of learning these ten pAsurams will not experience any sorrow which could be a hurdle to their bhagavadh anubhavam.

vyAkyAnam (Commentary)

allimalarth thirumangai kELvan thannai nayandhu – desiring kaNNan, who is the consort of periya pirAttiyar, who was born in a lotus flower. Once he has been identified as “alli malarth thirumangai kELvan” it is clear that he has huge affection towards cowherd girls who show affection towards him.

iLa AychchimArgaL – unlike kaNNan who has matured well, they are so youthful that they will not be able to sustain themselves should they separate from him.

ellip popzhudhinil Emaththu– in the middle of the night when there is no one to separate them should they unite.

Udi eLgi uraiththa urai adhanai – having love quarrel initially, subsequently engaging with each other due to that, and that engagement manifesting as words; such a pAsuram.

kolli nagarkku iRai kUdal kOmAnkolli refers to thiruvanjikkaLam, the capital city of chEra kingdom. kUdal refers to madhurai, the capital city of pANdiya kingdom. Earlier (in the pAsuram 2.10) he had referred to himself as kOzhikkOn. kOzhi refers to uRaiyUr, the capital city of chOzha kingdom. Thus, this refers to kulaSEkharap perumAL being the king of chEra, chOzha and pANdiya kingdoms. It appears that just as the cowherd girls left the esteem of their femininity, AzhwAr left the esteem of being the head of the three kingdoms.

innisaiyil mEvich chonna inthamizh mAlai paththum – SrI rAmAyaNam bAlakANdam 4.8 says “pAtyE gEyE cha madhuram pramANais thribhiranvitham l jAthibhis sapthabhir badhdham thanthreelayasamanvitham ||” ((kuSa and lava sang) SrI rAma kAviyam (SrI rAma’s narrative) which is sweet to read or to sing, having three meters (namely dhrutham, madhyam and viLambitham), having seven notes (namely shatjam, nishAdham, dhaivatham, panchamam, madhyamam, ghAndhAram, rishabham), in synchronisation with the strings of vINA and rhythm). Similar to this, the sweet thamizh garland of ten pAsurams which were mercifully composed sweetly, fitting well with musical notes.

solla vallArkku illai thubam thane – even if one does not have the pathos of AzhwAr’s nAyaki (consort of emperumAn) mental make-up, will there be any hurdle for anyone who learns these ten pAsurams in experiencing emperumAn? Those who learn the ten pAsurams will always engage with matters relating to emperumAn, without having such doubts. Unlike the love-quarrel which happened [to the cowherd girls, as a hurdle] while experiencing emperumAn, they will have bhagavadh anubhavam as their routine.

We will, next, take up the 7th decad of this prabandham.

adiyEn krishNa rAmAnuja dhAsan

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