perumAL thirumozhi – 6th decad

SrI: SrImathE SatakOpAya nama: SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama: SrImadh varavara munayE nama:

perumAL thirumozhi

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AzhwAr had enjoyed, in the previous decads, the dhivyadhEsams SrI rangam, thirumalai and thiruviththuvakkOdu on which emperumAn had mercifully showered his grace. That experience created a desire in him to enjoy krishNAvathAram, which was in very close proximity to this kaliyugam. Thus, similar to nammAzhwAr’s “minnidai madavar” (thiruvAimozhi 6.2) padhigam, he enjoys kaNNan (krishNa) in this padhigam. In the previous (5th) padhigam, he had said that he does not have anyone else to go to and felt sad that emperumAn had not showered his mercy on him. Due to that, the urge to experience emperumAn multiplied several folds in him, leading to his attaining the pathos of a pirAtti (consort of emperumAn) and he speaks in the way of cowherd girls who join with kaNNan initially and then separate from him due to love-quarrel.

In “minnidai madavAr” padhigam, nammAzhwAr had attained the state of cowherd girls who were engaging in love-quarrel with kaNNan and composed the pAsurams in that padhigam. thirumangai AzhwAr too, in his periya thirumozhi 10.8 padhigam “kAdhil kadippu” had attained a similar state and composed the pAsurams in that padhigam. In this padhigam, kulaSEkhara AzhwAr has mercifully composed the pAsurams after attaining a similar state [to nammAzhwAr and thirumangai AzhwAr]. nammAzhwAr in 6.2 padhigam “minnidai madavAr” had clearly manifested his involvement with kaNNan and composed pAsurams such as thiruvAimozhi 6.2.1 “pOgu nambi” (Oh my benefactor! Go out of my sight), 6.2.5 “kazhaREl nambi” (Oh my benefactor! Do not use false words with us), 6.2.7 “oru nAnRu thadi piNakkE” (it is possible that we could hit you with a stick), using harsh words. thirumangai AzhwAr, in his 10.8 padhigam, had composed the pAsurams to clearly manifest the softness in his mind and gently asked “idhuven idhuven idhuvennO” (Why do you have to decorate yourself with all these ornaments and rich clothes and come so late here to see us?) kulaSEkhara AzhwAr, to clearly manifest that he is born in a regal clan, says “vAsudhEvA! un varavu pArththE” (Oh the son of vasudhEva! I was expecting your arrival).

This AzhwAr was born at the beginning of kaliyugam. krishNAvathAram, which occurred towards the end of dhvApara yugam, happened very close to AzhwAr’s incarnation. AzhwAr was distressed that “I had not been born a bit earlier” or “I lost the opportunity to experience krishNAvathAram just like food hitting the teeth [while eating] and falling to the ground”. That distress caused a huge affection in him towards kaNNan, matching the love which all the five lakh girls in thiruvAyppAdi (SrI gOkulam) had towards kaNNan. As a result, he speaks in the style of the cowherd girls, in this padhigam.

We will take up the first pAsuram of this decad, next.

adiyEn krishNa rAmAnuja dhAsan

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