perumAL thirumozhi – 7th decad

SrI: SrImathE SatakOpAya nama: SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama: SrImadh varavara munayE nama:

perumAL thirumozhi

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While sIthAppirAtti was in aSOka vanam, when she saw hanuman there, she expresses her anger, born out of deep affection for SrI rAma, to hanuman “Why is SrI rAmapirAn not exercising his power and redeeming me from lankA?” through the SrI rAmAyaNam sundhara kANdam 36-29 SlOkam “dharmApadhESAth thyajathaScha rAjyam mAm chApyaraNyam nayatha: padhAthim l nAsIth vyathA thyasya nabhIr na SOka: kachchith sa dhairyam hrudhayE karOthi ll ” (rAma left the kingdom as an indication of his righteousness. He did not have any trouble or fear or sorrow, even when he took me to the forest by foot. I hope that the same rAma is with boldness in his heart (after leaving me)). She tells hanuman, due to anger arising out of overflowing love for SrI rAma “All of you think that he came to the forest in order to fulfil the words of his father. It appears that he did not come for that. He has come only to let go of me, who held his hand with utmost faith”. In SrI rAmAyaNam sundhara kANdam 35-10 SlOkam hanuman tells sIthAppirAtti “rakshithA jIva lOkasya sva janasya cha rakshithA” (SrI rAma protects all the worlds; he protects his own people). sIthAppirAtti tells him that SrI rAma has given up this pride too. Just like sIthAppirAtti engaged in love-quarrel with SrI rAma, kulaSEkhara AzhwAr too attained the mental make-up of a cowherd girl and engaged in love-quarrel with krishNa, in the previous decad. All the jIvas (entities with knowledge) have the same relationship as pirAtti, with emperumAn. Knowing that everyone is a consort to emperumAn, he engaged with emperumAn in the paradigm of love-quarrel, in the previous decad. He realised that he had the deficiency, for a very long time, of not engaging in bhagavadh vishayam (matters relating to emperumAn) where he had the right to engage in love-quarrel. Hence, he attains the pathos of dhEvaki [biological mother of krishNa], who complains about her losses to krishNa [after krishNa had killed kamsa and arrived at the jail to set her and vasudhEvar free]. This decad expresses AzhwAr’s wailing on what he had lost all along, while recounting in the pathos of dhEvaki, on what she had lost. Even though she had given birth to krishNa, she had to send him off to thiruvAyppAdi (SrI gOkulam) on the same the night that he has born. She had lost out on all the playful activities which krishNa had engaged in, as a child, in thiruvAyppAdi. Until the time when krishNa [after returning to madhurA] killed kamsa, removing all the hurdles which were present to prevent his reunion with his mother dhEvaki and appeared in front of dhEvaki, has dhEvaki not missed out on his childish pranks and truant acts! This decad recollects her wailing on what she had missed out.

We will take up the first pAsuram of this decad, next.

adiyEn krishNa rAmAnuja dhAsan

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