SrI: SrImathE SatakOpAya nama: SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama: SrImath varavaramunayE nama:
periya thirumozhi >> Fourth centum >> Fourth decad
Highlights from avathArikai (Introduction)
No specific introduction.
poRRodith thOL madamagaL than vadivu koNda
pollAdha vanpEychchi kongai vAngi
peRReduththa thAy pOla maduppa Arum
pENA nanjuNdu ugandha piLLai kaNdIr
nel thoduththa malar neelam niRaindha sUzhal
irunjiRaiya vaNdoliyum nedungaNAr tham
siRRadi mEl silamboliyum mizhaRRum nAngUrth
thiruththetRiyambalaththu en sengaNmAlE
Word-by-Word meanings
nel – on paddy grains
thoduththa – tied in rows
neelam malar – by karuneydhal flowers
niRaindha – complete
sUzhal – in the surroundings
irum – beautiful
siRaiya – having wings
vaNdu – beetles’
oliyum – sound
nedum – wide
kaNAr tham – ladies who are having eyes
siRu – small
adi mEl – worn on the feet
silambu – anklets’
oliyum – sound
mizhaRRu – sounding in an incoherent manner
nAngUr – in thirunAngUr
thiruththeRRi ambalaththu – mercifully residing in the dhivyadhESam named thiruththeRRi ambalam
en – being my lord
sem kaN mAl – sarvESvaran who is having reddish eyes
pon – golden
thodi – having bangles on the forearm
thOL – having shoulders
madam – filled with noble qualities
magaL than – yaSOdhAp pirAtti’s
vadivu – form
koNda – one who came accepting
pollAdha – evil
van – cruel-hearted
pEychchi – pUthanA
kongai – (her) bosom
vAngi – pulled out from the cloth which was covering it
peRRu eduththa – one who gave birth
thAypOla – like the mother
maduppa – placed (in his mouth) (at that time)
Arum – anyone
pENA – not desired
nanju – poison (in that bosom)
uNdu – mercifully consumed
ugandha – became joyful
piLLai kaNdIr – this is the child.
Simple translation
Reddish-eyed sarvESvaran, my lord, is mercifully residing in the dhivyadhESam named thiruththeRRi ambalam in thirunAngUr. This abode is having surroundings which are filled with karuneydhal flowers tied in rows on top of paddy grains, where the sound of beautifully winged beetles and the sound of the anklets which decorate the small feet of the wide-eyed ladies are heard incoherently; such sarvESvaran is the child who became joyful on consuming the poison which was given by evil, cruel-hearted pUthanA who assumed the form of yaSOdhAp pirAtti, who was having shoulders with her forearm decorated with golden bangles, by pulling out her bosom from the cloth which was covering it and gave it like the mother who gave birth to him, and which was not desired by anyone.
Highlights from vyAkyAnam (Commentary)
poRRodi … – pUthanA disguised herself as yaSOdhAp pirAtti who is having shoulder which has forearm decorated with golden bangles and is having noble qualities, who decorates herself thinking “If we don’t decorate nicely, krishNa will feel bad”.
vadivu koNda pollAdha van pEychchi – Who is imitating whose form! pUthanA is a cruel demoness; yaSOdhAp pirAtti is having beautiful shoulders with decorated forearms.
kongai vAngip peRReduththa thAy pOl maduppa – Taking her bosom and feeding him as if she were his mother.
Arum pENA nanjuNdu ugandha piLLai kaNdIr – Consuming the poison which is not desired by anyone and remained childish and hence became joyful. If one had knowledge one would not consume poison.
nel thoduththa … – In the surroundings which are filled with kuvaLai flowers tied in rows on top of paddy grains, there was the sound of the beautifully winged beetles and the sound of the anklets from the small feet of the ladies who have distinguished eyes.
mizhaRRu nAngUr – Since both sounds are of incoherent words which cannot distinguish the letters, words and meanings, it is not possble to differentiate between the sound of the anklets and the sound of the beetles.
In the next article we will enjoy the next pAsuram.
adiyen sarathy ramanuja dasan
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