SrI: SrImathE SatakOpAya nama: SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama: SrImath varavaramunayE nama:
periya thirumozhi >> Third centum >> Fifth decad
Highlights from avathArikai (Introduction)
No specific introduction.
nennal pOy varum enRenRu eNNi irAmai en manaththE pugundhadhu
immaikku enRu irundhEn eRi nIr vaLanjeRuvil
senneR kUzhai varamporeei arivAr mugaththezhu vALai pOy karumbu
annaRkAdu aNaiyum aNiyAli ammAnE
Word-by-Word meanings
eRi – rising waves
nIr vaLam – having abundance of water
seRuvil – in fertile fields
sennel kUzhai – strong paddy crops
varambu oreei – placing the top portion of those crops on the boundaries of the fertile fields
arivAr – those who harvest
mugaththu – in the face
ezhu – jumping to reach
vALai – vALai fish [scabbard fish]
pOy – left those fields
annal – having dense bushes
karumbuk kAdu – sugarcane forest
adaiyum – reaching
aNiyAli ammAnE – oh lord of the beautiful thiruvAli!
nennal pOy – went yesterday
varum – coming tomorrow
enRu enRu eNNi – thinking in this manner
irAmai – to not remain
en manaththE – in adiyEn’s heart
pugundhadhu – your entry and presence
immaikku enRu irundhEn – I thought it is to cause joy for me in this world.
Simple translation
vALai fish which were jumping to reach the faces of those who were placing the top portion of the strong paddy crops on the boundaries of the fertile fields which are having abundance of water with rising waves, left those fields and are reaching the sugarcane forest having dense bushes; oh lord of such beautiful thiruvAli! Instead of having to remain thinking that you went yesterday and will be coming tomorrow, I thought that your entry and presence in adiyEn’s heart is to cause joy for me in this world.
Highlights from vyAkyAnam (Commentary)
nennal … – Having to constantly think “He went yesterday, will return today”; not having to spend the time thinking “yesterday was gone; today is here; tomorrow will also come” in the context of time.
en … – emperumAn came and entered my heart so that I don’t have to spend my time thinking like this, and I thought this act was to add joy for me in this life. immai means “this world”; inmai means inimai, joy.
eRi nIr … – seRu – sey – fertile fields; there are those beautiful fields, where water is having rising waves; in those fields, there are sen nel kUzhai – sen nel thalai – the top portion of reddish paddy; placing them on the boundaries of the field and cutting them; as said in paingUzh, kUzhai implies kUzh, which means reddish paddy crop; those who cut such a crop.
varamboreei – Being unable to cut them directly due to their strong nature like diamond, taking the top portion of the crop, placing them on the boundaries of the field and cutting the edge; when they gathered the crops and held, the vALai fish will try to jump on their face and move from the dangerous fields to the nearby sugarcane forest which is free of danger and has dense bushes; they will go and be safe in such a beautiful sugarcane forest.
In the next article we will enjoy the next pAsuram.
adiyen sarathy ramanuja dasan
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