periya thirumozhi – 3.2.9 – seruneela vERkaN

SrI:  SrImathE SatakOpAya nama:  SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama:  SrImath varavaramunayE nama:

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Highlights from avathArikai (Introduction)

No specific introduction.


seruneela vERkaN madavAr thiRaththuch chinaththOdu ninRu manaththAl vaLarkkum
aruneela pAvam agalap pugazh sEr amararkkum eydhAdha aNdaththu iruppIr!
perunIr nivA undhi muththam koNarndhu engum viththum vayaluL kayal pAyndhu ugaLa
thiruneelam ninRu thigazhginRa thillaith thiruchchithra kUdam senRu sErmingaLE

Word-by-Word meanings

seru – tool for war
vEl – sharp like spear
neelam – cool like neydhal flower
kaN – having beautiful eyes
madavAr thiRaththu – towards women who have humility (towards those who stop the enjoyment of such women)
sinaththOdu – with anger
ninRu – remained
manaththAl – desire in heart
vaLarkkum – increasing
aru – unable to eliminate
neelam – lowly
pAvam – sin
agala – to go
pugazh sEr – having fame
amararkkum – for brahmA et al
eydhAdha – difficult to reach
aNdaththu – in paramapadham
iruppIr – oh you who desire to remain!
peru nIr – Having abundant water
nivA – river named veLLARu
muththam koNarndhu – bringing pearls
undhi – pushed
viththum – planting
vayal uL engum – in every fertile field
kayal – kayal fish
pAyndhu ugaLa – as they jump
thiruneelam – beautiful neydhal flower
ninRu – spreading everywhere
thigazhginRa – shining
thillaith thiruchchiththirakUdam – thillaith thiruchchiththirakUdam
senRu sErmingaL – go and reach.

Simple translation

Remaining angry towards those who hinder the enjoyment of humble ladies who have beautiful eyes which are sharp like a spear which are a tool for war and are cool like neydhal flower, due to the desire in heart towards such ladies which keeps increasing, the resulting lowly sin is difficult to eliminate; oh you who desire to eliminate such sin and reach paramapadham which is difficult to reach even for brahmA et al who have fame! Go and reach thillaith thiruchchiththirakUdam which is having the river named veLLARu with abundant water, brings pearls, pushes them and plants them in every fertile field where the kayal fish jump around, and the beautiful neydhal flower is spreading everywhere and has the town shining due to that.

Highlights from vyAkyAnam (Commentary)

seru … – Remaining angry towards those who hinder the enjoyment of humble ladies who have beautiful eyes which are sharp like a spear which are a tool for war and are cool like neydhal flower, due to the desire in heart towards such ladies which keeps increasing, the resulting lowly sin is difficult to eliminate and is a hurdle to attain bhagavAn; oh you who desire to eliminate such sin and reach paramapadham which is difficult to reach even for brahmA et al who have fame!

peru nIr … – The nivA river which has abundant water brings pearls and plants them in the fertile fields where the kayal fish jump and roam around and the beautiful neydhal flower is present – such thillaith thiruchchiththirakUdam which is shining.

In the next article we will enjoy the next pAsuram.

adiyen sarathy ramanuja dasan

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